Canon R7 - LOW LIGHT Test and HIGH ISO Performance

Canon R7 - LOW LIGHT Test and HIGH ISO Performance

Rob Sambles

7 месяцев назад

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@macbaar6073 - 03.02.2024 19:10

Topaz & modern sensor = good clean pictures

@takesomesoma231 - 29.01.2024 05:19

Anybody who has tried the R7 on concert photography yet? I’m planning to upgrade from my 800D just to still use my sigma cropped lenses

@PaulWhite-zn9xx - 20.01.2024 14:28

I use an R7 for motorsport. Occasionally to maintain a high shutter speed I have to use high iso because of weather conditions. I know that as a pro, Rob, that speed of post- capture processing is very important to you (I’ve seen in a previous video you shoot in jpg). As an amateur I have the “luxury” of having less pressure on me and more time available during processing. I always shoot in c-raw (small files and therefore less storage space needed so less buffer space constraints) and process in subscription Lightroom. The AI denoise in subscription Lightroom is fantastic! I apply it as the first step in the processing procedure and it takes less than a minute. It means that now I don’t think twice about using high iso. AI denoise does require a fairly powerful graphics card, however (I use a Mac M2).I know as a pro that you’ll not have a lot of spare time available, but if you get a chance, give the c-raw +AI denoise combination a try (perhaps the subject of a video?). Finally, really love your videos! Keep up the great work.

@AndrewCCM - 12.12.2023 20:33

Great video. I would just add after shooting my R5 and R7 side by side and cropping to equivalent field of view…The R5 still wins out with noise and sharpness (as to be expected). The R7 is a wonderful bang for the $ though and can get the job done. Nice review here. Thanks for producing.

@AndrewCCM - 12.12.2023 20:28

You should show tests using in camera NR at various levels too. There are some that swear by the camera NR at super high isos. I need to try those myself.

@DavidManningvlog - 12.12.2023 18:45

I feel like we need to get a Sony A9iii in your hands Rob!!!

@05xrunner - 04.12.2023 03:27

run the images through DXO PureRaw3. I have an R7 and have the software. I shot images all the way to 31k ISO and after a quick run through Pureraw with the Prime XD noise reduction setting they look like 6400 but with more detail. Its a free 30day trial. Give it a try. I was blown away at what it would produce. I have Topaz Denoise and Lightroom and the DXO is better than Topaz and light years better than lightroom.

@roywiddowson9337 - 28.11.2023 19:53

Hi Rob I can't see why some people say the 7Dmkii isn't good for low light.I did an outdoor night shoot last week for a media agency of the local Christmas lights switch-on event,using auto ISO up to 6400,and auto-bracketing.
The ones at 6400 hardly showed any noise at all,and the odd bits were easily sorted in Lightroom without any loss in IQ.Can't have been that bad with the agency using all the shots I sent them.
I also had it up to 6400 in January for a Chinese New Year event,outdoors in the evening with hardly any lighting around,again there were hardly any noise issues.

@MosleydollMUA - 26.11.2023 04:12

Hi, advice needed please! I’m stuck in between this R7 and 90d . I’m not into wildlife or sport, mainly I do vlogs and some photography , street photography and portraits.
I’ve never had a mirrorless camera and I’m worried I won’t like how small it is lol. I’m an amateur who’s only,had one camera , canon 200d which they don’t make anymore, but it did the job for me perfectly. I’m now ready to upgrade my game and really need guidance one which to get .

@ChadHensiak - 25.11.2023 20:47

I own Topaz de-noise and Topaz sharpen AI, but the denoise AI in Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw is just as good, if not better. Topaz cost money and Adobe includes it with their subscription cloud software.

@Chris_Wolfgram - 25.11.2023 19:11

My first mirrorless camera was the R5. It was a fine camera, but being FF, it just didn't give me the reach I needed for my typical subjects, small birds. So I rented an R7. Killed it ! Ordered one for myself the day before I returned the rental. Then I shot with it everyday for a month, while my R5 collected dust on the dresser. Finally I sold the R5 and bought a second R7 for my back up + the RF 600 F11 + the RF 100-400. That was a year ago, and I've never thought twice about that decisions. I primarily shoot with the 800 F11 for an equivalent reach of 1280mm.
I have gotten good shots up to ISO 6400. But nowadays, I have the ISO set for a max of 3200. If that's not enough, and my shots come out underexposed. I can lift them > a bunch, if necessary, in post processing.
I've taken about 130K shots with my original R7 in the last 16 months, many of my best can be seen in my gallery... link in my channel.

