Migration path of Y-chromosome Adam

Migration path of Y-chromosome Adam


2 года назад

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@worndown8280 - 19.03.2022 19:34

Interesting video. One of the things so amazing about this field is how often our information is shifting. You may be unaware but the oldest Homo sapien fossils found were in Morocco, thats in North West Africa. And they are 300,000 years old. Changes our timeline a bit.

The weakest part on the genetic map has to be the assumed change rate and mutation rate of genes. Its a huge guess. If I had to pick one to believe, I would pick the hard evidence in the ground. This fixation that our "Eve" came from the rift area needs to go away as well. The oldest human fossils have never been found there. Proto human fossils have. But thats like assuming Humans came from Europe because that is were monkeys first evolved.

Its ok not to know things, it gives motivation for more to enter the carious scientific fields. I wish science would get back to saying that. Your video is well presented and constructed though. Keep up the good work.

@prestonforayter7747 - 11.12.2023 04:46

Blondes were stealing from crocodiles 900,000 years ago.

@user-ny7ny6jc8j - 08.12.2023 16:42

How does this make sense?
Everyone has 2 parents those have 4 parents those have 8 parents and so on.
In essence we need 2 to the power of n people for almost every person alive. Whereby n equals generations looked back in time. So yeah🤷

Seems a confirmation bias to proof the bible correct. O o

By the way the 2^n issue is quite baffling since it indicates we had ways more people in ancient times and that doesnt hold either.
So yeah peculiar one that seems rather hard.

@4onceandforSmallIwillbe - 06.12.2023 00:33

Our Ancestors originated in AustralArctica. Back when Australia & Antarctica were joined, man erupted. After the volcano split the land in 2 islands, Humans went North.

@palefox8370 - 05.12.2023 03:27

What color was Adam? Asking for a friend.

@foliinorderbfs11 - 27.11.2023 12:11

adam oringin is from east africa not west africa. and haplogroup ijk is from west asia but k is from south-east asia. because k* is themself, and k* is high rate in south-east asia island. and LT is a child of K or K*. the route is 1. k and k* occurs in south-east asia 2. LT occurs in south-east asia 3. child of LT occurs and LT disapears in world. 4. L went west asia. 5. haplo P went middle asia. 6. R went to europe, and NO went east asia and south-east asia.

@here_we_go_again2571 - 15.11.2023 19:55

Hmm ... It appears that the legendary Garden of Eden was in Africa!

@tongobong1 - 15.11.2023 15:05

This video is so silly. There is a chart that shoves there were 3 times more women living in the world than men before Christ was born. This is just silly

@VYBCTV - 15.11.2023 12:20

Millions of years ago a group of people from Western Africa, Kenya and Tanzania migrated all over the world and populated the globe. How can this be possible?🤔 World is so big. Out of Africa cannot explain human and primate origins fully. On what basis scientists made this theory? Is it because primates such as chimpanzees and gorillas only inhabit there? Or is it because human fossils unearthed in Africa are older than other fossils found on other parts of the world? Or is it because of some white guilt implanted in the minds of god fearing Europeans and White Americans by neo liberals, atheists, leftist historians and anthropologists so that they credited Africa and its people responsible for human evolution and migration? (Agreed Europeans treated Africans as slaves. But Arabs were even worse. But they won't talk about it. If they do they won't get oil and gold.)
My main points against Out Of Africa Theory
1. Gorillas and Chimpanzees are the not the only primates. Orangutans in Indonesian archipalego are also primates. After humans they are the most intelligent.
2. Absense of primates in Europe, Asia, Americas and Australia doesnot mean anything. 20,000 years ago during last ice age Europe and Eurasian Steppes had sabretooths, lions, mammoths etc. They thrived along with domestic animals such as cats, dogs, goats, horses, donkeys, sheeps, cows, bulls, camels, bufalloes, goats etc. But these domesticated ones were better in adapting to changing climatic conditions and weather patterns than those wild beasts.
3. All those mentioned animals and humans had lot of hair and fat in the body to protect against snow and cold.
4. In Africa no matter which part you live. You have to survive scorching heat and humidity. Then how come primates of Africa have hair. So they must have migrated from Europe or Eurassian Steppes.
5. Recently an excavation of Hominids in Anatolian Plateau, Asiatic Turkey proved that Africa may not be the only place where humans and apes originated. After all it is from Asia where every languages and groups, cultures, civilizations originated. So why not first humans?

