Classical Music Type Trap Beat | Orchestral | Dark | Baroque - 'Celestial' prod. by Genuist

Classical Music Type Trap Beat | Orchestral | Dark | Baroque - 'Celestial' prod. by Genuist


3 года назад

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@Mdm096-rh9bm - 25.10.2023 01:48

That’s some quality shit right here! Got you a new subscriber sir! 💪🏽

@boikanyothomas-fk6jd - 18.10.2023 14:47

Celestial typa beats is one of my favourites thats lustrous my respect

@denilsonsilva7449 - 16.09.2023 16:14

Essa batida mista trap combinação com crucificação de Jesus a letra mais certa ou posso estar enganado os passos são dele tudo leva a ele

@t-livy - 29.07.2023 22:46

T'entend ces voix dans ma tête
Jcapte pas c'quelle me demande de faire
Et si d'main elle font la fête
Je crois que plus rien ne m'arrête

@adrielwinner - 15.07.2023 01:26

Como hago para comprar ese beat

@muhammetturkylmaz4505 - 14.07.2023 04:56

kimseyi içeri almadım ama değil rengim sarı nerdeyim bilmiyorum artık biri versin şu kararı
hepinize doğrulttum bu değil namlunun asıl planı
bi ben bi sen bi düş bi düşün sanki mahşerin dört atlısı
bu kafa çok bulanık durmuyor olsa da sabahın altısı
fazla zorlamaya gerek yok elbet bu su bulur anlamı

kolay olsa gir tabi
eski kasa değil yeni
yapay kafa bil yani
rota sorma sür abi sen
araç gibi bozuk neşem
radyoda çalan bülent
kalbim gibi kapan bu yer
girme abi sağlam girer
yollar bozuk hava bozuk moral de bozuk
beni tanıma be abi devam et yolun uzun
araba da halim gibi çıkamıyo yokuş
sormadan yaktım bu değildir bence tek sorun
beni göre göre el atan dayı gibisin
arada unutuyom asıl olayı hatırlatabilirsin
bu sokaklar harbiden dar hatırlatıyo bana seni
karar verildi artık içinde olduğum taksi kadar müsaitim
sikimde değil abi dolaştır sen
sen mutlu ol bari değilken ben
sebebi bulamadıkça yakınlaşır yer
nedenler çok meşgul müsaitken ben

ben de kimseyi içeri almadım ama değil rengim sarı
gerçekten nerdeyim bilmiyorum artık biri versin şu kararı
hepinize doğrulttum bu değil namlunun asıl planı
bu kafa çok bulanık durmuyor olsa da sabahın altısı
bi ben bi sen bi düş bi düşün sanki mahşerin dört atlısı
fazla zorlamaya gerek yok elbet bu su bulur anlamı

@successdtv - 31.05.2023 01:39

The beat beat is so sweet ❤

@XaltedWon - 17.05.2023 23:58

my energy stays flexible,gathered like collectables
never stale,clever spell,sell it at the festival,
dreamin,whats the meanin?
is he demon or celestial?/
schemin while they cleanin house,screamin mouse
the scene,i seen it all before
i'm freeman on the floor
bitches grub hub delivery/my semen to their door

@nidalsejean2492 - 23.03.2023 22:14

Tes rappeurs me font de la peine
De la peine retranscrit dans mes poème
Mes poèmes raconte la vie des bohèmes
Mais les bohèmes fuck l’avis des poètes
Les poètes n’écoutent pas l’avis des rageux
Debiter sur l’instru comme si j’avais un sort de rage

@BIGBOOM2077 - 16.03.2023 00:01


@AnimeTrailersClips - 09.03.2023 20:40

Now am inspired to make a beat like this 🤧🤧

@miggz5457 - 08.03.2023 23:01

You had to ruin the beat with the portrait your track today

@antoninonicotra6355 - 10.01.2023 00:37

Sick melody. I like it❤️

@ericdean1188 - 07.01.2023 03:52

•Go.!?; Alright.!?; Hello World.!?; I’m introverted extroverted casual conscience of sociology of mathematics of being human of life.!?; Attention of Focus.!?; Done.!?; Quit.!?

