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Find Yourself

Destination British Columbia

2 года назад

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@davesevens7286 - 13.10.2023 20:33

Aesthetically beautiful but too politically left!!!!!

@user-oz9qk7fk6b - 20.07.2023 06:26

Please give me a chance to work here

@switchday - 26.01.2023 00:40

Can someone please list the places featured in this video?

@FoochieL - 21.11.2022 18:04

No I want to be lost

@KootenayAdventures - 12.11.2022 07:04

Amazing place to live

@ericwang1036 - 08.10.2022 09:54

Beautiful couple beautiful BC scenary

@S6WLUKAS - 01.10.2022 01:00

Voice actor: "What's my motivation?"
Director: "I want you to sound like you're having a large brittle object slowly inserted into your rectum"
Voice actor: "I got this!"

@bradisberg8315 - 22.06.2022 17:42

What an amazing writer of this poem.

@ajazb123 - 05.06.2022 06:56

where is the alpine ridge in the first scene of the video ?

@tade3765 - 26.04.2022 08:20

Don’t normally watch a full advert on here but this is beautiful. Very spiritual and beautifully filmed.

@braveladder1682 - 25.04.2022 07:15

Abysmal choice of voice actor

@mellojello43 - 21.04.2022 10:40

is that Jared leto 😿

@mjbjbogus9632 - 15.04.2022 11:40

thanks for the amazing ad- sure had made me miss home 😮‍💨.

@danpichardo_ - 15.04.2022 08:16

What’s the name of the falls shown at the end?

@mikelansdown4144 - 08.04.2022 23:17

Love this Place, it's my home from home ,if I could only get back to settle down, this time for good 🙏🏼🙏🏼

@jpallen719 - 02.04.2022 18:10

Wrong voice for this video……

@rickyrobinson1290 - 31.03.2022 16:15

Gorgeous! Nice work, Destination BC.

@atilla90405 - 30.03.2022 19:32

What is the background music, does anyone know?

@bearlycamping - 29.03.2022 17:31

Hello Grizzly Bear Enthusiasts! Come check out and subscribe to my channel for plenty of G bear content. More coming this Spring and Fall... Grizz out ✌️

@rachelleray5490 - 26.03.2022 05:48

Very moving. I love it.

@thomasbergbold1334 - 24.03.2022 11:10

Great work 👍

@jlkelly304 - 22.03.2022 10:07

I went to BC this time last year to find myself in nature. Shortly after getting there they put in travel restrictions so I tried to stay away from people as much as I could. I went 3,500 ft up a mountain in a little camper pushing through snow banks and cutting trees to clear the road. It took a long time but we, my dog and I, got to a spot where we set up camp. It may have been on a very steep slope and not an ideal spot to camp but the view was amazing and I felt like nobody could possibly be angry with us as we were no where near civilization.
Over the couple weeks we stayed we cleared some hiking trails, kept some roads from washing out, cleaned up any garbage we came across, made a large stoned fire pit so people wouldn't just be having fires in the dry grass and just enjoyed the area while we were there. As the snow melted we would see the odd group of people coming up to check out the trails and what not. Everyone was nice and friendly, that was until the day we were packing up and a BC parks lady came ripping up the road. I was moving my vehicle around to get loaded up and it was like she came out of no where. We apparently weren't travelling fast enough for her so she laid on the horn and just held it like I was sitting at a red light in traffic or something. So I pulled over for her to get by, she floors it and had that quad in the bed of the BC parks truck bouncing around like she didn't care if it came out.

It was at this point I thought there must of been some kind of emergency up the mountain. It wasn't until 20-30 mins later I heard someone stopped right next to the camper. So I go out to talk to them and as I'm coming around the side of my camper I hear someone scream STOP! She threw her arm out the window of the pick up signaling to stay there and "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" I said, okay. I'm sorry did I cut you off when you were coming up the hill? She replied NO! and then began asking me how long I had been there, I tell her, she tells me I'm not supposed to be here because of the restrictions. I inform her I came in before these restrictions and came up here to stay out of peoples way. The whole conversation she is basically screaming at me so I asked her if there was a complaint about me to which she yells NO! It wasn't until then I realized she was obviously having a bad day and I was the only one within 50 minutes that she could take her anger out on. So I continued to be as nice as I could even as she continued yelling at me telling me that she was taking my license plates and I would be fined if she could find any garbage, etc. I tried to tell her that we had been making the area nicer than when we came but she didn't want to hear it, she just wanted to yell like she had some authority over me for doing nothing wrong.

As much as, at that point I had wished I took her name to file a complaint, I now know that she is just one of the many victims of these decisive narratives our govt. officials have been forcing upon us. I left there for a job in a near by town. In that town I would get dirty looks from passers by when they would notice I didn't have a local plate. As someone trying to start their life over, it sure made it hard to meet people when they already made their minds up about you before they even met ya or were allowed to see ya smile.
Anyway, I know I have rambled on for far to long but after travelling and seeing the way people have been reacting to one another I just hope that we can now agree our govt. can never force anyone to do anything like this again. They are ruining so many lives in the name of their moral superiority. I wish I never listened to them and got these shots so I was "allowed" to go visit my family I hadn't seen for years at that point.

Live a life of value rather than by the guidelines of an oppressor.

@naturalisam - 22.03.2022 04:25

Beautiful Indeed 😊

@IvanIvanov-bm5dv - 21.03.2022 20:30

amazing video)
