The Trinity explained in 5 minutes

The Trinity explained in 5 minutes

Redeemed Zoomer

1 год назад

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Here is a video that explains the Biblical evidence for the Trinity in more depth:
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leonard witucke
leonard witucke - 19.10.2023 22:54

This is not a Christians belief. This is a pagan addition or dare i say distortion. How can so many "christians" fall for this?

Him Bike
Him Bike - 19.10.2023 14:24

The Trinity is a mystery.
A mystery is a truth above our nature.
Only God is eternal
Jesus is the eternal Son
The love between the Father and Son
Is the Spirit. So all 3 are eternal
So all three are God
So all three are One

P_r_q - 19.10.2023 09:58

Good video but I'm sorry, I'm still not convinced of the trinity.

Humam Bawazier
Humam Bawazier - 19.10.2023 05:25

Doesn't make a single sense :'))

Rabie Lazazi
Rabie Lazazi - 18.10.2023 02:16

man the mental gymnastics 😂😂

Marchelino George
Marchelino George - 16.10.2023 22:42

I made two analogies to explain the Holy Trinity:
1. United States: Just like how God is one God in three persons, the United States is one country in fifty states.
2. The US federal government: Just like God is one God in three persons, the federal government is one government in three branches.

Aside from their obvious flaws, what do you think about these analogies?

James Jones
James Jones - 15.10.2023 01:49

God is the author of confusion, not peace. Oh no, hang on, it's the other way around. The trinity is so confusing because it's made up. It's not what scripture teaches. There's not one instance of jehovah, a prophet, jesus or an apostle teaching anything remotely resembling the trinity

James Jones
James Jones - 15.10.2023 01:45

Why do people resort to analogies? Because it doesn't come from scripture. Why did the catholics need to write a creed to explain the trinity? Because it doesn't come from scripture.

James Jones
James Jones - 15.10.2023 01:40

The trinity isn't what makes christianity christianity. The trinity is unscriptural false doctrine

Jose Preciado Cortes
Jose Preciado Cortes - 15.10.2023 00:46

The explanation of the trinity and in specifically the use of the word "person" pretty much breaks the English language, and it reallly doesn't make any sense. With that being said, im still a Christian, but im not going to pretend like this makes sense.

Ashraf - 14.10.2023 09:19

This strengthens my faith in Islam even further.

The Paraclete
The Paraclete - 14.10.2023 07:58


MarincusMan - 14.10.2023 03:45

Filioque subordinates the Holy Spirit

Alemisa Ararsa
Alemisa Ararsa - 13.10.2023 21:51


The Lone Wolf
The Lone Wolf - 13.10.2023 14:22

And most importantly, you must not be Lukewarm. You must believe and follow Jesus Christ, and live by The Bible.

Just Malik
Just Malik - 12.10.2023 10:17

Shit is fucked up

Lieutenant - 12.10.2023 07:23

so.. god send himself down to earth to get killed by his creation so he could forgive his creation

Ultrilegina XI
Ultrilegina XI - 12.10.2023 05:52

apparently Jehova's Witnesses believe in Subordinationism and Macedonianism

Aleria Productions
Aleria Productions - 12.10.2023 04:34

Funny that you have to believe it to be a Christian but the very concept wasn't even established in its fullness until the mid 4th century, I guess the 300 years of Christians before that weren't really Christians.

Daniel Just
Daniel Just - 11.10.2023 18:10

God also appears as wind in Eden, as voice, a cloud, pillar of fire, burning bush, Ezekiel saw God as cloud with thunders, Abraham saw God who looked like man. And we know God is Spirit.
Then God was born as man, after resurrection has now spiritual body. Currently he is with us as Holy Spirit, and soon he will appear as man again.
Eventually God will be light and will shine in New Jerusalem which will come down from Heaven to Earth.

