Starfield - The ULTIMATE Leveling & Skills Guide

Starfield - The ULTIMATE Leveling & Skills Guide


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Jorrell Richardson
Jorrell Richardson - 22.09.2023 11:54

Question. Can you just shoot the engines without targeting by being accurate? Has anyone tested it?

Brian Jablonowski
Brian Jablonowski - 22.09.2023 10:46

Pilot skill. I did the 30 ship challenge and level 3 won't level up. It says I've maxed out but no info on any further challenges. Is there something more I need to do, or is this a glitch? Please help.

Katie - 20.09.2023 07:47

I think Piloting to rank 4 is pretty essential. I couldn't steal or use class b or class c ships, and they are not optional.

I don't think oxygen is essential. You get something later that gives you infinite oxygen.

I would say it's not important to maximize combat damage. You can, and it will make a big difference for sure, but the game is too easy for it to really be necessary. So don't go spending like 16 points in the combat tree. It's just not necessary. Only do it if you don't know where to put your points. Specializing in a damage type and a weapon type is a good idea.

If you're going to specialize in a weapon type, ballistic weapons is probably the best type due to the enormous number of options. Specialize in pistols or rifles or shotguns. Lasers are good, but they are not as good as ballistics.

The boost pack is pretty much mandatory.

Weight Lifting Skill to rank 4 is pretty much essential. Carrying capacity stinks in this game.

Persuasion is really good. Max it.

1 rank in stealth and pickpocket is useful. No need to specialize here unless your build wants it.

Astrodynamics can be helpful for getting around the entire map.

Rank 4 Spacesuit Design Skill and Weapon Engineering Skill are really good investments, along with 1 Rank of Special Projects. This lets you craft all of your best gear with the best mods. At high levels, it makes a big difference.

1 rank of Planetary Habitation Skill is useful. If anything, it makes it easier to mine Titanium, which was the only resource I didn't naturally find enough quantity of for my crafting needs. I had plenty of everything else.

Security rank 4 is pretty much mandatory. There is too much good loot locked behind expert and master locks.

Zachary Schroeder
Zachary Schroeder - 20.09.2023 05:43

You can get free skill points. Manipulation can be acquired during the ryujin story. It will also level it up on new game plus if you do it again. Regardless of prior points in the tree. I only had persuation and commerce.

Happy Cloud Gamer
Happy Cloud Gamer - 17.09.2023 01:47

I am so sad i can't re spec

Brett Nelson
Brett Nelson - 11.09.2023 21:29

You CAN steal enemy ships without the targeting control systems perk, you just need to have an EM weapon equipped on your ship, the associated perk makes this easier.

mark zuckerman
mark zuckerman - 11.09.2023 03:48

Thanks Lone. I needed this to help me understand the skill tree

Leftcheek123 - 10.09.2023 20:54

targeting control is not the only way to disable ships, you can also just equip an EM weapon. lot easier to disable ships this way as well

frankfrickinbowers - 10.09.2023 01:01

The bounty hunter ironically is the best one 😅
You'll absolutely need all 3 skills anyway. At the very least the boost pack and targeting

SecretsOfWumbology - 09.09.2023 10:06

Just wanna say that healing items like Med Pacs, Trauma Pacs, and Emergency Packs all heal based on PERCENTAGE of health. That means that the Wellness perk DOES increase the amount of healing you receive from those items. Max HP = more healing from healing items.

Cannon Rodgers
Cannon Rodgers - 08.09.2023 21:02

Healing items such as med packs, trauma packs, etc, are percentage based, so having more health doesn't make them heal less.

Corwyn Corey
Corwyn Corey - 08.09.2023 06:26

Keep in mind many of these skills stack... as an example ballistic includes all weapons that aren't melee, laser, particle. So yes... can double up on that ballistic shotgun damage... though when you are out of that ammo, you will be using other things, so sticking to a basic type usually might be better long term, instead of specializing too much

kickballjedi - 07.09.2023 21:36

Excellent review of the skills. The only thing I would add is that when you're piloting a ship, your crewmember's skills add to the abilities of your ship. Piloting is important, but I might save some of the other less-used but helpful skills until later and look for crewmembers with those specific skills.

Azureus BTX
Azureus BTX - 07.09.2023 20:42

Awesome video, thx!!! :)

MERKS Movies
MERKS Movies - 07.09.2023 15:35

If you take the markesman perk, will it affect guns that were automatic that you modified to be semi?

Joshua Morgan
Joshua Morgan - 07.09.2023 06:38

Idk much about how the ship parts become available, but a personal playthru of mine I got to starship 4 design as quick as possible and found out that it still doesn’t unlock some of the rarer modules. Idk if it’s because I have to be further in the story or higher level…? Maybe could be I went to only Jemison, Akila and The Den but there are at least 2 A class reactors with 28+ energy and I was only able to buy one at Akila. All the engines seemed to be the same and so did the grab drives.

Just at hating my own personal knowledge with whomever might be curious as well.

Pickle Pee
Pickle Pee - 06.09.2023 20:31

Why can't Bethesda make a good level system? The challenge system is terrible especially how it doesn't work retroactively

Ole Hansen
Ole Hansen - 06.09.2023 11:19

LoneVaultWanderer: "There are a lot of planets with extreme temperatures that are cool."
Me: "Yep, and the rest are hot."

Dan Gleesac
Dan Gleesac - 06.09.2023 04:49

Question - What does “upgrade the stealth meter” mean in the 2nd rank of the stealth skill?

Great video!

