Rick Astley: ‘I Don’t Regret Retiring From Music at 27-Years-Old’ | This Morning

Rick Astley: ‘I Don’t Regret Retiring From Music at 27-Years-Old’ | This Morning

This Morning

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@bluemoon8498 - 16.11.2024 23:20

When i was a kid in the 80s always thought a black old man was the one singing.

@Petey17564 - 17.11.2024 03:09

These people they put on tv are just gross what happened to TV standards

@fanofmany71 - 17.11.2024 09:40

Always retire on a high - don't wait until you're a NOBODY.

@fantalesflick - 17.11.2024 12:28

The word should be " quit " not retiring. Nobody at 27 yrs can retire from a job. They walk away & quit what they were doing.

@20thcenturyboy85 - 17.11.2024 16:52

LOVE the music! THANK YOU!!!

@ApPersonaNonGrata - 17.11.2024 22:31

I came here expecting to get Rick Rolled;
was not disappointed.

@di8859 - 18.11.2024 09:04

Never Gonna Give you Up was apparently about his hair.

@inblack-d9d - 18.11.2024 17:59

his haircut is timeless and forever

@farerse - 19.11.2024 06:06

he still doesn't give up , let down or hurt anyone. a man of his words!

@JaysonSherlock - 19.11.2024 11:05

Absolutely MASSIVE respect for Rick. Amazing human. Well played sir.

@stefanweilhartner4415 - 20.11.2024 02:19

yeah. at some point you might feel that everything about such a career is bit artificial. it is a show. and you grow a craving for more grounded reality. spending time with the family is exactly that. for getting the right balance there is no right or wrong. it is an individual decision.

@chrisgoffe5048 - 20.11.2024 10:41

..yeah it was huge in New Zealand 🇳🇿

@marathi22 - 20.11.2024 15:56

Retired at 27. Even though he promised he was never gonna give us up.

@cecilb.brooks2739 - 21.11.2024 01:29

Rick Astley What a very beautiful and humble man.
Love all of his music very gifted. ❤️🎼🎶🎙🎶❤️🎼❤️

@PeterVal-g9w - 21.11.2024 13:27

Too cool. My favorite artist.
You are AWESOME Rick. 😊

@AndyMangele - 22.11.2024 05:32

He's absolutely spot on when he talks about therapy!

@rightersbloc - 23.11.2024 04:09

Still fantastic hair!

@ScienceofCool - 23.11.2024 13:56

Healthy Guy!

@SamJamieson-pj3zl - 24.11.2024 06:27

He could retire at 27 cos he was sticking rich and his wife was happy to work.

@Abcdefghijk-o3h - 24.11.2024 08:37

Beautiful. You have eased my mind. Tx

@Só_lixo_aqui - 24.11.2024 10:53

kia -> RUN…!!!

@baldbollocks - 24.11.2024 11:00

Do i see a diversity hire ?

@Babesinthewood97 - 24.11.2024 23:19

Ohh I loved his (one) song and found him so handsome when I was ≈10 y.o. lol 😂 Very nice interview. What a mature and intelligent person

@EdMcF1 - 25.11.2024 00:05

He looks like, since he quit, he's aged 10 years.

@dp4008 - 25.11.2024 06:19

His voice tone was so nice I loved his music and he seemed such a wonderful personality on interviews. Sounds like he made the best choice I’m sure saved his life. He listened to his inner self.

@PhantomFilmAustralia - 26.11.2024 13:39

Most successful people hit their peak after 27. Rick Astley decides to retire.

@frankjamesbonarrigo7162 - 27.11.2024 12:36

people don't talk enough about losing their parents. It's a huge thing in a person's adult life. You hide it from the kids as much as you can to the point that you don't prepare them when they are adults.

@Jackie-ng3rn - 01.12.2024 02:55

Rick is unique musician, who has shared his great music with me and others over the years. He has good personality too. I have always loved his music always will!! 😊🙏🏾🤗❤❤

@maryj7423 - 02.12.2024 21:03

I'm actually tearing up. What a well rounded guy. He's got his priorities straight and he was there for his family.

@fatwalletboy2 - 03.12.2024 19:28

Yeah his Glasto slot really got the crowds singing and dancing.....big part of my youth in the mid 80s when he came onto the scene.
And yes Pete Waterman is indeed a force of nature,knows what he wants etc.

@neriashleycabajar1985 - 08.12.2024 11:42

Rick is now 58 and age doesn't count on him! 😊

@riksdodgydeals - 14.12.2024 12:07

Legend. Saw his xmas show last night in brighton amazing

@LaCheleWallace - 16.12.2024 09:14

You know, I think I like you, Mr. Astley. I've been listening to yo' music and I've been pleasantly surprised. You had a nice voice. I just love adult contemporary. Nah, I did a lil' bit of math and you were 27 in 1993. 1993 is the year that you fell off. Do not be upset at "falling off" because we're finding that ALL artists fall off after a certain period of time. Did you "retire" or did yo' label let you go because you weren't selling no records? I'm asking, respectfully, Mr. Astley. It happened to New Kids on the Block and Debbie Gibson as well. It's not yo' fault. It's the industry. They decide on how long you gon be a star. You hit hard in the late '80s and by the early '90s, you be lookin' around like "Dang, what happened? Don't nobody like me no more?" Thank God you made it because you were in a market w/ Michael Jackson, Prince Rogers Nelson, Madonna Ciccone and Whitney Houston. That's some tough competition.

@saramcglasson6605 - 15.01.2025 16:31

His book is great , what a nice guy

@ColinS9797 - 21.01.2025 10:49

Rick Astley is who Robbie Williams wishes he is hahaha

@mkfloyd9131 - 25.01.2025 07:35

They did not pass out, pass on or pass over. They died...

@JewelsPearlsASMR - 02.02.2025 15:40

What a thoughtful man!

@ShafiekMilward - 06.02.2025 14:00

What a real man we can learn so much from his story Ricks the best

@thomasmurphy3021 - 10.02.2025 00:03

I liked his music better than Taylor Swift

@michaelkraefting - 12.02.2025 15:08

He is a great gut and a very great singer and performere and very importantly he is married to a Danish woman . 🙃

@rjmcallister1888 - 18.02.2025 23:28

His 1991 hit, "Cry for Help" comes into a much clearer context now. We kind of wondered why he fell off the planet after 1992, with the whole world ahead for him. But it turns out, it was the right thing to do.

@GerhardMCziep-ok9cp - 22.02.2025 15:44

❤ friend, in dire need i implore your help. Please save my life

@GerhardMCziep-ok9cp - 22.02.2025 15:44

❤ friend, in dire need i implore your help. Please save my life

@GerhardMCziep-ok9cp - 22.02.2025 15:44

❤ friend, in dire need i implore your help. Please save my life

@Notomorrow-y3d - 25.02.2025 19:42

Astley was the first to do the Trump dance in the Never Gonna Give You Up video.

@zarinad1695 - 18.03.2025 20:37

Rick, love you then & love you now... Together Forever

@Watfordherts1971 - 21.03.2025 19:05

He’s better now than ever , a real class act and more importantly a class fella

@cassiamariabarbosa9455 - 24.03.2025 01:55

Esse topete é perfeito, se tirar perde a graça.

@johnmasters-58 - 27.03.2025 00:05

To put my music career behind me and I was able to get therapy because now I could finally afford it you know course and then I wrote the book and now I’m ready to get back on stage perhaps in the recharge my batteries