•Quit.!?; Done.!?; Focus of Attention.!?; Life of Human being.!?; of mathematics.!?; of sociology.!?; of conscience.!?; casual.!?; extroverted.!?; introverted.!?; I’m.!?; World Hello.!?; Alright.!?; Go.!?


•Does a perception exist for a reasoning of the intelligence itself to be interpreted by people.!?; have a practicing mathematics for attention of focus for casual conscience.!?

•Could they answer this question.!?; setting the intuition to understand it.!?

@ericdean1188 - 07.01.2023 03:51

•black (blăk).!?
•black·er.!?; black·est.!?
•1. Being of the color black.!?; producing or reflecting comparatively little light and having no predominant hue.!?
•2. Having little or no light.!?: a black.!?; moonless night.!?
•3. also.!?; Black.!?
•a. Of or belonging to a racial group having brown to black skin.!?; especially one of African origin.!?: the black population of South Africa.!?
•b. Of or belonging to an American ethnic group descended from African peoples having dark skin.!?; African American.!?
•4. Very dark in color.!?: rich black soil.!?; black.!?; wavy hair.!?
•5. Being a trail.!?; as for skiing.!?; marked with a sign having a black diamond.!?; indicating a high level of difficulty.!?
•6. Soiled.!?; as from soot.!?; dirty.!?: feet black from playing outdoors.!?
•7. Evil.!?; wicked.!?: the pirates' black deeds.!?
•8. Cheerless and depressing.!?; gloomy.!?: black thoughts.!?
•9. Being or characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor.!?: a black comedy.!?
•10. Marked by anger or sullenness.!?: gave me a black look.!?
•11. Attended with disaster.!?; calamitous.!?: a black day.!?; the stock market crash on Black Friday.!?
•12. Deserving of.!?; indicating.!?; or incurring censure or dishonor.!?: “Man ... has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands.!?”; (Rachel Carson).!?
•13. Wearing clothing of the darkest visual hue.!?: the black knight.!?
•14. Served without milk or cream.!?: black coffee.!?
•15. Appearing to emanate from a source other than the actual point of origin.!? Used chiefly of intelligence operations.!?: black propaganda.!?; black radio transmissions.!?
•16. Disclosed.!?; for reasons of security.!?; only to an extremely limited number of authorized persons.!?; very highly classified.!?: black programs in the Defense Department.!?; the Pentagon's black budget.!?
•17. Chiefly British.!?; Boycotted as part of a labor union action.!?
•a. The achromatic color value of minimum lightness or maximum darkness.!?; the color of objects that absorb nearly all light of all visible wavelengths.!?; one extreme of the neutral gray series.!?; the opposite being white.!? Although strictly a response to zero stimulation of the retina.!?; the perception of black appears to depend on contrast with surrounding color stimuli.!?
•b. A pigment or dye having this color value.!?
•2. Complete or almost complete absence of light.!?; darkness.!?
•3. Clothing of the darkest hue.!?; especially such clothing worn for mourning.!?
•4. also.!?; Black.!?
•a. A member of a racial group having brown to black skin.!?; especially one of African origin.!?
•b. An American descended from peoples of African origin having brown to black skin.!?; an African American.!?
•5. Something that is colored black.!?
•6. Games.!?
•a. The black-colored pieces.!?; as in chess or checkers.!?
•b. The player using these pieces.!?
•7. The condition of making or operating at a profit.!?: worked hard to get the business back into the black.!?
•blacked.!?; black·ing.!?; blacks.!?
•verb.!?; transitive verb.!?
•1. To make black.!?: blacked their faces with charcoal.!?
•2. To apply blacking to.!?: blacked the stove.!?
•3. Chiefly British.!?; To boycott as part of a labor union action.!?
•verb.!?; intransitive verb.!?
•To become black.!?
•Phrasal Verb.!?:
•black out.!?
•1. To lose consciousness or memory temporarily.!?: blacked out at the podium.!?
•2. To suppress.!?; (a fact or memory.!?; for example.!?); from conscious recognition.!?: blacked out many of my wartime experiences.!?
•3. To cover or make illegible with black marking.!?: The names in the document had been blacked out.!?
•4. To prohibit the dissemination of.!?; especially by censorship.!?: blacked out the news issuing from the rebel provinces.!?
•5. To extinguish or conceal all lights that might help enemy aircraft find a target during an air raid.!?
•6. To extinguish all the lights on.!?; (a stage.!?).
•7. To cause a failure of electrical power in.!?: Storm damage blacked out much of the region.!?
•8. To suppress the broadcast of.!?; (an event or program.!?) from an area.!?: blacked out the football game on local TV stations.!?
•[Middle English blak, from Old English blæc; see bhel-1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.].!?
•black′ish.!?; adjective.!?
•black′ly.!?; adverb.!?
•black′ness.!?; noun.!?

