Prince is Done Playing Games! Extremely Difficult German Shepherd makes Unbelievable Improvements!

Prince is Done Playing Games! Extremely Difficult German Shepherd makes Unbelievable Improvements!

Beckman's Dog Training

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@airstrykerone335 - 11.01.2024 09:26

Thank you such much dear Sir, for speaking clean English language, understandable for all People 👍💐👌🐕

@joseph-mariopelerin7028 - 07.01.2024 08:56

when i was a kid, all the dogs were unleashed in the village, and they all got trained by the female colie... she really was the b**ch lol...

shepperd, Rottweiler, huskys, poodles, and shiatsu... all loose and behaving

and i mean... nobody was training a dog back in the 80s 90s, ... if the dog can't figure it out after a few kick, next was a bullet!

also nobody was picking after their dog, witch was as bad as you can imagine lol

@chetsenior7253 - 06.01.2024 20:29

Just give the dog some pop tarts and let it watch the Fast and Furious movies then give it some marshmallows that have been warmed in ye pockets whilst you both watch that one tornado movie with the guy from the alien movie and the lady with the big forehead… you know which one I’m talking about, it had that guy from the thing in it, the uh, uh, the one where there in space and someone invents a metric clock and a pregnant cop drives around in a Lamborghini.

@Rhiorrha - 06.01.2024 06:39

"Reverse-goose"? Did she just try to nip your crotch or snoot-boop it?

@eddydruppel3943 - 06.01.2024 05:18

Its nothing about german sheppperd , germans are not like this .I owned 45 germans

@eddydruppel3943 - 06.01.2024 05:13

Insecure a😮 completely oblivient about dog behaviour

@regitzebohnstedt5389 - 06.01.2024 03:16

is it possible to train your own dog to be a "prince" if so can u make a video on that sence i look very much up to u and wanna do something like what u do when i grow up

@Piper7cub - 03.01.2024 02:27

That's crazy and what patience Prince has. We had two Border Collies and when one passed away, the other one stopped barking (she never really barked much to begin with but would join in when our other dog barked). She went almost a year before we heard a peep out of her. She barked because we left her outside too long and she wanted back in (and it was only one quick bark). I think in the remaining eight years of her life, she barked less than 20 times. Someone would ring our doorbell and she would get up and just stare at the door until we answered it. Now we have two puppies who whine and bark all of the time which is driving us bonkers.

@LittleBarracuda - 03.01.2024 00:04

Yes! Thank you oh my god thats exactly my GSD. People have been smartasses to me on how to deal with his behavior, telling me from him having a dominance issue over being aggressive to being just very scared.... He is easily overstimulated and his brain is not braining when he is. Snapping him out of it and showing that i do not tolerate this behavior is the only thing that helped so far. Dogs that know him are terrified of him even if he is just laying somewhere.
Its still gonna take alot of work on him and especially on me because my anxiety disorder and severe depression have made being a good leader difficult but im doing better every day.

@aoifeandginny5569 - 02.01.2024 21:06

OMG, the most sweet yet funny moment is Prince being barked at, he looked up at Joel and goes in for a hug as if to say ''This f**** chick man...''

@djbreezyteambreezy7028 - 02.01.2024 04:12

Yeah and I feel that I'm with him on that I'm with Prince on that Prince is real chill he's a violent fighter when needed or when he have a reason

@veronicadougherty9234 - 01.01.2024 19:12

Prince! I love all your loyalty to correcting dogs! My dog Natty Boh Saint Mastiff is your spirit friend in Maryland! I’m excited to see others using dogs to correct other dogs like I have been with my kids Saint Bernard and English Mastiff

@stickncarrot1073 - 30.12.2023 21:58

That shepherd reminds me of the canine version of a woke liberal.

@andrewgreen2059 - 30.12.2023 14:40

When god was assigning souls, he accidentally gave her a Chihuahua soul.

@MrEliasdl - 30.12.2023 09:54

That's about the hardest I've seen Prince go at another dog.. it had to take a woman nagging him.

