Special Operators: The KGB, Soviet Union

Special Operators: The KGB, Soviet Union


1 год назад

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@user-vg3dm3ml8c - 11.12.2023 03:51

Atleast the KJB, never assassinated its own countries leader/president.

@jimvonkropsberg399 - 08.12.2023 16:20

Russians always have a potency for criminal activities.

@Spearman760 - 08.12.2023 12:12

How many channels you got man... much be rich!!;

@allamericantrolling - 08.12.2023 11:07

If the KGB was so effective why did it let the USSR dissolve?

@randallcraft4071 - 07.12.2023 22:35

You say operation Pandora was a failure, but it seems like it is pretty constantly being pushed even now in a post-soviet Union era, because so many Communist groups in the United States have openly discussed that the US in order to get a Communist foothold needs to not push a class divide Because of how complicated And ingrained in the American psyche social mobility and the American dream is that the only way to overcome this is by pushing racial divides Leading to higher racial tensions and an eventual race war And a war that's led by all the different oppressed groups to rise up Then once they rise up and overthrow the white political majority then is then a Communist organization would step in and say the cure to all these problems is communism. I know the mainstream media and lots of leftist groups say this is all made up and that neo marxism isn't a thing, while at the same time saying the same words and calling themselves neo marxists. That specific operation may have failed, but it is definitely alive and well in spirit

@rogerpenske2411 - 30.11.2023 20:23

Well of course they infiltrated United States government. The Democrat party ensure the survival continuation of the Soviet in Chinese communist, and continue to do so today. It’s not a secret, and they make no attempt at all whatsoever to disguise it.

@davidhess7410 - 26.11.2023 21:46

Sounds like McCarthy was on to something.

@RandomNooby - 24.10.2023 19:47

Renamed, and rebranded- not dissolved?

@AncientRylanor69 - 23.10.2023 19:26


@GM_Steelhaven - 15.10.2023 03:52

Don't forget the KGB also had Joseph McCarthy killed.

@jbird7782 - 11.10.2023 02:44

It's amazing how many KGB are in this comment section 😂

@Deimonik1 - 01.10.2023 07:31

I don't think they're that good. They fall out windows, drink irradiated tea and commit suicide by stabbing themselves 80 times.

@ashvandal5697 - 28.09.2023 14:24

Operation Pandora is very successful lol.

@TheNjackets - 27.09.2023 01:26

The KGB are/was that good its debatable they've phy-op the west that good they've made their own citizens hate their countries, history and turned them soft!

An ex KGB agent in the 80s forseen 'woke culture' and openly admits this to being a Soviet phy-op.

@dun0790 - 26.09.2023 11:45

The one i always heard was the KGB used Russian oil sale's to millions in some of the biggest banks in the west and let it build the idea being one day it could all be taken out a create 27 style wall street crash

@NeanderthalNorthman - 20.09.2023 02:40

It used to be the KGB encouraging racial tension in America. Now it's the education system and the elite class of America promoting racial tension in America.

@Exquisitewrk - 15.09.2023 22:03

Man I don’t know why used to really dig this channel..I wish more file footage and old stock footage would be churned up rather than watching Simon get zesty for 30minutes..I don’t know I can’t stop falling a sleep and I love these topics but Jesus I understand you don’t want to do the leg work but just some real footage instead of all these bogus random scenes..I’m sure you can fit it in the budget😂. I’ll be back in a few months see if it changes at all but yeah format sucks it’s outdated and might as well be a visual book reading.

@joekickass-zv9ii - 12.09.2023 00:19

I don’t like learning from men or a man girls hop on make some videos for guys to watch cause a man watching another man talking about war is bad

@koontzzlyrics8098 - 11.09.2023 16:30

The difference between KGB or now FSB and CIA is you are an agent until death. There ain't such thing as ex FSB or ex KGB

@Chris-hx3om - 10.09.2023 11:49

No mention of Philby, Burgess, Maclean and Blunt? An oversight?

@Norcal85 - 09.09.2023 04:45

The KGB only protected the USSR by default not out of any sense of duty or loyalty to mother Russia. The KGB were protectors of their CLASS n the Soviet government first n foremost , not the motherland or protectors of Russia as a whole they were the guardians n protectors of their OWN CLASS the ruling class and their OWN SELF INTERESTS, they could give a shiet about the peasants, the workers or as they called it the proletariat.

@25myma - 08.09.2023 14:38

I bet something like Operation Pandora is actually going on, probably with billions being funnelled into woke, cancel culture and other BS movements which are radicalizing our society and weakening our democracies.

@cale115 - 08.09.2023 08:09

Postmodernism is communism rebranded for the west by 3 French communists. The current social reprogramming is very reminiscent of the way the kgb undermined western countries. Their playbook is alive and well among leftists the world over.