@ericdean1188 - 07.01.2023 03:51

•white (wīt, hwīt).!?
•1. The achromatic color of maximum lightness.!?; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths.!?; the complement or antagonist of black.!?; the other extreme of the neutral gray series.!? Although typically a response to maximum stimulation of the retina.!?; the perception of white appears always to depend on contrast.!?
•2. The white or nearly white part.!?; as.!?:
•a. The albumen of an egg.!?
•b. The white part of an eyeball.!?
•c. A blank or unprinted area.!?; as of an advertisement.!?
•3. One that is white or nearly white.!?; as.!?:
•a. whites.!?; Pieces of laundry having a white or nearly white color.!?
•b. whites.!?; White pants or a white outfit of a special nature.!?: tennis whites.!?
•c. whites.!?; The white dress uniform of the US Navy or Coast Guard.!?
•d. A white wine.!?
•e. A white pigment.!?
•f. A white breed.!?; species.!?; or variety of animal.!?
•g. Any of various butterflies of the subfamily Pierinae.!?; characteristically having chiefly white wings often with black markings.!?
•h. also.!?; White A member of a racial group having light-colored skin.!?; especially when of European origin and in some classifications also when of Middle Eastern or North African origin.!?
•i. often whites.!?; Products of a white color.!?; such as flour.!?; salt.!?; and sugar.!?
•4. Games.!?
•a. The white or light-colored pieces.!?; as in chess.!?
•b. The player using these pieces.!?
•a. The outermost ring of an archery target.!?
•b. A hit in this ring.!?
•6. whites.!?; Medicine Leukorrhea.!?
•7. White.!?; A member of a conservative or counterrevolutionary faction.!?; especially one opposing the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war.!?
•whit·er.!?; whit·est.!?
•1. Being of the color white.!?; devoid of hue.!?; as new snow.!?
•2. Approaching the color white.!?; as.!?:
•a. Weakly colored.!?; almost colorless.!?; pale.!?: white wine.!?
•b. Pale gray.!?; silvery and lustrous.!?: white hair.!?
•c. Bloodless.!?; blanched.!?
•3. Light or whitish in color or having light or whitish parts.!? Used with animal and plant names.!?
•4. also.!?; White Of or belonging to a racial group of people having light-colored skin.!?; especially when of European origin.!?; and in some classifications also when of Middle Eastern or North African origin.!?: voting patterns within the white population.!?
•5. Habited in white.!?: white nuns.!?
•6. Accompanied by or mantled with snow.!?: a white Christmas.!?
•a. Incandescent.!?: white flames.!?
•b. Intensely heated.!?; impassioned.!?: white with fury.!?
•8. White Of or relating to a conservative or counterrevolutionary faction.!?; especially one opposing the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war.!?
•9. With milk added.!? Used of tea or coffee.!?
•10. Archaic.!?; Unsullied.!?; pure.!?
•transitive verb.!?
•whit·ed.!?; whit·ing.!?; whites.!?
•Printing To cover or make illegible with white coloring.!? Often used with out.!?
•[Middle English, from Old English hwīt; see kweit- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
•white′ness.!?; noun.!?

@ericdean1188 - 07.01.2023 03:50

•red (rĕd).!?
•a. The hue of the long-wavelength end of the visible spectrum.!?; evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 630 to 750 nanometers.!?; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation and whose hue resembles that of blood.!?; one of the additive or light primaries.!?; one of the psychological primary hues.!?
•b. A pigment or dye having a red hue.!?
•c. Something that has a red hue.!?
•a. often.!,; Red A Communist.!?
•b. A revolutionary activist.!?
•3. The condition of being in debt or operating at a loss.!?: The firm has been in the red all year.!?
•red·der.!?; red·dest.!?
•1. Having a color resembling that of blood.!?
•2. Reddish in color or having parts that are reddish in color.!?: a red dog.!?; a red oak.!?
•a. Having a reddish or coppery skin color.!?
•b. often.!?; Red.!?; Often Offensive Of.!?; or being a Native American.!?
•4. Having a ruddy or flushed complexion.!?: red with embarrassment.!?
•5. Relating to or being a red state.!?
•6. often.!?; Red Communist.!?
•[Middle English, from Old English rēad; see reudh- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
•red′ly.!?; adverb.!?
•red′ness.!?; noun.!?

