Dynamic Programming - Learn to Solve Algorithmic Problems & Coding Challenges

Dynamic Programming - Learn to Solve Algorithmic Problems & Coding Challenges


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Isaac Poulton
Isaac Poulton - 27.09.2023 19:02

For tabular bestSum, you don't have to compare the length of the arrays. If you're iterating through and filling in the future values as you go, you can just skip if the value you're filling isn't null.

cooolway - 23.09.2023 16:44


JGmail - 23.09.2023 08:08

Just completed this 5hrs instruction, so helpful and so thankful!!!! My friday night gone

M S S Prakash Yashwanth
M S S Prakash Yashwanth - 22.09.2023 16:04

So far the best video I have gone through for DP!!!, Thanks Alvin for taking the time for such quality content 😊😊

Bottle?? - 19.09.2023 18:12

Why was the time for cansum() still O(m) after we had the memo object

ReadySetGo - 18.09.2023 01:03

How does the gridTraveler memoization account for the case where we have the same arguments but flipped order? i.e gridTraveler(a,b) and gridTraveler(b,a). Wouldn't the flipped key not be detected in the memo object?

Mentalist - 17.09.2023 00:00

Hard to understand for beginners. İt pure perfect.

Charu Agarwal
Charu Agarwal - 15.09.2023 23:25

Never seen such a good clear explanation of how to calculate time complexity. Which way would you prefer to get the nth element in a Fibonacci sequence? recursive way or in a for loop?

Mohammed Maher
Mohammed Maher - 14.09.2023 20:41

one of the best explanation videos i've seen covering dynamic programming topic

Phoenix Helicase
Phoenix Helicase - 14.09.2023 16:57

I’m new to programming, Can someone help me please ?

I have tried to follow this video but the moment I run the cmd of “ Node fib.js “. I get the error message:

“ The term node is not recognized as the name if a cmdlet ”

I don’t know how to setup the environment on VS to follow this video. Can you make a video of how to setup environment for this video ? Or someone in the comment help ? :) Thanks

Dieynaba Ba
Dieynaba Ba - 14.09.2023 15:45


FZ1 Owner
FZ1 Owner - 14.09.2023 12:18

Recursive programs are in use here and there, but I was a software engineer from 1975 to 2005 working for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, a Route 128 CAD/CAM company, Apollo Computer (Sun Micro competitor), and Knight Securities (Nasdaq Market Maker start up). In all that time, I never wrote any recursive code, or changed any recursive code. When I retired i wrote a Scrabble playing program, to see what recursive programming was like.

Guy One
Guy One - 13.09.2023 17:37

One of the worst unclear courses I’ve ever seen. Can’t understand all of the positive people in the comments.

Vicenzo Giordana
Vicenzo Giordana - 12.09.2023 01:08

a better way of fibonacci function is the next one (it is in Scala, but its the same for any language):
def fibonacci(n: Int): Long = {
def faux(n: Int, fa: Long, faa: Long): Long = {

if (n == 0) 0
else if (n == 1) 1
else if (n == 2) fa + faa
else faux(n - 1, fa + faa, fa)
faux(n, 1, 0)

Reid Klarsfeld
Reid Klarsfeld - 10.09.2023 21:53

Amazing explanations. Question regarding gridTraveler. We understand that gridTraveler(2,1) and gridTraveler(1,2) produce the same result, however, Alvin's implementation does not take that into consideration, right? Wouldn't we want to check the memo for a key of 'm,n' as well as a key of 'n,m', and if neither are in there, set both? ie, memo['m,n'] = memo['n,m'] = gridTraveler(m-1, n, memo) + gridTraveler(m, n-1, memo), no? I may be overthinking but looking for any insight

Satin Creditcare
Satin Creditcare - 09.09.2023 20:57

I think case where any number is equal to 1 should be considered as a base in case of gridTraveler memoization. We dont need to go to zero. What is your opinion ? Please reply.
Thanks for this beautiful course. 👍

Hafiz Mo
Hafiz Mo - 06.09.2023 09:35

ShortestSum can be done simply by sorting the input array in reverse order then shove it to the earlier function which returns list of numbers that add up to target sum. Don't understand why we choose to go this way. Someone please explain.

NormanWasHere - 04.09.2023 17:16

Amazing, didn't know how to efficiently solve fibonacci, didn't really know what time and space complexity was, never heard of dynamic programming yet I understood this super easily (I know the first problem is bar far the easiest)

David Mata Viejo
David Mata Viejo - 03.09.2023 21:26

For the canSum shouldn't be the key "k+array"? Because if we only use the k it might return an error if there are duplicated k values

William94 - 01.09.2023 22:03

Thanks, very good macro tutorial

An Oasis of Tranquillity
An Oasis of Tranquillity - 28.08.2023 14:24

Hello Alvin, this is an Amazing content.
A question on canSum, if have a target value as an even number and then one of my items in the list is 2, it will always return true. Eg, 6, [2,3,5])

Binary Lynx
Binary Lynx - 25.08.2023 18:01

I have an issue with python best_sum problem. My code:
def best_sum(target_sum, numbers, memo = {}):
return None
elif target_sum == 0:
return []
elif target_sum in memo:
return memo[target_sum]
shortest_res = None
for num in numbers:
res = best_sum(target_sum - num, numbers, memo)
if res is not None:
if shortest_res is None or len(res) < len(shortest_res):
shortest_res = res
memo[target_sum] = shortest_res
return memo[target_sum]
Can anyone help and point out the problem?

