The 5 Worst Things About South Carolina

The 5 Worst Things About South Carolina

Living In South Carolina

1 год назад

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@Christina-Gisela - 28.12.2023 20:16

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.

@ronjohnson2693 - 18.12.2023 06:22

Try humidity in fla it is bad from mid-April to mid-October. So for me to move to the upstate was a plus. Mosquitoes well if you encourage birds with bird feeders that will take out your bug issues. Also a good swig of apple cider vinegar. The job picture you are very correct over. As far as public transport you are very correct. The public school system does SUC !!!!!!

@dogsbd - 02.12.2023 17:26

It's all true, please do NOT move to South Carolina. We are FULL. Go away.

@dogguy8603 - 26.10.2023 18:48

I almost moved to SC from Cali but couldn't, but in researching SC there was a bit of culture shock, the area i was going to move to was a town of less than 900 people but has 4 churches. Also a big shock was the marijuana laws in SC being, how would i say it, archaic

@NoStepOnSnake1776 - 10.10.2023 14:44

very accurate! the WORST part about sc is the bugs. one more thing is the MASSIVE ant problem in the Columbia and surround area

@jerryhubbard4461 - 03.10.2023 19:20

In SC, we love our cars and trucks and love to drive. Although our roadways are full of fools that should not be drive. But, we do not want trollies and subways and mass transit. That is for all those people that live like roaches on top of each other. We in SC live in the rural areas and not in projects or ghetto. We love the out of doors and that means getting away from metro areas.

@uawsux - 12.09.2023 00:41

you are out of your mind.. this is the biggest fraudulent state in the Union with the lowest educational system the politicians keep the children stupid so they can continue to exploit them for taxes and labor.... you will never get a freedom of information act request done to try and expose them.... the lawyers will throw you under the bus the judges are crooked and corrupt North Carolina is a much better place maybe Simpsonville Malden Greer remember the state it's representation the politicians are horrifically corrupt librarians get paid $87,000 a year... the magistrates get 167,000 a year and are trying to get more money representing themselves as judges this is a fraud..... the teachers might get $35,000 a year this is why the children are stupid..... all of the great jobs belong to the kinfolk of the politicians...... be careful doing business in South Carolina if they're smiling and laughing and joking and shaking your hand you are going to get ripped off.....

@stacistein702 - 08.09.2023 02:17

Great, accurate video. As a native South Carolinian and public educator for 29 years, there's a specific reason our school ranking scores are so low. First, our standardized test is the second most difficult test in the nation. Legislation wanted a very rigorous assessment, and they succeeded. Second, SC public schools test EVERY child, much to the disagreement of all teachers. We test special education students and non-English speakers with the same rigorous test as our gifted and talented students. Teachers have protested and appealed for years to no avail. Please consider these factors when judging the SC public school system.

@karltite128 - 07.09.2023 16:42

And them thar palmetter bugs. 🇺🇸🍺

@meec3030 - 31.08.2023 14:00

just don't move here!!!

@gregbrunnhuber9291 - 31.08.2023 13:31

You failed to mention the overt bigotry … I lived there for five years .,,

@gregbrunnhuber9291 - 31.08.2023 13:30

I loved there for 5 years … you failed to mention overt bigotry

@jamesmasters2386 - 27.08.2023 02:53

I’m from NC. It’s more welcoming to diversity of thought and culture here. The further you are from white Christian nationalist in S. Carolina, the more likely you are to get trouble from someone who fits that stereotype. Don’t believe me? Just look through the comments on this video. Proud bigots.

@JDStaffylover - 25.08.2023 15:45

Funny I see People from all over the US driving here to go to the beach. If it is so bad stay away. We really don't embrace Socialism. South Carolina is a great State.

@user-vq7go9jt2j - 24.08.2023 19:54

25-30% never graduated from high school

@user-vq7go9jt2j - 24.08.2023 19:53

so you hobo's cant jump a train ? nobody has any good jobs, to darn lazy

@GadgetGeeks - 17.08.2023 19:49


@cassidyhunter-mu2bc - 16.08.2023 16:17

I moved from Western New York "Buffalo" when I was around 9 yrs old. My parents came here for "better" opportunities. As a grown man now in his early 30s that has been between the two states and others my entire life i can tell you there is still no place like home anf like WNY.
I understand the reason many left WNY especially in the early 90s, crime.job market. Weather. But i can tell you the BUF is certainly making a come back.
As for South Carolina , it is a great and beautiful place to live for some..but not for me.
This is just my opinion based off MY experience and is not intended to start a war lol.

