How to Live Happily? Sadhguru Answers

How to Live Happily? Sadhguru Answers


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Gus Mar
Gus Mar - 04.06.2023 14:47

this man is speaking unhappily about happiness. This world is created for the purpose of in order not to be happy or unhappy. it is created for human being to struggle for the life after death. the more we enjoy our struggle, the happier. so no 100 percent happy one can achieve in this world, cos one is created plus minus.

Ahmed Al-Akki
Ahmed Al-Akki - 04.06.2023 00:24

How to live happily? Collect millions from your followers.

Pushpak Deb
Pushpak Deb - 27.05.2023 13:44

Dont come to spot light.....

Balmukund Bhatt
Balmukund Bhatt - 24.05.2023 08:56

Living a happy life is something that many people strive for. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, here are some general tips that can help you live a happier life:

1. Practice gratitude: Focus on the things you have rather than the things you don't have. Spend some time each day reflecting on the good things in your life and express thanks for them.

2. Build meaningful relationships: Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who encourage and uplift you. Make a genuine effort to connect with and support others.

3. Pursue hobbies and interests: Engage in activities that bring you joy and excitement. Pursuing your passions can help reduce stress and increase happiness.

4. Take care of your physical health: Exercise regularly, eat a healthy and balanced diet, get enough sleep, and practice self-care to boost your physical wellbeing.

5. Mindfulness and meditation: Develop a regular mindfulness or meditation practice, which can help you to reduce stress levels, be more present in the moment and increase feelings of inner peace.

6. Help others: Focusing on others can actually increase our own happiness, this can be through volunteering, mentoring or simply being generous with our time and energy.

Remember, happiness is not something that can be achieved overnight, but by making small changes and cultivating habits that lead to joy and fulfillment, we can gradually shift towards a happier and more fulfilling life.

Senthil Kumar
Senthil Kumar - 18.05.2023 00:20

There are only few videos where Sadhguru speaks while standing !!!

klum klum
klum klum - 22.04.2023 21:10

I am only the self. Nisargata Maharaj

klum klum
klum klum - 22.04.2023 21:07

Want a real teacher? Sri nissargadath maharaj.

MIASIN Learn Armenian
MIASIN Learn Armenian - 24.02.2023 22:37

Thank you for the precious advice ❤

shreyas proi
shreyas proi - 16.02.2023 18:04

it is not what happens to you in life that makes a difference! It is how we react to what happens to us in life that creates our history and - more importantly - our future!

Aziz ETÉREO - 13.02.2023 16:47

It has been 3 years i saw this video, changed my life.

Sekamanje shares it
Sekamanje shares it - 30.01.2023 21:43

This is as confusing as psychology. What he is saying is kind of too subjective. So he means there is not absolute truth?

Kim Hoffman
Kim Hoffman - 29.01.2023 04:22

thank you

MindfulnessAsia108 - 27.01.2023 12:01

Why everyone is always searching for Happiness? All living beings have an eternal, spiritual nature. A big part of this spiritual nature is an in-built feeling and experience of blissfulness when we are in our normal spiritual consciousness. When a person becomes influenced by material consciousness instead, they will not experience this spiritual blissfulness anymore. Therefore, there is a feeling of emptiness within. This feels very wrong to us for a good reason. Feeling empty and unhappy inside goes against our real spiritual nature. This then motivates a person to keep looking for happiness. There are so many different ways how living beings in this world try to find happiness.
Real Happiness comes from within. Material pleasure are sensory pleasures that a person experiences in their body or mind when interacting with the external world. These material pleasures are temporary in nature. They have a beginning and an end. Because of this they cannot deliver actual long-lasting happiness. Since we are eternal spiritual beings such material happiness does not satisfy us.

Bliss.Fetich - 07.08.2022 18:38


Rajendra Singh
Rajendra Singh - 16.07.2021 12:54

Great solution to be happy....🙏🙏

Tulasi tirdham
Tulasi tirdham - 07.05.2021 18:12

Namaskaram..Sadguru...Your words..Made me a truthful human being..I am happy for that

Sarthok siingh
Sarthok siingh - 29.06.2020 13:33

He is so calm and chill specially when he explains something..yes?..isn't it so?...hello

Milow Rai
Milow Rai - 28.02.2020 10:24

This man knocked me out so many times 🙏🙏🙏 namaste old man

Cobus - 26.02.2020 15:56

The world belong to every living thing, borne on earth, to enjoy.
Question 1. What right has anyone got to sell the world.
Question 2. Why are we destroying the planet.
Makes me wonder.
He makes the ansers so simple😂🤪🤭

Gab - 26.02.2020 11:30

He truly is a visionary, very few of those out there

bharat parik
bharat parik - 25.02.2020 10:24

no wonder India is land of seekers not believers.

