Saints Row 2022 Reboot Vs Saints Row (2006) - Details Comparison

Saints Row 2022 Reboot Vs Saints Row (2006) - Details Comparison


1 год назад

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Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam - 15.11.2023 02:27

“You never cared about the crowd just the paycheck” - Killbane

The Hugh Farff Channel
The Hugh Farff Channel - 12.11.2023 08:19

God I hate modern gaming so much

Micah Hill
Micah Hill - 14.10.2023 03:30

I’m going to have to play saints row 1 again and play saints row 2 I have the original copies on Xbox 360 and still have my old Xbox 360 console which still works.

UnCreative Deconstructionism
UnCreative Deconstructionism - 02.10.2023 03:07

Saints row 2022 was the epitome of the series dialing 555-its-over.

Neutrality Incarnate
Neutrality Incarnate - 19.09.2023 23:45

The fact that a game from 2022 is more buggy, less detailed and soulless compared to a game that came out in 2006, a whole 15 years prior, a decade and a half, is honestly just funny

KidneyStealer47 - 17.08.2023 19:32

Sad, how team with less people can make game that kick more ass than games today. I don’t like excuse the games are more complex to make

Michael Casias
Michael Casias - 16.08.2023 22:14

I played both at launch (42yrs old). I love them both, but the 1st was so fresh at launch; the way GTA 5 was received.

Yann V
Yann V - 09.08.2023 01:14

amazing to say that the first saints row is better than the current one

Just Noob
Just Noob - 25.07.2023 06:04

I like how the shopkeeper took about 5 seconds to panic and that didn’t register as ribbery but simply just a run of the mill threat

also, what kind of super soaker is that?? even level 1 gun in Division kill someone faster than that

An unfinished Satsuma GT
An unfinished Satsuma GT - 15.07.2023 10:50

I love how a 2006 game os better than its 2022 version

Me with Kim
Me with Kim - 06.05.2023 00:04

Unpopular opinion. I actually liked the reboot too.

Xxandrew01 - 03.05.2023 19:39

How sad is it to see a franchise get even LESS realistic as technology improves? The fact that in SR1 you can die by running towards a train or hold people up in stores and they will lead you to the store's safe, while SR 2022 has NOTHING of this sort tells you the passion of the people who worked at Violation when SR1 was made compared to when SR 2022 was made. And the sad part is the latter team still works there after that embarrassing display of a "reboot".

Someone Else
Someone Else - 16.04.2023 07:05

"Looks like the last few crappy, unfinished triple-A games failed, surely ours will do much better."

Filo - 09.04.2023 13:07

Alternative title: Thing saints row 1 did better than reboot
Makes sence tho, the reboot is very undetailed and buggy

Steven Shaundi
Steven Shaundi - 18.02.2023 13:14

Saints Row IV is the best 😎

MovieGuy 2005
MovieGuy 2005 - 12.02.2023 21:18

I noticed that you can also derail the train in Saints Row 2 as well

MovieGuy 2005
MovieGuy 2005 - 12.02.2023 21:17

The reaction of the NPCs when they get weapons drawn at them in the reboot is just laughably terrible like OMG dude 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣

Soaksignal - 09.02.2023 12:22

The reboot just feels so soulless compared to the original. The atmosphere, effects, story, and game in general feels like it had love and care poured into it. The reboot however, just feels so…generic.
I refuse to believe the reboot had like 5 years in development and came out half-baked, something internally in Volition had to have happened for us to get this. This isn’t the game that Saintsgodzilla saw and it definitely isn’t the game everyone was hoping for.

Backup - 09.01.2023 23:11

Were more focused on pushing 4k graphics cards for dogshit games. How about we stop pusjing graphics and actual make good games again.

That Guy Sarabia
That Guy Sarabia - 22.12.2022 21:51

I love how whenever you aim the gun at the store clerks they don't react at all and whenever you shoot them they either absorb the bullets like a sponge or they just use the bullet stop like Neo from The Matrix

JT - 20.11.2022 21:12

These new games today, they just don't care anymore. Basically no effort given, just announce a new game people buy it get mad but they don't learn to stop buying these new titles.

Scorps29 - 20.11.2022 09:02

The worst remake ever

Benjamin Frazier
Benjamin Frazier - 07.11.2022 06:18

Astonishing how a 16 year old game is much more realistic than a game that came out in 2022!