@StAlchemyst - 30.12.2023 08:01

Literally a mellow strong dude and a bitchy mouthy woman. LOL

@jhancarlosterronesrodrigue1940 - 29.12.2023 09:44

Great job, nice dog is Prince, me encanta! Greetings from Perú.

@IanMacLeansnv - 29.12.2023 08:31

Your videos are getting better!

@BuddhaBelly519 - 29.12.2023 06:00

The german shepherd is a typical woman.

@tobiasrietveld3819 - 27.12.2023 02:52

Great point, this dog is completely bred for a job. And all this spcialized brain wiring doesn't know how to act properly without one.

@henrysesame3854 - 25.12.2023 23:33

i saw that in this video the dog dont have the muzzle trap. that good for the doge can learn for real but still go check the video i say to you

@henrysesame3854 - 25.12.2023 23:29

still is funny to see you acting professionnel but you did it all wrong

@henrysesame3854 - 25.12.2023 23:27

you did it all wrong for like what so many years i dont know if you know of what you doing is not the good method but still i will help you if you dont know go check this video and you will know what you need to know

Drogon le spécialiste des chiens agressifs (c'est surprenant) that the title i know that in french but what he are saying is complet

@LazarClawz - 25.12.2023 04:16

me watching this on a imac and seeing a imac

@AngeloXification - 25.12.2023 02:54

I dont understand people that are unbothered by constant barking..

@tamonettX500 - 24.12.2023 17:08

Wait, I found this channel a couple of weeks ago, watched several vids, and always heard "no e-collars, no prongs, no treats, etc" and here I notice clicker and treats?

@CantoraMask - 24.12.2023 14:23

It's great to see how you explain the impulsive / neurotic behaviour

@Angel-dn9sm - 24.12.2023 08:21

It’s like humans you think your a badass until you meet a badass 😂

@audreymcleod4076 - 23.12.2023 22:50

That yapping would drive a Saint to drink!

@quarlesjason79 - 23.12.2023 16:33

I really wish I could bring my dog to you. He's a really good boy now but I'd love to learn more and help him be even better

@raphaelogbeni6314 - 22.12.2023 21:51

Are we just going to ignore the fact In the start of the video the Doberman bits the German Shepard

@PoppaC44 - 19.12.2023 14:55

They should bring back dog fights

@keaters123 - 19.12.2023 01:33

I was gunna grab my wifes ass when she was cooking dinner earlier, I didn't cause I thought Prince is gunna pop out of nowhere and correct me.

@AlmutMaier - 17.12.2023 19:31

Good job, beautiful.

@Moriah7913 - 17.12.2023 17:42

There's a German Shepard that lives next door to me. Anytime I walk my dog past the house, it does this very loud and non-stop bark. It sounds so desperate. The dog seems to live on the porch as far as I can tell. It makes me feel so bad to hear that barking. I wish I could walk it for the owners.

@jenbrixton6834 - 17.12.2023 15:39

Can I ask about her tail what is it actually saying?

@anonfourtyfive - 17.12.2023 15:09

Hahahaha the first thing she was trying to quit.

@acres2147 - 16.12.2023 13:46

“Get your dog around other dogs”….just don’t go to dog parks! These dogs and owners will destroy your dog!

@crazyscienceguy9933 - 16.12.2023 10:09

Genuine question: Can I be my own Prince? If a dog is treating me the way they treat Prince, can I react the same way? Non-violent, but quick and intense with the "in your face and keeping you down" attitude? Or does this not send the same message? Can I get the ball rolling by initially getting in a dog's face, maybe a growl or something, then pinning it the way Prince would? Afterward, I do the 4 fingers as you would.

@danielmurray6056 - 15.12.2023 22:50

I had a great shepherd that did what prince did correcting my new shepherd needs to be checked and desensitized and its been tough after having a prince type but hes coming around at 6months old

@danielk810 - 15.12.2023 16:50

I have a red male named Prince. He’s got a good temperament like your boy.

@bitcoinworld6288 - 15.12.2023 04:10

This is excellent!

