This YouTuber is Officially Cancelled | illymation Drama, Stellar Blade Discourse, CDawg & More

This YouTuber is Officially Cancelled | illymation Drama, Stellar Blade Discourse, CDawg & More


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@Nyhilist_ - 28.03.2024 18:42

Yo Marvel Rivals? female Galactus? smash

@animaltaglits - 28.03.2024 18:31

There's an ad of steven crowder looking at a snuff video on this video. Probably because of the punch in the face coverage.

@ricoguy7849 - 28.03.2024 18:30

Tbh the funny part about all this Hasan talk is it will probably boost his viewership lol

@KittySora - 28.03.2024 18:29

Don't see the problem with female muscular curvy characters and big breast, I have the figure. I love Jojo characters. When I see muscular characters in my favorite shows and movies, it inspires me to keep working out and eating healthy. Feels more like an inspiration than lack of inclusion. My 2 cents.

@provoscarf6466 - 28.03.2024 18:11

For those wondering, the cargo ship had lost power multiple times before hitting the bridge. They did regain power a couple times but then lost power immediately afterwards. My heart goes out to the families effected by this tragedy

@gamejitzu - 28.03.2024 18:03

Yeah that Microsoft message is stupid. Their wording reveals how they think. Objectification and hyper-sexualization of women in media is the core problem. It's not simply the type of body that's being sexualized. But they only target the surface-level, curvy woman = bad. That's so shallow because it even tells people who can't control how they look, or who worked hard to gain their physique that their existence is "problematic", or "enforcing negative gender stereotypes"...

Again, I think it's a genuine problem how women are portrayed in a lot of media. But dense higher-ups who don't understand what they're talking about will never solve these problems. They only care about looking advertiser-friendly.

@sun_berry - 28.03.2024 17:59

Indy makes the news easier to digest. A good baby, ty for sharing him with us Omni <3

@orrellspirit2418 - 28.03.2024 17:56

Gali in anime style in a game was something did not know I needed

@justanotherweirdo11 - 28.03.2024 17:54

Our anti-DEI politicians like I want DIE - Discrimination, Inequity, and Exclusive

@AlRa-fm1kq - 28.03.2024 17:53

men is shows don't look like rl men thats the point i like to draw more realistice females but to be honest i might draw some non organic people i love seeing these inpowered women that don't date anyone cry about stuff like unrealistic standerds when they push the patriarchy on males all the time i have to be some ritch 10% chad to date girls gtf out here with your nonseance same with that woman who sleept with whole poleace force i feel like that storys funny becouse a woman got payed 500,000 after sleeping with all the cops in her state i wish i could get payed 500,000 to do the same women take for granted all the good things they get

@jassonweitz8297 - 28.03.2024 17:53

I made cream cheese frosting, blueberry pancakes for my Brother's Birthday while listening to your video. Was very fun, appreciate your content very much ❤️

@vanconojl - 28.03.2024 17:51

did... did you mean galactus?

@mjw2002mjw - 28.03.2024 17:51

magneto and the punisher were the two characters they shown that you didn't recognize them and the lady is the scarlet witch.

@thewholephil2913 - 28.03.2024 17:39

Nah “Dude with a gun” is the highlight of this day

@AlRa-fm1kq - 28.03.2024 17:19

its ok i miss spelled her name

@AlRa-fm1kq - 28.03.2024 17:16

yes will back to maken moves fuck jada

@thinlion01 - 28.03.2024 17:16

Hassan is a grifter and people are waking up to that

@turkeyman631 - 28.03.2024 17:12

Anyone who watches Hasan at this point is perpetually angry or mentally ill...

@aaronlindsey2219 - 28.03.2024 17:07

Mad respect to Omni for approaching DEI and learning about the topic and truly attempting to understand the breadth and depth of the situation. You’re the most objective news source my man. This is why I watch your stuff, amid the lighthearted internet fun, you always present the more significant news in an objective manner.

@Whiteout-tk6ie - 28.03.2024 17:03

Dude I only knew him for 1 song called coming home and that it

@bycandlelight2957 - 28.03.2024 16:58

Trying to standardize bodytypes is stupid to me imo. Microsoft does not give a shit about "inclusivity" at all. They want advertiser-friendly characters. Humans have made unrealistic looking depictions of themselves since they could paint. If you wanna put boobs on slenderman, you damn well go out there and put boobs on slenderman. Do not live your life consuming only what companies find comfortable putting next to an ad for Coke.

@mizar8585 - 28.03.2024 16:52

First thought I had when I heard someone was punching women was "that's gotta be in NYC". Good to know they live up to their reputation lol

@AlRa-fm1kq - 28.03.2024 16:39

wow people need not to hit females i hate men like this i feel like I'm getting my just deserts for being a asswhole to girls in my 20's~30's i feel bad for these ladys my dad was a coword like this man he use to hit me and my mom

@lgslli - 28.03.2024 16:22

Thing is, as a guy, you can at least try to go to the gym to gain muscles. Has a woman, you can’t go to the gym to get a bigger chest. You can create an hour glass figure by working on your chest and shoulders and then your glutes and thighs, but you’re really not making them big.

@ROBOT1990s - 28.03.2024 16:21

IRS: 👁👄👁 money!!?

@RainWasTaken - 28.03.2024 16:16

There’s an old Vine of KingBach after he got into one of P. Diddy’s house parties and Diddy gets super defensive and asks how he got there. This whole situation made me think of that.

@404_kayjay_not_found - 28.03.2024 16:15

Omni, ain't nothing wrong with not 'taking a side' until you have all the facts. More than anything I wish more people would wait before hastily jumping on either bandwagon. Not siding either way does a lot more for your journalistic integrity than going with the 'popular' take on the situation.

