432Hz | LOVE! SP, Crush, Ex and more! Romantic All Rounder!

432Hz | LOVE! SP, Crush, Ex and more! Romantic All Rounder!

i want it, i got it.

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@Rallikaalikaaryle - 03.02.2025 17:59

LITERALLY. i never saw my hallway crush in school until i listened to this subliminal…last week i saw him like 1000x more than usual! Im so happy ❤

@Moonwinksubs - 04.02.2025 03:54

I have my results already In my 3d reality❤

@lsdlullaby - 04.02.2025 04:42

SCREAMING! I ACTUALLY LOVE YOU! he just called me out of nowhere asking if i want to be his gf! ive only been listening for less than a day, thank you so much!

@ГлебФролов-ч2о - 05.02.2025 17:00

You’re a creative genius! Keep it up! I'm surrounded by memories of him, but it's time to let go. My heart aches as I erase the laughter, the adventures, and the quiet nights we shared. I lost myself in the relationship, and now I'm left with just tears and shattered dreams. Wishing him happiness, but the thought of moving on feels like a distant and daunting reality.

@vt6933 - 05.02.2025 22:19

My gym crush has not been coming to the gym😭😭pls let him come tomorrow i want to talk to himm

@mummytrolls - 06.02.2025 21:08

conspiracy theory: i formed a crush out of nowhere on someone and am trying to manifest them but what if they did the same to me and that’s where that ‘out of nowhere’ crush came from
update: someone offered to set me up with them. idek how they knew because i never even mentioned them!! a mutual friend was just like ‘you like sp? want me to set you up?’ like uhhh ok i don’t remember mentioning my sp but ok?? i acted nonchalant like idrc but deep down i do and the friend def knew i do cus they would not stop talking about my sp today.

@12sunsuncorn - 08.02.2025 23:44

I love him

@elaezwinn - 10.02.2025 21:38

Batuhan suanda bana yazdı

@elaezwinn - 10.02.2025 21:40

Oh my god this is crazy I thought he had a girlfriend but he was only following me because he had a fight with her and now he's begging me to come back and when I listen to this it's exactly 3 minutes later this is crazy 🥰🥰🎉🎉

@Bella_rgi - 11.02.2025 00:41

@beingjaveriainayat3425 - 11.02.2025 17:00

I will update so the one i like i blocked him bcz he dont take stand for me in front of our colleagues thats why i feel anger toward him letsee if he will somehow contact me and talk about it ❤

@ЛикаФадеева-д7л - 12.02.2025 03:07

What an incredible video! I still can't believe my husband left me after 18 years. He just walked away and now refuses to speak to me. I've tried everything to get him back, but nothing works, and I can't stop thinking about him. It's so frustrating because I can't imagine my life with anyone else. I've tried to push the thoughts of him out of my mind, but it's impossible. I don't know why I'm sharing this here, but I really miss him and can't stop thinking about him.

@thereal-xl - 13.02.2025 09:47

Guys this was the last subliminal in my playlist that I listened to before falling asleep. And my ex texted me after not being in contact for months. What the hell

@vvv-hm8fd - 13.02.2025 16:34


Josiah messages me

@niloos5317 - 14.02.2025 03:02


@nguyentien5541 - 14.02.2025 15:13

I'm so desperate for a caress

@আকাশছোঁয়-ত৩ল - 14.02.2025 22:08

This is worked for me . I am in love relationship with my love ... Thank you .

@luzaquino3302 - 15.02.2025 08:39

this helped me (i think) give him confidence to get me a valentines gift nd ask me out!😊 i love you sm ur channel always works for me!

@Editsforyouu7 - 15.02.2025 17:30

Plzz enlighten me about rizz apple someone!!! Will i get more rizz or something?