1. South carolina isnt just hot and humid it is unbearingly hot and humid, this year it has been hitting the upper 80s and 90s by 10am. If you are a person with any type of breathing problems or a person that loves outside will be a problem.
2. Getting anywhere worth seeing will take you atleast 30-40 mins. I live just south of Charlotte and traffic on 77 is absolutely horrendous and 485 isnt much better. And yes we seriously have some of the worst drivers and road ways in the country especially when you enter the county of any area.
Public transportation is non existent.
3. South carolina lacks the sense of pride or community that many other places seem to have. Yes the people are friendly for the most part but dorsnt feel very neighborly. It also doesnt have the same sense of culture most of your restaurants and stores will be chain industries that are scattered everywhere in this country but does not have many mom and pop or privately owned type places.
4. It is NOT necessarily CHEAPER
Any activities even something like bowling can be very expensive as there arent many competitors or other options of entertainment around.
Very very few free concerts, festivals, parades or community events happening.. atleast where i am.
Sure it is cheaper than say NYC or socal
But nationwide not that much of a difference and it gets made up for in property taxes and tourism or entertainment.
5. Overall it is still a very conservative and religious state, that is slowly changing with the younger crowd albeit slowly, for some that may feel isolating.
6. The economy seems to always be growing but poverty is still rampant in many areas of the state and most of the small "townships or cities" have very little opportunities for work, entertainment, education and walkability forcing many to make long commutes to places like Charlotte NC.
7. There is no such thing as "15 minute" cities everything is very spaced out and at the same time congested.
8. The FOOD. one of the things most out of towners immediately notice and or miss is the their food from their respective origin state. Again most places are going to be chains. We do have BBQ if mustard or ketchup is your thing.
9. There are 3 seasons. Hot, Hotter, and cold and wet. Unless perhaps you live in NC near Ashville then maybe you will notice the seasonal changes a bit more.
10. The education system although is getting better, is still very much behind as are most things in this state. There are however some decent universities.
11. This is not at all a GREEN state, cannabis is still very much illegal and you will face jail time for having it. There is no real prospect of that changing anytime soon 10-15 years..maybe.
It is also not a very garden friendly state given the red clay "dirt" so planting and growing things will prove to be a challenge. and again you probably wouldnt want to anyways due to the scorching heat.
12. South Carolina is a beautiful state with gorgeous coastal areas and some of the best sunsets, Charlotte in my opinion has one of the most beautiful skylines for a midsized city. I have lived in Colorado, TX, Louisiana, florida, and WNY as well and for me..SC has been my least favorite but thats just me. I have family that moved here and they absolutely love it. It is what you make of it like anywhere but for me those would be my biggest deterrents.

@johnnyrotten6191 - 13.08.2023 01:55

I have to ask....
Who (or what entity) is responsible for gathering (and comparing) statistics used for grading state education systems?
What are the criteria used for said ratings?
I ask because given the obvious liberal (at best, Marxist at worst) bent of our national education systems - K-12, as well as what seems to be a majority of colleges - might those statistics be flagrantly skewered? (How convenient that would be for the little socialists....)
For example, when looking at national "gun violence" statistics, it was discovered that no studies include comparative statistics regarding how often a gun THWARTS violence (attacks, assaults, home invasions, car jackings and/or murders) all we hear about are the negative gun-use stats that conform to the anti-gun narative.
Withholding exculpatory tantamount to lying (just look at what the marxist asshats are doing to Trump)...
So, if SC is holding steady at teaching traditional core subjects (Math, English, REAL Science and American Civics, as opposed to "Social Studies"), and meanwhile, shies away from modern communist doesn't surprise me in the least they score lower.
Frankly, at this point, I think someone ought to look into it.......I don't trust ANY of these anti-American arseholes.

