Which Lightsaber Stance is BEST? - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Which Lightsaber Stance is BEST? - Star Wars Jedi Survivor


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Dalmatian Federation
Dalmatian Federation - 01.10.2023 07:48


Caliber - 25.09.2023 05:45

I think most people (and even the game itself) underestimate the defensive capabilities of duel wielding, due to its ability to cancel attacks, you're generally much less vulnerable while in that stance, even while mid-combo, because you can cancel and block or dodge at any moment, and on top of that, duel wielding also has some of the highest and most reliable damage output in the game, which is why I used it pretty much throughout my entire playthrough, with my secondary being double bladed in the case of large groups of weaker enemies

Rashed Binhuwaidi
Rashed Binhuwaidi - 18.09.2023 02:52

they thought of all of these stances and forgot about the stutter and fps drops issue

Chronic X
Chronic X - 13.09.2023 08:22

i have double bladed and cross guard, although i may switch from double bladed to dual weilding, so that way i can balance it out a little more. but currently my favorite stance is cross guard.

A Guy
A Guy - 11.09.2023 13:12

Oof lost all cred when he said double blade was last. (Just joking but kinda serious too) lol

steven hilton
steven hilton - 09.09.2023 21:37

Wow.. I haven’t bought a copy yet but the fact the studios added dismemberment is great. I always thought it was weird they didn’t have the feature in the first game, even as an optional feature

Kyle Miller
Kyle Miller - 08.09.2023 19:20

What's really interesting about these stances is that I enjoy trying to guess what forms of lightsaber combat that he's using with all 5 stances,with the single blade I think he's using form 1 Shii Cho,coz those wide sweeps look very much like a novice to intermediate use of form 1,for defence, this goes for all the stances I think he uses form 3 Soresu for every stance,for the saberstaff or double bladed lightsaber I would say he's using an intermediate if not advance application of form 6 Niman,coz he's got the flamboyant use of Ataru or form 4 especially with those air attacks, he's got the wide sweeping motions of form 1 Shii Cho,he's got the fast,dynamic and heavy strikes of form 5 Djem So and he incorporates force abilities into his lightsaber sequences, in fact come to think of it I think he uses form 6 with every stance he uses,now for the crossguard stance I think he's using a novice application of form 5 Djem So,coz those shield crushing strikes look and feel like a good application of form 5 Djem So,the blaster stance is an interesting one,coz the only jedis I've seen utilising a lightsaber in conjunction with a blaster is Ezra Bridger Obi Wan Kenobi and maybe Bode Aruna,now with this one,I believe he's using Jar Kai duel weapon fencing,he's very clever use of the blaster as it made him that much more unpredictable, for duel blade stance I can confidently say he's using a pretty high level of Niman and Jar Kai duel blade fencing,he's got the lightning fast and flamboyant strikes of form 4 Ataru,once again he has those wide sweeping motions of form 1 Shii Cho,the defence of form 3 Soresu when it comes to defence against blaster fire and he has those quick and heavy strikes of form 5 Djem So when finishing off enemies,in rage mode he only uses the single lightsaber stance,only in an aggressive manner, from what I could see he was using an intermediate if not advanced application of Ataru when it comes to his acrobatic attacks and as per usual for his defence he was using Soresu and he might've even used Niman despite using only one lightsaber, I'm saying that because he integrates the force into his lightsaber sequences

MegaMew204 - 08.09.2023 07:25

I completely agree with this list except for one thing... swap Base and Blaster, I just prefer Blaster because it's so interesting to me to have more range AND a more traditional fencing like stance. I've been running Blaster/Dual for... Most the game since unlocking the blaster

Albus-Christus mortuus est
Albus-Christus mortuus est - 08.09.2023 04:19

Your lack of enthusiasm for the dual blade shows. LOL! You didn't mention it's strong point which is in crowds or against multiple enemies. You only mentioned the somewhat shorter range which is deceptive. Cal may not swing or thrust the lightsaber as far in front of himself with it but it also has the same range in the opposite direction, giving it more...um, range. LOL!

