MICHAEL BAY - Understanding A True American Auteur (PART 1)

MICHAEL BAY - Understanding A True American Auteur (PART 1)

Patrick (H) Willems

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@robwhitmore3040 - 01.12.2023 13:08

I used to love Bad Boys 2. A decade after I saw it, someone told me it was a Michael Bay movie. I went back and watched it again and it was like watching the same movie, only with 200 lens flares added that I never noticed before.

@hawkeyenextgen7117 - 11.11.2023 05:26

Perhaps the critics were too harsh on Michael Bay. Perhaps it was criticism that pushed the franchise over the edge.

I've always believed to let the artist paint undisturbed.

@ladyihcobob - 10.11.2023 20:39

I've been a fan of Bay since I saw his gorgeous Meat Loaf music videos as a kid. It's really annoying to hear so much negativity about him because he's a really talented artist, and the guy works his ass off. Thank you for making these videos about him, it's been really interesting to watch.

@jbrownil - 28.10.2023 02:16

Knowing he also did commercials gives me a much better understanding of why his style was so prevalent at the time.

Also I actually really like Pain and Gain when I didn't expect to!

@SeriousxSniper - 23.08.2023 09:19

this was Pats attempt to make the celebration of vibes movies video 4 years to early

@jasonhearn5818 - 21.08.2023 03:29

I think of that south Park Michael bay reference

@LFPAnimations - 27.07.2023 04:45

There is something freeing about just admitting that you make movies to be spectacle instead of a thoughtful piece of art. I think to a certain extent Nolan kind of does this too, except he is also capable of delivering a decent story at the same time. Interstellar's plot wasn't the best, but that is one of my favourite movies of all time. It has a kickass score and visuals like nothing else.

@nickasaro8789 - 10.02.2023 00:32

I’m not a bay fan, other than The Rock, Ambulance and Transformers 1 for nostalgia reasons, but I gotta say this video has turned me around on him at least a little bit. I didn’t even catch on how much he cribs from Tony Scott aesthetically but now that you point it out, I can totally see it.

@kupeart3746 - 08.02.2023 22:18

I mean, its not like he's trying to make the essence of life. his movies supposed to be fun, stupid and over the top hollywood blockbusters and he's pretty fucking good at making thous.

@samizdatbroadcasts7654 - 08.02.2023 05:35

This guy should do a Godzilla movie.

@jdslipknot - 30.01.2023 14:30

only normies dont like him. actual film directors actually see what he's trying to do.

@actionscott8033 - 26.01.2023 08:34

Bay will always be my favorite film director! Ever since Bad Boys.

@kamilziemian995 - 10.01.2023 21:26

Where is Charl? 😉

@nicelhy1980 - 07.01.2023 05:07


@Starklar - 21.11.2022 21:29

could say that bays emphasis is on the action of the story rather than the story of the action.

@dvlarry - 12.11.2022 14:53

Bay authored NOTHING! He is NOT an Auteur. He is a HIRED HACK! A hack with some fancy camera moves and the best visual effects companies behind the some big budget films. The most successful hack ever.

@uchidaoginome - 06.11.2022 20:03

I still don't like his movies. But when it comes to well-staged action, especially car chases, I wonder how Patrick feels about John Frankenheimer's Ronin. I was so impressed, I saw that movie twice in one weekend. Yes it's a different type of action movie so not a true 1:1 comparison but to me once you see the work of a master of composition and visual logic at his best, it's hard not to compare. In martial arts movies once you see, for example, the Jackie Chan movies from the mid to late '80s and early '90s you will compare the way those films are corporate, shot and edited to every martial arts fight you see from then on. Other ways of doing it can be fun and are equally valid. Michael Bay seems to be purposely going against more classical or even logical filmmaking technique. That's fine but it still isn't for me. And I'm a regular, blue collar guy who had always happened to have an interest in cinema. I've made a study of film my whole life but the raucous reaction my fellow workers of the world have to his unnecessarily bombastic-at-every-turn camera setups and TV commercial pace of editing. The crude humor makes me wince. Once again, nothing wrong with basic dick jokes but something about his style feels to me like it's insulting the very people it appeals to. As though it resulted from a bet between college bros about how far they could push the visual pandering and how low brow they could go on their humor to make the commoners laugh without realizing they were the joke. In the end, Michael Bay just isn't for everyone and that's okay because his movies clearly gross billions of dollars worldwide and appeal to most of the people who see them. Who cares that a few film snobs like me think his movies aren't that great. He's not the most hated filmmaker! He's become fabulously wealthy and well-respected around the world and even some liberal arts, Portland/Williamsburg type hipsters even love him! He won. Let us bitch!

@BelatedCommiseration - 03.07.2022 13:07

Yeah...well...a creeping cancer is effective at what it does too...but it is still a cancer that reduces the whole and eats away at it...and I would argue that is the effect of Michael Bay and his movies.

@sudakshraina9433 - 08.06.2022 09:22

Love how Patrick in most of his appearances, has the camera in a low angle shot.