@VoltrenXytech - 28.03.2024 16:06

i would not doubt that its a bunch of guys just following some red pilled trend to punch random distracted women on the street, but i also wanna know what they and everyone around them were doing at that exact moment, because there's no fuckin way none of them were caught on NYC CCTV, and id be willing to bet its multiple people as if it were just one they'd have been jumped already

side note, wow, how hard did they hit that poor blond woman she had a whole ass Hematoma on the side of her head, thats gonna suck to get treated

@_Ciosu.. - 28.03.2024 15:48

She's looks unrealistic ? Uh duh ? Have you ever watch porn ?? Maybe like 30 minutes and you'll find it 🙄

@raritymademydress7094 - 28.03.2024 15:45

It's fair to think he is trolling and he might be, but he's shown how egotistical he is so i wouldn't be surprised if it was more true feelings rather than trolling. I'd bet he really does get an ego hit from seeing such a low number compared to what he is used to

@_Ciosu.. - 28.03.2024 15:44

♪ She's too curvy, controversy !! ♪

BBNO$ - Top gun..

@MikePhantom - 28.03.2024 15:44

lol omni getting hyped over a half assed overwatch clone

@deth2you458 - 28.03.2024 15:41

Its ironic that hassan talks about content like he isnt stealing it

@MikePhantom - 28.03.2024 15:39

good hasan finally looses everything

@whoahanant - 28.03.2024 15:16

Omni: You know how Marvel works this dude with a gun is probably the strongest.

A minute later the dude with a gun turns into one of the strongest beings XD

@MaleficArken - 28.03.2024 15:14

Here is the problem with requiring a verbal response to everything you intend to do. It will ultimately not matter . The individual can quite literally say "Yes" and then AFTER THE FACT say "I never said yes" and you will STILL catch that same case.

1) Many, MANY women, have said that if someone were to ask them constantly to touch them that it would be the biggest turn off. "Can i hug you now? Can I kiss you now? Can I touch your chest now? Can I touch your butt now?" The level of "why can't they get a clue" and the inability for someone to take initiative is part of peoples turn offs. Taking charge is one of the turn ons of many, many, many women . Asking permission to do every little thing is not taking charge. There is a difference in getting turned on when someone asks if they are feeling good (because this is asked during the act itself) vs asking for each individual attempt at a different action.

2) Because "revoking consent after the fact" exists and there is no way to prove it because it would be a "he said/she said" scenario. There is literally no true correct way to go about the situation.

You ask every single time to do something and then they get turned off and tell you that the mood is ruined and then you "catch a case" for being a weird individual asking permission for each and every step and they blast you on socials.
You don't ask and they say that it was unwarranted because you couldnt "read the mood" so you "catch a case" for not asking so they blast you on socials.
You get consent and then they regret it, they say they never consented and you still "catch a case" so they blast you on socials.
You "catch a case" in ALL of these scenarios because it doesnt have to go through a court of law, it is through court of Public Opinion .

You are, quite literally, damned if you do and damned if you dont.

If you dont remember, there was a phase where men were getting video evidence of consent being given and people and courts were saying that it means nothing because they can just withdraw at any time. And it isnt like you are recording your entire encounter to show proof if it was withdrawn or not .

Yeah naw dude. In a game of "He said, She said" the "She" will almost always have the upper hand. Unless we also suddenly forgot about the "Believe All Women" support and the complete attack on the opposite, where men are literally labeled as oppressors simply by being men .

At this point the best way to not "catch a case" would be to completely devoid yourself of any relationships .
Not many people are going to do that.

it is unironically crazy how this has affected my life because I've self sabotaged 3 relationship attempts over a 4 year span because of this bullshit fear of "catching a case" in the event that they just decide "ima screw this person over". And you can never tell because we aren't mind readers and people can, on a whim decide to do a 180 on you and you'd have no idea why. It could be for no reason at all, it could be for clout, we wouldn't know. Again we arent mind reader and it isnt like this is some video game where a red flag must have been shown. That would be an illogical assumption to make.

It's insane how when i was 14 all the way up until I was 23 I never had fear or issues with relationships and I've never had a woman regret or feel bad. It was always amicable and i never had to do this "permission for everything" shit. It was a combination of reading the moment and respecting each other just like how people used to do so back in the day. I still talk to 3 of the women I dated a decade ago regularly via snapchat and text messages. But ever since then I've had to walk on eggshells at the DETRIMENT to possible long lasting relationships I could've had because of this fear of the unknown possibility of someone just doing a 180 and decided to screw someone over due to this crazy indoctrination going on.

And this is because all of this Psy Op shit that people are injecting through social media.

The only one I can trust is myself.

@fiddelydee4423 - 28.03.2024 15:10

Yo. The people who are hitting the women are only black men. Take that how you will, yalls race is becoming an issue.

@DravenUrei - 28.03.2024 15:03

What is wild about the Diddy thing too.... So any of my Drag Queen fans seen that one interview Maddy did with Kerri Colby and she told stories of being an escorts and being hired to go to parties and showed a picture of one of the celebrities she was with and Maddy said "I wasn't expecting a gangster rapper".

...... Starting to think that picture was of Diddy.

@DravenUrei - 28.03.2024 14:59

Katt told yall. If Diddy wants to go party, you got to tell him no.

@TownPortals - 28.03.2024 14:58

Look at Mariams hand in her picture on the news there... That tells you all u need to know about her even before she owned what she owned/owns

@requiem.mp4146 - 28.03.2024 14:53

I live in Harford county Maryland, right next to Baltimore County. Me and my friends went on a joy ride and literally crossed the bridge literally hours before it collapsed. That bridge was such a valuable landmark and it sucks to lose such a beautiful part of charm city. The view from looking out over the bridge was always beautiful even with the murkiness of the water below it