@francescogargano2922 - 14.12.2023 16:52

Very well done Indeed. I use a similar method...without Prince unfortunately. So I want tò achieve results more slowly

@Sudz3 - 14.12.2023 07:52

Does prince ever get tired/PTSD? Like what point would be decide "Screw this, I don't want to meet any more jerks"

@aubsarg0222 - 13.12.2023 09:17

I had a GS that was EXACTLY like this! She would bark and attack at other dogs terribly. She broke free a few times and went after dogs, and what I noticed is the moment the other dogs corrected her she would yelp and come straight home. But she was always ready to go in a few minutes again. Almost as if she couldn’t get enough. It was almost as if she was riddled with anxiety and I’m a very chill person.

It was strange bc she was the sweetest dog with the baby kittens, etc and to us…… but she would get this way when 1. Kids would be rambunctious
2. Other dogs around

The barking, the eyes would change, she was ready to go and those were her triggers.

We tried everything from trainers, watching Cesar Milan, socializing for hours each day, constantly correcting, tons of exercise (I would run her with a motor bike for hours!) before training, etc, and it didn’t matter how tired she was or how many times we went through the same steps, she always did it.

It came to a point where she would do it and then hurry up and submit to me as if nothing happened. It was her nerves, she knew it was wrong but she ALWAYS did it, even if she regretted it later.

I attribute it to her large prey drive. She came from strictly working lines. There was no changing her, it was in her DNA. She was a working dog. Her job was to herd kids, bring an end to chaos (when kids were playing) and to dominate all and every dog. That’s the protective nature of them or maybe protective isn’t the right word, aggression maybe. They are bred to be reserved and to fight any and all threats.

And this is when I say, know your breeds and get the one that best suits your lifestyle. Since her passing, we have gotten a Siberian husky. He is perfect. Exactly what I wanted. Nice, calm, intelligent, loving, and full of adventure.

However, this year my husband started having mental breakdowns. It stems from low self esteem and high anxiety. Plus his low self esteem conjured this massive ego, so you can’t help him. He wanted to train a dog that would be his ESA and go everywhere with him. What did he want? A Belgian mal! I said no way!!!!!! No freaking way! Those dogs are like GS but on meth or bath salts. Crazy dogs! So I went ahead and got a German shepherd but this time I got one with low prey drive and what a difference!!!! This is the type of GS that everyone wants and desires! A smart dog that can be sociable and pleasant.

This time I got an E collar for training and it made my life so much easier! I did this when socializing and when training in public and it has done phenomenal!!!

Thank you for your videos! I wished you had longer versions, as I’m trying to learn more and more each day. I loved my other GS so much, but I feel bad that she and we couldn’t have a normal life. She never got to swim, never got to go on vacation, never got to run with kids at the park, etc……… her main issues were barking profusely no matter what, and attacking dogs. If she was at the park, she would bark and bark and bark. If I let her off the leash, she would literally go bite the kids that were running. Didn’t matter how small. And I’m sorry but if a dog bites a kid I lose all respect for that animal. No dog should ever bite a kid. It wouldn’t be an attack bite, but more a herding bite. I dk Gods dealing with her now lol. I do miss her a lot, but it taught me a lesson……….

The lesson is, it’s not always the human, it’s sometimes the dog and the breed you’ve chosen. She would have been happiest herding cows and sheep. And I wished I had a farm so she could have done just that with me. She was meant to work: when getting any herding dog, know that they are smart but some characteristics are damn near impossible to train out of them, it’s in their blood.

@citychicken9949 - 11.12.2023 19:54

Using another dog to train a another dog is brilliant and makes so much more sense! Granted, I do understand why this is not common practice, but it would make such a huge difference if more people had access to training like this. I know I would! I have a reactive female husky/shepherd mix and I can control her when she's on a lead but the second she comes off the lead she goes crazy.

@jimbo4mo290 - 11.12.2023 05:24

I like Prince and I wish I could meet him!

@mr.ks.7083 - 11.12.2023 05:00

stop the bs...the other dogs are always muffled