@mrmonday677 - 23.05.2022 03:06

"objectified" women....who agree to be "Objectified".😑

@Lstar07 - 13.05.2022 03:36

Where one Transformer starts and the other ends
The scene you used as an example immediately after is what I saw at a theater once. I thought it was just me at that point in time while in the theater who had trouble making sense of what was on the screen. I was visually confused trying to sort out Optimus & whoever he was fighting.

@bentn13 - 28.04.2022 00:56

"Bay is best when using big exterior locations where the sun's perpetually setting" lol

@julioalbertopalomo968 - 20.04.2022 15:14

I feel like bay makes movies for teenage boys. Really, as an early teen i used to love his movies.

@RyMovieGuy - 13.04.2022 02:49

I cannot deny some of his films are terrible, but there’s a lot I admire about Bay’s work.

@dustyhurst8195 - 11.04.2022 11:16

Im a Micheal bay fan 💯🇺🇸

@metal665lica - 27.03.2022 18:04

"Bay is best when using big exterior locations where the sun is perpetually setting."

That was hilarious 😂

@madnessarcade7447 - 22.03.2022 05:56

As a human he’s not great but his films are fun and charming

Not every film needs a philosophical narrative

@user-wo5tc9ux7u - 19.03.2022 21:11

optimus prime is fighting megatron, not hard to follow

@Seriouslycantplayguitar - 01.03.2022 13:38

"no no, just America"

@visionaryventures12 - 03.02.2022 21:00

How would George Lucas have directed a Transformers film?

@quincybryant5231 - 21.12.2021 12:42

Michael Bay isn't a terrible director. He's a horrible writer and producer. He's not Ridley or Tony Scott. RIP Tony had his own style but his movies were coherent and he cared about the characters. Bay it depends on the project. You don't let Bay go full Michael Bay. You bs like the Transformer sequels. The Rock, Bad Boys, Armageddon, The Island, Pain and Gain, 13 hours, and the first Transformers; were all enjoyable films. Atleast watchable and memorable scenes. The other shit was garbage and total incoherent. 6

@JayFingers - 12.12.2021 14:33

OMG wait, the part where you’re running out with the Michael Bay movies — that’s my old neighborhood! Shoutout to BROOKLYN!! 🙌🏾

@giselap5032 - 22.11.2021 10:14

I came here because i listen to tjklune..

@Kobe.T - 17.11.2021 08:54

I recently watched ‘Pain & Gain’. At this point I’ve seen most Bay’s movies and I feel ‘Pain & Gain’ is the perfect encapsulation of his work. So clean yet such a mess.

@rorylynch1203 - 04.11.2021 03:58

You make fun but the military consults on, changes plots to, provides support for etc many many films. In fact the ending of Abyss was changed from anti nuclear proliferation message by the military. Actually that’s a good idea topic for a video. How the military effects film.

@norbertwielage6222 - 31.10.2021 17:00

This Michael Bay enlightenment is probably the best. Good work, Patrick ❤

@florinivan6907 - 25.10.2021 21:44

So Bay loves the military but hates the government. But isn't the military answerable to the government its not an independent institution. If the government is incompetent in the Bayverse doesn't that have implications for the military as well or should?🤔

@jpotter2086 - 08.10.2021 19:44

Seriously, you say.

@longhairedchild1 - 04.10.2021 14:01

excellent analysis. As much as I want to hate him I somehow admire his technique. It´s insane, bombastic, and tasteless, but damn does he commit. Gotta love/hate him for that. What a piece of shit though, lol.

@andrewmilesbroughton8222 - 02.10.2021 04:11

Right on. Love your analysis, here and elsewhere. Bay shoots arthouse but has a commercial sensibility and his stuff is endlessly rewatchable. "Armageddon' and 'bad boys 2' are kickass classics. More inventiveness than any 3 normal action movies slammed together. His filmmaking is a rush. Pauline Kael talks about getting high on films, well here you go! Thanks for the insight.

@yokel85 - 08.09.2021 21:42

"Patrick H Willems presents... Judgment Bay" Fine. Here's your damn upvote.

@joelman1989 - 03.09.2021 01:05

Bays rise to popularity coinciding with the elevation of technology is no coincidence. Our parents grew up watching realistic action because that’s mostly what was possible. Suddenly Bay shows them wonders they’ve never seen and their minds are blown. But our generation doesn’t like Bay because we’re not wowed by his spectacular set pieces like our parents are. His Magic is muted for us. Who is or will be the next American auteur? For the millennials.

@oliverlieberman - 24.07.2021 00:43

I thought this would make me like Bay more but I hate him even more. He is the antithesis of what I hate about my fellow Americans.

@rogueguardian - 03.07.2021 06:03

Here's the thing I respect Michael Bay for his unique style, but that unique style gets really boring and repetitive. When the thing you're most notable for is explosions, the American flag, objectifying women, amongst other things, I don't think you'd be proud to have that title.

I mean sure M night shyamalan is known for twist endings, but at least in a couple of his films they work really well. The sixth Sense and unbreakable being his most notable. (Yes it went downhill from there) but to tell you the truth I still look forward to his films more than Michael Bay.

@erikm9768 - 28.06.2021 16:20

This was a really good piece!
