How I Treated My Chronic Fatigue

How I Treated My Chronic Fatigue

Mark Hyman, MD

7 лет назад

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Ava - 13.10.2023 15:36

Screw doctors outside of the 13 pills they put most Americans on they could really care less if you feel better. And actually searching for a reason or making an effort to help you find an answer keep dreaming. Which is why we’re all googling this and supplementing that and trying to find cures when this is what the doctors should be doing. It’s like the Middle Ages women are treated like mental or emotional hysterics. Me/Cfs aren’t taken seriously, doctor I’m constantly fatigued oh well might as well talk to the wall. Not even checking for adrenal fatigue. And if you have a diagnosis of thyroid or diabetes all symptoms must be related. How about if the medication is what’s making it worse. Doctors do not challenge the status quo even if you feel terrible,. And if the same people who make the drugs make the tests can they be trusted to have accurate results.

Ava - 13.10.2023 15:22

What is the difference between adrenal fatigue and Cfs. And what exactly is ME what causes it? Thanks

Suu Kin Sin
Suu Kin Sin - 04.10.2023 18:42

I took thiamine high dose for 6 months...n cured ❤

Asin Søðöjrn
Asin Søðöjrn - 03.09.2023 18:44

I healed my CFS with low-dose Naltrexone (I took 3mg daily). My CFS was triggered by almost EVERYTHING I ate... certainly anything not paleo + keto (basically fresh organic fruits and veggies and grass fed meat are all I could have). Within 3 weeks of starting LDN, I could eat normal foods again! After 4 or 5 months, the LDN seemed to start causing sleep / wake issues (common when you're on the wrong dose). I got off of a month later and remained symptom free for YEARS! Right up until I took Ashwaganda Root to try it... it re-triggered the autoimmune condition and now I'm back to struggling with food. Sadly, you can only get this through a functional medicine Dr... but going in armed can let LDN be your first line of attack for CFS if you can't afford tests. The medicine is only $60 / 90 day supply. Dosing doesn't change the price, but trying to take it 2x daily doubles the price. You may need a slightly higher dose. My friend (male) needs 4.5 MG to keep his sarcoidosis at bay.

David Patterson
David Patterson - 03.09.2023 08:38

If you had mercury poisoning, then maybe you didn't have CF. Some now believe that CF is caused by a virus.

Sheli - 31.08.2023 20:33

I found b12 injections gave me a lot of energy. I suspected some type of autoimmine issue because I had not felt well for years. I finally ordered a blood test by Cyrex Labs that checks multiple autoimmune markers and found I had elevated antibodies to intrinsic factor. This meant I could not absorb B12 from food or oral supplements. I found a local clinic to get B12 injections but you can also order the B12 online and do it yourself.

stephenwestcole - 30.08.2023 21:54

Functional "medicine" and naturopathy are well-know quackeries cashing in on this difficult condition.

Susan Jannarone
Susan Jannarone - 30.08.2023 13:35

Empty felt highly of you but you’re hoarding info.

Susan Jannarone
Susan Jannarone - 30.08.2023 13:09

If that’s the house call I get for CFS don’t bother.

Generic Watcher
Generic Watcher - 02.08.2023 16:57

I was desperate, but now I am great. This spring I stopped buying any food from grocery stores. I went to local, organic farmers markets. I bought all my dairy, eggs, meat, fruit and vegetables from them. Since it was real food, 2 things. 1) it was a little bit more expensive 2) Real food kept me full longer, so I actually ate less, hence in the long run, spent less. Week 1 was HARD, as my body went through a withdrawal of all the sugar and processed food, week 2 was okay, week 3 was good, by week 4 I was GREAT! I am dreading this winter when my farmers markets close down, I have found the solution, I just don't know how to keep it going... Maybe I need to move south where farmers markets are open 12 months a year?

Nova Iraine
Nova Iraine - 25.07.2023 20:31


Atulit Nirman
Atulit Nirman - 18.07.2023 12:59

Right comments, that's more helpful

Joe Doe
Joe Doe - 15.07.2023 17:23

From the casual and business-like way this guy is treating the subject, and without really saying anything, my feeling is that he is probably lying about having suffered from ME. A slick car salesman out to get your money.

Trey Hart
Trey Hart - 29.06.2023 19:35

Mercury poisoning??? Where did that come from??

Dr. G
Dr. G - 23.06.2023 20:03

This had zero usable information.

Mountain Creek Homestead
Mountain Creek Homestead - 01.05.2023 21:57


Brian Williams
Brian Williams - 28.04.2023 17:21

Margo needed to go Vegan. Would of been healed by now

tsoogi - 25.04.2023 19:13

It should be noted that this doctor probably had chronic fatigue and not chronic fatigue syndrome the two are not the same thing and you are confusing your viewers it’s disingenuous

Rene Clover
Rene Clover - 20.04.2023 16:38

Its almost a laugh because, doctors have access to things we do not, they go through extensive testing to correct things and tailor their diets, they have access to stem cells, all the very expensive things that most don't even know about. So his advice should come with more information on things we would at least know about. He takes alot of supplements, mitochondrial helping ones. He's probably had chelation, etc. Find a healing place people, take out a loan, get your body cleaned out

J Leong
J Leong - 19.04.2023 16:56

I had been suffering from chronic fatigue for the last 2 years after covid. I was unable to function in my work as a real estate agent. I found myself requiring frequent daily naps and needing to conserve energy for afternoon showing appointments. I started seeing a naturopathic doctor this year, and one of the supplements she prescribed was colloidal silver - besides the vitamins etc. I had never heard about ingesting silver before - so I went down this rabbit hole researching it. I came out the rabbit hole discovering sovereign copper and also Morley Robbins book - Cure Your Fatigue - best health book I've read! Before seeing the naturopathic doctor my energy levels were around 40-50%. A month after seeing her, it went to around 55-65%. The following month after following the protocol in the book together with the supplements from my dr (there was an overlap) my energy levels are now around 75-85% and still improving...... and I sleep so much better!! I hope this helps someone out there suffering from fatigue, It certainly helped me!!!!