@ForgottenRebel77 - 07.09.2023 20:40

an ambassador doesnt quite have the same power as a 4 star general... they may have input at that level but they cant order offensive capabilities.

@bandit6272 - 05.09.2023 01:30

Yeah, the leftist plan to exacerbate racial tensions in the US to further their political aims was actually their most successful operation yet. Large swathes of our population actually believe there's a nazi/kkk member under every bed.

At least McCarthy was correct about the number of infiltrators, if not the specifics. The race hustlers have people thinking that spray tan or hair relaxers are tools of white supremacy. Well played, commies, well played

@vladimirputin2685 - 03.09.2023 23:43


@RalphBrooker-gn9iv - 02.09.2023 14:00

Soviet Border Guard Officer patrolling on foot the border in East Berlin with a soldier. It’s freezing. The officer looks down at the ground and says “What’s that!”. The soldier says “Looks like dog shit sir”. The suspicious officer says “Touch it”. Soldier obeys, “It feels like dog shit sir”. Still suspicious the officer commands, “Smell it!”. The soldier smells the item and confirms that “It smells like dog shit sir". Still not content, the officer orders the soldier to “Taste it!”. Reluctantly the soldier takes the item and nibbles a bit. He chokes and vomits, dutifully confirming that “It tastes like dog shit sir.” The officer, now satisfied, says "Just as well we never stepped in it”!

@user-vw4ny1kv8u - 02.09.2023 05:33

Very well done. Thank you Simon and company.. This is great work, Simon. This series is awesome..

@dsnodgrass4843 - 29.08.2023 14:57

An interesting and far under-examined one of these would be the state security organs of the Chinese government, and how they changed from pre-war through Mao, and up into today's hybrid-capitalist regime.

@animatr0nic - 27.08.2023 10:49

What matters most in present day is that the current iteration of CheKa, the FSB is run by the 60-70 year olds, that were recruited by the KGB, worked through it's heyday and saw the downfall of ussr they could not prevent. Now the only thing these old, bitter men want (apart from their personal wealth and status acquired through abuse of power and corruption obviously) is to take down the west using the same methods they were using in now distant times of the cold war. Just look at MAGA, or at the Regressives on the other end of the spectrum, that so openly support putler and seem absolutely oblivious to what's really happening in the country or abroad. Guess who's the puppeteer there.

@eq1373 - 27.08.2023 09:38

Do the FBI next. After all, they're the "sword and the shield" of the Democrat Party.

@aron7439 - 19.08.2023 00:26


@ukraniansUsed4demorats - 15.08.2023 15:58

Guy talks too much i didnt hear and secrets

@dansubchenko - 15.08.2023 00:31

How many people in here think Putin is Hitler reincarnate? (Clown check)

@black_eagle - 12.08.2023 03:15

Has this channel done a similar video describing the equally nefarious antics of the CIA?

@hellomoto2084 - 04.08.2023 18:58

Okarna was the sekret pulis of the bizzarist rule before the revolution which formed the soviet Onion.

@MultiCose - 04.08.2023 01:40

It GRU KGB is internal therefore this is bad research.

@SimonRushton - 02.08.2023 11:15

Simon you should do one about MI5 and MI6

@carterl4506 - 02.08.2023 01:36

i didnt want to . but i subscribed

edit: oh and your painting is crooked.

@Petrowsky14 - 28.07.2023 03:50

Gotta say, earning $1m over 20 years doesn't really sound like much

@michaelmazowiecki9195 - 26.07.2023 09:56

The KGB was simply the re-named Cheka and its successors. Dzierzynski's Cheka was modeled on the Tsarist Okhrana of which many Bolsheviks had been victims, but Dzierzynski and his successors were far more ruthless. There is an old joke amongst Poles that they should not be too upset at Dzierzynski being such a ruthless Bolshevik as he probably killed more Russians than any other Pole in history!

@u.d.7543 - 21.07.2023 10:39

This guy works for CIA. He is unbelievably biased.

@u.d.7543 - 21.07.2023 10:38

Replace KGB with CIA and multiply the crimes by a million to know what US did. Creating and supporting every terrorist organisation. Gladio, Al Qaida, IS, SA, paras in South Americas etc etc. Toppling every domocratically elected government which didnt obey US. Never ever in the history, was there a more evil empire as US. Together with UK off course.

@pasofino9583 - 21.07.2023 03:32

Bro I see thumbnails and I think it’s a great topic and the min you’re voice and image come on I exit video.

@GurjeetSingh-dx5qm - 17.07.2023 08:45

World's all time precious agency l salute all loyal kgb martyr and leaving agents
