Conquer Jet Lag with Light and Melatonin

Conquer Jet Lag with Light and Melatonin

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Yoga with Lupe
Yoga with Lupe - 07.09.2023 00:07

Just tell me protocol for going east, pls

McMillan Arrington
McMillan Arrington - 01.09.2023 18:27

Dr Seheult, what effect would adjusting your sleep schedule have on jetlag and circadian ryhthm? If I am traveling east 7 time zones and I start going to bed an hour earlier the week prior to travel, would that help advance my circian rythym or alleviate any jet leg symptoms? Thank you

Rob Simpson
Rob Simpson - 01.09.2023 03:20

There may be an issue with this presentation. When its noon on the west coast.of North America its 8pm in UK. The bar graph in the presentation appears otherwise. we shift ahead

KMS Mail
KMS Mail - 30.08.2023 16:29

He lost me at around the 9 min mark, it seemed to be contridicticting what he had just said wtf?

Obadah Al-Harastani
Obadah Al-Harastani - 08.08.2023 17:32

Put up a short version with just (what to do when) for lay people like myself
Thanks Doctor!

Ciguatera 🦠 🐠
Ciguatera 🦠 🐠 - 04.08.2023 01:27

You dont need Melatonin for that. Bromacepam 1.5mg works just as well.

Kathy Brady
Kathy Brady - 26.07.2023 07:17

This is interesting but I think you should address excess deaths after the rollout. Nearly 100,000 dead in one year in the UK alone. Far outstrips deaths from the virus.

youre* mom
youre* mom - 13.07.2023 18:01

ive been traveling westward most days, by a half hour to an hour

Ford Resurrectionest
Ford Resurrectionest - 12.07.2023 09:56

Doc, can you make a video on Maleria? Prevention, symptoms, body's reactions, and transmitters of Maleria.

M1984FA - 10.07.2023 17:12

why no high-fat, no-sugar diet?

MJ - 07.07.2023 00:46

Hello there.
Im wondering what's ur views on Reiki.
Probably u have heard of that.
Thanks 🙏👍

rob r
rob r - 06.07.2023 08:25

I'm in japan, going to California in four days. I will start taking the 5mg melatonin at 10 a.m. (1800 cali time) each day starting three days prior to return flight. But the bright light part of it: 6 hours of bright light starting at 8 a.m. plus x=16 hours is midnight here....). Is that what the study recommends? getting bright light starting at midnight in japan? and when does the bright light exposure regimine start?

thank you!

antikorpo - 02.07.2023 10:46

How about social jet lag? Would you recommend daylight lamps in the morning during the winter time?

Betsy Shih
Betsy Shih - 02.07.2023 01:34

Dr. Campbell dosen‘t update yesterday, but also you...when‘ll the talkshow update Dr.Seheult? that make we a day!! :)

Mark Graham
Mark Graham - 30.06.2023 21:02

Very interesting. I usually get worse jet lag traveling from East to West.

Flameboar - 30.06.2023 07:21

Thank you for a very informative video. I have experienced jet lag flying east. This was normally between East Asia and the US. Flying west I would always depart from LAX or one of the other airports with non-stop flights to east Asia within 90 minutes of Midnight. I would land in Korea or Taiwan at roughly 6:00 AM. I had almost no jet lag. It was coming back to the US from East Asia that resulted in days of jet lag. I wish that I had seen your video while I was travelling frequently to and from East Asia.

Let`s relax with texts
Let`s relax with texts - 27.06.2023 07:22

Why not time realease?

Juliana Garcia
Juliana Garcia - 26.06.2023 07:03

Former flight attendant ✈️ and now med student! 😅

Indeed flying internationally can be so harsh. I am so happy to have had the knowledge back then and now of course to understand the circadian rhythm. 🎉

Physiology in the air at its best.

Mohammed Abdulkadir
Mohammed Abdulkadir - 24.06.2023 13:42


Artie Ash
Artie Ash - 22.06.2023 16:53

I am confused as to when to take melatonin on Eastward travel. Traveling to Europe from the EAST coast. Do I take it at "bedtime" European time during the flight, which would be quite early?

Sunshine Butterfly
Sunshine Butterfly - 22.06.2023 03:32

melatonin saves ua from airplane vomit. 3 kids, multiple flights, multiple episodes. Padt 2noverseas flights, 5 to 50mg melatonin, no issues with motion sickness

Nancy Von Schimmelmann
Nancy Von Schimmelmann - 21.06.2023 07:50

This was so timely. It usually takes days for me to recover from jet lag. This is very helpful. Thanks!

Janis Williams
Janis Williams - 21.06.2023 07:40

Try Sydney to LA or NY...

wangler - 20.06.2023 21:19

Fanastic video BTW!

