The Truth About Christianity's Origins In Europe | Secrets Of Christianity | Parable

The Truth About Christianity's Origins In Europe | Secrets Of Christianity | Parable

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Dreamkid - 17.09.2023 20:22


Galyna Pliushch
Galyna Pliushch - 13.09.2023 14:31

The idea of ​​Christianity is only 200 years old. And it doesn’t matter whether they are Catholics or Orthodox, because priests are Jews. A little girl from the future came to Planet Earth to help the people who were still on the Planet defeat the dark forces. She was brutally killed for three days and three nights by Pithecanthropus. Therefore, it is often written “Christ”, who seems to be 33 years old. But it is very stupid to think that if in churches they partake of human meat (flesh) and blood, then at least someone will go to heaven, which does not exist. Churches were centers of judgment, where everyone could be scanned and determined in what form they could continue to exist. There used to be a Civilization on the Planet. Is it really not clear that no one can build such structures or Building now? Priests are precisely the servants of Satan and the Devil. Pithecanthropus and troglodytes that have silverfish: Pius 2, Saint Christopher the Doghead, Eleonora, Heinsi, Franko, Laggner-Musolini, Karl, Franz Neumann, Schindler, Aid, Bily, Chernous, Khmelnitsky, Shevchenko, Lermonov. Unfortunately, there is a Schwarz Army on the Planet, in the film “Schindler's List” there is documentary footage from the Death Camp near the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where you can see the Death Machine, and in the film “The Elusive Avengers” the fighters of the young Red Guard catch up with the Death Train and throw it in the Blue Sea (Black Sea). The brave men were saved by the knights of the Holy Army.
It was believed that The Girl in Red came from “Space” so they were looking for her as Stern (Star) to kill because she took part in the liberation of Kiew. In December 2007, in Mainz, workers of the Catholic Church watched as the righteous and sinners rose from the dead, and Frau with the radiance of a “saint.” There were 40 such saviors of the Planet and all of them were treacherously killed by the Catholic Church. There is only one place where everyone is welcome and accepted as they are THIS IS HELL.

Sonjia Childs
Sonjia Childs - 13.09.2023 07:06

It seems this guy's all about finding & reconstructing evidence anyway he can to deny Christ

Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk - 12.09.2023 17:22

We should be AWARE niw adays even they say many BIBLE SCHOLARS who translate the BIBLE??so many TRANSLATIONS,,MANY CORRUPTED,,why? coz people are being DECEIVED ...

Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk - 12.09.2023 17:20

The BIBLE is also MANIPULATED by these "pagan people"this "westeners"???,,why ??numerous bible translations are more rapid in this generations,,why?coz the PROPHECY needs to be fulfill

Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk - 12.09.2023 17:17

We can be 100% sure if comes from the CHOSEN PEOPLE OFGOD w/c the HEBREW PEOPLE,,nothing less ,nothing more so even their FAITH in THORAH LAW

Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk - 12.09.2023 17:15

Even in their FAITH w/c is comes from the NICENE CREED or COUNCIL IN NICEA in 325A.D w/c comes from the pagan peoplewho attended the council ,,the people attended are 318 fathers or bishop at that time,,almost of theCHRISTIAN FAITH are comes from the pagan people w/c is in EUROPE ..Be aware of the pagan people inwhom they FABRICATED most of the faith injected to the people and they heartily ADOPTED that faith🤔🤔🤔

Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk - 12.09.2023 17:10

CHRISTIANITY is a PRODUCT ofROMAN CATHOLIC church and first founder is CONSTANTINE THE GREAT the pagan and worship many gods such as sun god...

Cris Sale
Cris Sale - 10.09.2023 13:38

I love how this documentary is being made.
I have only one disagreement: The narrator says, "Christians were not persecuted according to their findings."
The narrator seems did not observe and learn from history books that, religion against other religion is persecuting each other till the very present time.

Cris Sale
Cris Sale - 09.09.2023 17:44

I salute for this story. Thank you is not enough though.
This reminds me that religion or God in all forms of religion, is contradicting and crazy.
But I love watching.
Wishing to find from history about condoms and covid

Becky Brynjolfsson
Becky Brynjolfsson - 09.09.2023 17:28

Nope. Mystery Babylon is the United States.

Becky Brynjolfsson
Becky Brynjolfsson - 09.09.2023 15:36

Objects and writing that is old doesn't mean anything. Human beings are the same as they always were. They lied, cheated, stole, gossipped, spread rumours, and did all manner of evil back then just as people do now. Old things don't mean anything.