Sravanthi - 23.02.2020 19:02

Super such I changed a lot

Richa Sharma
Richa Sharma - 23.02.2020 10:01

So true this. Sadhguru is a blessing for us. Thank you Sadhguru.

ZANZIVAR'58 - 22.02.2020 22:40

It reminds me Alan Watts.
He might've said:
HEAD, you decide what it is.

Nitin Mahendru
Nitin Mahendru - 19.02.2020 22:44

Awesome Thoughts🙏🏻🙏🏻

Vishwanath S Mathapati Mathapati
Vishwanath S Mathapati Mathapati - 18.02.2020 14:48

super sir

🅡 🅐 𝖘ᴘᴀʀ𝖐𝖑𝖊𝖗
🅡 🅐 𝖘ᴘᴀʀ𝖐𝖑𝖊𝖗 - 17.02.2020 20:12


bannuchen - 16.02.2020 00:06

That accent though...

Dave Ondiek Aaron
Dave Ondiek Aaron - 14.02.2020 08:54

Absolutely True. You’re Incharge of your happiness 👊

Abhishek Singh Kushwaha
Abhishek Singh Kushwaha - 11.02.2020 17:31

Look at the camera, after expression😂😂😂😂😂

Melina magar
Melina magar - 09.02.2020 14:22

It is power of meditation

vivek rajan
vivek rajan - 09.02.2020 02:54

Do we really know which up or down.. do we know which is north west east south... Do we atleast know which is forward to backward... We only know which is outside and which is inside... Where all these thoughts are generating for him... I just have no words to say😦😮😯😳😳😳😳😳😱😱 am i living being?? Why i didnot recognise this simple truth??

samo - 08.02.2020 10:06

Sadghuru, do you know how to get rid of tinitus? There is no cure and many people are suffering from it including me..

Billu Choudhary
Billu Choudhary - 07.02.2020 08:02

So I am becoming slave of everybody
Bcz I am allowing my emotions to get controlled by them😓😓

Harsh Tarare
Harsh Tarare - 04.02.2020 14:36

Love Hindu philosophy :?)

pankaj singh
pankaj singh - 04.02.2020 10:14

Sadguru thought completely change the life

Chandradeo Prasad
Chandradeo Prasad - 03.02.2020 05:54

Best english spokin

MR Perfect
MR Perfect - 02.02.2020 22:18

I am a biggest fan of this man.. so spiritual thinking him

Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar - 02.02.2020 09:04

How spontaneously he answer without waiting for a second its happy to liesten every bit of his words either physical mental any aspects not with blunders everything with scientific evidence

Holding Postures Sachin
Holding Postures Sachin - 01.02.2020 07:11

Parnam Sadhguru ji

kuldeep jain
kuldeep jain - 31.01.2020 11:20

(C MED) यानि Culture, manners, etiquettes and displine are everything.

Shahab Ali
Shahab Ali - 09.03.2019 10:16

It really gives satisfaction to mind.

Honey Sadiq Sadiq
Honey Sadiq Sadiq - 23.02.2019 18:19

Respected sir your thoughts are very much motivating,

Didier Drogba
Didier Drogba - 19.02.2019 01:32

He truly is someone who knows the meaning of life, dosen't he ? .. the way he looks at things , i get blown away.....He literally made me realise that i am the one creating the images that i see and not the person i am seeing

sara rehman
sara rehman - 14.02.2019 16:38

Respect sir😚😚

Dip Jyoti kakoti
Dip Jyoti kakoti - 11.02.2019 21:33

4.9 million people want to live happily

andy crossfit
andy crossfit - 06.02.2019 19:10

Pleasantness vs Unpleasantness.
Inward Vs Outward...

andy crossfit
andy crossfit - 06.02.2019 19:04

Thank You from Indonesia :)