@ericdean1188 - 07.01.2023 03:49

•blue (blo͞o).!?
•1. The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo.!?; evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.!?; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation.!?; whose hue is that of a clear daytime sky.!?; one of the additive or light primaries.!?; one of the psychological primary hues.!?
•a. A pigment or dye imparting this hue.!?
•b. Bluing.!?
•a. An object having this hue.!?
•b. Dress or clothing of this hue.!?: The ushers wore blue.!?
•a. A person who wears a blue uniform.!?
•b. blues.!?; A dress blue uniform.!?; especially that of the US Army.!?
•5. often.!?; Blue.!?
•a. A member of the Union Army in the Civil War.!?
•b. The Union Army.!?
•6. A bluefish.!?
•7. Any of various small blue butterflies of the subfamily Polyommatinae.!?
•a. The sky.!?
•b. The sea.!?
•blu·er.!?; blu·est.!?
•1. Of the color blue.!?
•2. Bluish or having parts that are blue or bluish.!?; as the blue spruce and the blue whale.!?
•3. Having a gray or purplish color.!?; as from cold or contusion.!?
•4. Wearing blue.!?
•5. Being a trail.!?; as for skiing.!?; marked with a sign having a blue square.!?; indicating an intermediate level of difficulty.!?
•6. Relating to or being a blue state.!?
•a. Gloomy.!?; depressed.!? See Synonyms at depressed.!?
•b. Dismal.!?; dreary.!?: a blue day.!?
•8. Puritanical.!?; strict.!?
•9. Aristocratic.!?; patrician.!?
•10. Indecent.!?; risqué.!?: a blue joke.!?; a blue movie.!?
•trans.!?; & intr.!?; verb.!?
•blued.!?; blu·ing.!?; blues.!?
•To make or become blue.!?
•blue in the face.!?
•At the point of extreme exasperation.!?: I argued with them until I was blue in the face.!?
•into the blue.!?
•At a far distance.!?; into the unknown.!?: spontaneously take a trip into the blue.!?
•out of the blue.!?
•1. From an unexpected or unforeseen source.!?: criticism that came out of the blue.!?
•2. At a completely unexpected time.!?: a long-unseen friend who appeared out of the blue.!?
•[Middle English blue, bleu, from Old French bleu, of Germanic origin; see bhel-1 in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
•blue′ly.!?; adverb.!?
•blue′ness.!?; noun.!?

@orangebud5237 - 01.01.2023 21:42

les soldats au village, ont chassés le savoir par les armes,
c'est le feu par le feu ou le mal par le mal,
les soldats, le village, qui est qui, qui fait quoi, qui prône quoi, au final ?
le manoir va fermer ses portes, sors, les pensées sont mordors,
les pensées sont morbides, j'me plains pas y'a des morts dehors,
mais j'me sent comme un mort, vide, j'sors pas y''a des morts dehors,
le manoir a fermé ses portes, dors, le banquet a parqué les porcs,
les intrus sabotèrent y'a plus d'France télécom, genre ?
Les hommes arriverons quand les gens dorment,
à l'heure où l'carrosse deviens citrouille, horde de soldat et la campagne devient si rouge,
bientôt on prie, bateaux ont pris, rafales sur la coque et six coulent,
j'approche mon six coups, j'affable sur la prose est-ce si cool ?
cachez les femmes et les autres, lassés des fables et des proses
sauvages ont cassé des portes et des hommes,
les intrus sabotèrent y'a plus d'france télécom.