Lion Roar
Lion Roar - 09.09.2023 12:13

Isn't trinitarianism still paganism?

ruderic amamangpang
ruderic amamangpang - 07.09.2023 16:30

constantine is not a christian. in fact he was the fist imperor who broke christianity.

Aisha Abdi
Aisha Abdi - 07.09.2023 07:49

that small religious cult looks like they were worshipping the one eyed dajjal

Sun Shine
Sun Shine - 07.09.2023 06:26

As an ex Christian after studying all the religion I have accepted the fact that there is only one God almighty; not two or not son of God etc, God sent messengers with his guidance books (holy books) in every nations to connect people with God so that they become eternally successful by entering the kingdom of heaven, God created Adam as the best of his creation and he tested Adam and eve (peace be upon them both) and since they failed his test by eating the forbidden fruit God sent them on this earth for a very short time to test their offspring, after studying all the previous holy books of Christianity, Hinduism, Jewish and Islam it is evident that Islamic Holy Quran has remained pure and untouched but unfortunately all the other previous books have been amended, my request to everyone would be to please let go of your ego and not to fall for the fake anti-Islam propaganda and accept that there is one God and believe in all the prophets and messengers including Jesus and the last and final one Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and you will be called a Muslim. People save yourselves and loved ones from the fire of eternal Hellfire.

Denise Lamb
Denise Lamb - 06.09.2023 20:02

Lies lies from satan

Denise Lamb
Denise Lamb - 06.09.2023 20:01

Constantine was never a worshiper of appollo Satan's lies 😊

Denise Lamb
Denise Lamb - 06.09.2023 19:58

Lies lies Jesus is.Lo4d

Shahabuddin Khan
Shahabuddin Khan - 06.09.2023 18:38

I am not surprised coming from India, here people literally worship cow. Constantine is still being reasonable with his ideology.

Strange and Curious
Strange and Curious - 06.09.2023 13:14

It's no wonder christians and pagans seem so a like just by looking at them. But when religion subject comes up u c the only thing that separates them is who they worship. I mean sure ok Christians use different stuff but the ritual itself is basically the same thing. They're both "sexist" in their practices too.

Becky Brynjolfsson
Becky Brynjolfsson - 05.09.2023 17:14

Constantine and the romans were bullies. They threatened to kill anyone who didn't believe what they told them to and they did kill people who refused them. Paul is alsoa thief and a liar. He ran in fear to the romans claiming his citizenship for protection from who? The apostles and Jesus's followers. Furthermore Jesus did not make a new religion. Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus who is JEWISH. There is no such thing as a saint. They are deluded misinformed people. The truth is all people are equal to Jesus as children of God and Jesus is not God but a man like all men. The dangerous part of that is you have a direct relationship with God and you don't need any priest or other authority.

Anti-christlamic, - 02.09.2023 13:30

LOLOL. There’s only one thing any reasonable man of good conscience should know about Christianity and that is “ DON’T TRUST IT EVER“ or it will betray you as that is it’s reason for being. A treasonous disease created to remove the ability to tell lie from truth enough where any strong man can force any weak man to believe whatever he chooses him to believe and they will spend every resource and every effort with all the Time in the world to build upon whatever they can fool you into believing. It is the reason there is no longer in United States and that there will be a hell on earth. It created Islam with the sole purpose of turning people into violent animals to be used as the cowardly upper class feels fit and necessary to maintain their power and control.

helgi swen
helgi swen - 02.09.2023 00:32

This is not the roman army who kill Jesus Christ this is the sanhedrin !

Theo - 01.09.2023 23:39

As for the graffiti on the wall: Do you mean to tell me, a Jewish slave not on spoke Latin, but read and wrote Latin as well???? 🤔

Theo - 01.09.2023 21:52

Not Jesus, but he messiah.

Fleece Johnson
Fleece Johnson - 31.08.2023 12:55

how do people still believe in religion after learning stuff like this

GrandmaGimmeSugars - 31.08.2023 00:19

There was at least one christian roman the foot of the cross before they even took Jesus down.

Samantha D Mamb
Samantha D Mamb - 30.08.2023 17:40

eye opening

Jose Rivera
Jose Rivera - 30.08.2023 16:49

Pure nonsense. Jesus never existed. It’s all just a story.

