How the Netherlands is Transforming into a Military Giant in Europe

How the Netherlands is Transforming into a Military Giant in Europe


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@dannyvdmoo - 06.02.2024 17:56

😂😂😂😂super power verleden jaar je pc's al vol met spionage software vd chinezen
Je bent zo dom rutte

@alanfaith2986 - 06.02.2024 01:46

They lost all credibility when they abandoned the Bosnian muslims in Srebrenica to be massacred by the Serbs

@kwasjemycat9236 - 04.02.2024 22:02

The Netherlands is the best Country in the world

@theirrydamiens5840 - 03.02.2024 12:18

Nederland power

@theirrydamiens5840 - 03.02.2024 12:17

European Union ...informatic superpower

@theirrydamiens5840 - 03.02.2024 12:14

European Union superpower

@saus9870 - 31.01.2024 03:38

It's really not.

@SIG442 - 31.01.2024 01:35

F-16's already arrived in Ukraine.

Batavia is NOT a warship, but a V.O.C. ship, meaning it's a merchant ship. The Amsterdam is also a merchant vessel.

The R81 was a legendary ship for the fleet, still to this day a huge missing part of the navy is a replacement for this ship. There was originally a second carrier to be added to the wanted list but cancelled later on.

4 Alkmaar class ships have been donated to Ukraine, the 5th will likely go as well.

Only 4 of those submarines are ordered to replace the 4 currently in service.

The Leo 2's are NOT Dutch owned or leased, but on loan from Germany to form a German/Dutch battalion. There is a big difference there.

C-130's are set to be replaced by 4 Embraer C-390M, which is clearly a lot smaller.

PC-7's are about to be retired as well, I'm not sue what aircraft will replace those if any.

And right now, no the Dutch armed forces are not capable of doing much. Yet still those within it are far better trained then even the US troops.

@juriendejong5201 - 30.01.2024 17:06

This title is stupid

@p.s.5135 - 28.01.2024 18:36

Hahahahahah😂😂😂 superpower troops no boats we have nothing

@yiannisanastas7851 - 27.01.2024 14:38

Endless discussions about changing some submarines, selling all tanks and maritime patrol planes... Don't make me laugh. It will never be a super power.

@harry19000000 - 26.01.2024 23:02

Its a question to me why the investments in the army are around 18 billion dollars (same as Turkey) and why the army is that small and low equiped.

@jimbuur - 25.01.2024 18:10

Mark rutte is not our leader

@gab6468 - 24.01.2024 16:17

Don’t forget the Dutch chip power from ASML

@gab6468 - 24.01.2024 16:09

Your info is not complete. The Dutch navy is building 31 new ships till 2030. And at the moment 29 exclusive the small vessels.4 submarines 1 joint support vessel 2 landing platform vessels 4 air defense frigates 2 multi purpose 4 patrol vessels 5 minehunters 1 torpedo work vessel 4 dive support vessels 2 hydrographic 1 support vessel and trainings vessels

@duurnamets9678 - 24.01.2024 14:28

Laat me niet lachen
Ons Leger is het lachertje van de wereld geworden dankzij alle Corrupte Kabinetten.
We hadden ooit een goede sterke Marine en veel tanks en 200+ F16(Amerika vliegt nog steeds met duizenden F16anno 2024)
Raket systemen.
Nederland stelt helemaal niets meer voor.
En de NAVO landen zijn Ruggegraatsloze meelopers van Schurkenstaat Amerika die constant uit is om Iran,China Rusland te provoceren.
We mogen blij wezen dat de Russen nog kunnen nadenken.
Wie gaat nu een Nucleaire Grootmacht als Rusland uitdagen?
Ik denk dat het allemaal gepland is om zo de Grote Reset door te drukken.
Eerst zoveel mogelijk mensen uitroeien en de rest onder Totalitaire Dictatuur te stellen als slaven voor de 1% Elite Pshyopaten verscholen in hun bunkers voorzien van alle gemakken.

@viderethevaccinatorfromhol7536 - 23.01.2024 01:52

What about the new submarines replacing the current one's.

@viderethevaccinatorfromhol7536 - 23.01.2024 01:49

My father was a marine on the Karel Doorman aircraft carrier. Proud marine.

