Barbie Movie Review and Analysis

Barbie Movie Review and Analysis

Despot of Antrim

11 месяцев назад

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@allenandrews2380 - 04.12.2023 17:44

Is this not parody or satire tho? The barbie world is a feminist hellscape right?

@UnrealSpaces - 03.12.2023 09:02

"men must be miserable", as a middle eastern man working for the last 25 years to give everything to my family, I assure you the only thing that makes my wife happy is when she sees me slaving to make her money, and the only thing that makes her "inconvenienced" is the 5 minutes of sex she wastes on me every month.

@Rizzy-io6jr - 03.12.2023 04:56


@user-wh4wc5jf1r - 02.12.2023 05:29

Did anybody else find it odd that a movie would spend so much time complaining about the patriarchy only to cast a man as one of the Barbies?

@hectorpenalver2023 - 02.12.2023 04:15

I will never understand the appeal of America Ferrera

@HonkHonkler - 02.12.2023 03:04

When the west is FINALLY dead and in rubble, NEVER let people who liked/supported this film in ANY regard forget they helped cause it. The combined meme with Oppenheimer was more accurate than we realized. THIS was the the USSR bomb that was planted all those years ago during the cold war we were warned about happening, finally going off. The shockwaves of this film WILL destroy America... THIS was the mutually assured destruction...

@HonkHonkler - 02.12.2023 03:01

I remember...

@Persephone01 - 01.12.2023 22:23

Ken was the only good thing about the movie and Ryan Gosling shines. Im going to get the Ken hoodie 😂 but yeah the ending was bad.
Plus construction workers are never like that and its too much sometimes.
They never actually say about women being horrible to one another especially in the workforce. I used to be bullied by other girls and women.

@Kizzy-pu4he - 01.12.2023 16:57

And the President is a Trans "woman".

@duffthimblespork8371 - 01.12.2023 04:42

Let's recap this movie's case for female empowerment:
-Women can't separate reality from a cartoonish system of oppression to which Western women have never been subjected, ESPECIALLY in the movie's real-world setting
- As revenge for this unfair fictional system, women should realize said system in the reverse
- Any consideration of men's well-being is tantamount to treason
- Women can only gain by taking away ftom men
- Your actions should be judged solely according to your sex
- The ends justify the means
- This system of corrective oppression should remain in place until the "damage" caused by "the patriarchy" is undone, which will never happen
- Men can't be trusted with power because they will exclude women, despite having granted women's suffrage. That's why it's completely justified for women to exclude men.
This is apparently meant to convince you that women should have more power.

@theunsweetkarmaway9616 - 01.12.2023 00:09

One of the best analyses of this film I have seen. Not only do you hit so many of my own talking points, but you come up with quite a few that I missed because at some point I just checked out of this film. Great work, mate.

@hectorpenalver2023 - 30.11.2023 22:38

Movie could have use more margot feet tbh 😏.
Also: Allan >>>> both Ken and Barbie

@josephsalmonte4995 - 30.11.2023 21:48

You are my new favourite reviewer. No bullshit, just fantastic unveiling of today's hypocritical crap. PLEASE don't go soft like the Drinker!!

@LocustxXxLocust - 30.11.2023 16:48

It did take me a while to figure out what "Pyre" was suppose to mean.

@miversen2674 - 30.11.2023 08:15

Perfection! I love this channel!

@heyguys7805 - 30.11.2023 08:01

Pyre?.....oh, Power.

@willhuey687 - 30.11.2023 05:17

Jokes on them, I went to see Oppenheimer instead

@danieldarks3721 - 29.11.2023 13:54

I sat and fell asleep through this rubbish with my wife and this is the best review I have seen of this film. Even my wife thought the feminism was too much and was disappointed this wasn't more of a film with something actually happening in it.
I could not tell you either way I was asleep and my wife loved me enough to let me.

@jamesinson3488 - 29.11.2023 05:34

I don't think it's a coincidence that our cultural icons are being attacked ..across the board - systematically! This has to be coming from above Disney, Amazon and WB.. Whoever it is, they're using brainwashed Marxist revolutionaries to do all their dirty work! Makes sense since the only person who loves communism more than a communist is a wannabe dictator trillionaire bcuz it's easier to control the herd under that system! Anyway, I hope ppl wake up soon 🙏

@ivrishcon-abarth38 - 29.11.2023 05:06

Seems like the first name "Greta" is not a great omen, despite of being almost the same word as "Great".

@judeudopneu4915 - 28.11.2023 17:12

In the start of the video i reloaded my tab 2 times because, i believed my browser was fucking bugged...

@HugoStiglitz88 - 28.11.2023 10:49

Real talk tho, feminism has destroyed our world in so many ways. Women especially were much happier before the sexual revolution and 3rd wave feminism

@vincentbasile1525 - 28.11.2023 07:10

You're awesome!

@untpython8480 - 28.11.2023 05:01

America Ferrera sucks. Enough said. She's a terrible actress, an insufferable activist, and ruins just about everything she's a part of.

@yohannbiimu - 28.11.2023 03:14

I've never seen this film, but heard "conservative" women on Fox News who did see it, and I believe that to every one of them, they actually "enjoyed it." That was very disappointing to hear. It is also terribly disappointing that so many people have rejected the feminist trash at Disney/Marvel but somehow found merit in THIS POS.

