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@Italiano_Strawhat - 03.01.2025 23:47

Pirate King Gol D. Roger Jimei Palace (should have arrived in 2024 but it keeps getting delayed in the states). I can't wait to see it in person. Such a badass pose holding an unconscious Navy soldier with the Navy ship wrecked in the background.

@Lethal_Venom - 03.01.2025 23:48

Looks like a great 2025

@raymondguerra6024 - 03.01.2025 23:50

Can't wait to see your alien /predator setup

@astroknomer - 03.01.2025 23:51

It’s up

@BigEvilNetwork - 04.01.2025 01:01

Just hoping my 2025 kicks off well enough so I can re-order the Killer Klown Jumbo statue. fingers crossed on good solid income

@sirkaimetall6007 - 04.01.2025 01:20

Wow you have a lot of Statues dont understand you all can afford them been windows shopping on sideshow and some as Joe from Mafia 2 would have said "you have champagne taste but beer pockets my friend" lol 😅 but awesome collection you got there

@WangFuAdam - 04.01.2025 01:28

im excited to get the remaining "Terts" from the PCS 1/3 legends line...also HOPE that sideshows manbat premium format comes out this year! but i am getting in an older piece in a couple of days....PCS 1/3 venom (what are your thoughts on that piece? its massive but you never ordered one for your venom collection)

@derekframe1984 - 04.01.2025 01:35

I'm definitely getting the new dog alien

@lexprime_collectibles - 04.01.2025 01:51

Don't you usually have a sale video up at the beginning of the month? Or did I miss it? And I don't usually miss anything haha

@paulwalker5005 - 04.01.2025 01:52

Waiting for the 2025 release of JND John Wick

@TrueCorventus - 04.01.2025 01:58

Damn... I just realized I dont like anything you do....

@TrueCorventus - 04.01.2025 02:02

Damn... I just realized I dont like anything you do....

@higherlifeformstudios6823 - 04.01.2025 02:12

Aliens aliens aliens! so cool

@BulldogsAndFishing - 04.01.2025 02:21

Great video, and I am digging the picks and your number one “The Howling”! That is also my most anticipated statue for this year.

Side note I would def watch a video about whiskey if you were up to create one! Def one of my favs when I have downtime.

@jonathanpardoe6549 - 04.01.2025 03:43

Looking forward to seeing Nimrod, going to be great. Are you going for any 1/4 sentinel statues as I think there is a custom one available?

@kalobhunt9001 - 04.01.2025 04:17

That venomized is gonna be sick.

@leomanteca4685 - 04.01.2025 04:49

Happy New Year Mr. X. Best wishes for 2025.

@BeastStatues - 04.01.2025 04:51

Prime 1 Godzilla Minus One, maybe Q4? Really thinking about Prey Predator though.

@imawesomeyourenot - 04.01.2025 06:27

The Aliens and Predator ones all look pretty great! The Magneto, Venomized Juggernaut, Dark Knight Metal Batman and Harley all look just awesome! Pumpkin Head is always great to see. The Howling Werewolf looks like it could be interesting as well. I havent watched those is ages lol. Room tour, hell yeah.

@sf6ftw833 - 04.01.2025 06:40

These are cool fu**in pieces. But I’d prefer less Alien/Predator.

However I would enjoy it if you have some of the human characters from Predator!

@Adam_Blankenship - 04.01.2025 21:30

My most anticipated in 2025 is Tsume Joker, absolutely can’t wait for it to release.

@darrellmetcalfe3615 - 04.01.2025 23:40

You should build an extra room and make it look like the nostromo and display the alien's there.

@ryanquinn7045 - 05.01.2025 01:45

What are your thoughts on the Darth Vader bust from PCS?

@stewartmacpherson9221 - 05.01.2025 01:51

Just ordered my Gandalf the Grey statue and Deadpool ordered last year, coming I hope Sept this year.

@Roger-r6v - 05.01.2025 02:57

Hello! I’ve been trying to decide between the coolprops life size alien resurrection head, or the dog alien head. Which do you think has the most X factor and is the most prestigious to display? I can only get one and it will be my first higher end collectible so I’m trying to pick the best one! Thank you for any advice and happy new year!

