Part One: Henry Morton Stanley: The Explorer Who Shot His Way Through Africa | BEHIND THE BASTARDS

Part One: Henry Morton Stanley: The Explorer Who Shot His Way Through Africa | BEHIND THE BASTARDS

Behind the Bastards

1 год назад

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@function0077 - 17.07.2024 19:34

This podcast has helped me realize that I chronically underestimate the insanity of my fellow humans.

@alst4817 - 03.07.2024 20:38

Wow, this podcast is kinda disgusting. Just a bunch of Victorian do-gooders sitting around saying how horrible the past was. It’s like a kind of cartoon version of leftists dreamt up by hardcore republicans to mock people. But these guys are apparently real! 😂

@MrGksarathy - 29.05.2024 06:38

Let's be real, Tintin wasn't as bad because for the most part, he acted as a journalist uncovering pre-existing conspiracies as opposed to galivanting around foreign countries for the heck of it.

@nomdeplume5446 - 05.01.2024 21:06

A doubloon is gold and was worth 32 reales. A piece of 8 is silver (about the size of a silver US dollar,) and worth 8 reales. I know this was a long time ago and nobody cares, but I love collecting 8 reales they’re beautiful coins with a lot of interesting history behind them. Peruvian silver mines and the production of Spanish silver coins is probably a good candidate for behind the bastards. Lots of indigenous people getting their hands cut off by the Spanish for not producing enough silver.

@yyzsupra8338 - 16.11.2023 04:54

Voice is terrible

@tobycourt8679 - 11.11.2023 14:17

I am reading 'Through the Dark Continent' now and I can safely say Sir Henry M. Stanely is no bastard. A very large portion of the book documents African culture and geography, an endeavour that was not murderous, much rather honourable. The title of your hypersexual podcast does not realise the context of the situation Stanley found himself in when he was killing. Once he amicably passed through East Africa, befriending many tribes, he had to traverse the Congo. Because of the geography, extremely dense jungle and no navigable river, the natives were insular and mostly cannibals. Stanley did his upmost to convince them to allow him safe passage, with a small number of tribes it worked, alas, nothing would stop the cannibals from viewing the expedition as merely meat. Therefore, it was necessary to use force for not only his preservation, but the preservation of his many followers, the followers of which he regarded as family.

@NoahBodze - 29.07.2023 16:17

Ever wonder why all your friends are fuckups and you’ve never done anything with your life except snipe and superior people?



@gicueN17R0 - 13.04.2023 22:25

First timer. Thanks algorithm!! Subbed!

@RobedLogic - 13.04.2023 02:21

yo gimme the vid. might watch.
