Needles, Tests, Hopes & Hurts | My Infertility Journey. Episode 1.

Needles, Tests, Hopes & Hurts | My Infertility Journey. Episode 1.

Morgan Olli Vlogs

2 года назад

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Morgan Olli Vlogs
Morgan Olli Vlogs - 21.12.2021 23:28

Hey Momo’s. I’m excited to share this new little series with you. I’ve got a lot to say and a lot to share. I hope you are encouraged as I invite you into a challenging journey that I am on. I hope you are reminded that you’re not alone in your challenging journey either! 💜

Nicole Yoshihara
Nicole Yoshihara - 08.03.2023 10:55

Praying for natural conception and no ivf and surrogacy. God Bless always 🙏❤

Kaylyn Madany
Kaylyn Madany - 30.09.2022 07:55

Watching this video 9 months later and knowing you now have your baby boy in your arms, is a reminder for all of us that God answers prayers. ❤ I’m 29 and still waiting for a husband, but I also have been anxious about potentially facing infertility in the future because I have PCOS. God’s plans are greater than ours and He is good!

Nicole Yoshihara
Nicole Yoshihara - 03.06.2022 10:52

5 years is a long time and your experience is valid. Thank you so much for sharing ❤💕

Mrs Jaydie
Mrs Jaydie - 31.03.2022 17:50

So beautiful.

Krystina - 21.01.2022 05:34

Oh my goodness!!! When she started injecting...😭😭😭 It got my emotions going!! And then the end... Thank you for being real!!

Coffee, Chats and Walks
Coffee, Chats and Walks - 18.01.2022 12:21

You poor thing, the stuff women have to go through. This is why men should respect us life givers

Dazza 85
Dazza 85 - 16.01.2022 18:47

Give it to the Lord Morgan, He is a miracle maker, lay it on the altar for him, stop the tests, injections, etc, just lay it on the altar for him, leave it in his hands and live your life. I know myself when I get obsessed with something it isn't good for my mental health, leave it in his hands sister. God bless you 🙏

rrr1 - 15.01.2022 20:53

What are the pills? And what does a trigger shot do?

Amber Hammack
Amber Hammack - 15.01.2022 03:10

Praying for you so deeply sweet sister. I’ve lost 4 pregnancies after a healthy textbook with my first. I never ever thought I’d be going through this. I still don’t have any solid answers. I’m praying getting my weight down helps.

My sister took 5 years to get pregnant. I pray you have tenacity in your prayers for your child. You are not going unheard and I pray peace over you during this season of waiting.

Chrystina Sayers
Chrystina Sayers - 14.01.2022 08:10

I'm so sorry. Praying For You.

Rachel G
Rachel G - 11.01.2022 12:08

My goodness Morgan I feel all of this. My husband and I had ten years of infertility and the memory of the whole rollercoaster is just visceral. It was the hardest thing I've ever gone through by a million miles.

When we finally got a positive it was on a non-digital test with lines, and I thought 'it's so cruel how this test looks like it's going to turn positive before it ultimately goes negative'. I'd seen so many negatives it genuinely didn't cross my mind that I could actually be getting a positive result.

I so dearly hope that that day one day comes for you and Paul, but in the meantime, thank you on behalf of everyone who sees this and knows they are not alone. I imagine a lot of your viewers really needed this video.

Engela Bezuidenhout
Engela Bezuidenhout - 10.01.2022 16:17

My son and wife is in the same boat, been married for a while now and they are getting older, so their chances are getting slimmer, but all we can do is pray and call in our God to give you this desire of your heart. Please pray for my son and daughter in love also.

Ira Flora
Ira Flora - 10.01.2022 15:12

Hey Morgan! I’ve recently started watching your series and I’m hooked! Im definitely praying for you guys. Lord, I’m placing Morgan and Paul in your hands right now❤️ Let your will be done Jesus❤️❤️

Eniphesoj90 - 08.01.2022 12:54

I actually know you through the content of Mr Atheist and Jaclynn so it is safe to say I do not actually like all of your content. But my heart goes out to you. I truly hope that you will eventually end up having a healthy child❤️

Lutho Mhlauli
Lutho Mhlauli - 07.01.2022 20:52

Morgan, you don’t have to worry about anything. God is with you and He is on your side. One thing about God’s power? It doesn’t need help. Keep the needles at bay, let God’s hand lead the way.

I love you and Paul so much. I’m not anyone important but I am confident in the words I am sharing with you. Do not be weary. A blessing delayed is not denied.

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” - James 5:16

No - 07.01.2022 03:40

Much love to you Morgan, you're so strong. Keeping my fingers, toes, arms, legs....eyes? crossed for you lol <3

Jayda S
Jayda S - 07.01.2022 03:28

Thank you for sharing your struggles, I will be praying for you and Paul to have a healthy baby. I’m sorry that you’re struggling with infertility. I’m sending my love to you ❤️.

Ashley Key
Ashley Key - 07.01.2022 01:05

I’m so sorry you are going through this. I definitely understand your pain as I too struggle with infertility. I could see the pain in the video of you giving Jaclyn the baby outfit. I could see it bc I too feel that pain. And it makes me more sad to see other women go through this. I pray it does get better.

Rachel McCargar
Rachel McCargar - 06.01.2022 22:22

We love you and praying for you, Morgan!💕 keep remembering that throughout the waiting, He’s using you for His glory and having you be able to be a blessing & a help to others and giving others the same kind of comfort that He’s giving you. ❤️ everything’s in His perfect will & perfect timing ….. He will ALWAYS keep working everything together for good (Romans 8:28). ❤️ we love you!
