John Wick Chapter 4 - A (Mostly) Excellent Finale

John Wick Chapter 4 - A (Mostly) Excellent Finale

The Critical Drinker

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Mika de Grote
Mika de Grote - 28.09.2023 12:53

The first John Wick was great, but it went downhill quickly after that. Like you said, the sequels are way over the top and just get tedious to watch.

JupiterHeightZ - 28.09.2023 11:04

JW4 was trash

Axel The Bounty Hunter
Axel The Bounty Hunter - 28.09.2023 06:29

My man Johnny fucking Silverhand!

aster n.
aster n. - 28.09.2023 01:24

Berlin is famous worldwide for its nightclubs, and it's safe to assume most of the people partying are on ecstasy, so the combination of loud music and the trance-like state of spirit would make anyone oblivious of gunfire

A D - 27.09.2023 21:18

Yeah, I enjoyed it but John Wick should enter the MCU at this point. He obviously has super powers at this point.

Ciaossuuu - 24.09.2023 17:45

I ignored the critical side of the movie and treated this like a video game. Loved it!

Daniel Duncan
Daniel Duncan - 22.09.2023 00:11

I just watched it. I actually turned it off after the roof fight scene. That whole sequence was total trash; I rolled my eyes through the entire thing. There is no way to bounce back from that disaster. I am willing to suspend by disbelief, but garbage scenes like that completely eat away at that. Maybe I can come back to it after I forget that; as long as I come back AFTER the roof scene.

Also, why the fuck did they make Donny Yen blind again? That is so stupid. John Wick doesn't need nerfed opponents.

Michael Otten
Michael Otten - 21.09.2023 11:16

The other 500 have died but im feeling lucky tonight!!

mattio79 - 21.09.2023 07:51

Imagine... physical media... LOL "straight to Blu-Ray" LMAO

David Anderson
David Anderson - 20.09.2023 07:48

We'll see how you feel about John Wick if the Russian Mafia kills your dog and steals your prized car.

DelrayDad - 17.09.2023 14:02

Watched it a second time trying to love it but it’s just bad. The fight scenes are seriously bad. Slow poor fighting, and weak writing should make this the last wick movie we see for a few years.

Chrono Argonist
Chrono Argonist - 08.09.2023 18:17

I actually do agree with what your saying good ser however one thing I would disagree with would be the fight scenes I would argue that the whole point of John Wick and pretty much every film film including action film especially is to push the protagonist or protagonists even further than they did in the previous instalment otherwise it wouldn’t be as great to watch but ultimately I say it does it’s purpose it’s fun exiting and you got everything you should expect from the John Wick Universe and more. Good day to you ser

Bror Jordas
Bror Jordas - 06.09.2023 23:19

Not even seen this one yet. Been in no hurry, since I really loved the very first Wick movie - but already by the second movie I noticed myself starting to get bored by the some very long martial arts fights where no injuries seemed to occur whatsoever even though pretty badass hits being taken.. JW2 and 3 were okay watchable - but for me they paled in comparison to the feeling the very first JW movie provided..
I think this JW4 is gonna be a good watch - but I'm not gonna expect too much.. And this Skarsgard🤡 is already annoying me...😑🥱

CartoonyBoi - 05.09.2023 18:21

I still enjoyed the movie even if they made up a few things along the way, the suit armor doesn’t make a lot of sense, and that John is pretty much a living bullet vest at this point. If this really is the end of John Wick’s story (which I pray to god it is and it wont go down the same path as Indiana Jones), then I think this movie was a pretty good send off for the character, ties up the franchise pretty well while leaving some unanswered questions for the fans to speculate, and overall, a pretty good end for this tetralogy.

Roy Abr
Roy Abr - 05.09.2023 05:57

cant wait to see keanu reeves constantine 2 O_O!