@brianstott8773 - 25.11.2023 16:46

Hi Rob, perfect timing of this video as I have just received my R7 yesterday and taking it out to compare it against my 5D4 at a gig tonight so looking to shed the weight of the 5D if I get images I can use. just for info I have topaz and its awesome for noise reduction.

@All-the-gear-no-idea-uk - 25.11.2023 13:56

The one at 32,000, it be interesting to see how noise reduction what difference it would make to the Photo

@paulhendren5603 - 25.11.2023 11:59

Thanks Rob for producing these informative videos. I have a quandary. I own two 1DX bodies and a 6D. I’m in no hurry to abort all of these classics but I’m looking at something lighter for travel. I shoot football abroad. I once owned a 7d mkIi but sold it as it didn’t meet my needs in low light. I shoot some football under poor flood lights or in domes (as it is Canada) . Price point is very important to me ( I’m frugal) and love my EF glass. I’m also a retiree on a fixed income. Is the R7 a serious choice if I sold one of my 1DX bodies. Thanks again.

@tysonator5433 - 25.11.2023 11:33

Well Rob for fair review of the R7.
My Digital camera journey started with canon 450D and the noise was bad, and I think it maxed out at 1600 ISO. Next a 7D which is an amazing camera and any images over 800 ISO were poor,. That was replaced with 7Dii and it is good up to apx 4000 ISO. Sony A6600 is good up 6400 ISO, and my last purchase a R7, and even it has a higher mega pixel sensor than the Sony A6600 I believe the noise is much better than the A6600 24.2mp sensor. Sony is well known for having better noise performance than canon sensors however, canon's R range are very good at controlling noise and when used with de noise software ( i used topaz ) the results are bloody amazing from a cropped sensor camera.
I have had A3 size prints done and the printing shop can not believe I get high detail on a cropped sensor camera, in fact I have never owd a full frame ditigal camera, and really do not need one in my photography journey.
Check out my IG @tornadotys and have a look for your selves !

@rptaraporevala - 25.11.2023 08:32

I am impressed. I owned a 7D2 until I got on the R5 bandwagon, and I would prefer to shoot at lower ISOs. Preferably max out at 3200.

I wonder what the pictures would look like at ISO 12k8, 25k6, and 32k would look like with and without noise reduction. It would be interesting to see NR done in Topaz and Lightroom's AI noise reduction.

@JDBPhotographySA - 24.11.2023 23:19

i use my 7d mk2 at iso 10 800 with little bit denoise and its great shots for a crop body

@angelogarciajr5356 - 24.11.2023 20:12

Hi Rob. I love my R7. So glad I got it. You may have mentioned it but sorry I missed it. Quality fast glass will make a lot of difference in the noise. R7 is still the best bang for the buck. I have shot football as the sun begins to set and stadium shadows enter the field. The photos look great until you zoom 100% and see the face is blotchy. Other than that, I have captured tons of great images taking advantage of the crop. I put my EF f2.8 70-200 on my R7 (football) and it is amazing for day games. Now reaches 320mm. Still not a 400 but no complaints. I like it better having the zoom in/out options. Thanks for the great content!

@seanmarah6886 - 24.11.2023 19:45

Hi Rob, a very helpful video as I'm thinking of upgrading from the 7d mk2 to the R7 so this video has almost convinced me to make the jump.
I'm just concerned that a R7 won't work well with my canon 500mm F4 prime mk1, do you or anyone following this video have any experience of pairing these two or do I also have to upgrade my lens?

@nigelhakes1933 - 24.11.2023 18:46

Hi Rob A good test for low light performance would be a non league game under floodlights. I shoot Isthmian League North football where the floodlights can be terrible especially around the edges of the pitch. I’ve just started using the R7 I find I can’t go above ISO 6400, but it’s a lot better than my previous 90D. I’ve just start using Topaz Sharpen AI which helps remove a lot of noise.

@michaeldow3220 - 24.11.2023 18:42

Hey Rob, I’m shooting youth hockey these days, and while some of the rinks have upgraded their lights, many have not, so I have resorted to using in-camera high ISO noise reduction on my R6. How does that feature compare in the R7 with the R6 or is it essentially equivalent? Thanks!

@DelvesPhotos - 24.11.2023 18:17

thanks for the video Rob. Were you not tempted to run it through lightroom denoise to see how it looked? ;)

@rubyredphoto - 24.11.2023 17:07

Hello Rob! I keep debating whether I get this one as a back up to my R6. Not too bothered about the APS-C sensor when my main body is full frame
