The true cost of fast fashion

The true cost of fast fashion

The Economist

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Sleight of Hand
Sleight of Hand - 02.10.2023 13:17

over the counter culture. the ordinary boys

Reuben - 17.08.2023 02:43

Reuben - 17.08.2023 02:43


Salty Dog
Salty Dog - 29.07.2023 12:49

Looks like a rotten job 😅😅😅😅😅

Eleni Villios
Eleni Villios - 27.07.2023 21:17


Malaya Anderson
Malaya Anderson - 18.05.2023 00:29

I shop at these stores personally, but I also don’t shop often.
I’m not willing to spend a ton on one piece of clothing, when I’ve bought from these stores & kept it for few years.

오늘도 화이팅
오늘도 화이팅 - 12.05.2023 10:28

I was surprised that clothing waste had a big impact on the environment. To solve this problem, clothing companies must carry out eco-friendly projects.
For example, Uniqlo is working on a project to collect old clothes and reform them to make new products.

안서희 - 12.05.2023 10:26

Fast fashion can be severly harmful to the environment, while it has some positive impacts too. It leads mindless consumption and excessive use of resources. It seems to be inevitable, so we should find a way to deal with the result.

Tushig De
Tushig De - 12.05.2023 10:24

Fast fashion is often produced in developing countries where labor laws are weaker, leading to poor working conditions, low wages, and even forced labor. Many workers in the fast fashion industry work long hours for very little pay.

572 sam
572 sam - 12.05.2023 10:23

fast fashion allows us to buy various clothes at cheap price. fast fashion helps people who can't afford luxury brands. also, fast fashion allows people to reveal their style more dynamically. however, environmental damage caused by fast fashion is huge. so we have to slow it down. but, nobody can regulate it by force. so government should give benefits to fashion company who make product eco-friendly. and start recycling policy

Han Park
Han Park - 12.05.2023 10:22

Fast fashion is thought to be an unavoidable
structural system. I think it would be better for companies that lead fashion to change their values on fashion rather than changing the structure itself. For example, I think it is best to make clothes
considering environmental factors, such as making clothes that can be recycled or making clothes that consume less water, etc. Therefore, changing its fashion structure would be impossible, but changing the people's value on fashion could be easier and more effecive.

Hara Jo
Hara Jo - 12.05.2023 10:22

We should make more effort as a society to practice more environmentally conscience choices when purchasing clothes! The massive amounts of carbon dioxide emitted from factories are contributing to air pollution. The earth is not infinitely renewable. We have to take action to protect our environment.

봄이라 Bomeira
봄이라 Bomeira - 12.05.2023 10:21

Fast fashion has a really bad effect on the environment. It is also a problem that the lifespan of clothes is shortened, but I think water pollution is the biggest problem. Synthetic fiber clothing releases microplastics every time it is washed and flows into the sea and rivers. One million tons of microplastics per year come from the process of washing synthetic fibers, accounting for about 35% of microplastics entering the sea.
Various fashion industries are making a lot of efforts to make clothes with sustainable fibers. But this is not a fundamental solution. The most important thing is to reduce the consumption of clothes and to wear clothes purchased for a long time. A study found that doubling the number of clothes can reduce the amount of carbon emitted by the clothing industry by 44%. (조보민)

Hannah - 12.05.2023 10:19

I learned how much the fashion industry contributes to pollution. Especially with the introduction of fast fashion, the environmental pollution became even more severe. I believe that we should now be more aware and make wise decisions. A wise consumer should be able to distinguish a green-washing company from a true ESG company. (Young Lim)

민초왕 - 12.05.2023 10:19

I've got no idea about fashion. But the thing i I want to say is that fashion trend goes round and round as well as going fast. For example, there is jean we call '나팔바지'. The point is, to reduce problem we need to stop throwing away cloths. Because, as it goes round and round we can reuse it or reforming! That will reduce the problem for sure.

Hyunjang Park
Hyunjang Park - 12.05.2023 10:17

I think instead of wearing many trendy clothes, and having a large amount of clothes in our wardrobe, we should focus on buying less but qualified clothes. Having fewer clothes doesn't mean that you are not fashionable and trendy, but being fashionable depends on how you wear not how many clothes you have!

유혜 - 12.05.2023 07:26

Fast fashion is actually a manifestation of growth, but it has a lot of bad effects on the environment and resources. It's also a waste. We should start to change.

김민서 - 12.05.2023 07:23

Fast fashion allows us to buy a variety of clothes at low prices, but our consumption perception is getting wrong. People don't know the importance of clothes and throw them away. In this regard, we must actively learn how to reuse and realize waste and the resulting environmental pollution.

인생 - 12.05.2023 07:23

If a company that sells clothes has a policy or activity for the environment, it would be nice to give various benef its for the company from the government. For example, tax cut

채미 - 12.05.2023 07:21

I should practice minimalism as well! It sure isn't easy but I should still try for the sake of the environment

장채령 - 12.05.2023 07:21

Promoting circular economy models such as recycling, upcycling, and rental systems can help to reduce waste and extend the life of clothing.
Encouraging consumers to buy less and choose quality over quantity can help to reduce the demand for fast fashion and promote more sustainable consumption habits.

가을이 - 12.05.2023 07:20

Slow fashion can protect not only the earth but also the wallet.
If you buy cheap and bad clothes and wear them less for a season, that means that each time you wear them is quite expensive. Bad clothes wear out quickly. However, if you buy strong clothes for a certain price and wear them for years, you can wear them cheaply once you wear them. Rather, it is more expensive because less cheap and poor quality clothes are worn. Wearing high-quality clothes at such a reasonable price can protect not only the environment but also the wallet.

