Realistic vs Arcade - which is better for research points?

Realistic vs Arcade - which is better for research points?

WarThunder Pilot

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@devinschuller5862 - 27.06.2024 04:27

What if i play sim?

@qantas-airbus4life189 - 25.06.2024 07:56

they should buff AB rewards a tad bit so its more fun and rewarding but ok rb it is (cries in suffering)

@gladteer873 - 24.06.2024 06:46

Simulation mode is a myth. Nobody plays it but we say it is there. Same as the round earth.

@mrcoolkidgaming7089 - 23.06.2024 11:51

I honestly would choose air realistic battles as you get more credit whenever a match ends and the physics feel more realistic

@TheThirdEmperorOfMalvachia - 22.06.2024 13:16

the spitfire in arcade is literally an rc plane

@tobiasdvoracek4325 - 21.06.2024 02:56

In air arcade I have a small chance of killing someone. In Air realistic I fly for 5 minutes up just to get shot down as soon as i get on someones tail just to get immedeatly tailed and shot down too. (Yes I am bad, thats why I play GRs)

@YourLocalYter - 20.06.2024 03:01

Bro who plays wt for fun? You either play it for that fucking cool ass F15 or SU27 or Tornado or Harrier and flame the shit out of anyone who kills you cuz they dont know qhat you're going through

@alensmic6100 - 18.06.2024 02:50

i play WT for fun is just game .i am AAB freak ARB is WASSTE of time .in time i do one
successful RB with 1x landing so to trip to base/ground and back is 20-25 min sometime even more for what 40-50 K -SL and 10-15 K RP . in that time i can do 2x AB and dubler or triple SL -and Rp-Xp-Vp the irony is that RB players always complain about not having enough SL.

@zeetos5788 - 17.06.2024 19:45

I can assure that grinding techtrees through air arcade has been faster than in realistic, and quite the opposite for tanks realistic > arcade

@trivixni435 - 14.06.2024 23:48

i tried that with mig23 in RB and AB, i got 3x more in AB and we won but i didnt even get close to what i normally get from an RB so i would say RB is better to grind (i had a premium plane, premium account and was in first place in AB)

@Russertlog - 14.06.2024 17:08

how the hell at rank 4 he got 11k i get like 3k

@Russertlog - 14.06.2024 17:05

id say play arcade when you hve a booster as it is a op way of getting sl because you can boostr it to realistic rewards and get like 10 kills in a game whihcnis way better than one plane

@The_gaming-Nexus77 - 14.06.2024 06:57

reasons i play each mode

RB: i play it because it gives me the realism that i like and everything is realistic as possible as it can

AB: i play it as a test mode or for fun little times on for grind because i dont want to fight 10 differnt P-400's

CB: hehe bomber go mach 1 from 25k in the air

@DarkNeveur - 14.06.2024 02:05

Arcades - 9 kills - 4000 xp , RB - 1 kill 1 assist - 980 XP.

Arcades it is
(rb are good from AA rockets above)

@dudaritething - 13.06.2024 21:48

With all that climb time and need for resource managing, can't say RB is better than AB literally 3 time like visible reward

@mclovin924 - 13.06.2024 06:29

I usually get 1-3 kills every realistic battle, each battle takes abt 5-15min, while in an AAB I can rack up 13 kills and only play for 10 (plus having more fun). I’m a proud Arcade player and I say: Play what works best for you and what you have FUN playing. Everyone plays poorly when they’re upset.

@JaydenTheWise1 - 13.06.2024 02:53

Cough, Simulator Battles.

@sen11k - 11.06.2024 19:59

Me liking Simulator Battles:

@German-Pale-Male - 11.06.2024 02:39

Arcaden Turns Look Like biplanes

@bobbyskee2 - 10.06.2024 12:34

Sadly doesn't matter for me cuz I get 0 in realistic but avr 7 in rb

@Xaninho999 - 09.06.2024 14:19

LIES.. best method is Simulator..
You just need to learn how to fly and recognize all the planes in all trees and know if they are enemies or friends.. but its way faster

@stickmin_S - 08.06.2024 17:41

I know realistic gives more rewards but it is not worth the stress for me

@pollete5672 - 08.06.2024 12:56

I played AB for the first 100h playtime so I don't suck that bad and I have a minimum knowledge on the game then just play RB until u stop sucking at the game

@guerrinlove69 - 07.06.2024 18:06

I mostly play air arcade for grinding planes, but I usually have the most fun dogfighting in ground rb. I just got the F3D-1 the other day and I've been playing ground rb exclusively to research all it's modules. I usually net about 5k in vehicle research per match, but I have so much fun doing it.

@ShiningDarknes - 07.06.2024 13:31

Remember: it is only faster in RB if you are good. All of the plus sides to RB go out the window if you get shot down before you can get more than 2 or 3 kills if you’re lucky. For everyone that says RB is fast, all the people they killed in order to make that statement would probably disagree.