Mr Burger
Mr Burger - 04.09.2023 17:00

“CGI shit fest that we’re all subjected to nowadays”😂

Eddie - 02.09.2023 07:49

I agree with everything EXCEPT the Bill Skarsgard point. I LOVED HIM in this film, absolutely enjoyable every time he was on screen! Great villain working in the background. Great evil prick. And excellent acting.

Darkry - 31.08.2023 12:45

Literally summarised all my thoughts about this film...
I commented that it should have ended with 2nd or 3rd chapter and that it's now boring to see the same 20-30 minute action for the 4th time. And people were like "What did you just say?! What audacity!" I think all that keeps this movie alive is only hype now. It was awesome, but let finally our black-suited buddy rest...

Dr. Adam Norten
Dr. Adam Norten - 31.08.2023 03:58

When I try to play this video on my TV it flashes in and out. It does not flash when I play it on my PC. Any advice on how to stop this from flashing on my TV? Thanks

TheMentalChallenge - 28.08.2023 03:40

the osaka scene needed to be like half that long, it felt like half of the scenes where keanu is grappling dudes on the floor were just different takes of the same shot essentially

Robert K
Robert K - 25.08.2023 15:36

Most of the paris scene with the radiohost was directly stolen from The Warriors. Put me off of the whole movie. 2 out of 6

Minecraft Steve
Minecraft Steve - 24.08.2023 23:45

Not bro sighing in exasperation at a simple story that was perfectly fine

Jesus christ, i use to defend you but you really like to just take the piss out of everything
Theres nothing enjoyable about your videos, they just don't make me happy, even when i agree with you

Its almost like constantly surrounding yourself in negativity just makes you.. obnoxious.

tyraelpl - 24.08.2023 20:08

I truly detest Caine or Kain or whatever. It was like watching mr. magoo. So dum. Also the entire plot branch go kinda axed (daughter's revenge).

ProHermitDenver - 23.08.2023 15:26

All John Wick's enemy is untrained? all his enemy have gun, but run forward to him, gun fight is find a cover like wall instead of run toward John Wich and get kill. Have some action but not logic at all. Bored.

nilesh kumar
nilesh kumar - 21.08.2023 21:10

The movie is close to 3 hours long, but seems shorter than some 90 minute horror movies.
I enjoyed the movie but I won't miss it for another 2-3 years.

Everything Buzz City
Everything Buzz City - 21.08.2023 14:23

This was one of my favorite movies I’ve ever seen it’s up there with the lord of the rings as a series

scotty Toohotty
scotty Toohotty - 19.08.2023 14:11

I especially love the kevlar suits🤣🤣🤣 naaahhh you wouldn't have multiple broken bones and crushing trauma to vital organs, you'd be fine!!

scotty Toohotty
scotty Toohotty - 19.08.2023 14:09

This, and other action movies, are garbage. I expected better from a discerning critic..most of your picks are good and I agree, this was John Wick one without the puppy. I like how he just passes off his Pitty to a homeless action garbage, shit plot, shit acting.

Reyes Flores
Reyes Flores - 19.08.2023 07:28

All the MAIN villains of john wick are all bark and no bite. Yosef, Santino, the adjudicator, and the marquee

Lloyd Waycott
Lloyd Waycott - 18.08.2023 10:21

Let's all admit it, it was shit.

John Gray Atkinson
John Gray Atkinson - 16.08.2023 16:20

John Wick will probably be heading to Space with Bill Murray by JW 6
When in doubt...

1zxtv - 15.08.2023 06:45

I mostly agree with The Drinkers criticism but this seems nitpicky. None of this is "grounded" in reality, it's an assassin underground with fantastical almost super-human characters. The last thing I'd give a shit about is something like the suits, its an excuse to continue to provide better and better fight scenes and action sequences and thats what you're here for, that's what this franchise intends to deliver and does time and time again and it gets better with each iteration so it just becomes a bit contradictory and kind annoying to complain about it.

MyCat WillEatYou
MyCat WillEatYou - 15.08.2023 02:28

I loved the slowly escalating non-sensical action scenes. To me, this is what John Wicke was about.

