Former KGB spy on dissention and aftermath | History Calls | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Former KGB spy on dissention and aftermath | History Calls | FULL DOCUMENTARY

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@lourias - 30.01.2024 21:21

Thank you for ORALLY interpretation the words spoken into English!

@SynapseDriven - 26.01.2024 06:41

What a wonderful human being

@minastirith997 - 21.01.2024 18:25

he wasn’t the brightest kgb agent. to show face and to a stupid civilian plus at the said civilian’s house is beyond stupidity at those times. People wouldn’t talk to their brothers about some stuff because you never knew who would “doneset” rat you out to the kgb.

@hanaluong2672 - 18.01.2024 04:03

What a man of integrity!

@tnreprasentog7769 - 15.01.2024 00:32

Just goes to show you how shit socialism and communism is the vast majority of spies that come to the US always end up flipping because they've been brainwashed and lied too... Communism sounds good on paper everybody gets equal things but the person in charge and the bureaucracy always take more and leave everyone else crumbs... I know capitalism has it's faults, but damnit you can come here work your ass off and fucking make it... actually be able to have something which is amazing... I never take for granted how lucky I am to be an American and in my opinion there's way too many Americans who don't realize how lucky they are.... Especially with the left flirting with Communism and socialist ideals that have a proven track record of never working well...

@empressg9608 - 20.11.2023 23:41

Helper: Your phone is tapped!
Idiot: Hey my friend in the KGB, his name is so and so and says the phone is tapped.
😂😂😂😂 oie vei

@AA-69 - 05.11.2023 11:39

😂And Now America has it's own KGB ..... 24hr surveillance... Good old CIA 👍...

@dakotaosterman9751 - 03.11.2023 19:20

Great video but, there is fucking ads ecery 2 minutes

@edwhitson9873 - 03.11.2023 02:21

I refuse to believe after all these years he cant speak English. So its propaganda for Russians

@a.hikmetancel826 - 30.10.2023 11:35

Putin,zelinski.polonyalilar,Putin polonyali garibanın oğluyken, zelinski Polonya ordusunda savaşan subayı Polonya casusu, putinide aynısı Rusya'yı Orta Doğu'daki savaşı süreklilendirerek yeni cepheleri devamlı açarak Rus cariyim diyerek halklari kandirarak Rusya'yı içinden, ortadoğusuyla dağıtmaya yok ettirmeye çalışanı ikiside. Onların en iyisini Polonya biliyor
A.Hikmet Ançel
Putin emrindekileriyle İsrail pentegonla birlikteyken pentegon gizli tarikatı subayları incile el basarak Rusya'yı yok edecegimize söz verirken burdaha Rusya diye bir yer olmayacak her yerde Rus askerlerini alirlarken bolsevikleri.orta doğuya yok etmeye süren Putin ordusunu bilerek yok ettirirken pentegon üsleriyle ele g ciriyorlar Rus askerlerini sonrada türkler yaptı diyenleri.

@a.hikmetancel826 - 30.10.2023 11:24

Putin emrindekileriyle İsrail pentegonla birlikteyken pentegon gizli tarikatı subayları incile el basarak Rusya'yı yok edecegimize söz verirken burdaha Rusya diye bir yer olmayacak her yerde Rus askerlerini alirlarken bolsevikleri.orta doğuya yok etmeye süren Putin ordusunu bilerek yok ettirirken pentegon üsleriyle ele g ciriyorlar Rus askerlerini sonrada türkler yaptı diyenleri.

@Mr.Monta77 - 28.10.2023 12:38

Pity that the KGB still is in control over the Russian Federation. But not forever.

@ekim000 - 22.10.2023 18:53

What an absolute hero Orekhov is. Few of us would live up to his example. How could Morozov have been so stupid as to tell anyone about his source? It boggles the mind.

@gregjones1537 - 22.10.2023 10:02

A man with a Soul, The World needs more of you, Especially in these very testing times.

@patmcstuff671 - 15.10.2023 23:30

That KGB general is stupid

@margyeoman3564 - 12.10.2023 08:49

What a twisted liar that head of the 5th dept. is. Or he loved duping himself with his own narrative; worked well for him. Still duped.

@stanleyhall6801 - 10.10.2023 06:52

What an honorable human being

@karlmeyer9473 - 09.10.2023 01:32

Scum. I hope Mr Putin finds and corrects all of these dissidents.

@orccomputers2145 - 01.10.2023 23:56

lmao what a joke

@jamesgraham6122 - 30.09.2023 15:52

And this is a record of the sick authoritarian society that Putin, as an ex-KGB agent is attempting to recreate.

@bondniko - 29.09.2023 14:52

From what I learned over these decades, the dissidents were just as bad, in their own special way, as the government and the kgb.

@yurik360 - 29.09.2023 09:47

General Trofimov was machine gunned down with his wife in their car in front of their apartment building. Their daughter survived. He was also a chief of internal investigations within KGB and had video tapes implicating young officer named Vladimir Putin in sodomy with little boys. His protege Colonel Litvinenko was poisoned with Polonium in his tea in London. He had seen the footage.

@yurik360 - 29.09.2023 09:03

Translations are not complete, still thank you for finally bringing the hero to the light.

@georgeprince6518 - 28.09.2023 06:23

Very interesting guy may God bless America that accepted him and offer him a new life.

@tanbir-ul-israq9577 - 27.09.2023 22:28

Another western propaganda. Aged like fine wines! 😂 This is 2023 and apart from a dumbvvvfuck nobody cares about these stooges of a dysfunctional and oppressive capitalist camp. So predictable! Come up with some new kind of script.

