6 Subtle Ways To Get Your Ex To Notice You

6 Subtle Ways To Get Your Ex To Notice You

Brad Browning

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@kiwi9065 - 24.03.2021 00:35

Notice me senpai

@abhiabhi8480 - 11.05.2020 06:35

When to do it? Would it be applicable just after the completion of no contact rule?

@amandavaldez4372 - 20.09.2019 08:44

What if you only have them on Snapchat? & do you do this during or after the 30 day no contact?

@suha_iqbal - 14.07.2019 22:50

Wow amazing tips 😍

@amberchu8710 - 16.11.2018 17:19

How can I be noticed during no contact period?

@dexterityentertainme - 01.11.2018 22:32

Haven't seen my ex in months. She's very bitter and angry towards me. And I just am doing NC. Why is she like this?

@karenk377 - 13.10.2018 17:31

What if my ex already notice me... we broke up two month ago and I’m in no contact for a month and half. During no contact he keep liking and viewing ig stories. He replied on my story once...but no direct contact like texts or calls... It’s so painful for expecting.. I’m considering unfollow or block him...

@raphaelrosenbaum7204 - 11.07.2018 04:04

My ex and I talk every other day in subtle ways. I try not to look desperate and too needy. Her messages are confusing at times some days she will reach out and send me beautiful pictures of herself and her daughter to which she knows I really like. She recently started to do that since before the breakup. She even agreed to meeting up some time soon but she had to postpone due to a trip. She gets back from the trip and isn't as talkative as usual (we did discuss... She said she had to take care of her daughter due to a cold) so I took a step back and allow her to contact me when she is ready. Am I doing the right thing by stepping back to allow her to come to me? I don't want her to forget me.

@vickyzhang9358 - 08.06.2018 02:30

wait what about no contact rule tho? can i still like his posts?

@EdgyDhawan - 27.05.2018 19:27

I am in the no contact phase since a week now and she has suddenly started posting some " I am happy to be single" "i don't want to talk to anyone now". What can it mean at this point ?? She was sad after discovering some old pictures of our some time ago and now she is doing this. I need serious help

@ozi9888 - 19.05.2018 17:23

What if we deleted our social media? We only have our phone numbers. Also we weren't lovers, we were flirting but because we are different on some topics, we stayed as friends. Then we decided not to see each other as friends. Only social media contact. And then he wrote me 3 times. I replied shortly. He got offended and deleted me from his social media accounts (unfollowed me, but not deleted completely). But still on my phone list. Can see his whatsapp. What should I do? I want him to contact me and be open. I know he still likes me. Women know ;)

@winniesit1417 - 16.05.2018 03:58

what if he doesn't use social media except whatsapp?

@saritacristinachoc6692 - 08.05.2018 21:55

Brad Browning?? what if your ex after breaking up with you is really going through a rebound relationship and now he has supposedly fallen in love with another new girl ?? can this be positive??

@dondollah8203 - 04.05.2018 11:22

Stop watching this and move on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@davelewis2319 - 13.04.2018 04:38

Brad, what would you say about Snapchat? I deactivated my Facebook a while back because there is too much political conflict on there and stupid drama. Would you suggest I reactivate it or continue on Snapchat?

@noraxrawr - 06.04.2018 11:49

hi brad, im in the NC right now and I got a text from his number but it was apparently the girl who he is talking to him as it said "wassup- her name" . I just ignored it and I got another one asking how is life by "her". im so confused because if he let her then he is being very strange because he never likes purposely hurting or annoying someone or he did it him self but I dont know. its so weird now.

@LDcorx - 01.01.2018 23:15

The no contact ... My ex goes on dates and tells texts me she's moving on I ignore, she snaps photos saying she's happy .. Few weeks later after ignoring her which was hard ... She texts I'm pregnant with her new man .. I ignore thinking she's lying to get my attention .. Turns out she is and now the guy she's pregnant with is being a dickhead , and now I'm the man in the middle so I start talking to her again and meeting her.. I make a big mistake and try to hug her ,she doesn't hug back... Next day I'm that hurt I ask her back , she says no she has to wait until the baby is born ... (Basicly the no contact rule ruined my relationship more) it's basically dead .

@justinginnell8669 - 31.12.2017 18:02

Should I like posts during No-Contact?

@TheKillingBro - 29.12.2017 14:49

can this be aplied more than once? :)

@elizabethlual5745 - 23.12.2017 06:10

My ex isn’t a media guy, he used only Facebook but he unfriend me after break up! What should I do?