@DrMJT - 13.11.2023 16:10

Maps of Out of Africa always show the Sahara as a Desert... throughout the history of Earth, the Sahara has been Green more than it has been Sand/Desert. Our Human route, those of us who survive all the cataclysms of yester-eras... Our's and other are from what is Desert now. Move you arrows UP 30 degrees ...

@tyronedoutherd6444 - 08.11.2023 02:34

I'm E1B1A from my dad and L0a1a from my mom. Wow, thanks. I'm Eve and Israel. How about that gene pool. 🤔 ❤😮

@RichardKalfic - 04.11.2023 16:02

As a child I learned that all of us came to be from Adam and Eve, then in a high school I learnt it was impossible for whole humanity to be born from two people and now I'm again learning that we are born from Adam and Eve. Excellent video. Next video should be how haplogroups moved after the ''Great Wipeout'' which happened with Neolithic and farming.

@melvinjefferson2812 - 03.11.2023 16:08

Remember that desert is bigger than America nobody crossed that desert without horses and camels just like nobody crossed the north arctic until airplanes

@melvinjefferson2812 - 03.11.2023 16:06

Dk yall know what antigens are example the rh antigen is what yall should look for Don't let people interpret it for you track the rh antigen and learn the truth there trying to hide

@mauijttewaal - 30.10.2023 05:59

So does it correspond with the mtDNA results?

@thewol7534 - 27.10.2023 00:36

You need to teach your speech algorithm the correct pronunciation of words like "hominin," "Kamchatka," "Dryas" and other such specialized terminology. You can't just assume that text-to-speech is just going to automatically get it right. It's really distracting when the pronunciation is so garbled that you have to stop and figure out what word is meant.

@hitekshvaghela6088 - 25.10.2023 18:52

I can't see any aryan invasion in India 🇮🇳

@rayerscarpensael2300 - 22.10.2023 11:15

What a load of non sense. Explain how today s still primitive australians aboriginal with neander type skull arrive later in australia and after the more advanced cro magnon in europe, so they evolved backwards? It is just drawing lines on a globe between different jawbones and pinkies to make the out of africa theory fit at all cost.

@akumathelion535 - 21.10.2023 08:45

Isn't A00 completely separate (older) from the Y-adam that would have branched into A and B? It's a leftover from some other archaic human hominid type and extremely rare.

@philblagden - 20.10.2023 15:13

It's interesting that science confirms one genetic male and one genetic female ancestor for all humans. The 270,000 to 300,000 year for the beginning of humans is based on a slower rate of mutations than is observed today where we typically see on average 3 mutations in the Y chromosome for each generation. If this higher mutation rate is applied from the start it suggests a much more recent date for the first humans, in line with the Biblical chronology. Furthermore applying the faster mutation rate also allows various migrations and conquests to be observed and traced through mixing of Y chromosomes across different geographic areas.

@MelissaMasters-eg2wq - 17.10.2023 11:03

So if you are correct then why is the oldest archaeology found is in summer everything began with E haplo group how's DNA dates to 260,000bc

@aylinkenar7089 - 17.10.2023 01:33

No offense to anyone but there's whole lot of bias in what they forcing us to believe!
In coming years most of the truth will be reviled for the whole public!

@melvinjefferson2812 - 16.10.2023 15:15

When you hear that robot you know it's propaganda there hiding there identity remember Isreal in America bought all the DNA testing companies and started lieing as usual remember the farther you go back in time were all related so each group has its own signature the black man's y chromosome went back so far it was off the chart then they said that couldn't be true but all the other information was

@JenMarco - 05.10.2023 23:35

27 seconds in and they offended half of the population with facts

@user-bf4xu7mq1q - 02.10.2023 12:19

Adam j1 sam bin noah j1-l858

@damianscott3710 - 01.10.2023 01:24

Do old Y chromosome haplogroups accumulated more mutations than the younger ones, or it is the other way around?

@garyyakamoto2648 - 30.09.2023 03:14

Intersting part is that any human who lived 10 years ago, regardless of the haplogroup pretty much looked like today's Africans.

@lauromartinsmartorano - 29.09.2023 07:01

Wel, no começo os continentes eram unidos, significando que está história ainda falta se completar.

@shampoorastamusictv151 - 21.09.2023 04:49

These are the chosen people!