@tanbir-ul-israq9577 - 27.09.2023 22:27

Another western propaganda. Aged like fine wines! 😂 This is 2023 and apart from a dumbfuck nobody cares about these stooges of a dysfunctional and oppressive capitalist camp. So predictable! Come up with some new kind of script.

@ConstantinDobringica-nc4ow - 27.09.2023 04:26

Bravo ! ❤😂

@phantompanther648 - 23.09.2023 05:17

KGB .. … ( lnitials for ‘Committee for State Security ‘….)

@marciareeves5752 - 20.09.2023 06:09

I read Gulag Archipelago upon my Uncle's urging. It was shocking. He also had his wife watch Godfather to see the evil in people. She got tickled on the horse scene. She knows there is evil people. She has her way of dealing with things.

@matthewreid6240 - 17.09.2023 16:16

Victor harakov.has a heart for helping people he's a real human,very sad to see how he is forcefully deprive of the opportunity of living in and enjoy the culture of his homeland,it's a similar case to the Edward snowden story,hope they make the best of the bad situation that they are force into.

@bledaristrefi295 - 14.09.2023 23:47

Same exact thing was in Albania for almost 45 years … what Sigurimi equivalent of KGB did to people surveillance 24/7 365…

@murrayeldred3563 - 10.09.2023 03:37

Incredible man.

@danerwinde7717 - 07.09.2023 13:43

when people ask, "what is the true definition of the Russian Spirit?" we should think of this man Viktor Orekhov. Not the current influencing regime in Russia. But rather a very complex man whose utter existence/past choices forced him to leave his homeland and travel somewhere very different, he should be hailed a hero in his homeland rather than forgotten.

@ryanwhitney5518 - 07.09.2023 05:33

Russian cigarettes..

@jophoenix3919 - 04.09.2023 14:02

As Russia becomes more open the usa gets more closed. interesting.

@heywoodjablowme8120 - 02.09.2023 05:36

Have him tell Putin to chill

@omemaskema9012 - 30.08.2023 10:14

So inshort u sighnup in kgb to kudt die n or be the killer that's it

@worldrover436 - 24.06.2023 22:39

From HERO to Pizza Hut driver!?!?!? How sad!!!!! What a great great man!

@nachman5570 - 02.06.2023 14:24

If it makes him feel better 😮

@saturninkepa4915 - 26.05.2023 08:19

Amazing person. Loved this story, just goes to show you that even in the midst of the scary brutal KGB of the 1970s there was an outcrop of humanity in the heart of one of the agents who did his best to help those who were facing unfair treatment. This guy is an angel and a hero to his country. Wish him the best and hopefully if not this life, he will be rewarded for his sacrifice in the next. I loved the fact that at the end he was delivering pizza hut door to door... imagine ordering a pizza and not knowing that a big time KGB agent is the one that brought you that pizza... too bad he feels that in his later years he is not getting the fulfilment that he wishes for, his skills wasted on delivering food. Victor, in my heart you are true pillar and a credit to the entire world.

@robsting5414 - 20.05.2023 20:30

what has changed since then? absolutely nothing Putin is doing the same thing only within some reason , it's the same cats only in different bag. Government should be afraid of the people not other way around because people are the reason why this government is there in the first place. Same with the pro boxers , they thank f promoters and other pussies for making the fight when the fighter is the reason why this fight is happening . Have some pride in yourself f them all embarrass them get rid of them if necessary but never ever forget who you are and what comes first. It's definitely not money. That's called wife is wearing the pants in the house , people are ok with that. Tate only can talk about prostitutes but in reality his one of them does it without realising it himself with all the millions in his bank account! would yous at it's no amizing how wild works ,how easy people are played ,I think it is.

@celest4u314 - 17.05.2023 00:24

Make a playlist of spies etc

@paddyneill1964 - 15.05.2023 17:07

Bravo Zulu Mr. Orekhov. You're a very brave man and a hero to many.

@davidmalloy9462 - 13.05.2023 06:14

Since this gentleman had by the time of this Documentary lived in the USA for sometime, ... WHY ... is the interview not done in ENGLISH rather than RUSSIAN ???

@ThisNinjaSays_ - 06.05.2023 14:42

No one has been more successful in propagating Russophobia than Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

@ThisNinjaSays_ - 06.05.2023 14:15

After watching many documentaries about USSR high ranking officials who defected to the US during the cold war and then Russian defectors afterwards, I am inclined to believe that perhaps the average Russian does not like their country.
Maybe, it is time for the Russian government to just bend the knee to the US, like the EU. We all saw the Russian draft dodgers running off to NATO countries that arm Ukraine and others to former Soviet Republics.
During the Vietnam War, US draft dodgers ran off to Canada, Mexico and Sweden mostly. They did not run off to America's enemies, unlike the Russians of 2022/2023 who run off to NATO member countries.

When you're average citizen is not interested in becoming a powerful sovereign country, then it might be time for the state policy makers to give up.

Russians such as Solzhenitsyn, Khodorkovsky, Nina Khrushcheva etc have cemented the idea that Russia is a backward, murderous state in the western imagination.

@Lurker1979 - 01.05.2023 01:37

A hero for sure.

@martinthemillwright - 30.04.2023 01:42

Crazy how that idiot Morozov ruined everything. Idiots will always destroy what they don’t understand.

@Calidore1 - 29.04.2023 23:12

After a youth spent dicing with the KGB he won't find middle age as exciting anywhere unless he is prepared to find some more wrongs to set right, maybe in his own psyche. But the USA is a great country with ideals and values and spirituality, and doubt and sadness and plenty to make one wonder at the universal condition of man....

@vascoapolonio2309 - 29.04.2023 00:01

Absolut Power Corrupts Absolutely, but i still believe Comunism is the best Political and Economic Regime next to Perfection. Selling Democracy is a Capitalist manouver to Control and Exploit Common People.