@aprilsakurawootton9755 - 04.12.2017 08:53

Yall believe in 4th chances? haha. For the past three months we've been getting back together, for a month, and breaking up SOLELY because of arguments. I know he doesnt want it to be over officially, but he says we're "incompatible" now due to our arguing. Any advice/a video i can be linked to for how to reduce arguing? We used to have this method where we'd have "disagreements" and come to a compromise, but now, it's gotten unhealthy and it all just blows up. Things were going so well until Friday, then we were supposed to take a break, then he changed his mind and wanted to split, then regretted it. I applied no-contact immediately as soon as we went on break. He's been spamming me like crazy on all social media platforms, calling me constantly, begging me to respond. He took off the relationship status, which I know is to provoke a response out of me to get me to respond. I really do love this guy like crazy, we both really need to find a way to handle arguments more maturely so we can be happy and in a beautiful relationship once again.

@GamerKidPlaysGames - 28.11.2017 07:21

how to deal with a girl who says she loves you but doesn’t think you guys are meant to be because we “don’t work”. we argue like every other couple, but besides that it’s normally all laughs and memories. idk she broke up w ne

@NoName-xi5vj - 23.11.2017 09:55

Brad my boyfriend said he needs 3 months to think about us he will text me when he's ready to talk

@stacey578 - 22.11.2017 23:29

What does it mean if he is still viewing my snapchat stories? Being nosey? Or still interested

@akshaypateriya9822 - 20.11.2017 22:44

Hey bradd
my ex blocked me from her Facebook and WhatsApp & Instagram , Snapchat..than what to do

@katiecraighan9788 - 17.11.2017 06:58


@hellenpetrou1914 - 07.11.2017 17:39

i made a huge mistake after the break up i deleted him from my facebook.What can i do now in order to notice me via sosial media and keep him in touch ? i had regret it in a very hard way...

@Sophia-fk6km - 05.11.2017 02:07

My ex and I do not use social media often. We do have mutual friends, but they all know I am not taking the break up well. It has only been a week, but should I lie to them about how I feel and about how I am doing?

@jazztinecielcontreras9649 - 03.11.2017 07:24

how can he notice me if we are in a long distance brad?

@entertainmentadda8911 - 23.10.2017 23:27

If he or she is not on social media or not in friend on insta or fb than how to do things.

@aprilsakurawootton9755 - 13.10.2017 21:04

Hey, Brad
So i’ve been attempting to apply your no contact strategy but my ex keeps messaging me, he attempts to message me every day and whenever i do i keep the chat very brief and upbeat, then i tell him i have to go and im going to do something fun, like hiking with some friends, or something of the sort.
Today he messaged me practically venting about how he sees me flirting with other men on facebook, how he’s irritated because I’m doing this whole “independent busy” thing, he feels insecure and tried accusing me of flirting with another guy while we were together. I’m curious if this is a good sign? Like, am I doing the right thing right now and is this the type of reaction I should be seeing out of him? He’s practically just asking questions that would provoke an argument and told me his wishes I would “put some time away for him” to talk if I ever “loved him at one point”

@larajanecaballes - 11.10.2017 08:22

its been almost 2 weeks since i last contact my ex boyfriend suddenly he texted me i didn't reply then he called twice i cant stop myself so i answered him...the conversation didn't go well on my part cause i don't want him to notice that i still want him back i think my voice sounds mad and sarcastic cause i panicked.....one of the reason he broke up with me was I'm always mad at him.....what am i going to do...

@heatherforbes9785 - 10.10.2017 01:34

I blocked my ex...

@bartuncakbaba8305 - 06.10.2017 12:37

Hey brad i just wanted to know we dont follow eachother on instagram after 30 days of no contact can i like her picture still even if i dont follow or even if she doesnt follow me? It still gonna be good reminder you think boss? Because i realy wanna do that i check her photos sometimes but i cannot like it because... you know i cant right now. Its been a 1 week after our last fight on the phone so... :/ what do you think?

@roxasoliver - 06.10.2017 01:21

i like tip #6!!!

@reneetaylorlivingstone7230 - 03.10.2017 18:23

AWESOME VIDEO Brad! ALWAYS so informative. My ex & I have had no contact for 6 months. I deleted ALL SOCIAL MEDIA & changed my phone number. This has been a very LONG, but, MUCH needed process. He was lurking my Facebook up until I deleted the account. I tried to message a couple of times before doing so, but, no response. So, I've been radio silent. We go back 25 years & reconnected in Jan 2017 & he pulled away April. Issues on his end: divorce, children, work. I would like to reach out. What should I do? As a PERSONAL rule, I prefer not to return to SOCIAL MEDIA.