Dan's Buddha Bodega
Dan's Buddha Bodega - 03.09.2023 01:37

I want the training arena back.

EvilM0nkeyRules - 01.09.2023 08:07

I love using the double bladed lightsaber and the two sabers. Been having fun with em

Davor Mihovilovich
Davor Mihovilovich - 31.08.2023 03:16

It's funny how your 2 least favourites are the 2 I like the most. Crossguard for single battles and bosses, and doublebladed for regular enemies akd groups.

I think they have a nice contrast and betweek the 2 of them I felt like I had it all

deadman909 - 18.08.2023 05:14

I feel like it all depends on the situation your in. For instance if theres a large group of enemies use double blaeded. For bosses single/crossguard/dual. For 4 to 7 enemies single. Plus it all depends on your play style.

Allen Cortes
Allen Cortes - 17.08.2023 10:04

my least favorite stance is the cross guard i dont like you attack so slow with it

Issei - 11.08.2023 15:15

The light saber and blaster stance is the worst in my opinion :v Especially its not "jedi like"... Also fells off for Cal and his fighting style as a force wielder with lightsaber :v
In my opinion it was more like Bode way of trying to change Cal :v

Christopher Cocker
Christopher Cocker - 11.08.2023 11:26

These are the three stances i use.

Duel wield, and cross guard.

Then blaster i switch cross guard with every now and then

It's Over 9000 Productions
It's Over 9000 Productions - 08.08.2023 08:40

Blaster and Crossguard for the win.

Peter Rice
Peter Rice - 07.08.2023 19:46

I'm surprised you said you preferred quicker and faster moves and then put double bladed at the bottom. The blaster stance is definitely the most awkward imo and lowkey the same for dual wield. It was cool but the movements weren't as fluid/stylish as I would've liked.

James Pignataro
James Pignataro - 07.08.2023 13:50

For me, least used to most used:

Dual Wield,
Crossguard, and the most used:

dasheepboi - 06.08.2023 18:44

I personally use single blade for boss fights and duel wield for groups of enemies. Its just what feels best to me, I did the same thing in fallen order

GrizzyLatrizzy - 06.08.2023 06:29

Personally, I mained the double-blade and used blaster stance as secondary.
The helicopter spin saved me so many times.
The blaster was nice to do a little bit of ranged damage, and I liked the fencing-style swordplay.

Brayden - 03.08.2023 23:43

I like to take out all but one ranged trooper and have a duel with blaster stance

names stupid
names stupid - 03.08.2023 15:41

You think crossgaurd is brutal look at the double bladed takedowns

scotty Toohotty
scotty Toohotty - 03.08.2023 13:31

Cross guard seems to be what used to be called the "strong" form that Vader used in his later years. Slow, powerful and relentless. I'm going to pair it with dual wield when I get it. Right now I'm dw/db.

Eoaho55 - 01.08.2023 16:14

I'm currently using dual wield and crossguard. The slow ability goes well with crossguard.

ulises 0
ulises 0 - 31.07.2023 04:11

Cross guard & double bladed is my go to

alpha_animations - 31.07.2023 02:20

Idk what it is but something about the way you deflect and fight with the lightsabers is a little weird and i feel like its lacking in ways

I love lamp
I love lamp - 28.07.2023 12:57

Glad to see I'm not the only one who rates good ol reliable single blade so highly. In terms of "cool factor" it's pretty boring and i wanted to use the other stances more, but man when it comes down to it that stance just wrecks everything. Having trouble with a big fight or a boss? Grab single blade and it's over in a heartbeat.