@GearlessJoe44 - 05.01.2025 08:37

More alien🔥

@SteveDonnelly-i1s - 05.01.2025 13:56

ANOTHER GREAT SHOW, MR X!!!! THANK U 4 SHARING!!!! WE ❤ YHA!!!!! CAN NOT WAIT 4 YOUR NEXT ADVENTURE!!! UNTIL NEXT ⏰️!!!!❤😂🎉 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!❤😂🎉⏰️🤣😂✌️✌️🥇🥇🧟‍♂️⚖️⚖️🦹🦹🎮🎮👍📢📕📕☄️🕸🤡💢💢💢🕸🤡🤡📺📺🕯🥉🌝🥉🧟🧟🌈🌈🌈👕🦇🦇🦇🕷🕷🎖🏅☀️☀️☀️🕰🔥🥈🥈⚓️🐶🐶🕹💥💣☀️📔🧌🧟‍♀️⚡️⚡️

@DXCZouk - 05.01.2025 17:15

I thought I was good on statues but surprisingly have a few things coming. Recently got the Queen Studios Spidey/Gwen/Miles trio which is pretty awesome and has a ton of pieces but I plan to replace Miles. Looking forward to a custom Spidey and Deadpool bust, XM Black Spidey hopefully, P1 Neo, P1 Cammy. Some other stuff.

@rorschachphoenix - 05.01.2025 17:39

Wow. Some really nice pieces!

@ArtemisChaitidis - 05.01.2025 18:44

Have you seen the latest Warcraft lifesize busts from infinity studio?
EDIT: thinking about it again, prob those are statues that got available for preorder after you stopped ordering much :P

@carltrommetter8786 - 05.01.2025 19:35

Ka- Ching.....

@prestonmitchell7223 - 05.01.2025 23:17

I love that movie. Question is that a Christmas Movie what do you think

@prestonmitchell7223 - 05.01.2025 23:28

Love the Aliens and Predator status really like the Venomised status I think the Magnito and Howling status are the top one's I'm looking forward to

@apalmiter - 06.01.2025 00:26

Some nice ones for sure.

@InfamyOrDeath-__- - 06.01.2025 00:30

So far I’ve only one statue coming this year, it’s actually shipping this month I think, it’s Prime1 Slan on Throne. After that I have the Elfen Lied Lucy by Figurama ordered, but it’s not releasing till 2026. I’ll also pick up the new Prime1 Femto, also not releasing till January 2026.

But I have loads of PVC scales ordered, I have 8 this month, I’ve really taken a liking to these figures, they have amazing detail, just as good as a resin, and I can get these 8 figures for $1,400, the price of one Prime1 statue.

@InfamyOrDeath-__- - 06.01.2025 00:34

I can’t even look at that Prey Predator, I absolutely despise the design of that Predator, it looks nothing like any other Predator. They’re now treating Predators like Aliens, but it makes no sense for Predators. Aliens change their shape depending on the host, with Predators there’s absolutely no reason why these new ones look so different, especially since we have lore showing the Predator race spanning back thousands of years.

And add Berserker Predator to that too, hate that design too, massive spider like head looked ridiculous in the movie, they’ve actually scaled the head a bit better for this statue though. Looked terrible, but this statue looks great, it’s actually the best looking statue of this entire line, I actually wouldn’t mind owning it and keeping the mask on.

@QGinHQ - 06.01.2025 04:05

That magneto throne is insaneeeeeeeee

@thein-famouselguapo15 - 06.01.2025 07:17

Lots of good ones. The venomized statues are growing on me 🤔😅

@georgemoss8729 - 06.01.2025 07:32

Can't wait to see you review these pieces when they come in.

@jamesrullo2637 - 07.01.2025 23:14

Some crazy Predator pieces coming

@CptMoonyMoon - 08.01.2025 06:53

Hope you had a Happy New Years Mr X. Also, venomized joker looks cool =D

@joeyzaccardi3335 - 09.01.2025 13:34

Great stuff man. I got harley who laughs from prime 1 coming and T800 3rd scale endoskeleton from prime 1. And if xm studios ever gets it's act together, maybe I'll actually get my Spiderman symbiot transformation statue.

@teddysmith480 - 09.01.2025 21:44

Dope status can’t wait to see them on the table

@johanarguelles8399 - 10.01.2025 00:01

Bad ass!!!!

@Blessed_by_Marika - 12.01.2025 05:17

I wonder if they’ll make any Marvel Rivals statues

@tysontrusty907 - 13.01.2025 00:10

I love your work just sucks I can’t get any cause I’m only 14 and don’t have the money for it. Love the great work you put into your setups tho.

@kevinng4316 - 13.01.2025 20:34


@evanc7994 - 15.01.2025 09:27

Thoughts on the new Sideshow Archangel?

@TimothyLau55 - 21.01.2025 23:23

Happy new year! Nice move to get discounted statues before everything go up 60%..or not.

@OfficeArcade - 04.02.2025 07:20

Some great pieces coming in. Excited to see the finished Alien/Predator corner.
