Rice, beans, and the "myth" of protein combining

Rice, beans, and the "myth" of protein combining

Adam Ragusea

2 года назад

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Zrin Juraj
Zrin Juraj - 30.09.2023 18:19

We don't have beens and rice as a meal in my country. I don't know anyone who cooks that together. But we are cooking beens with potato, also beans and pasta, or beans and barles, and beans and turnip, beans and cabbage too. They are all stews 😊 Delicious! Try Balkan meals! You would be suprised how much meals are filled with all the daily nutrients 😊

·shnki ·yu
·shnki ·yu - 16.09.2023 02:04

i'll tell you why people think plant proteins are inferior. a 1914 study done on infants rats recording their growth on plant vs animal proteins showed they grew quicker with animal protein with the increased risk of cancer (this fact was hidden) and a meat industry ran a successful campaign to push the idea that all plant proteins were trash and/or incomplete.. up until the point that people dont even think its possible to get proteins from plants at all. this was eventually debunked though.

Marin Angelov
Marin Angelov - 15.09.2023 18:22

A vegan diet definitely has a negative effect on brain function and development!

Марика Штирц
Марика Штирц - 12.09.2023 15:50

a link to the study about rice being a source of lysine is not working!! overall a good video

recca9800 - 12.09.2023 01:58

What is the point of this video? Is this a mundane scientific paper or an insight into applied nutrition. This knowledge has no practical application.

Timlagor - 11.09.2023 20:58

What about vitamins?

Bao H.
Bao H. - 03.09.2023 20:06

I’m confused about white rice and what you said about browning rice. Isn’t brown rice the less transformed version? Wouldn’t it be brown rice that is bleached?
Also when you said 700g of rice. Is that cooked rice or uncooked rice?

James Connolly
James Connolly - 03.09.2023 13:44

This video was such a relief. When I was 11 I saw a PETA video that horrified me and went vegan for five years and veg for several years after giving up veganism. Once I reached adulthood I got terribly scared that my time as a vegan in my formative years (and not a rich vegan who could afford super fancy things, though I had tofu and stuff) would have led me to develop problems on account of a self-inflicted nutritional deficiency. This put to rest my fear with regard to protein, but I still fear that I may have not been eating enough B12.

Benutzername - 03.09.2023 11:51

Hell nah
Fuck veganism
Imagine eating rice and beans in one meal as the whole meal 😂 and calling it delicious 😂😂😂

Jacob - 31.08.2023 23:05

Thank you for your content. To the point, thorough explanations, no flashy piss or sensational bullshit make your content a pleasure to watch.

佐藤海翔 - 31.08.2023 09:51

Nope Wrong.

to get enough complete protein is to eat Meat.

why? you mentioned it yourself; the sufficient stabilization quantity.
Therefore, might as well not attempt to even sneeking Communist Game game Tacic here and there.

With other method, are all next to not working. else there won't be skeloton walking around.

Stivo 596
Stivo 596 - 27.08.2023 11:50

Look at the Gorillas they eat only bananas and plants and look at their muscle mass!

Citpelo CITYcit
Citpelo CITYcit - 26.08.2023 12:02

In Germany we dont have these combo❤ but i really like it when i eat the combination ❤

Shubhanshu Jain
Shubhanshu Jain - 26.08.2023 06:15

Most Indians just live on Dal-Chawal (Lentils-Rice) and it works for them.

Glen H
Glen H - 26.08.2023 03:45

I don't eat rice or any food that is high in carbs. You don't need it. If you have a healthy metabolism than you can eat rice and get away with it. Other wise, avoid it.

JJ Jones
JJ Jones - 24.08.2023 18:13

As a plant-based eater, it is important to always eat as diverse as possible to get to keep stores of all nutrients in my body.

Moni Bee
Moni Bee - 24.08.2023 16:34

But...in order to get these "complete proteins" you need to eat a greater volume of food. The addition of fiber will make you feel full rather quickly. As a middle aged petite female...non-athlete, that is an excessive amount of energy to get all necessary nutrients. As you age, protein requirements go up, therefore it is logical for someone like myself to invest in animal protein. This is certainly not the case for everyone, which is why it's impossible to expect all 8 billion people to follow the same type of diet. This doesn't even consider medical or genetic issues.

M - 24.08.2023 07:33

By leaving out meat it kinda reinforces another myth - that it's possible to have good health with just vegan food. If you eat meat, you don't need to worry about combining aminoacids from different foods.

Scrumpy Jake
Scrumpy Jake - 22.08.2023 19:53

Loved this, but that's a sweet potato not a yam.

Simon_dot_com - 21.08.2023 22:00

Well, not all protein is equal. Bioavailability is important, keep on reading my man. Check low carb under channel.

Jean Canestri
Jean Canestri - 21.08.2023 09:04

Isn't there a couple of aminoacids that are not that abundant in vegetables? I remember reading a study about that. Not that you can't have them all on vegetables alone, but you have to watch your diet for those if you are on a restrictive diet, like vegetarian or vegan.

W Hy
W Hy - 21.08.2023 04:10

I LOVE this video!!

