Immortallium's Top Ten Osamu Tezuka Manga

Immortallium's Top Ten Osamu Tezuka Manga


3 года назад

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Kenneth Scharf
Kenneth Scharf - 09.05.2023 00:26

I've managed to read all of the Black Jack manga. I borrowed the volumes from the library via the inter-library lending system which allows you to get books on loan from all over the world.
Black Jack is my favorite Tesaka series.

Mareep King
Mareep King - 24.03.2023 21:27

personally I like Dororo a lot, talking about the heavier topics (not surprised with Osamu Tezuka's work I suppose) related to war and power, stuff like that
and after reading the series it made me appreciate Rurouni Kenshin even more, one of my childhood favourite series and understand the inner workings of the characters and their motivations
I just finished reading all of Black Jack, it is easy to pick up with only about 19 or so pages self-contained story but this god of story telling still manages to land solid hits that make us question about the ethics as well as the institution of the medical world
currently on Adolf, quite a lengthy read even for a few chapter so far but I'll hope to take a serious look at it when I am able to

disclaimer : I am no diehard manga reader but I generally prefer the "old" aesthetics of manga/anime from the 70's to 90"s; and yes Nobuhiro Watsuki committed a nasty crime but I would like to give him a chance for redemption as his art is quite a story about redemption and failing to do that means to dishonour the lessons of that story

Turtle Anton
Turtle Anton - 06.09.2022 20:54


Arymathéia Franco
Arymathéia Franco - 27.06.2022 13:54

Caralho, os gringo não sabem falar nem MW correto hahahhahaha

Kosmic Cole
Kosmic Cole - 09.04.2022 05:40

Loved the video! I am a huge Tezuka fan and try to collect as much of his work in english as I can, sometimes i try to read some series in scanlations but its not quite as satisfying/with obvious varying quality lol. Its always amazing to me how many there are, its like an endless list. I was very lucky to collect most of Phoenix back when it was first being released in english and was only missing 2 volumes.. which I finally was able to buy this past year or so and I now own the full collection! Its my pride and joy on my shelf. As many others have said, I would agree its the best of his work and the one I keep going back to re-read. (my favorite stories are vol6 nostalgia and sun part 1 and 2 (vol 10 & 11.)) I also am a huge fan of both MW and Ode to Kirihito, but I'm also partly attached to them because they were some of my first exposure to Tezuka's work at all, so I have a little bit of a nostalgic bias for those. :P
I love to hear that your fav is Ayako ! I feel that one sometimes is often under appreciated so its cool to see it mentioned. I hope you get to read Phoenix someday, it'd be awesome to hear your opinions on it and maybe even rank the volumes for it too! :)

Whitney - 26.03.2022 00:35

I've recently started getting into Tezuka after having read Dororo which was an amazing experience and is one of my favourite plot compared to all the manga I've read. I recently bought MW, can't wait to start it. It's my goal to collect all of his works published in English. Its really helpful for new fans like me that his works are being reprinted again. Tezuka is an amazing storyteller, took a bit to get use to the art at the start but now I love the uniqueness about it.

Mateus Silva
Mateus Silva - 15.03.2022 01:16

Last year I decided to start reading Osamu Tezuka, and it was one of my best decisions. Your list is amazing, and it's been helping me a lot to pick my next Tezuka's mangas. I trully love Ayako and also Adolf, and to me, Adolf is my top 1 just because Ayako's ending didn't please me that much, but come on, we're talking about two terrific jobs, Tezuka nails when the subject is Gekiga.

By the way, have u seen the two endings of Ayako? If so, which is your favorite one?

Congrats for your channel, I'm looking forward to see more videos of yours. Greetings from Brazil.

Master Jinks
Master Jinks - 27.02.2022 15:41

When you showed off your collection what series was that all the way to the left on the bottom shelf?

André Viana
André Viana - 26.02.2022 14:04

Have you been able to complete Black Jack?

André Viana
André Viana - 26.02.2022 14:03

I discovered your channel recently.
Your videos are incredible

maximoplf - 15.02.2022 19:10

Black Jack is so nice, I read scans because the editions are impossible to find. Have you read Phoenix and Astro Boy? I have them but never have time to read.

The Piment Ninja
The Piment Ninja - 23.11.2021 16:47

Very difficult to chose what is the best amoung this but I'll try!
1: Dororo (just love it so much!)
2: Phenix (especially volume 2)
3: MW (so dark!)
4: Appolo's Song
5: Ode to Kirihito
6: Ayako
7: Swallowing the Earth
8: Midnight (in French, I think it was not translated in English which is a real shame, it's quite similar as Black Jack)
9: Barbara (so weird!)
10: Message to Adolf

Still must read is Buddha, Black Jack, Gringo. There are still a lot of really good works from the master but I could live without having reading them.

Sporty Animal Loving Char
Sporty Animal Loving Char - 23.10.2021 06:27

Great video! My personal favorite is Vampires. This sadly hasn’t been translated officially into English, so I read the scans online. It’s the turning point of Rock being a villain. It’s probably the best appearance of him besides maybe Bookilla and Black Jack. I also really like Dororo, Unico and Rainbow Parakeet. I haven’t read a lot of Phoenix but Future is really good. Midnight is also worth a read- it’s similar in the way Black Jack is structured.

I have a love hate relationship with Tezuka’s dark period works. Works like Alabaster really soured my view of it. However I enjoyed Apollo’s Song, and from what I have read of Ode to Kirihito I liked it too. I’ve been meaning to get my hands on Message to Adolf and Barbara. Message to Adolf was one of Tezuka’s last manga he ever worked on and it really shows how well he can write a story, and make the perfect art to match it.

Have you heard of the AI generated Tezuka work? It’s really interesting!

Aishwarya rumi
Aishwarya rumi - 28.07.2021 16:41

Awesome Thala 💜

I Hate Fan Service Anime
I Hate Fan Service Anime - 21.07.2021 19:49

Phoenix > Black Jack > Adolf > Buddha > Ayako

MultiCastorFiber - 26.06.2021 22:27

Great video! Getting into Tezuka's manga is 50% absolute bliss of reading some of the best comics in the world and then 50% being sad about all the tezuka works that is out of print.

DingdongChingchong - 24.06.2021 21:56

My top 10 is:
1: Phoenix(Best manga)
2: Buddha
3: Barbara
4: Adolf
5: Astroboy
6:Black Jack
7: Apollo's song
8: Ayako
9: Swallowing the Earth
10: MW(the most fucked up manga from him, Johan in Monster was inspired from this manga)

Joey Peters
Joey Peters - 30.05.2021 21:26

1. Dororo
2. Black Jack
3. Message to Adolf
4. Buddah
5. Astro Boy

(I have never read Phoenix either so I have no opinion thus far.)

Arnab Mandal
Arnab Mandal - 24.05.2021 23:51

May I know the cost of Ayoko's hardcover edition ?
As I am not able to get it in India.

Jake B
Jake B - 05.05.2021 03:47

I haven’t read any of Osamu Tezuka’s stories, but I decided to give one a try, since my friend told me to. Plus, I’ve seen the 2019 version of Dororo and enjoyed it. Is there any one of the books on this list you’d recommend for me to read first to someone who just starting to read Osamu Tezuka’s mangas?