@lustral384 - 01.12.2022 00:06

çok kere kazdım bulamadım andımı
bana kalana kadar biliyordun sen
beni yordun sen
hep bi masaldan seviyordun sen
biliyordum edemedim af
sıcak kabanlara giremedim affet
o gün beraber yürüyorduk
bana acıyarakta baktın sen
Kabul et kabul et bunu
Herşeyi sildim küller şahit
korkularla bakma ben mi kimdim
Her bi merdiveni kendim indim
bahçelerden alınmış bi gözle
dikilme tekrar,silinmez her yar
gülmene yok gereği dönde git
bi dahaki sefere bi derin mezar kaz
dilimde var gibi veryansın
ama yoksun ama olmaz git
Bak yine yol var git
çünkü sen bana bi gerdansın
Ölümle etmem bu son dansı
Fikirlerimede bi ket vuramazsın
düş dünyama bi kubar dahası
kumarla oldum babamlan aynı

herşey benim üzerime
düşemem yine ben yeni düzenine
üzülüyo beri gelip binip üzerine
mercedes veya kenef üzerine
sahte hayatlara sahte dertler
acılar anlat al kardelenler
sokaklar emin ol daha bi mertti
Dinler misin bi daha neler var
gider yok benim aklımda
neler yok ki bu yeraltında

beni yargılama,merak etme beni
felaket buna bi kefaret bul
de padişahım hilafet ver
Bitince soytarı ihanet der

Aynalarla sırdaş oldu kannım
sarılmadan bant yapıştır asım
kelebeklerden acılara karnım
Alıştı sandım yarıştan aldım
tanışabilene dek barışabilirim
en büyük yalanın adı yaşamaktır
Günah dediğinde yaşamana bağlı
susmak istedim karışana dahi
Kabul ettim kabul ettim
tabulara girmemi istediler
Sert yazardım derdi nesnel ol
Hafiflet az beste meste koy
Küfürlerinle bi yargın var gibi
yanlışsın hepsi karunlar gibi
koşamam yürürüm kaplumbağa gibi
Uyuyamam ki yarın var gibi
Teyzem aldın abimlerden beni
Feyzi aldım alimlerden
Neyzen oldum hakir derken
Deniz oldum ben oysa gezerken
Kalsın dünyanın Pet şişeli
rüşvetli,rüküş külfetli
Bankalarda dolarlı,markalı
ne kurtaracak bizi donanmalar mı
diktatör sokaklarında lamba
Aydınlatıyor bi anarşi kartı
Hepinizin alnına kalaşnikoflar
Sonucunda bak ve kalan kim anla

@HsvPeavey - 10.11.2022 08:31

OhEmCheese this 🔥

@giovannilobos7792 - 04.10.2022 23:09

Brooo, you`r geniuses

@davethebaptist8272 - 03.10.2022 09:14

Sounds like ezio auditore’s spelunking soundtrack

@alexhoornaert7809 - 28.09.2022 14:31

Tomber d'en bas j'sai pas où je suis
Avec les autres ie lâche des soupir
Peur de m'engager peur de souffrir
Peur de plus voir tes beau sourire

Je demande à l'aide tu réponds pas
Je demande au ciel ce qui va pas
Ya que cette femme qui m'aidera
Tu sais je suis meilleur que toi
Ya qu'en la lune que j'ai foi
Elle me réchauffe quand j'ai froid
Avec elle je referai les loi
Elle m'a sauvé quand je me noie
Numéro un je suis le roi
Toujours eu les yeux de mon papa
Être discret sa me va
T'es celle qu'à sali mes drap
Entre nous deux pas de faux pas
Ya pas de lumière tard le soir
Entre nous deux pas d'espoir
Entre nous deux pas d'effort
Je suis pas le plus beau le plus fort
J'essaye d'effacer mes tord
Elle prend mon cœur elle le tord
J'évite souvent les coup du sort
Je me sens pas bien quand je sort
Trop vécu d'histoire trop de mort
J'sui un Bateau a la mere sans port
Je lui dis pardon parfois je m'emporte
Trop de poids sur les épaules que je porte
Moi personne m'a ouvert la porte
Confiance qu'en ma famille ou mes pote
Quand je veille le soir personne m'escorte

Tomber d'en bas j'sai pas où je suis
Avec les autres je lâche des soupir
Peur de m'engager peur de souffrir
Peur de plus voir tes beau sourire