In arcade because you can way overload your wings, air reload, and get multiple free respawns a couple deaths is not going to hurt you and you should be able to pull off 5+ kills in just about every game since just mag dump when in doubt in a valid strategy. Arcade can also have bots which while they grant less exp are way better than running out of targets because you play are odd hours and never get full enough lobbies.

So the answer is: if you co sides yourself average or worse arcade is probably both faster and more consistent, but if you are above average or better RB will probably net you over-all faster results even if they may not be as consistent.

@LarryArthauer - 06.06.2024 20:59

realistic, metric >

@Sturminfantrist - 06.06.2024 14:27

Folks dont play RB air cuz you get more SL and RP , it doesnt work cuz you will be back fast in Hangar often with minus SL because of the high repair cost.
Realistic Battles isnt an egoshooter , the learning curve is steeper much steeper then in AB, nearly every 2nd game ( BR range 5.0, 5.3, 5.7) i see Players crashing at start cuz they cant start and land, they have no situational awareness, no tactical skill, no flying skill ( combat manouvres).
Dont play RB air because of more RP, SL in RB its not worth the time spend and you guys ruin the game, cant count how often i was alone after only a few minutes because my teammates diving low (sometimes 5 planes) for the first incoming easy kill Bomber, Attacker then they get slaughtered by enemy Fighters with high advantage.
But to be fair i thank you "i got more SL, RP guys" for all the easy Kills, ACE runs, 6 and (seldom) 7 kill runs cuz you guys have no clue of aircombat manouvres and tactics.

@DerSpeggn - 06.06.2024 09:27

You get 90% of your RP for playtime. Not the actions you do. SL though is down to what you do.

@Immortal_BP - 06.06.2024 02:19

i know what isnt best for research points, using 500% RP booster and then getting 0 kills

@muha0644 - 04.06.2024 18:19

Don't forget RP you get for activity as well. Even if you only get 1 kill, most of your RP will be simply due to time in battle.

@megapet777 - 04.06.2024 12:30

I tried to play air rb with my bro but we were unable to pick certain planes in our line up for some reason, but we could play them in arcade. So idk why that is the case. Maybe someone knows here?

@APOLON-bm7ym - 28.05.2024 11:48

People, please, the moment you see you have 10 or 12 kills in arcade, switch to RB, either air or ground. Beeing level 100, with crews 75 or 150 and playing the arcade, you just proove that you have issues in real life and that you need someplace else to shine. I switched after 3 weeks of sweeping enemy team, without attacking from above. If you shoot down 6 enemies one after the another in headon encounters, by hitting them from 1km or more, you overgrew the arcade. + its impossible to sneak onto the enemy + you cant have more than 1 or 2 kills from ambush etc...

@ThePizzabrothersGaming - 27.05.2024 02:07

for tanks the main difference is you get only three respawns in arcade, and in realistic you get aircraft and more respawns if you're good, and you don't get auto-spotted 24/7 by the game

@zackreytownsend2315 - 25.05.2024 20:24

went 19-1 with an f16c in AB and tbh that’s the most fun i’ve had in that plane in a bit

@darkShadow-py2pp - 23.05.2024 17:52

yes but if u cant get kills in rb but can get around 6-8 kills in ab do ab, bt if u can get 2-5 kills in rb then do rb

@Mr_X010 - 23.05.2024 17:18

How do i become pro with console pls tell me brother i am helpless rn

@koolehmainen - 23.05.2024 14:16

I hate to play RB, not only because I suffer from chronic Skillius Issuitis but because it takes forever to get into the action.

@user-if7rx9ot7r - 22.05.2024 17:05

I slaps in AB but sxxks at RB to a point that I want to quit the game. I will be back after 10 years when I got my JAS-39A

@susgofres - 22.05.2024 01:06

I'd rather die in an intensive battle than die from 12 planes shooting behind me.

@TheUnseenWaffle - 21.05.2024 09:29

I just don't understand why going up the ranks couldnt be achieved with kill counts. Like to get the f16 you need to kill 500 aircraft. It's simple and faster to climb the tiers.

@WoGDynamic - 21.05.2024 03:21

I dont know if this is right, but isnt the testing flawed as you get less RP and SL if the aircraft is already damaged.

@theenclave6254 - 20.05.2024 12:59

Air RB is my go to. Feels like I make a lot more there then I do AB, and I like the slower pace and one life aspect of it

@eclipsedninja1346 - 18.05.2024 00:40

Laughs in sim bomber main

@Josh31892 - 17.05.2024 09:43

Do I need to have a tier 5 tank and plane to unlock helicopters or just one of them.

@darrencadillac1849 - 15.05.2024 16:52

Simulator battles

@Andrewatnanz - 14.05.2024 22:22

Yes, ENJOY is the most important word. If its work and grind then your not really "playing" are you? nope....

@niojandonker625 - 13.05.2024 10:35

No, the question is what is more fun

@nathanphillips2395 - 10.05.2024 05:52

You get a bigger win and time in game bonus for realistic too. Not sure how much it affects it but it is a thing

@juandeag5194 - 09.05.2024 01:45

arcade for planes and realistic for tanks is by far my favorite!