God can take any form, but it is the same Lord.

prins af danmark
prins af danmark - 11.10.2023 17:40


Wendy T.
Wendy T. - 10.10.2023 04:06

Yes, Jesus is the son of God, but John's epistle tells us that if we have the Holy Spirit (the Father's spirit), we, too are sons of God. Paul said in his letter to the Corinthians that Jesus is the first of many brothers who will rise to eternal life when he returns. So Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, but he isn't God. The bible makes this very clear. Nowhere in the Bible is the trinity mentioned or explained. That heresy crept into Christianity through the Gnostics and Greek philosophy. Please, guys, get your facts straight. And no, you don't have to be a trinitarian to be a Christian.

cookietho_O - 09.10.2023 23:22

i love your videos!!! this is so helpful. AMEN!

Khaled Salami
Khaled Salami - 09.10.2023 11:14

Say, 'He is GOD, [who is] One
God, the Eternal Refuge.
He neither begets nor is born,
Nor is there to Him any
Is there any mystery in this?

DJ Wells
DJ Wells - 09.10.2023 05:43

That's a bad analogy Patrick

Pachacuti Yupanqui
Pachacuti Yupanqui - 08.10.2023 21:37

Oh yeah, humans have never come up with something that is complicated

RANdomizer - 07.10.2023 19:33

he is not 3 in 1 he is 1 in 3 your making muslims calling us shampoo

Dan Chase
Dan Chase - 07.10.2023 19:33

You said “the father creates us, the son redeems us…” and “these actions can’t be separated from one another” but colossians 1:15 says “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation, 16 for all things in heaven and on earth were created by him”
the trinity is extra-biblical and unnecessary. God is One, and Jesus is His Name.

Andreas Rademacher
Andreas Rademacher - 07.10.2023 12:38

I have been born again in June 2021, after being absent or even an enemy of God for 30 years. I was baptised catholic as a baby and had to attended mass every sunday, first communion, altar boy, firmation, all of it. It is shocking to me - that I was really believing in God, what is easy, if you are brought up that way, but how defensless and vulnerable I was to the world and it's teachings, because there was no interlectual backup of my believe.
I wouldn't have been able to knit together a coherent explanation of the Gospel at age 18. I never really heard something about the trinity. Never knew the importance of scripture and how everything ties together. It is really irresponsable of such churches. Or maybe even on purpose? I don't know...
It is really hard, to return to faith, after your head has been filled with all the knowledge and explanation of the world, how the world works. But luckily, God can do anything and has supernatural means. And we are created to believe.

TicTac Tech
TicTac Tech - 07.10.2023 10:24

So three manifestations?

Not sure how the notion of God became so complex. An infinite, necessary existent who sends prophets is far more rational to the human mind. Why would God confuse us rather than make it easy for us to understand? Religion should appeal to our intellect, so the Unitarian concept which is in line with Judaism and Islam is more understandable.

Hellcat - 07.10.2023 05:47


"For the Son of man shall come in the Glory of His Father with His angels: and then will He render to every man according to his works"


"What say Ye? Works? Sola Fide, ye papist heretic! REFORMATION!"

Ludwig Schwarzwälder
Ludwig Schwarzwälder - 07.10.2023 00:00

What do we receive from the three diffrent aspects of God.
As far as I understand it:
From The FATHER we obtain insight and guidance
From The SON we obtain love and redemtion
From The SPIRIT wie obtain strength and fulfilment.

Ludwig Schwarzwälder
Ludwig Schwarzwälder - 06.10.2023 23:47

Will you make a video about Gnosticism, why it is considerd heresy and what makes it different to Theology ?

Michael Prince
Michael Prince - 06.10.2023 22:59

None of those scriptures cited say that Jesus is God. And neither does (1 Cor 3:16 and Acts 5:3-4) say that the Holy Spirit is God. Corinthians speak of "the Spirit (of) God), or in other words, the spirit that belongs to God. The Holy Spirit is not a person, it is God's active force by which he accomplishes his purpose. There is a scripture that makes clear who God is and that is 1 Corinthians 8:5,6a which says, "For even though there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many “gods” and many “lords,” there is actually to us one God, the Father". Jesus also made it clear that he is not God when he said to a ruler “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except one, God". (Luke 18:18,19) And when he said to Mary "Go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.’” (John 20:17) He also said, "the Father is greater than I am". (John 14:28)