Sortir de la merde pour être heureux
Je me lance dans le game je suis pas peureux
Être avec toi c'est mon seul vœux
Entre nous deux c'est pas un jeux
Jamais de ma vie j'eteindrai le feu
Autour du cou j'ai la faux
Jamais de me vie je lâcherai l'info
J'aime discerner les vrai des faux
Moin de vertus plus de défaut
Les mensonges des autres ne font pas d'effet
Trop de problème je m'enferme defois
Même l'alcool la drogue ne font pas d'effet
Tu sais que je m'enfou des avis des autres
J'aime pas qu'en sur moi reviens la faute
T'es pas mon frère t'es pas des notre
Assez donner pour être des vôtres

Tomber d'en bas j'sai pas où je suis
Avec les autres je lâche des soupir
Peur de m'engager peur de souffrir
Peur de plus voir tes beaux sourires

@LoboLargo - 11.09.2022 19:42

Yo, Big Work ! The prod is only dispo ? ✊🏻

@dezermendoza2000 - 31.08.2022 22:09

3 de la mañana, yo sigo acostado sin sueño
Pensativo, mientras se consume mi leño
Y si me preguntas estoy pensado en el mundo
y en sus siete mares, con posibilidades
de que me vuelva su dueño.
Todo es cuestión de ambición
constancia, voluntad o empeño
Aunque aveces me canse y desgaste
hay un poco de ganancia en ello
no como cuando tú me dejaste
Mal herido, un tanto confundido
Hasta la fecha no me explico
cómo es que eh sobrevivido
Estaré bendecido o maldito eso no lo sé
En un momento te contesto
cuando ami me contesten,
Todo es cuestión de una llamada al más allá
Desde mi telefono el cual no tiene pila
mucho menos señal..
Estoy totalmente descomunicado medio desorientado de tanto que me he desvelado,
Con el pecho caliente y el pensamiento helado
Veo diferente el presente tanto como el pasado
Y qué ha pasado con el futuro que un dia soñé,
Me sentí confiado en una jugada y simplemente lo aposte.
Me quede sin el, aún así me han consolado obsequiando algo que llaman fe

@Leric70Elienwriter - 30.07.2022 08:20

Can I

@Leric70Elienwriter - 30.07.2022 08:20


@Leric70Elienwriter - 30.07.2022 08:20

let me use this beat

@Leric70Elienwriter - 30.07.2022 08:20

Mi fríen

@doncho - 22.06.2022 17:51

The beat is just awesome and epic, too bad for the cut. They are too long.
Respect from france abi.

@A__MO__S - 28.05.2022 13:35

hey sup bossman have a question! If a buy the beat ! Can I make money of it ? Because I just Landed a big project and I need the actual beat ! Without tags ! How can I get in touch with you so u can lissen to the reference ! Currently working with pro logic x ! ( newbie’s lol )

@RoxyStacey6213 - 08.04.2022 09:27

I was just looking up classical type trap beats, and found this. OMG 😱!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥 I had to subscribe

@asherofskrrrtburg3828 - 05.04.2022 18:00

if you don't mind, could you breakdown the structure?

@alejoelsensei - 17.03.2022 08:21

Iam interesed in purchase this

@antoniacorrales9148 - 10.03.2022 04:27

Absolutely outstanding

@bonbonbot8444 - 04.03.2022 21:17

Dyamn i just can not find anyone like you!!!! Amazing work!

@georgesbenehoane - 27.02.2022 20:51


@nikunjsahu1508 - 30.01.2022 09:06

U kill it❤️🔥

@Iguzim014 - 25.01.2022 02:39

Era esss beat que eu estava procurando... muito obrigado

Ответить - 23.01.2022 18:06

A vida ensina a tu não sentir medo
Adrenalina passando no beco
O mundo gira e nos conta dinheiro

@robertwales9681 - 16.01.2022 18:20

Clean crisp beat...on point✌😎🤙

@firefeenex13-77 - 15.12.2021 12:40

Can i got it for free and you get the earnings 🤓

@REMZProductionsQC - 23.11.2021 07:51

Amazing work! Glad I stumbled here hehe
You get my sub!

@cayxine6759 - 22.11.2021 16:42


@bulletrockzz7202 - 12.11.2021 02:04

It sounds like music from dead island tbh

@cheekgyuns - 18.10.2021 02:43

this is sick!!! love it!