Jason Elechi
Jason Elechi - 24.08.2023 16:14

Thank you Alvin. This was a great course!

Ben Baker
Ben Baker - 24.08.2023 02:24

"Enter a potent pot" he predicted Alexander in elden ring

Syntyche Manda
Syntyche Manda - 23.08.2023 23:37

I almost died but this helped me a lot, thanks.

Kees Mills
Kees Mills - 21.08.2023 19:46

The canSum problem had me thinking for a bit but why use a recursive function using a base - num? When you use a modules calculation you can run through it like nobodies business in a single run!

(runtime 3.18ms in powershell with base 180000 and numbers array (500,5,100))
function new-canSum{
param([int]$base, [array]$numbers)

foreach ($num in ($numbers | Sort-Object -Descending)){
$base = $base % $num

if ($base -eq 0){return $true}

return $false


If you really, _realy_, want to you can still use a recursive function (but at 3.24ms it's waaaayy slower 😂):
function new-canSum{
param([int]$base, [array]$numbers)

if ($base -eq 0){return $true}

foreach ($num in ($numbers | Sort-Object -Descending)){
return new-cansum -base ($base % $num) -numbers $numbers
return $false


Pavan kumar D
Pavan kumar D - 21.08.2023 01:18

For the canSum problem once it returns true won't the previous calls all just return true and finish execution? why do we maintain it, we can just maintain a hashset and if a number is in hashset it means it returns false. Here is the code for reference-
public static boolean canMemoSum(int[] numbers, int targetSum, int pos, Set<Integer> memo) {
if (targetSum == 0) {
return true;
} else if (targetSum < 0) {
return false;
else if (memo.contains(targetSum)) {
return false;
} else {
for (int i = pos; i < numbers.length; ++i) {
if (canMemoSum(numbers, targetSum - numbers[i], i, memo)) {
return true;
return false;

Charles - 18.08.2023 11:41

In the howSum... Is it really necessary to spread the remainerResult. why not just push the value and return the array itself?

Electro - 17.08.2023 19:00

Who needs stupid university professors when you got a legend like Alvin explaining DP. Very good explanation!!

YonkoCraft - 17.08.2023 16:34

in the grid traveler problem you can actually take a base case of n==1 || m==1 because if eathier on them is equal to 1 there would be only one way to travel all the way right or all the way down and it reduces the time complixity like i wasn't able to compute GT(18,18) in the video method but after i changed the condition i was able to do that after a few seconds

Duality0077 - 10.08.2023 11:24


Sarthak Joshi
Sarthak Joshi - 10.08.2023 02:02

Overall great tutorial, appreciate it! I was bit lost when it came to defining the time-complexity of canSum, not sure if the tutor was going too fast. But great effort! 👍

Æthelstan - 10.08.2023 00:09

I cannot believe that this quality of teaching material is for free!! Your are amazing!!

sachin sachin
sachin sachin - 05.08.2023 15:46

I'm here after watching graph algo. I am a data engineer and I always struggled to understand the space and time complexity, this animation is all I ever wanted. This is by far the best video I watched on dynamic programming. Moreover, Alvin has that charm to keep me captivated for long hours without loosing focus. Keep up the great work man!

Jacky Tsui
Jacky Tsui - 04.08.2023 20:31

Can't believe this tutorial is free! Thanks Alvin, you are a great teacher!!!

Diksha Wali
Diksha Wali - 04.08.2023 08:03

I just don't know what magic you did with this video, it just completely changed the way i thought solutions and now I am able to do medium level problems like a cake walk. Can't thank you enough❤

Randomstuff - 03.08.2023 08:09

For grid traveler, you can make another minor optimization by modifying the base cases as such -

if (m == 0 || n == 0) return 0;
if (m == 1 || n == 1) return 1;

Instead of using AND, use OR when returning 1

Because if you have a (1, m) grid or a (n, 1) grid, there is always going to be only one way to travel through it and when you do an OR statement, then it would simply return at the 1xm state instead of decrementing the m or n until you reach 1x1 to satisfy the AND condition.

It is also important to call the m == 0 or n == 0 condition before doing this to ensure that a 1x0 or 0x1 grid returns 0 and not 1

zzz - 03.08.2023 05:16

very clear and concise explanation of dynamic programming! definitely enjoyed learning it all the way to the end. hope there's more tutorials like this to come.

Daniel Adetayo
Daniel Adetayo - 03.08.2023 03:14

I am 45 mins in, but I had to stop to drop this comment. This is hands down one of the best tutorials I've ever seen.
Alvin is a true teacher. I am blown away by his style. I have taken paid courses on this topic, but this is the first time I am understanding what this is about. I can't wait to finish this tutorial.
I am going to go for all your courses.

Jahongir Tangriberganov
Jahongir Tangriberganov - 31.07.2023 10:28

Could someone explain me why m == 1 or n == 1 is not a base case, like if one of the coordinates will be 1 then its obivous that there is only one way to go to the end of the grid?

Halcyon Ramirez
Halcyon Ramirez - 26.07.2023 06:41

for bestSum memoization. wouldn't it be easier to just get all the possible ways and then do a check for the minimum once?
rather than at every node of the recursive tree?

like get all possibilities and just do a minimum after getting all the possibilities.

shashwat gupta
shashwat gupta - 26.07.2023 06:24

Great course! Thanks.
Follow up question, for fib tabulation, your array size is n+1, you execute the for-loop till i <= n, say i = n, you will do table[i+1] and table[i+2], which is when you will end up writing to the array index beyond the allocated bounds for i+2, is that correct?