Jose Legaspi
Jose Legaspi - 13.08.2023 11:27

Just saw this 4th installment and whoa!!!. What an aswesome film!. Driving scene and top view scene were just 👌, top notch quality.

Betty Curry
Betty Curry - 13.08.2023 03:57

If you are doing action…go big or go home… Keanu Reeves….

Zu _
Zu _ - 12.08.2023 11:30

John Wick 5: Taking Down Scientology

Ultra Sasa
Ultra Sasa - 11.08.2023 18:58

could do a prequel to john wick

P D_v
P D_v - 10.08.2023 22:59

The most annoying character is the black dude with the dog!!

nzt14 - 09.08.2023 00:19

hi. im 12+ straight. bye

John I
John I - 08.08.2023 15:34

TG they actually respected a loved franchise and allowed it to RIP…great breakdown drinker as usual 👍🏼

Trevor Day
Trevor Day - 07.08.2023 11:08

Keanu Reeves is one of the VERY few genuinely good, decent people in Hollywood. He absolutely deserves all the success in the world

Demonic Avenger
Demonic Avenger - 05.08.2023 04:37

Yeah, I'm still gonna see it

bonnie Minter
bonnie Minter - 05.08.2023 00:54

I find it ironic that you talked about everyone getting a healing factor, because John Wick has been scientificly PROVEN to have one.

Thorin - 04.08.2023 01:05

the main problem with the fourth round, that it is lost the potential to believe. the first was perfectly acceptable with all the counted rounds and whatnot. the second was shown some stupid bs with the bulletproof suit, but it was clearly a special stuff ordered for a special job, a unique/legendary loot for the mission. the third was mostly ok still, the endgame boss an its troops are special, but still dies from what should go through a powerful but realistic armor. in the fourth? bullet sponge action with unlimited car crash survival, id we missed the adamantium infusion scene somewhere?

N0ZP1K3R - 03.08.2023 20:00

Movie was too long, too much silly action, over-rated. I'm a fan of Donnie Yen, known him since the 80s.

Saladon89 - 03.08.2023 08:38

This was just trash, Keanuu revees is too old for these stunts. the fight scenes were poor and slow and made no sense. I couldnt watch anymore after the fight scenes in osaka continental. Shouldve ended at JW2.

Behemoth - 31.07.2023 20:28

My favourite comments are those written by viewers who complain about the lack of realism in this franchise.
I found John Wick pure unadulterated cinema, without that Tarantinoesque postmodern irony that has become quite irksome along the years, but with the same amount of nudges and quotes that should make the day of every fighting-flick enthusiast. I may have been the only old fart in the theatre who wouldn't have disliked the final duel to be slowed down a little, as if we were watching Once Upon A Time In The West one more time with feeling. Cool stuff. Hats off to Chad "nomen est omen" Stahelski.
That said, I hope there won't be a Chapter 5.

voteDC - 30.07.2023 22:12

I loved the first John Wick movie. It was quick sharp, and to the point. Number 2 was a little too long but again the action never outstayed its welcome.

With the third movie at one point I had to leave the screen to go to the toilet and when I returned the same fight scene was going on. If I can have a good poo and return to the same fight scene then that scene is too long. During the fight scene at the end I was actually bored, there's only so many times that you can see a guy kicked through glass before it loses any sort of excitement.

The problem with a story like John Wick is that the more you try and explain it then the more you can see what absolute bollocks it is. I haven't seen the fourth movie yet because I have the horrible feeling it's going to wind the series up like the original Matrix Trilogy, a movie series that would have been better off ending with the first one.

wayne hewett
wayne hewett - 30.07.2023 05:27

The first John wick movie is probably the best out of all the movies as it's more grounded in reality if you can call it that with realistic motivations for John to get revenge
The rest is just flash and spectacle with fast paced action pieces with John basically been superman