SM Lee
SM Lee - 12.05.2023 07:19

Fast fashion not only causes environmental issues, but also labor problems, overconsumption issues, and quality issues. Rather than consuming fast fashion thoughtlessly, I believe it's important for consumers to choose wisely when they buy, or consume eco-friendly fashion.

이상협 - 12.05.2023 07:19

The trend of fast fashion can be used as a means of generating profits for companies. Consumers will be forced to buy by companies because of the trend, and companies will create endless trends and make consumers passive.Therefore, consumers should strive for independent and critical consumption so as not to be swayed by businesses.

tothewall - 12.05.2023 07:18

It was great shock that our daily wearing has deep side effects on the environment. 
I think that having consciousness on that environmental issue is the first step to have. Also, such as Patagonia, paying attention to the fashion brands that deals with not only beauty but also the social value would be great.

Rahi - 14.04.2023 16:45


Sergio J
Sergio J - 04.04.2023 21:30

Minimalism is one of the best solutions for ending consumerism. The textile industry is the second most pollution industry on the planet.

Chahine05 - 28.03.2023 18:40


Luke Miller
Luke Miller - 23.03.2023 09:04

Love this but the music is distracting. It’s like they used the fast fashion of music as the soundtrack 😂

Zrk Akrapovic
Zrk Akrapovic - 22.02.2023 11:08

Trés bon reportage, je valide fort.
Grosse dédicace à Nath, bisou de la famille hâte de te revoir <3

DAGN MD - 18.02.2023 11:09

Why not question the cause? Let’s have a pressure to consume less, have more pressure to be authentic as a human instead of faking it with fashion and being pressured by fashion.
When will humans come to the point where they find comfort inside them, instead of outside of them?

Amanda Frelke
Amanda Frelke - 25.01.2023 17:44

My high school sophomore English watched this as part of a research unit we're doing focused on the '"fast fashion industry." We are in northern Wisconsin and I think most of us were surprised and appalled at the expanse of waste involved in the industry of fashion. But we were impressed Patagonia's concept and integrity.

БАБА ЯГА - 18.01.2023 12:19

Fashion and Media industry = chronophages. If a person cannot exercise free will following fashion and other occupation-dictatorial trends, then he himself will not be able to come up with anything, let alone step or take off, and it is absolutely pointless to talk about fashion... This is all criminal denial The Divine Essence Freedom of Spirit and self-determination. Or is the right to self-expression, self-realization, diversity, public recognition, beauty, spirituality, culture, elegance, health, flight of fancy and healthy popularity only among the "chosen"???? And who is this appropriator suite for ??? Please note (by deleting or ignoring this comment), this concept is not suitable for quantum reality.

adventure life
adventure life - 07.12.2022 21:05

We should up cycle old clothes into new things. Like masks and reusable bags

Adriana Deborah Allbright-Kaur
Adriana Deborah Allbright-Kaur - 28.11.2022 18:45

As a stringent Vegan who strives (to the best of my ability) to live a cruelty-free lifestyle "all-around", both dietarily and otherwise, in regards to both humans and animals, I've found myself confused over the correct consumeristic consumption that I should be practicing. Since alot of things are made in China, as well as other Asian or non-Asian third-world countries, which are notorious for human rights violations, and since those same products may be non-existent in terms of being made in either the USA or other first-world countries, or if they are being made in the USA or other first-world countries, the prices are more likely extraordinarily higher and unaffordable for alot of people whose income falls below a certain status, it tends to make the situation of viable options for ethically-conscience people like myself to appear bleak and confusing. This can be a difficult issue for ethically-conscious individuals to address, tackle, and contend with in terms of personal decision-making as regards ethical consumeristic consumption.

dipstxr - 20.11.2022 07:00

I am here for AP sem, idk why.

N - 17.11.2022 22:31

We need to instilled the art of appreciation with what we have . To repair the damaged product , to buy less but quality products .

Santiago Miguel
Santiago Miguel - 18.10.2022 21:31

Quien viene por el trabajo de inglés

Jobayer Mahmud
Jobayer Mahmud - 18.10.2022 12:06

buy less, use less, waste less. Consuming more products won't make you successful in life or a better human being.

Marcel Cazobon
Marcel Cazobon - 14.10.2022 11:48

Vraiment intéressant comme vidéo

Samtzyt Crafter
Samtzyt Crafter - 30.08.2022 22:44

This is actually my english class homework, thanks for the great video

Permijit Dunkley
Permijit Dunkley - 03.07.2022 22:52


Mr. John Zussino
Mr. John Zussino - 10.06.2022 17:14

Great video - thanks.

Kimberly Perrotis
Kimberly Perrotis - 08.06.2022 03:17

Just a note: the shipping of all these items is taking a huge environmental toll, too.

Kimberly Perrotis
Kimberly Perrotis - 08.06.2022 03:15

Banning the use of synthetic fibers for clothing and shoes, unless from recycled products, must be banned. They are the biggest problem of all. Consumers - buy only natural, biodegradable fabrics and materials, not synthetics or blends with them, and above all, buy less! Don’t donate anything that isn’t in perfect condition and freshly laundered or scrubbed (for shoes, etc.). The people at the end of the line can’t use this garbage, please respect their dignity! How would you like it if people “gave” you stinky, stained and ripped polyester clothes?

Tercio Lima de Castro
Tercio Lima de Castro - 28.04.2022 02:06

Estou Alinhado contigo Parabéns é isso que precisamos de Ideias Sustentáveis para o Cuidado com a Grande Mãe Parabéns tudo vai melhorar tudo já melhorou melhorando melhorando melhorando

Louna Schaison
Louna Schaison - 18.04.2022 22:53

ty very much

Médina 54
Médina 54 - 25.03.2022 10:33

trop cool