Double felt pretty bad for me even though it looked cool, blaster was meh, and crossguard i realllly really wanted to use and tried to make it work but my god it's so slow and i was so bad with it. Single and dual wield were my two go-to stances

Temple Reviews
Temple Reviews - 26.07.2023 01:04

I like to use single and blaster or duel wield and blaster

Meo Voronovych
Meo Voronovych - 25.07.2023 15:11

I can say that for me as soon as I got the crossguard it just became the best, I like blocking and for the most bossfights it's the best stance imho, the only problem with it is swarms of enemies, but then I have double blade stance as second which completely solves it. After getting crossguard and couple minutes later pairing it with double blade I never switched to any other stances till I finished my first playthrough.

Troy Soy 9103
Troy Soy 9103 - 22.07.2023 17:07

It suvks cause all rhe stances are genuiley really good in certain situations.

mr.kiwiii - 21.07.2023 18:24

I use dual blades for combat because I am parry god and dual side for crowd control and defense

RenatoGPadilla - 18.07.2023 19:34

I REALLY didn't like that they took most of the flourishes from JFO out for Single Blade... As well as the dash attack!

Took the fun lut of the stance for me...

Dual Wield and Double Balde LIFE!

Jerry B
Jerry B - 16.07.2023 09:30

Like master vader said, you only need one blade.

Lex Sanders
Lex Sanders - 15.07.2023 23:26

I think everryone is doing their analysis on the stance wrong !
You should not rank each stance individually, you should rank what TWO stances best fit your loadout. Nobody should play the game with only 1 stance, you are supposed to swap every idk 20 minutes or something.
I think of it like, 1 mob stance and 1 boss stance.

Seylle♡ - 15.07.2023 12:58

I like the base single blade and I use the blaster stance as my secondary to shoot annoying ai

Rohan Sampat
Rohan Sampat - 14.07.2023 00:43

lol ur playing on easy mode. who cares what stance u use, it does not matter...

Now your complaints about cross guard are all wrong. Its ALL ABOUT being brutal and slow. U just play on ez mode and wanna breez through the game.

Cordell Black
Cordell Black - 13.07.2023 10:10

The new stances are cool but i only stick to single and double bladed

ADouble 777
ADouble 777 - 12.07.2023 03:46

Blaster and double blade make you a true saber dancer. The balance of bullets to force energy has an amazing synergy.

Oscar Ortiz
Oscar Ortiz - 10.07.2023 19:34

me, an average dual wield enjoyer: 🗿

4SamuL - 08.07.2023 14:28

I use the crossguard and doubl-bladed. I like to use crossguard for the harder enemies because it's parry staggers them. Same for some bosses but sometimes the double-bladed works better, especially if there are a lot of enemies.

Mxlly - 07.07.2023 15:24

I currently use crossguard for bosses and then for the lil trash mobs I use dual blades, you just have to time your attacks well

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 07.07.2023 04:05

I am actually very disappointed they got rid of the ability to go from one blade to double bladed as a combo or even style. I wonder if modders can somewhat implement this into this game.

Edit: Guess there is a mod now, you can basically change stances on the fly.

Jarruda96 - 04.07.2023 16:06

Honestly there is no reason we shouldn’t be able to switch between each stance during gameplay at all times

Some dude
Some dude - 04.07.2023 05:09

This is just my opinion.
1.dual wield
4.dual blade

Jonah Keele
Jonah Keele - 03.07.2023 21:41

The first second I got the crossguard I knew it was the best lightsaber stance for me.

Holy Graehl
Holy Graehl - 03.07.2023 08:51

Here's how I would compare the lightsaber stances to various medieval weapons and fighting styles:

Split Saber: Dual Swords

Double Saber: Pole Arm (Spear, Pike, Halberd, etc.)

Single Saber: Longsword

Cross Guard: Claymore or Greatsword (Heavy two handed sword)

dozeropolis - 02.07.2023 23:54

I LOVE survivor, but I feel like it was a missed opportunity to give cal a light pike

Ohsnapitzjaylen - 02.07.2023 17:36

My favorite Star Wars character is Ashoka Tano so the duel lightsabers stance with the white blades MY FAVEEEE

AceTPro - 02.07.2023 11:37

Man put my number one and number two, as forth and fifth place....