@Jack-ul2nu - 22.01.2024 17:02

The Dutch Army is small because when have lots of not European people here, whe have turkeys people morrocean people people from Surinam and The Netherlands Antilles thats why

@BlackWolf053 - 19.01.2024 15:37

Super power met homo's als militair 🤣🤣🤣

@Demun1649 - 18.01.2024 01:37

I became very irritated by your constant questions. A crude attempt to get information for your next video? STOP THE QUESTIONS. You repeat the mistake of other inaccurate video makers. The F-35 Lightning II is not an aircraft type. Which variant did the Netherlands buy? The best one, the F-35A? The second best, the F-35C? Or the worst of the bunch, the very large, much slower, carries fewer weapons, has a shorter range, and is not a stealth fighter. The F-35B can carry ONE mission in every four days, A Dassault Rafale can carry out 5 missions every day, has greater range, more weapons, and is more stealthy.

@kevinvaneckendonk6477 - 15.01.2024 02:46

It's a little exaggerated we don't have the capability to be an impressive military Force or build up one in a short time. The only impressive branch is the Airforce which can deploy a big punch if needed. There are plans though to invest more in the army and getting a bigger military but its going to take years. Besides there also is no real rush to do so because the only treat is coming from the east which Ukraine, Poland and Germany sit between with far bigger and more capable armies and we also aren't looking to claim terratory. Although we could easily claim some more territory if we really would like to.

@doggocraft3971 - 11.01.2024 23:19

Im dutch myself this video is fun

@hungrymusicwolf - 08.01.2024 21:28

The dutch were never colonizers they were traders. They more or less stumbled their way into colonization. Their military strength did not come from colonies, but from trade and ingenuity. Windmills and cooperative society to outpace their rivals in production, genius designs by brilliant men to make better use of what they had, and the principles of liberty to allow great men to rise to the task instead of letting nobles fumble.
Michiel de Ruyter being a great example of when the value of nobility came into conflict with the ideal of allowing the great to take their place, allowing the dutch to win some of the most difficult battles possible, and sadly also a reminder of the decline of said value towards the end taking away said strength from the nation..

Though to answer the question: the dutch is not about to turn into a military power. There simply is no taste for it in the population and no benefit to be gained for the nation. What are we going to do with said navy? Invade Britain? At most we'll expand our capabilities to improve our ability to assist NATO and EU initiatives with combat power.

@noob_kitten - 04.01.2024 22:07


@cristianefraga7940 - 31.12.2023 21:52

Er zijn al vijf lookalikes van l.l.u.l.a, allemaal betrokken bij narco-terroristen in Brazilië, machinegeweren worden gestolen door drugsdealers, alles heeft te maken met drugshandelaren en de foto’s van 8 januari zijn verwijderd door Flavio Dino die zonder beveiliging rondloopt in de favela van Rio de Janeiro en ontvangt de dame van mensenhandel in het kantoor waar Pacheco allemaal bij betrokken is. Lira. Alexandre de Moraes advocaat voor P CC je moet deze criminelen arresteren Strafhof onderzoekt het nieuws en arresteert er zijn 2000 mensen gearresteerd met kinderen zonder in hechtenis te zijn genomen, help Brazilië alstublieft om van deze corrupte politieke criminelen af ​​te komen!!!

@robertvanderzalm4464 - 26.12.2023 14:28


@joeydragon3509 - 24.12.2023 12:54

We had a much better army hope it will get good again with alot of new people that will lead the country soon.

@wilconijsse8161 - 20.12.2023 21:04

Our army is very bad!!!!.Thanks to Mark Rutte our premier

@arcopierik3894 - 19.12.2023 01:21

The Dutch government has gambled that with our army. They have assumed that the risk of war is small because we are surrounded by allies. They cut back so much that there was no longer a full-fledged army. Fortunately, they have now realized that we cannot rely solely on a quickly deployable unit. Now they are busy rebuilding everything.

