Norse Mythology Family Tree

Norse Mythology Family Tree


4 года назад

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sk sk
sk sk - 11.10.2023 18:29

Being Swedish, this video was very, very confusing. I grew up hearing the stories about Oden, nornorna, Yggdrasil, and the whole rest. If the weather is especially heavy on rain and thunder we joke about how Tor has just lost a marital discussion and thus feels the need to throw Mjölner about.

The confusion comes from A: the pronounciation. Sorry, I realise you did your best to climb a steep hill.
B: The idea of putting stories in a chart. It's far too squared away, and looses all flavour. Again, I'm sorry - it's obvious your video is the result of hard work.

But if you wish to get a first flavour of Norse mythology I'd recommend Neil Gaiman's "Norse Mythology". It's true to the telling tradition - i.e. that all stories should be told well.

And Marvel? Go BLEEEP yourself.

Unknown - 09.10.2023 07:12

An interesting part in comparative mythology is how many names of gods trace back to indo-european roots. That also goes for the realms who bear similar names to actual regions, but in the middle-East region. Asgard sounds a lot like Assur, which would eventually turn into Assyria, now modern Syria. Vanaheim is reminiscent of the lake Van region, in modern Armenia. Jötunheim evokes Judea, and giants are mentionned in the Bible, as Niflheim echoes of the Nephilim. Even Midgard could be related to Mittani, a great empire of the ancient antiquity.

Alex Daland
Alex Daland - 18.09.2023 04:54

Jotnar - In Norwegian - Jotun(heimen) - If the name Jotun looks familiar, thats why

Harasen - 21.07.2023 23:13

It's interesting to see how differently some of these names are spelled and pronounced compared to what I learned as a kid growing up in Denmark.

Shea McCurdy
Shea McCurdy - 29.06.2023 17:32

Ingvi Freyr doesn’t ride a bull, but a boar, named Gullenbursti/Golden Bristle.

Thanos - 06.06.2023 22:50

I believe Gullinborsti was not a bull but a golden boar made by the brother's Brookr and Eitri... (correct me if i'm wrong please*)...

Saumen Singh
Saumen Singh - 04.06.2023 08:57

Norse are progenies of Cimme-Arya+freshly arrived Shatriyas from India. They're Vedic R1a1aY, R1a1Y. Norse literature came after 10rh c., way younger than India's regional Bengali literature, see how lately Europe got Monarchies & literature. Fresh arrivals of Kshatriyas from gangetic plains (4th c BC to 6th c.) formed Goth-Norse with CimmeArya, Saka offshoots, brought properly functioning monarchy literature in 5th c., Kievan Rus, Novogorod, Gupta style Vimanas in church, castle in Eurasia, timber built cities like Kiev, Novogorod, funerary cremation of Norse-Goths, Vishnu idol of Volga are the evidences of fresh arrivals. In middle age Indian cities were in timber, Megastenes, Faxian gave accounts. Greco-Roman never built cities in timber & Vimanas.

Very evident there was no IE in Europe before Saka Sauromatas.

Geoffrey B Slater
Geoffrey B Slater - 25.05.2023 16:35

What would be very interesting, is a comparison and potential linkage between the "Gods" et al, of all civilizations to see if they all derive from an original source.

Connor - 25.05.2023 11:06

In God of War Frigg and Freya are in fact the same person.

Njordr - 22.05.2023 23:20

No, there is so much wrong with this.. especially when it comes to the Vanir

Vynneve - 19.05.2023 09:58

Cosmology? That's the study of the origin of the universe. Not fictional sets of gods from different cultures lol, hence the other word "mythology" literally coming from the word "myth".

Maybe you meant like the origin of that fictional realm? Either way that's really confusing right off the bat here lmao

Sentient_Dinosaur Plush
Sentient_Dinosaur Plush - 16.05.2023 08:34

i just imagine Ratatösk going up to Thor like „yeah Nídhögg says fuck you“

Javin Dhillon
Javin Dhillon - 04.05.2023 02:53

" he gets so angry that he bars another son" I died

LIONX - 20.04.2023 11:50

Wow this actually was a useful chart😊

G - 07.04.2023 06:19

The norse used younger futhark not elder

Fred Lloyd-Ward
Fred Lloyd-Ward - 24.03.2023 23:10

Thanks for making it really hard to get your charts in England do to how much it is to ship over the ocean

Mark Patten
Mark Patten - 08.02.2023 09:18

Me just pointing like Leo after playing God of War Ragnarok.

lokii - 07.02.2023 04:52

i never know i was a god 😜😜😜