Gabriel, GM
Gabriel, GM - 29.10.2022 16:18

Dude. Saints Row 1 had so much thought put into it. There's so much detail. Once I was in the middle of a gang war and a woman was sitting on the ground in the middle of the street, hugging her legs and moving back and forth as she sobbed scared. It was so real, and something like being in a game way back in 2006?? Saints Row could've evolved to be way more than GTA and Red Dead Redemption in levels of detail and realism because Rockstar didn't go that far back then. But Volition was apparently scared of competing with them and followed and entire different route and now we're here. It's a shame. We could've gotten great games.

Tbh I still hope they'll release Saints Row 5 and redeem themselves.

BAS - 29.10.2022 04:43

All you had to do is remake a damn game, DSV!

Io Szeged
Io Szeged - 25.10.2022 19:35

I tried playing SR1 again but tbh I just found it really awkward.

TheresGat - 23.10.2022 20:40

Saints Row is a TOTALLY masterpiece', i have all Saints Row games, but not Reboot, my fav game but the reboot its a ERROR bcs all SR history have that big different fun.

Games Show
Games Show - 16.10.2022 12:01

It's been like a month since Reboot released and hype has already faded. People forgot it and remember reboot as a big failure which i agree. Volition will never go back to the roots or atleast make it like a SR3. They made a big mistake back in SR4, they made Saints too overpowered where they killed aliens and made a visit to Hell. They went too far with insanity and they don't know how to continue series so they decided to make a reboot. Reboot have a highest potential but Volition fuck it up again. Characters are not really a characters they are more like stereotype types with no empathy, forgettable mediocre antagonists with no personality.

Fluffy Carrot
Fluffy Carrot - 07.10.2022 12:41

Did you just kill Will? You better keep one eye open when you sleep, because if you don't you'll be joining Akuji. Only OG's remember my homie Will.
For real though nice video. I have not and will not buy or play this abomination. Carlos is rolling in his grave right now. But it's like Johnny Said, they traded their manhood in a long time ago.

Danny N.
Danny N. - 06.10.2022 09:22

I haven’t played SR1, but I thought the opening was SR1… not the new one.


Applely - 02.10.2022 14:45

The new saints row turned into the gta trilogy

ASSASSIN'S FAR ROW ⚜️ - 01.10.2022 10:55

In the future I'm getting saints row 1 og

Just a guy
Just a guy - 27.09.2022 07:40

People who care vs people who don't.

- 27.09.2022 07:09

Saints Row was ahead of it's time but now it's falling behind

jax 0
jax 0 - 27.09.2022 02:18

That's what I care for

jax 0
jax 0 - 27.09.2022 02:18

Is their still cheats

Crusandros - 25.09.2022 02:28

Bro the reboot is like another Cyberpunk 2077

ayyachris - 23.09.2022 11:09

CJ: How are y’all Gonna copy and paste our games and fall off?

The Collector
The Collector - 21.09.2022 23:51

22 suck so FUKIN bad I hope they keep it updating

Alex P.
Alex P. - 20.09.2022 07:17

here’s the difference.

from one side you see someone who gave a fuck about their product and the other didn’t.

SRR is a worse game then Cyberpunk 2077 when released. at least CD Projekt Red was open to criticism and AT THE VERY LEAST attempted to fix the numerous glitches it had unlike Volshiton who are against they’re player base. no wonder their stocks have plummeted

L_Murphs87 - 18.09.2022 19:03

Why didn’t they just remaster this game for PS5 rather than fuck it up that bad

GUNZOAY - 17.09.2022 20:44

I dont get why modern games are so buggy

Marston - 16.09.2022 00:47

brooo can you reupload your little dark age video or put the download in the description pleasee :((

Leon Don
Leon Don - 15.09.2022 10:22

The new one is crap og all the way

Robert Deffenbaugh
Robert Deffenbaugh - 14.09.2022 20:28

There shouldn’t be an excuse for why a game from 2006 is more realistic than a game from 2022.
Interesting enough even in GTA 5 you can’t shoot a gun out of someone’s hand which you got to appreciate the older games realism.

Peter W
Peter W - 13.09.2022 18:44

How do they look so similar