@chrissy0078 - 30.07.2023 22:16

I can’t believe paying $65.00 a month for car insurance (NY) now in SC I pay $150.00🤬. I changed insure from Geico to Progressive & it went down to
to $95.00. That’s still $30.00 more! I’m from an area that 55 was the speed limit. SC drivers drive too fast.! I feel like I’m driving on the QEW in Toronto. Bunch of speed demons

@BlackBirdieGolf - 27.07.2023 14:57

A volvo plant is in charlston also.

@robertedwards607 - 21.07.2023 23:51

If God ever gave SC an enema he would stick the tube in Chester SC

@hedge313 - 19.07.2023 07:11

South Carolina - We are full!

@32ninerBravo - 18.07.2023 07:59

Is Uber eats pretty common these days in Greenville/Spartanburg? My wife uses them a lot. LOL.

@Acolis - 13.07.2023 18:22

my parents moved to south carolina today and ill probably never see them again.

@mathewthompson306 - 09.07.2023 15:22

I’m from Houston and it’s looking like I’m going to be relocated to Florence. It’s a really small city in comparison but from looking at the map it seems to have a lot of the same amenities. Anyone have some suggestions on if it’s a good place or if I should stay away.

@LaserRanger15 - 30.06.2023 01:21

Moving to the Greenville/Spartanburg from Atlanta in August. Buying a house for under $300K there which would be $450K+ here. Nothing you said would deter me. Grew up FL (where we had real heat/humidity and many more and varied, serious bugs, lol).

@ancavlad4375 - 29.06.2023 21:44

I am wondering, given how much the area is growing and projected to grow, what is the infrastructure and possible additional public transportation plan to sustain the growth?

@kflowers1267 - 25.06.2023 06:23

Too crowded and traffic is horrible. No where to build more highways.

@cbrown6010 - 24.06.2023 23:35

Don’t move here, it’s terrible, go to the north east.

@ridinwithricky6444 - 23.06.2023 10:13

I’ve lived in North Jersey all my life. Built a house in Horry county in 2021. Retirement in 2 years! Will be moving permanently! I can’t wait, you couldn’t scare me away if you tried!!😂 So looking forward to the change 😎

@uawsux - 22.06.2023 00:46

I forgot one more thing I've been here about 15 years nobody will work if you hire them to do a job they will never show up for work they wanted advance on their money even if they do something they will have to do it take their money and leave you will be ripped off.... they will not work...

@uawsux - 22.06.2023 00:35

well let's get it straight try to be an objective observer
1. you will have no justice in the justice system the lawyers the police and the judges are all on the same page to take your money.. the lawyers do not try any crime they negotiate you will surrender your money...
2. they do not know what the second amendment is they certainly can't spell it.. two of my friends lost their gun purchase rights because of women they were involved with and the corruption of the Court.....
3. you do not have any rights under freedom of information act neither at the city level or the county level you will have to fight nobody at the city or county levels will honor your right to information because they are corrupt....
4. everybody is in an open marriage..
5. if you don't belong to some huge religious organization you will not get any political favors they will do nothing for you Rock springs Church otherwise known as the Jesus dome or six flags over Jesus is absolutely a spawn of Satan.. first Easley Baptist is full of liars and thieves.. Tremont Church of God does not care what the Bible says they know it they yell at it they yelled at screamed at me and called me filthy names at Sunday school.....
6. they pay their director at Captain Kimberly library 87,000 a year but they barely pay their teachers anything there for the students remain languishing in their stupidity number 50 out of 50 in education....
7. according to demographics there are number one in violence against women and animals.... there are number five in obesity... number 50 out of 50 in education....
8. there is no economy in the upstate all of those who are rich who made it through their land dealings have kept the money everybody else gets paid nothing and their cost of living is high this most likely makes them violent.....
9. although it is a very cheap place to retire the cost of living is near zero but you sacrifice if you get caught up in the judicial system you will pay you will have no rights if you have children in school you will pay they will not get an education... if you have a daughter you better put a lock on her because the youth ministers in this area and the teachers are predators some of the police are predators...
10. police will violate your rights right now they will solicit a trespass which is a felony.... the chief finally is gone but the political system says he resigned instead of being fired for his racial epithets and his violence and wearing a gun into a bar and getting drunk..... Tommy Holcomb is violent if you challenge him he will show his violent temper.... Pat Webb is a fake phony Nazi...
and the mayor is absolutely a dictator his skimming money off of the treasury all he can he had the cheap helping him so they replacement Chief absolutely would be corrupt...
and of course the City attorney is an idiot.....
11. you'll be charged as a corporation you will be arraigned as a human being criminal corrupt...
all of this goes for Greenville county as well Hobart Lewis although being an idiot he is a redneck and has power to kill you the sheriff's office is a 501c3 so if you donate enough he will look the other way.....