Basil Daoust
Basil Daoust - 05.09.2023 18:44

You talked about ranking up, and in a video that I watched your statements seems false, but I suppose since I have not played and who says I'm good a recalling every video I watched perfectly, I feel like your comments are wrong if you are at least already skill 1. This restriction seems really bad for skills like piloting that you need to KILL ships and if you don't jump on the piloting the second you get you achievement skill done, you would lose any kills you get until you level up. Makes me sad, but I guess if we know to pay attention and we can do that, maybe we will be OK, I kind of doubt that fact because yikes.

Lone Irregular
Lone Irregular - 05.09.2023 17:46

Crippling: then I took an arrow to the knee 😂😂😂

Bradley Palmer
Bradley Palmer - 05.09.2023 05:21

How could you leave out security as essential!? Some quests cannot be completed without picking locks! Also best loot and environmental storytelling is behind locks.

lunarcontact - 05.09.2023 03:48

Appreciate this. Does my difficulty setting affect XP earning rate?

Steve Witham
Steve Witham - 04.09.2023 08:08

I think the biggest benefit of Gastronomy (and probably the reason it's in the social tree) is taking a few low value items and making some pretty insanly expensive items for selling. And yes, Nutritions big value is in food side benefits being increased not as much the health recovery value.

PNWTRUCKER47 - 04.09.2023 06:32

I’m waiting for the COD players to unlock the slide and complain about not being able to slide cancel…😂

Aaron Young
Aaron Young - 04.09.2023 02:18

From the gameplay I've had so far (about 5 hrs I know it's not much) I have run into a shitload of advanced and above locks and it has been a rough time as a loot goblin at a low level always running out of or super low on digikey pick things.

fffoolish nomore
fffoolish nomore - 04.09.2023 00:34

I upgraded my weightlifting twice and still I can only carry 160 kilo, I'm not sure if it's a bug, I finished the running at 75% encumbrance but the benefit never activated.

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar - 03.09.2023 15:57

Genuine question: How did you have 79 skill point beforehand....i mean what did you do to get so much....did you just killed a lot of animals etc to get xp for 12hours straight???? I am genuinely interested in how you acquired these many skill point by which method of farming?😮

Harizak - 03.09.2023 04:37

I will say some things like, dueling and wellness are probably better than dueling and medicine. Just because assumably you are going for the 10% health on kill so having a much higher HP pool could be useful. For me when I get back from my vacation this weekend and I have my tower again, I am going to try a Alien DNA trait with wellness and dueling and see just how much HP one can get back with those melee kills. Because alien DNA lowers medicine healing but not all healing.

Great video though. Cannot wait to get back and play. Why did they make it available on an extended weekend I would be gone for!

Chris d'crus
Chris d'crus - 03.09.2023 00:54

Are melee weapons like a combat knife classed as suppressed weapons in the Stealth tree??

SimonCleric - 02.09.2023 19:37

tl;dr - don't have fun, play meta builds only!!!
smh %)

Chris Bjornsti
Chris Bjornsti - 02.09.2023 18:11

Uhm...Security, I think is the one skill you should level up after booster pack, imagine getting to a planet and the first door is master...GG :)

scottcunni - 02.09.2023 17:36

I found a jet pack that grants invisibility when crouched and not moving then in same building I found a legendary (yellow) one that uses less o2 when overenucmbered or at 75% of weight,

Todd Cooper
Todd Cooper - 02.09.2023 16:22

Seen your tweets lately dude, keep grinding!! the algo rewards consistency!

Times Coming Media
Times Coming Media - 02.09.2023 15:00

You just started a new game, and you already have 78 skillpoints? Did you explain that in the video?

alan scott
alan scott - 02.09.2023 13:33

how can u say dont waste skill points and plan ur build and in same sentance u say we dont know wht they do yet lol

John Evans
John Evans - 02.09.2023 07:55

I don't understand why all these guides are popping up. The game has little to no challenge. There is no reason to min max.

GenZ Philosophy
GenZ Philosophy - 02.09.2023 02:01

How do you level up the fitness skill? I run and max out my O2 by letting the C02 fill all the way up and I start losing health and yet there’s no progress?

AltraWave7 - 01.09.2023 20:48

Great video as always, a lot of good recommendations and suggestions. Next week can't come soon enough, I'm starting to let some of the hype in finally and I'm looking forward to starting the game when it's out!

WistfulTeaRose - 01.09.2023 18:38

I never knew there was a builder! Also appreciate the advice about not being able to respec—do you think you’d ever make some builds or review some builds? I’d love to see your opinion on some or what builds you personally like!

Woppo - 01.09.2023 15:37

The levelling looks ruined looks way to slow

Yasha Kami
Yasha Kami - 01.09.2023 15:16

These perks look better than the garbage progression systems they showed in the trailers. They should have lead with this and maybe I would have bought the game.

Eluci - 01.09.2023 14:23

I appreciate this perk breakdown. Definitely helped my plans

Ian - 01.09.2023 04:20

i did not know anything about the game skills etc til now...its basically fallout in space it seems

RangerJames - 01.09.2023 03:39

Thank you for this great run down on everything. This has helped me not make mistakes in picking skills.

Josh Carl
Josh Carl - 01.09.2023 03:19

This is exactly what star field video I wanted!!! Thank you sooo much

Ollidor - 01.09.2023 02:35

The fact that I can’t fully watch this video before Starfield releases has me hyped. 30 minutes to launch!🚀

Sean Kramer
Sean Kramer - 01.09.2023 02:26

This is great. I can hit the ground running now. Thank you so much.

Gunnar Grubbs
Gunnar Grubbs - 01.09.2023 01:46

I’m ready for this game and your channel to consume my life again. Missed ya Lone! ❤