@Editsforyouu7 - 15.02.2025 17:50

Here's my story: There's this guy from the same community as me. We have been going to same prayer place since childhood but only talked once in life. Ever since covid he has been staring me so much even i started liking him slowly, we have been so close too and had eye contacts but he seems too nervous to talk. But he keeps gazing and waiting for me to enter, so rn i am obsessed with him and want him to approach me! I'll update if anything happens.❤

@libraafinest7970 - 16.02.2025 06:20

Manifesting a certified lover boy

@unknownperson-j3d - 16.02.2025 19:58

Love me more B

@unknownperson-j3d - 16.02.2025 19:58

You only look at me, no one else.

@LilithCupid - 17.02.2025 05:06

He feels bad for discarding me
He loves me
He realizes he always has loved me
He confesses soon
He wants me
He wants to be with me and be committed to me
He needs me
He dreams of me always and even as he works
He always talks about me to others saying how much he misses and loves me
We're back together

@mxstry.-_- - 17.02.2025 20:59

me andy bf was literally having fights from last 15 days ig... and i listened to alot of subs to fix his anger but non of them worked and i listened to this only once and literally everything is alright btw us like nothing really happened.. we had fight last night also and didn't expected him to text today but he did and we was having fights again but suddenly everything was sorted.. i was shocked... so glad i found you

@Rindabratt_xoxo - 20.02.2025 05:38


@st5rgirlie - 21.02.2025 10:27

update 1 - my crush bought me something off my amazon wishlist even tho he said he was saving his money!! Apparently im his exception ?? 🤭🤭

@GlossyDiaries - 21.02.2025 13:26

Bro i need this to work in 1 month, hes graduating 😢

@hynalli - 23.02.2025 01:25


@aniyenne - 23.02.2025 12:22

update: (???)

@BoutaynaByouti - 23.02.2025 14:34

I just listened to this like my comment for update

@UniversalLawattract - 24.02.2025 21:50

This is the place where I always want to visit 😌

@irenaglogovac9569 - 26.02.2025 15:35

He texted me ' I want be with you again and I love you'

@YoukiOhh-n8u - 27.02.2025 11:40

Guys i need tips for making this work ?!!

@ssvnrisee2007 - 27.02.2025 20:03

listening for my bf, wish me luck 🥹

@shaktimishra9710 - 27.02.2025 23:27

I am going to manifest my ideal girlfriend. Give me some tips

@53778okay - 01.03.2025 15:26

I need my ideal British summer with a guy, is that too much to ask for

@isabellakerpics3197 - 01.03.2025 17:08

I hope he likes me

@aniia_mineirinho - 03.03.2025 22:24

I saw a boy by chance, he was very formal, but I ended up liking him so I don't really remember how he was so reminiscent of his hair and clothes and I don't even know his name. I wanted to attract him, to try to find his Instagram until today and it didn't happen would this be possible?

@gargii_j8351 - 04.03.2025 17:25

This is my first day listening to this I'll update if its working or not

@languageandmana9255 - 05.03.2025 03:21

Hello. I just found your channel. I used to listen to just one other channel because i have a hard time trusting submakers as subliminal is something you can not hear and don't know what the person put into it. That being said my intuition told me to open this video and trust it! There are many otegr famous channels but I have a hard time trusting anyone. When I checked your pinned comment I sae you really tried to explain ehat type of affs you used and how they will affect us to manifest! I liked your transparency! I am going to listen to this sub for 3, 4 times and see what will happen :) I hope I will be able to trust it. Thank you btw

@autumn6258 - 08.03.2025 08:07

A+W❤ he loves me and commits to me and wants to be my boyfriend

@septseventeen - 08.03.2025 20:16

This works every single time. Just put it on repeat and experience it for yourself.

@SailorNana - 09.03.2025 18:05

THIS WORKS! My crush has been talking to me and messaging me on Instagram more often!

@PRADAOFYAZ - 09.03.2025 22:00

i'm manifesting an sp out of thin air, i also scripted his appearance, personality & overall relationship, so i'll be using this & will update!

@burgersandfr1es - 10.03.2025 08:40

Lowk works this guy tried to kiss me today 😭

@JackWilliam-g5g - 10.03.2025 17:41

I want to appreciate you do (Dr Osagie spell home)me wife just messaged me now that she want to get back to me and I should forgive her your spell worked perfectly I appreciate you thank you……….