@katgibbs-mccoy4947 - 16.09.2023 15:31

Your timeline is way off. Also you do not have the correct DNA understanding of routes, nor knowledge of the timelines and geophysics of this planet. For one, there was a major ice age that lasted for many thousands of years which covered those very parts of Africa. The earth was two thirds heavy snow, ice, and glaciers. Only one third, the mid section (equatorial area) was free from glaciation. We began coming out of the last ice age, going on some 20,000 years ago with the usual cyclical global warmingwhich we have experienced, and are now in the process of entering another pleistocene era (ice age). Your timeline and DNA groups are way off. You need better geneticists and prehistorians for this faulty project. There are much more accurate timelines out there, as well as DNA studies with more up-to date accuracy. 🙂

@rafaeljuniorsierra-9708 - 08.09.2023 15:44

The ONLY! REASON the Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo Erectus, Homo Naledi, Great apes, look human is due to the Nephilim Cult stealing genetic material from ADAMITES creating hybrids from bears, wolves, monkeys, lions.

@rafaeljuniorsierra-9708 - 08.09.2023 15:38

South America is larger than North America, and Europe is smaller than both! THIS IS A FACT!

@rafaeljuniorsierra-9708 - 08.09.2023 15:36

That map of continental sizes is still WRONG! When do you ALL plan to correct this?

@melvinjefferson2812 - 27.08.2023 08:15

We also know the first white mutation was the Japanese and they were followed out of Asia which was only 700 years ago dasovians were the tribe of Dan the dannaoi was the tribe of Dan that's the Greeks educate yourself

@melvinjefferson2812 - 27.08.2023 08:12

This is propaganda the world was maped years ago by all the nations on the planet because the europ😮always lie remember the story of Noah Egypt was America Dan was born in India sand script us the story of Israel

@devotionofunion - 26.08.2023 14:43

I'm an old man in Australia. I feel so blessed I can learn about this anywhere anytime I want to. It truly is an amazing world. Thank You.

@negativex6026 - 24.08.2023 23:29

Out of Africa theory debunked , never even made any sense .

@yourfriendinChrist - 21.08.2023 13:53

Excellent flow.

@serkankinden5150 - 19.08.2023 22:24

P1 settled into altaian siberia as ancestors of modern altaian turkic people.

@user-wm4oe4kk7t - 25.07.2023 11:24

Excellent Video!

@pelasgeuspelasgeus4634 - 11.07.2023 23:36

So, first humans were African refugees! Were they also drowning in Mediterranean sea?

@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands - 07.07.2023 12:12

The ice was not 3000km high, the speaker maybe was?

@mayureshponkshe9325 - 05.07.2023 17:14

Latest Finding agriculture 50k yrs back in Sihaldveep/ Srilanka

@umwha - 04.07.2023 13:17

So the dawn of civilization resulted in deaths of men while woman survived? I think this fact alone disproves patriarchy

@EuroWarsOrg - 03.07.2023 21:32

Africans (bantu / n e e g ro, a once tiny race which originated from Nigeria 2,000 years ago), colonised the entire sub Saharan Africa, wiping out ALL the indigenous tribes and races like the Hadza, Sandawe, Pygmy, San etc. This is proven beyond doubt by linguistics and DNA. Blacks are now busy colonising and replacing populations in the West! So no need to deprecate yourself to blacks.

@ness283 - 03.07.2023 11:46

There's no Y-chromosome Adam. People are offsprings of 18 different male. African haplogroups (A,B) are the youngest ones.

@plopdoo339 - 28.06.2023 11:32

You forgot to kention the migration of the e1b1 into the levant which actually marks the first agricultural civilization i.e. the Natufians. Lool of course you didnt want to mention that though because that would imply black africans from the sahel were the first to develop agriculture and that they were the ones living in the middle east mixing with the other previous populations.

Really, you should do a video relating both paternal migrations with the mtdna migratory patterns. Considering the men would be interbreeding with the women. This would be a much more clear overview of what was happening.

Also, linking them with the findings of different fossils and cultures during those periods would be much more infomative.

@user-nx4jc1mj9w - 26.06.2023 07:01

If Adam is not from where did he get married, this person or was he whitening?

@Daron7181 - 22.06.2023 20:46

Ignore the haters. I like your videos. Ive been tracing my ancestry first to the African continent and after finding my mtdna L3 haplogroup I now know its point of origin by watching your videos. Thank you. Subbed!