@trevorsmith9628 - 28.11.2023 01:57

Despot, of course the last scene would have worked better with Ken and Barbie and not the old woman. Im sure Greta Gerwig knows this. But with Ken, the scene undermines and cancels out everything Greta Gerwig is going for throughout the movie, which is man bad and is utter garbage and he doesn't matter at all. Greta Gerwig wants to push the feminist messages so much, she would rather ruin her movie (although it made a lot of money and is most likely getting a sequel) instead of promoting a positive socioeconomic message.

@michaelcee4808 - 28.11.2023 00:04

Hold on! Rexham only played a half??? Have a word with yourselves ladies. Greta Gerwig is the new Leni Riefenstahl, with the appropriate Aryan name

@realK1 - 27.11.2023 18:18

I have said it before and I will say it again, I want to live in Barbies "real world".

@genxlife - 27.11.2023 06:30

Woke does exist. But people keep defining it wrong.

@mileslugo6430 - 27.11.2023 05:20

Beach Ken lives out on the beach.

@jakeseifried6819 - 27.11.2023 03:51

It just shows rap is crap and ruins everything.

@jakeseifried6819 - 27.11.2023 03:47

Good review. I bing watch your movies. Gee there's a surprise the white guy is the bad guy again. Eyes roll

@bryants1012 - 27.11.2023 01:24

@DespotofAntrim that part about the dad speaking Spanish is even funnier because Spanish is a European (Caucasian) language so what appropriation is the daughter talking about?

@AXander1978 - 27.11.2023 01:07

With the narrator breaking the 4th wall and doing meta commentary on the movie AND Mattel I thought this was a spoof???

@MalcomMalediction - 26.11.2023 20:15

It is amazing how the woketarded movie barbie actually was a monetary success.

@def_not_dan - 26.11.2023 16:47

Dunno if this is better or worse than you thought, but in the UK "sex workers" do actually pay taxes.

@draconavp2 - 26.11.2023 15:45

I could even argue you say Power like Pyre and Poor like Purr.

@arizonabay6231 - 26.11.2023 06:12

I played a flag football game against an all female team. Now this was a league for fun. We won 1-0. We took it easy on them and the guys weren't looking to make enemies. The girls were all super attractive...we wanted to hang out.... Running up the score 75-0 would have been ...SHITTY soooooooooo... They got pissed at us because we weren't playing "for real".......WTF you want from us Ms. Barbie.

@kathyflorcruz552 - 26.11.2023 05:20

What a wonderful dissection of the matriarchal distaster film.

@RealityCheck6969 - 25.11.2023 20:34

And still stupid people paid for a ticket. And they loved it so much they watched it multiple times. I don't understand this world anymore.

@NJGuy1973 - 25.11.2023 19:38

The concepts of matriarchy and patriarchy would make no sense to a resident of Barbieland, for the excellent reason that mothers and fathers don't exist in Barbieland.

@avaannie3906 - 25.11.2023 10:43

I’m so ashamed and annoyed that I fell for the marketing and actually went to watch this awful movie! I was so mad about how bad this movie was!

@HonkHonkler - 24.11.2023 12:12

Also love that you keep flashing Patrick Bateman/American Psycho as like a reaction to the BS Barbie spews lol. The OG "Literally Me" character staring in disbelief at the new pink cucked simp "Literally Me" character of Ryan Gosling (and yes I mean CHARACTER, after this film he's dead to me as an actual PERSON that exists) like: "What the fxck happened to this country?" For me it's Rust Cohle (to me that's literally a real human, almost quite literally Lovecraft himself in philosophy and views on humanity), but I love Patrick. No matter how hard people try, they're never taring down that character. Don't care what the meaning of the book/film is, don't care that it was directed by a misandrist feminist, don't care what BS feminist/leftists attempt at us to get us to drop our love for the character... Patrick Bateman belongs to us now, just like the Red Pill... Get over it.

@HonkHonkler - 24.11.2023 12:02

Dude, seriously the MORE I learn about this fxcking film, this worse it gets lol. AND Sam Smith, one of the most effeminate gay men/trans/thing(?) I've ever heard in my life is doing a song for the male dominated Barbieland sequence? Yeah, this film is a massive feminist fxck you to men because Greta is still mad about Chad not calling her back after her one night stand lol.

@HonkHonkler - 24.11.2023 11:59

JOHN XENA, THE ULTIMATE CHINESE SHILL WAS IN THIS FILM AS WELL!? Yeah, fxck this film. Commie/feminist propaganda.

@HonkHonkler - 24.11.2023 11:56

Lol that Robocop edit.

@HonkHonkler - 24.11.2023 11:55

I have to keep pausing and coming back to this video because I keep seeing more and more and more clips from this film in reviews and it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse. Love the review, but the scenes from the film are slowly dosing me with radiation each time so I have to go take a break lol. I don't know how ANY can try to claim this isn't a feminist film, it's just SOOOOO bad at it's satire that it ends up making women/feminists look even more shallow and evil. It is LITERALLY "man bad, woman good."
Women only choose the top men or men with status/wealth, so as a result to impress women, men WORK hard to reach the top to then PROVIDE those things to the women they want to impress/be with. So a result, you tend to see A LOT of male merit/competence-based dominance in many area like even leadership. But that's bad, that's evil, that's patriarchy and oppresses women... Even though it's actually done more to HELP women, while using men as expendable labor to help build/maintain/protect a society for women to flourish in... Even giving them the right to vote, imprisoning abusers if they can, give women do many easy shortcuts etc. And ultimately to the point so equal in rights they have to start making ONSURD up oppressions like men's fxcking preferences in women or caring about their past promiscuity...
I'm so fxcking tired of women... It just NEVER ends...