Hugh Davis
Hugh Davis - 20.06.2023 19:05

As a retired military aviator, I was always aware I bucked the norm. I always found it easier going East about, ie into shortening days - an early bedtime (circadian clockwise) was easy. West about was always a nightmare, because having stretched my day, my sleep pattern just reset, and I'd not be able to sleep at local night time. I was always one of the last survivors at parties, and a member of the small cohort who made it through to breakfast the next day - and I normally wouldn't get sleepy until the following night. I often wonder too, how your time of departure affects jetlag, tho of course a principle difference here will be whether your working, or a passenger - who can take a long kip if they feel like it.

Marcelo Temer
Marcelo Temer - 20.06.2023 16:43

Maybe blue blocker glasses can substitute for melatonin

world citizen G
world citizen G - 20.06.2023 10:29

I am glad you covered this topic 🙂
What about those in Norway 🇳🇴, where the sun doesn't set during summer. They even have midnight golf. And during winter, there was hardly sunlight. Did their body adopted over the years?

fluffymcdeath - 20.06.2023 09:26

If you are going from LA to London then not only is your day shifted but your day length will also likely to be quite different (depending on time of year) as you have also gone a considerable amount north.

Martin P
Martin P - 20.06.2023 08:07

I live in Thailand and recently returned from an 18 day visit to the US. I seem never to have a jet lag problem flying east from Asia to the US. Returning from the US to Thailand resulted in a week of jet lag. The travel time each way is about 22 hours. The complicating factor is that I am very good at sleeping on planes. For this trip I got about 8 hours of sleep during the 22 hrs of travel time.

Bryan Utility
Bryan Utility - 20.06.2023 07:28

Xanax while flying. Adderall when you land

Skeptical Caveman
Skeptical Caveman - 20.06.2023 06:00

Melatonin is actually perscription medication in my country.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete - 20.06.2023 05:44

How can an individual who only works night shifts from 8pm to 8am every night be able to mimic the ideal environment for our circadian rhythm?

Indigo - 20.06.2023 04:15

Could have used this on my Tokyo trip earlier this month

RNW - 20.06.2023 03:04

Back to back night shift as a resident, the schedule turns out to be mimicking the jet lag and lots of sleep deprivation

rob r
rob r - 20.06.2023 02:45

@medcram, hope you can help: you gave guidance - or referred to facts of study that says melotonin starts a few days before travel, but when does the light/dark practice begin? Just the day of flight?

Sapele Steve
Sapele Steve - 20.06.2023 01:24

Very interesting video Doc! Having experienced jet lag quite a few times in the past, mostly armed forces related, it's definitely not fun. Wish that this information was available to me way back when! Hope that all is well on your end! 👍👍

Light your way
Light your way - 20.06.2023 00:29

Thank you for sharing and very helpful.

Plinktitioner - 20.06.2023 00:18

Why are gas station GORILLAHORNET RAGE caffeine pills not mentioned here?

David Ratajack
David Ratajack - 19.06.2023 23:45

Based on this information, it would seem that delaying bright light exposure for one to two hours after awakening would tend to support a consistent wake-up time (i.e., not advancing or delaying one's circadian rhythm)? I've been (mistakingly?) seeking bright light exposure shortly after getting out of bed and been finding that I'm falling out of sleep 45-60 minutes or more before my intended wake-up time.🤔

Brian Bauer
Brian Bauer - 19.06.2023 23:22

I wonder how much affect blue light glasses instead of sunglasses.

Sean Kenworthy
Sean Kenworthy - 19.06.2023 23:15

I would be very interested in your thoughts on a similar strategy for switching to night shift, from a day shift

Robert Ringold
Robert Ringold - 19.06.2023 23:11

Jets cannot be pressurized adequately at altitude which causes hypoxia That is the main cause of jetlag,

The Peoples TV
The Peoples TV - 19.06.2023 23:10

Great video.
Can you pl. Make a video of circadian rhythm of blind or born blind and kind of blind which have lost their eyes later

Elizabeth Rash
Elizabeth Rash - 19.06.2023 22:51

Great videos. I have 2 questions. Can these jet lag strategies also work for circadian rhythm disorders (early awakening)? And why the immediate release melatonin? 😊

orangecat999 - 19.06.2023 21:26

Hi Doc, I have researched and through trial have found that food is a very powerful cue as well. When I extend my usual nightly fast by not eating during most of the flight (maybe just some snacks after takeoff) and then only break my fast (get it, breakfast?) in the morning of the new time zone, it's been a huge game changer.

Moral of the story, what I do is to eat very light on the plane, and then ensure that I have no food for at least 15 hours (will be different for different folks) with breakfast being my 1st calories of the vacation. I have to say that this has been foolproof and is very easy since I don't really have to do much to keep track of anything else, such as worrying about the light exposure when I arrive. And the nice part is that each person can tweak this method to see how much you can get away with. When I first tried this, I ate nothing on the plane. Now I know I can eat (more importantly drink, lol) and still have the desired results. Love the channel, btw!