ObeyNoLies - 19.08.2023 07:08

Sorry, you're wrong. The issue isn't that plants don't have amino acids, the problems with plant protein are:
1. Much of the protein is locked up in fibre.
2. The actual DIAAS absorption rate is low.
3. MUCH more protein, calories and intake are required for anywhere near the same level of nutrition.
Plant nutrition is objectively sub par compared to animal products. I'm sorry if you don't like that.

Stelleen - 18.08.2023 15:25

I have RA and had to switch to animal based because it's the only thing that helps me not have inflammation. I can eat some vegetables, but zero sugar and zero grains or processed food. What works for some, doesn't work for other's.

noimnotnice - 16.08.2023 11:23

If you think you can get any meaningful amount of protein from potatos or rice, or you can guzzle down toxin-laden beans, be my guest.

There is no 'high-quality' plant-protein. This video is disinfo.

deenz martin
deenz martin - 15.08.2023 08:47

non animal foods are inherently inferior

Dan Brown
Dan Brown - 15.08.2023 03:28

"the clear consensus view ..." I threw up a little in my mouth on that statement. Whatever happen to real science, I am disappoint.

Mlg Fails
Mlg Fails - 13.08.2023 20:19

How does this compare to how your body digests or absorbs protein from certain sources compared to others. And what about the fact that most food not being in season and or picked early often leads it to have less nutritional value then it does to begin with? Some people can’t afford organic so the quality of certain foods would be lowered

Boomerix - 12.08.2023 23:15

Hmmmm....can we consider eggs to be "seeds" as well? After all it has all that is needed to develop a baby chick.

Tony Hutchins
Tony Hutchins - 12.08.2023 04:04

Meat is not the ONLY way to get high-quality protein, but it is definitely the best way. Vegan and vegetarian diets aren't particularly healthful for humans. We're omnivores. If someone is a vegan for ethical reasons, I get it, but please don't push it for health.

1m2ogaming - 11.08.2023 14:07

Considering RDI for Protein is super low and most people don't get enough protein worrying about this bullshit as complete protein seems worthless. Just eat more protein. If you care about quality eat lean meats, add protein powder and you're at decent spot.

Peter goes to Hollywood
Peter goes to Hollywood - 09.08.2023 01:03

yeah, we will see about that.

IAmAgainst - 07.08.2023 20:00

It's not the "protein combining" myth but the "vegetable protein" myth. No matter how you combine it it's still vegetable protein.

Alex Wall
Alex Wall - 07.08.2023 17:05

That Fetch thing is awful! It just selling your data that youre giving it!

Casey James
Casey James - 07.08.2023 03:35

Great video man. When I was trying to be vegan and not eating enough calories I was highly deficient in protein. The problem is that it can be hard for those new to eating plant based to eat enough fiber and therefore they eat less, and/or don’t eat enough variety to get enough amino acids. I love how your video explains the nuance of it all very well. But even tho you can eat a lot of one food and technically get enough I think variety is still the way to go, because it’s better to be able to eat less and fast more than to have to constantly eat to keep your nutrients up imo.

Lena Paul's Stepbrother
Lena Paul's Stepbrother - 06.08.2023 15:51

I‘m just glad that I‘m an omnivore (and Gymbro) and don‘t need to stress about these things.

tatianaacademy - 05.08.2023 15:51

super! thanks! very frankly and human!!!

Daily Dose of Existence
Daily Dose of Existence - 05.08.2023 13:39

Well the people who say protein combining is a "myth" say it for a reason (I though it's not a myth) It's because there are people in the other side of the spectrum who believe these are superior to meat or other whole protein sources or say they are better (cough cough vegans) and mostly importantly people who eat these combinations tend to forget that most of these foods(rice, wheat etc) are not a major protien sources, Yes they do have protein just like meat whey protein has carbs.

Jolt Jolt
Jolt Jolt - 05.08.2023 00:50

If we all became vegans, we'd not be able to grow enough food on the planet. We need animal food.

1-HITTER - 02.08.2023 14:53

Meat is best!!

Gabriel Barrantes
Gabriel Barrantes - 01.08.2023 03:54

You all should come to a third world country and see how people eating a grain based diet grow, spoiler we are short AF... Whoever is promoting not eating meat has never experienced starvation...

genau televishn
genau televishn - 31.07.2023 20:50

yeah,that's why vegans always have dark circles around their eyes and look unhealthy and dyel.
sry my dude but I'm not buying this
i prefer to observe reality myself

Weeb Master
Weeb Master - 31.07.2023 19:58

This video leaves out the super important caveat that a relatively small amount of meat completely outclasses every single plant or plant combo in pure amino acid content. There is no plant or set of plants that can match either the protein amount or the amino acid balance of a good chicken breast by weight. Also, some nutritional scientists argue that the current protein standards are too low. Studies also show that most Americans aren’t hitting those low standards already. and also there is evidence that amino acid balance is directly tied to height

Maria Claudia
Maria Claudia - 29.07.2023 15:04

Rice, beans, a meat and a salad are the components of the Prato Feito, the standard Brazilian everyday plate. We praise rice and beans since ever.