@roninpe - 10.06.2023 15:39

I'm born and raised here and it's gotten horrible to drive and it's all the transplants, they all seem to drive like they are in the indy 500

@DianaCarolinaGirl22 - 05.06.2023 22:32

You forgot pollen and allergies!

@luvslogistics1725 - 04.06.2023 23:52

Btw unadvertised off Hilton Head is shark city, a true shark nursery, take a boat out and see for yourself.

@luvslogistics1725 - 04.06.2023 23:51

I want to see on the next Star Trek movie, where interstellar travel and teleportation has been invented, STILL a gridlock traffic due to construction next to a giant peach on the interstate in South Carolina…

@Radar1zmgkz - 04.06.2023 00:31

Unless you live in Alaska, summer humidity is a fact of life for every state including upstate New York where we have our summer home and winter home in SC.

@margaritacanincia1906 - 30.05.2023 23:57

Rude and me, me first drivers. Not signaling, blocking intersections, and vile gestures when not given the "right of the road."

@terrywix6844 - 28.05.2023 12:45

1.) Transplants
2.) Transgender
3.) Rednecks
4.) Human PIGS
5.) Traffic, Population

And there are many more reasons to learn for yourself. You don't get the answer for free...

@mrmusiclover4178 - 27.05.2023 18:55

The comments about "conservative values" make me sick. Nothing "conservative" about firearm obsession, fascism and hate. Why don't you people who came here because you thought your hate would be accepted in the South, go back where you came from? We don't need your kind here. We already have enough of that type here.

@nutswanger6655 - 26.05.2023 17:54

Waaaaay too many blacks in SC. WIthout them this place would be wonderful

@debbieherrmann7876 - 23.05.2023 21:27

What do you know about greelyville, sc

@RB-gt8bf - 18.05.2023 23:16

I have so much family in SC who were born, raise and reside. The healthcare system is lackluster IMHO. Yes, the lack of public transportation is not great in the SC either. It's a good place to visit, but for my taste it is still too slow.

@kathleencolwell8947 - 16.05.2023 15:29

Ah, Hilton Head: the Redneck Riviera. The humidity NEVER GOES AWAY, and the closer to the water, the closer to the three-inch cockroaches.
You forgot to mention access to mediocre healthcare.

@donalddavila5489 - 10.05.2023 05:58

Hey Bob, you forgot to tell them about the no-see-ems down at the coast. As in the huge set of pointed teeth attached to a body that is nearly invisible and a bite thet feels like you were hit by a truck, a truck with pointed teeth. Also, people are actually polite. If, as a recent locatee, you say something like "That's not how we do it in (pick a northern state)", the response is probably going to be something like "Well, bless your heart". Also, you did not mention our rain showers, as in the kind Noah experienced. And, you forgot to mention Mercedes Benz in North Charleston (actually a good thing). But most importantly, you did not tell them about Carolina Gold, as in Bessinger's B-B-Q sauce. If you don't like mustard, stay away.

@aqualane1 - 10.05.2023 00:16

Urban lifestyle? Public transportation? I’m trying to get away from both of those.

@barbarab9823 - 02.05.2023 20:14

We live on a beautiful Lake on the border of South Carolina and North Carolina. You can spray for mosquitoes. We are a couple of hours from the beach and mountains in both states. Love it!!

@barbarab9823 - 02.05.2023 20:12

Our weather is beautiful. We have four seasons.