@angelcupcakess - 11.03.2025 21:05

can this make ME fall in love? i want to have a crush in someone

@wegibs - 12.03.2025 06:27

Does this work to manifest a person from scratch?

@iwantitigotitsubliminals - 06.02.2023 19:53

Sorry for including rizz apple, it kind of fits just right with the topic of today I would say.

Added some random affirmations you can use to affirm throughout the day if that’s what you’re into, added a bit of commentary as well just so you don’t awkwardly sit there, very bored while listening to this audio, as per usual. This subliminal can be used for whatever you want, stop yourself from asking questions because the answer is always gonna be yes, this will work on celebrities or whoever you have in mind. You can use this to manifest a person out of thin air as well because there are affirmations for you to be in a perfect relationship with the perfect partner, and that is 100% subjective, if no one comes to mind when you read that just now, then someone new will come into your life. You have to experience what the affirmations repeatedly say, and so that is how things will unfold in such circumstances, naturally.

This subliminal includes;

A booster, or self concept, whatever you want to call it. It includes affirmations for you to always get results, feel good, be happy and confident. It also includes affirmations for you to manifest easily and be good at it. Then we have umbrella affirmations that claim that everything in your life is perfect, finally we have the self love affirmations. Added affirmations for subliminals to always give you results as well, + “Everything about me is perfect”, not sure how to label that.

Next, affirmations for people to text you back/pick up instantly. Then it is more specific, affirmations for the person that you like to keep texting/calling you and texting you back very quickly. Next affirmations for people to like you back automatically if you like them, like no questions asked, every time you like/want/are attracted to someone, your feelings will be reciprocated. Then I affirmed that you have many options, meaning you will be attracting multiple people naturally. I used the word obviously, just like shown in the video itself, “obviously like me back”, which implies that they will go out of their way to make it known, you’ll see it.

How could I make an attraction combo without simp magnet benefits? This includes affirmations for you to literally have an army of simps, to be too attractive for anyone to think against that fact, we got “too beautiful for the human race” as well. You might recognize the benefits from the all rounder subliminals, the simp part is in this audio as well. You will receive gifts, items, love letters, and money from other people. I added affirmations such as “I’m the prettiest person in the world.” Not sure how to label that either. No one will be able to top you in terms of beauty, this is an affirmation I included. Attractive people will find you attractive, right now, visualise a group of very attractive people, you see that? they’ll be coming to you like crazy. “I attract the hottest people” is literally an affirmation in this. Get “so many” confessions, compliments, simps. Become a literal simp magnet. Next we have affirmations for you to be in a perfect relationship, if you have a significant other, great, this is enhance it. If you don’t but you have a crush on someone, this will attract them, simply because the word “perfect” is used in the affirmations, your idea of a perfect relationship includes your crush, I assume. If not, this will manifest someone “out of thin air”, your soulmate will come into your life, this is because, just like for the crush situation, when you think of a perfect relationship you probably have that made up person in mind. If I affirm that you’re in a perfect relationship, it includes being with that person. Then we have the regular attract your crush affirmations, they’re in love with you, love you, want to talk to you, want you, want to be close to you at all times, keep talking to you, looking at you, trying to get close to you, text you, call you. Same affirmations are repeated with the use of the word SP instead of crush, it all depends on what you’re most familiar with, but this is purely repetition. Same thing with the use of “The person I am in love with” just to make everyone happy.

Then we got more repetition with the self concept/booster. Same affirmations. This is kind of like a mini saturating formula subliminal.

If you can hear/understand the affirmations it’s okay, just lower the volume if it’s bothersome.

Affirmations: “I am, My, I have, Etc..”, Religious friendly, No God/Religion/Universe affirmations, Unisex, slightly sped up but completely understandable, simple wording, recurring wording, a bit more repeated/saturating than usual.

Good luck!