Joanne Clark
Joanne Clark - 12.04.2023 19:20


Gowtham J
Gowtham J - 12.04.2023 09:56

Anyone needs help with CFS reply me
Feel better

Boro Robo
Boro Robo - 04.04.2023 11:40

This is a good doctor, but it is all about business. Be aware.

Jayreid98 - 31.03.2023 00:00

My feeling is that most experts who claim to have had chronic fatigue, never really had it. just a few weeks feeling off and they label it CFS. it's misleading and frustrating for those that actually have it.

Pluff Mud
Pluff Mud - 27.03.2023 21:35

Zero carb works

Debra Perry
Debra Perry - 17.03.2023 16:57

I've had this since I was a teenager although it wasn't diagnosed until about 10 years ago. I fight through it every day but I try to keep going. With me, it's mind over matter!

Jen Passavant
Jen Passavant - 08.03.2023 15:45

Epstein Barr virus

André Marshall
André Marshall - 02.03.2023 00:02

Part of my recovery from CFS was recovering from trauma. Doctors never seem to think of this. It wasn’t whats wrong with you, it was what happened to you

Michael Pondo
Michael Pondo - 23.02.2023 02:34

Take Co q 10. Omega 33. B complex a multi and lots of veggies.

J P - 02.02.2023 03:59


Baruch - 11.12.2022 01:57

Chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic fatigue are two seperate things. CFS is a complicated chronic illness that affects multiple systems in the body while chronic fatigue can be a consequence of other underlying issues. You had chronic fatigue because of an underlying treatable cause which made your chronic fatigue go away. CFS however is a multi-system disease that is mostly uncurable and untreatable to a large extent because of its complexity.

Bob Pattison
Bob Pattison - 09.12.2022 17:27

Unless I missed it, your content had nothing to do with your title??

A Whitsuntide
A Whitsuntide - 12.11.2022 03:42

If there was a cure for CFS millions wouldn't be suffering.

Martina Harrison Default
Martina Harrison Default - 15.10.2022 01:36

What didn't say anything useful at all in how it was cured

Jeremy Turn
Jeremy Turn - 22.09.2022 02:42

Use D-ribose for instant energy. Instant energy.

tigressnsnow - 11.09.2022 17:23

Professor Sonya Marshall Gradisnik and her research team have been working on this illness for over a decade. She now has even developed a diagnostic test. As a syndrome it never had a test. It remained a syndrome since the time of Florence Nightingale who trained her nurses from her bedside with this illness.

Patients would invariably be told to go home and rest or the doctor would say that they didn’t believe in CFS.

The Professor has developed a treatment of using NALTREXONE low dose @ 0.5 - 5 milligrams stops the obstruction of the opioid receptor on the calcium channel allowing it to function again. She has overlapped to treating Long Covid.
Alternatively Pregnenolone is also being used with 50mg daily. They have been getting 70% success rate.
Research findings published Journal of Molecular Medicine 11.8.22

Ref. Courier Mail 11.8.22 p. 15

Duncan Macmillan
Duncan Macmillan - 08.09.2022 14:47

What do you do if you have CFS and you're broke?

Larry C
Larry C - 06.09.2022 06:19

Chronic fatigue is a symptom of many diseases. Chronic fatigue syndrome is an immune disease.

Analoguedialog - 23.08.2022 22:35


Xx EL xX
Xx EL xX - 20.08.2022 00:33

a diet cannot cure my severe chronic illnesses though, it could potentially take the edge of factors of it but it doesn’t work for everyone it’s so misleading.

Savage Felicia
Savage Felicia - 18.08.2022 18:14

It wasn't easy but it did works in curing my human papillomavirus, all thanks to Dr Madida for sending me the herbal cure.

seabreezeof - 18.08.2022 04:43

A lot of diagnosis get labeled CFS, remember before they called CFS it was called Epstein Barr Virus which is a Herpes Virus ...Three words >>> Andenosine Mono Phospahate (gelbase) (AMP) Learn what it can do for you. Read Dr Harvey Sklars work on (Herpes Virus) @ the Englewood Hospital, library. Englewood NJ and all the people he has helped with various forms of Herpes. . Also in JAMA...... As far as diet, learn what foods suppress herpes viruses, and what foods replicate herpes viruses... Learn what herpes viruses can do to the body, and see if it matches your symptoms. There are many subsets of ailments that may not be herpes, but get thrown into the label CFS. Disclaimer: In no way is this a protocol to follow, its just my experience. Consult with your professional health provider.

Angie Sullens
Angie Sullens - 06.08.2022 20:17

This sucked

Carissa Fisher
Carissa Fisher - 31.07.2022 05:26

I don’t have mercury poisoning.....

Truegem Hearts
Truegem Hearts - 12.05.2022 07:32

Thankyou doctor will apply this advice I’m always mentally drained just have had enough !

Wholesome Masculinity
Wholesome Masculinity - 01.05.2022 02:29

Clickbait garbage lmao

Michael Hoover
Michael Hoover - 19.04.2022 04:29

That was a pointless post

Nitya - 22.03.2022 16:40

It’s also caused by ebv