Jutyar Mikaeel
Jutyar Mikaeel - 30.08.2023 00:43

سومریها بە کوە میگفتند کور و بە کوەنشینان میگفتند کورتی یا کوردی و بابلی و اکدی و آشوریها بە گوتی یا گودی تلفظ می کردند، در قرأن کریم نام گودی بە جودی تبدیل شدە و کوە جودی همان کوهی است کە کشتی نبی نوح روش لنگر گرفت و دوبارە زندگی بشرییت از آنجا شروع شد، کوە جودی در مرز کردستان عراق و کردستان ترکیە است کە وسط خاک کردستان بزرگ میشە، الانم نام خیلی از کوههای بلند کردستان بە لفظ کور شروع میشوند مثلان کوری بوتین و کوری هوری و کورەک و کورەژار… اخ.
در شاهنامە هم اومدە کە ارمایل و کرمایل جوانان را نجات میدادن و بە کوە می فرستاند و بعدا بهشون می گفتند کورد و بعدا بە رهبری کاوە آهنگر ضحاک رو از بین بردند و جشن پیروزیشون شد جشن نوروز

True T
True T - 29.08.2023 21:42

The idea of Anthropomorphism. The idea of man-god came into Christianity from the Greeks and others that believed that. That is not Jesus teaching. Jesus never taught anything like that. That idea is foreign to True Religion.

Bruce Dow
Bruce Dow - 29.08.2023 09:53

Too much, too loud foolish music!

Sonia Gangotena
Sonia Gangotena - 28.08.2023 20:22

Every culture adapta Jesus as it's own. We are talking 300 yrs. later.

Sonia Gangotena
Sonia Gangotena - 28.08.2023 20:04

Up to Alexis Comeni, Christianity was not to have representations of God. See pics of Haggia Sophia in Istanbul there you see a first, Jesus as a close copy of the image on the Shroud of Turin.

Sonia Gangotena
Sonia Gangotena - 28.08.2023 19:56

Constantine's mom was a Christian. St. HELENA to whom we owe the finding of Jesus' places in Jerusalem paid by Constatine and his dad.

Sonia Gangotena
Sonia Gangotena - 28.08.2023 19:50

Constantine asked the hundreds of bishop at the Council to vote on what they wanted. God saw that we didn't need to know when exactly he was born. I Don't always celebrate my birthday on the same day I was born always. Do you? And, the dates...we know Constantkne was a conversión. Did you immediately leave all your past beliefs immediately after you became a Christian? Was Constantine trying to appeared the mitras folliwers?

Stian Bogevik
Stian Bogevik - 26.08.2023 20:24

Such lies. Catholism is not christianity, it is pegan devil worship. Read the KJV and you'll see. Their teachings are not biblical at all. Read revelation chapter 17. The harlot is the vatican. You can even find latin prayers to lucifer, which are performed in the vatican every year.

Urstruly Palmer
Urstruly Palmer - 25.08.2023 21:00

Lots of mistakes in this video

Urstruly Palmer
Urstruly Palmer - 25.08.2023 20:57

Original meaning of Gentile is nation Israelites are not Jews. They are a nation a people. Jesus did not build his church in Judea, which is the only Jews he built it in Israel Antioch

Urstruly Palmer
Urstruly Palmer - 25.08.2023 20:53

No not all the early believers were Jewish there is a big difference between Israelites and Jews. Why didn’t you look for a fish in the first part of the video. The Jews rejected him. When Paul was asked if you’re Paul of the Jews he said I’m Paul of Benjamin, same w Jesus when asked are you the Jesus of the Jews he said no he is. Jesus of Nazareth, he condemned the Jews religion from his early life. Jesus came to save the Jews, mostly for their sins and idolatry Pagan worship of Babylon, now known as Babylonian Talmud they worship the star of Remphan in Book of Amos. You guy’s saying you are Historians and archaeologists obviously don’t know the Bible, which predates Constantine and Jesus. Isaiah 53 prophesies about Jesus and Matthew backs it up. You need to know the religion to speak of its history. Ashkenazy’s are from Japhet, Gomer and Ashkenazy, Kazarian are from Russia
Sephardic is from turkey none of those are true jews. The church was started in Antioch not Judah which is the start of the Jews. Israel is not Jewish. Gods chosen is Israel more then the Jews. Israel is not Jewish only Judah.

Urstruly Palmer
Urstruly Palmer - 25.08.2023 20:40

The Jews had Roman kill Jesus

Patrick Fealy
Patrick Fealy - 25.08.2023 12:47

This is such crap

Mario M
Mario M - 25.08.2023 12:27

It was never meant 2 be taken literally. it's allegory. The mithraic as well as many other ancient religions were the same story.

Karen Washburn
Karen Washburn - 25.08.2023 00:49

Alot of false Jesus's out there.