@saskiavandijk6773 - 17.12.2023 19:25

I live in the netherlands en the army is very bad

@obud3777 - 14.12.2023 15:54

Military giant? Are you insane? No tanks, not enough artillery, not enough ifv’s, depleted ammunition stocks, very small Air Force, and the navy has only 6 frigates and only 2 old submarines and medical supplies are depleted

@user-de7rz9tm9d - 13.12.2023 23:00

Lol we have a shitty military. We should spend 40 billion a year. In an efficient way. Then we have something.

@keanobavelaar5469 - 13.12.2023 21:40

My country❤🇳🇱

@MERDEKA_ATAU_MATI - 10.12.2023 20:44

Bull shit!

@mcj2219 - 07.12.2023 01:11

Meanwhile in 2023 regular soldiers dont even have proper diet 😂 and many units are transfered under German command. But at least we dont speak German 🤓🤓🤦!!!

@sandscrapper8320 - 06.12.2023 15:17

hahaha Nu UH

@Jimmy-fy3oi - 03.12.2023 21:27

Nope there not,just like ww2 I give the Dutch a week at most to a military like French of Germany. Against the US 24 hours, Rus 48 hours. Bid there Pri Minister is talking shit to Russia kinda stupid in my opinion.

@kplkasteel - 03.12.2023 16:32

While quantity is a skill on its own, The Dutch use quality over quantity. With a small population it's impossible to maintain a large professional army and though many cost cutting measures have been taking place over the last 2 decades thinking the threat from the east was gone recent developments in the Ukraine has shown the Dutch government that those cuts were premature.
Military spending has and will be further increased to (re)build a highly mobile, quick deployable and flexible Army that will be able to play a major role and be a reliable partner within NATO and our friends around the world.
Rebuilding what has been lost will take time, but the Dutch will always be able to punch well above their weight as we have shown in the last 25 years during peace keeping and peace enforcing missions.
The Dutch motto is: Je Maintiendrai which means depending on the context: I will maintain, I will defend or I will support.
Joining the Dutch Army is not about earning a lot of money though the salary is decent enough especially if you consider the hazard pay during exercises and missions.
Many young Dutch (Including myself with 12 years with the Armoured Infantry 42BLJ) join after right after highschool to a.) Serve our country and help make the world, no matter how small our contribution is to be a better place and b.) while being enlisted enjoy the nearly unlimited educational opportunities fully paid and during working hours.

@yorick5692 - 03.12.2023 15:10

this whole video sounds like it was written by AI

@keyboardJunkie - 01.12.2023 18:35

we dont wave so mutch monny :(

@koenvz9375 - 01.12.2023 05:22

Addition to your info. We boight 22 extra F-35. Starting a new division of MLRS (I thought we bought 40 from Israel. Also there are adiditonal armed raptors coming and pateiot systems. Next will we a new tank divsion, currently this is a group that operates with Germany.

@christiano2444 - 29.11.2023 20:30

Yes when they spend 15 billion euros they must have a good military. The navy is combined with belgium but the dutch navy is significant bigger. The jsf 35 is one of the most advanced fighterjets.

@XX-lw2bg - 29.11.2023 00:54

😂....say cheese

@waasar - 26.11.2023 19:21

The contents of this video suggests that it was very hastily made. Perhaps the script was AI generated. A lot of ships in the Dutch Navy fleet are not even mentioned in the video, while it is such an easy topic to get a comprehensive list of.
The title also does not reflect the contents of the video.

@sebastiaanvanrijn209 - 25.11.2023 11:23

Hahahaha the dutch millitairy has bad equiptment, brokeTrucks, bad pay, and none of the respect you get as a US soldier 😂

@PoepsIaaf - 21.11.2023 19:32

34 f-35s? Damn we finna be broke 😂💀

@ronaldbunk9007 - 16.11.2023 21:30

I am from the Netherlands. This story is greatly exaggerated

@MegaRebel100 - 12.11.2023 20:46

Nonsens I Dutch and ever dutch guy will laugh at you ...
Rutte is fading out and no to be sirios teken ..
Wy were in Afgahistan and we were the baggers army and still we are ..
The Rutte government push money around but did no more than that ..
No stocks all in oekraine and ols fighters to the oekraine no new to replce ..
Beggars army under Rutte and still we are a beggers army ,,don,t believe Den Haag

@harrygroen69 - 11.11.2023 19:53

The Dutch army became a joke.