@tylersanders197 - 25.09.2017 03:02

My ex and I have good group of mutual friends and with in a week we ended up hanging out because of our friend group. During the no contact period should I avoid hanging out with this group. And what if she starts to avoid hanging out with them as well. I don’t want to take our friends away from her but Im not sure if it will cause jealously that I’m always with them. Really appreciate the help

@allspark3905 - 22.09.2017 13:45

hey brad just wanna say that i and my ex were not doing good since last 2-3 months fights on daily basis arguments and if i was didn't able to convince ger i just blackmailed her and because of fear she came back then we couldn't communicate for a month because of some reasons and she was normal when it was last day of our talk... she blocked me beacuse of her brother as she is home soo she just messeged my frnd that tell that guy not to talk with me now i just donn want anything with him i just want to remain single and focus on my studies so i just remained cool and i didn't called her texted her aur blackmailed her but she just told him that i just hate that guy and i am no more intrested in him so will i be able to get her back because i just really love her... please rply..

@TurpoMise - 22.09.2017 12:06

Is it a good idea to post a picture of us together when we were doing really good?

@ShannonBlackham - 13.09.2017 03:29

When should I start doing this kind of thing? After the no contact period? And how long should my no contact period last? ... I kind of went crazy after we broke up....

@Ramyoula - 13.09.2017 03:29

how can she notice me if i'm still blocked by her in social media for more than 60 days ?
she lives in other country and i didn't send her phone texts more than a month now
shall i wait to be unblocked or what ?
brad please help me

@TheSabiha317 - 02.09.2017 17:49

Hey Brad! When it came to social media, aside from texting, My ex and I were friends on snapchat. After the breakup we gradually unfriended each other. It's been three months of NC now and I really want to add him on Instagram. In the beginning of the breakup, I was a little needy and always kept initiating convo with him so I don't know if I would come off as annoying/desperate if I add him on IG or if I should just go for it since it's been a 3 months since we've talked. After our breakup, he joined a frat so idk if I would be insignificant to him now or if he even cares about me anymore.

Thank you for your time!

@anjalijadhav24 - 28.08.2017 23:08

Hi Brad, My Ex broke up with me 5 days back. I really love him a lot and so does he. But he left me coz we used to fight a lot recently on small matters. and also he had commitment issues. So he left me saying u r too caring and emotional. and I am not happy with u now coz of fights and drama. we were so in love, I miss him and its really painful for me to stay away from him. He didnt tried to contact, neither did I. when he said he wants to leave, I said "I love u so much, but if leaving me is wat makes u happy, I wont stop u". I am not well since then, having breathing problem and emotional issues. Really Need ur help. Plz Help me...I will always be grateful.

@AD-wn2dl - 25.08.2017 19:28

we all have to do this after no contact? it's been approx 20 days of no contact

@viveksinha7279 - 25.08.2017 10:54

It's complicated. After no contact, we talk again, fight and again no contact for 30 days :P 4 no contact of 30 days, and we talk for 5-6 days and again no contact :P

@sdkfdnksdfnj8730 - 23.08.2017 23:53

Hey , I Need Some help. ITs A hard story But we were 14 months togheter Then She brake up ( we are on the same school) after like 6 weeks She missed me and so we started again. She Said Then I made the biggest mistake by breaking up with You. But now we are 19 months togheter and She Said today : I think we have to breake up there is to much drama ( iT isnt But She sees everything so big).. and Said I want to focus on school .. should I use the No contact ? Should I dont react on her for 30 days atleast ? U think IT can work again even when iT is the second time we were togheter ?!

@jessr4368 - 22.08.2017 23:47

I need help ! I dated a guy for a couple of months but I kept telling him that I didn't feel like he cared about me ! He finally opened up to me and told me that he doesn't show how much he really cares about a person because everytime he does it fails. Then the next day he texted me and told me that we should stop dating because "he wasn't ready" what do I do ?

@kristijuran7067 - 22.08.2017 23:34

help!!No one wants to address this what if you and your ex are back on the same dating site you met on. I have been following the program to the tee, and look great he even checked me out and commented on my picture saying so and I replied with thanks, you are sweet I have been working out a lot been a great busy summer, hope you are well. now I got crickets. do i try jealousy by hiding my profile like met someone?? Or what do I do??

@jessicathomas4541 - 06.08.2017 17:30

Its just so hard not to text him. We had a good thing going n then we have a fight phase n he breaks up n says he doesnt want to be with me anymore? 8 months just gone down the drain just like that. Im having such a hard time coping up and i wanna go on the no contact period but im afraid he wont miss me. Also just today i told him i wanted to call him n he said he'll call me after he gets home from work (This is day 5 btw) n then i see ur video n suddenly i realise im not supposed to contact him so i really dont know what to do.

@masoodshekaib1867 - 02.08.2017 07:19

Thanks brad but some of them dont have fb or insta or any thing to like to post or like his or her picture without Viber & WhatsApp so which technics we should use ? :(