Jari - 06.10.2023 13:31


ronwaldo reyes
ronwaldo reyes - 06.10.2023 02:32

Trinity was introduced by the Roman Catholic and was accepted by most of the christian faith but was taught by different sects in a different way...its not in the bible the word Trinity but the bible says there are 3 witnesses in heaven but these 3 are 1...God through His almighty feature create a 3 characters for the plan of salvation FATHER in heaven the God ,SON JESUS ,in earth manifested as human or person ,Holy spirit ,the one will be sent by God from heaven 4 us to guide us TO KNOW ..,the right and wrong..these 3 have different Roles or CHORES...for the plan of salvation....there is only 1 God and 1 saviour Isaiah 43;10-11///NO ONE MUST USE A WORD OR ADJECTIVES TO point out God's an egg,as a family,as husband and wife to point out that GOD IS 3 IN 1..THIS IS THE REDICULOUS teaching of Trinity that divided christian faith...Jesus answered Philipp when asked who the Father is..the issue was who was the Father not the issue of power, equality ,the nature of the Father but who was He ...I AND THE FATHER IS 1..YOU STILL DONT KNOW?let us us made man in our own image..plural...MAN AND WOMAN HE CREATED THEM..singular...HOW MANY CREATORS OR GOD DO WE HAVE IN HEAVEN?WHO IS YOUR GOD? I AM HE..B4 ABRAHAM I AM...lets learn well brother and sisters

xBiggs50 - 05.10.2023 17:42

Jesus is not equal to God but he will sit on the right side of God. He was brought to free the people of God, to represent the word of God and be sacrificed as the lamb of God just like the lamb's blood was used to spare the first borns in Moses time. The Most High God is ONE. We must worship the God in heaven, just like Jesus did.

Mandem - 05.10.2023 16:05

If thats what the bible teaches that then how come we do not have any early church fathers in the first 300 years who actually believed in it

Enclave - 05.10.2023 15:56

I hear you say a lot of bad stuff about the Mormons. I just want to say the Mormons are good people. They helped me find Christ and go back to the Catholic Church. They may be heretics, but they’re only heretics because they’re misled.

Enclave - 05.10.2023 15:52

I can see why Jews and people who believe in Islam get confused

Kerr Foy
Kerr Foy - 05.10.2023 03:54

This is insane. Jesus is the son of god and our only path to his father in heaven. Jesus never said he was equal to his father, to whom he prays to for guidance and mercy. Over a hundred times Jesus speaks of his father in heaven that provides the power of miracles he performs on earth. It wasn’t until Jesus went to hell and defeated satin that he was elevated to the right hand of God. Use your brain and hearts fellow Christian’s. Thing are getting ready to enter thru tribulations. Be ready.

AllOutOfBubblegum - 04.10.2023 20:06

To me, believing that God isn't all three of these things is ridiculous, he was a burning bush and with God, all things are possible.
Also if you understand the old laws of marriage and divorce, and consider the relationship between us and him is described as a marriage. God had to die & rise again to remarry Israel, thats why he is also Christ.

Rich Weatherly
Rich Weatherly - 04.10.2023 05:05

I like the song with the line, "God in three persons, blessed Trinity."

Alla G
Alla G - 03.10.2023 23:13

1+1+1=1 this is what you are trying to convince me 😂😂😂. All the contradictions in one video

Norman Mc Dermid
Norman Mc Dermid - 03.10.2023 17:50

Noooooooo, if you are catholic you believe in the trinity. If you are christian you believe in three separate entities. One God our Father who sent both Jesus and the Holy Spirit to the earth to perform distinctly different tasks.

One Unity
One Unity - 03.10.2023 17:44


Hysterically Accurate
Hysterically Accurate - 03.10.2023 02:51

I think I kind of get it, but this is all very new to me. I grew up Oneness Pentecostal and was taught Modalism my entire life, so it's hard for me not to think in those terms. I'm trying my best though!
