TikToker breaks down after jobs refuse to hire her..

TikToker breaks down after jobs refuse to hire her..

Asmongold Clips

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@GamerSmacks - 05.07.2024 23:31

Imma level with you, if someone came in with a degree in hand I also wouldn't hire them because in todays day and age its weird. Duo majoring in acting is also dumb so it'd be another red flag. You can say you speak 3 languages but I'm assuming people would be skeptical. Also crying to a phone camera on a public street so I'm questioning how she is off camera too. All around seems like someone I can understand not getting a job because of all the red flags.

@JerichoX24 - 05.07.2024 20:44

you know what embarrassing?
a random girl on the street talking to her phone making a tiktok.
re-think your priority, first thing you do after being job rejected is going to tiktok.
how about trying to ask other places, getting professional opinions, check online for jobs, review your resume again, ask yourself what you did wrong.
instead, you go to play the victim on tiktok.

@fenix6297 - 05.07.2024 20:38

Again - most employers are looking for skills, not degrees. Used to be that a degree showed you understood a subject so you knew those skills.
That is no longer the case, which is why employers want experience in addition to the degree so you can show the skills you learned applying your education to the workforce.

It why a lot of people with no degrees, but marketable skills - make comfortable a living and plenty of job opportunities.

It why I studied music and theater in college (being young and dumb) but, developed my SKILLS - and now make six figures in IT, while still doing my acting and music on the weekends.

@gokyuzu1484 - 05.07.2024 19:41

To be fair even if what she did was wrong it is the truth that people does not care about degrees and multiple languages anymore they expect an experienced worker and they dont even give you a chance to get an experience in the first place. I was looking for a job for over a 8 month my self. I apllied over 300's jobs and went to interview with banks 12 times markets 6 times more than 30 times with some random jobs and call center's once. I got refuesed from all the banks even if i crushed it in their exams i acpeted one of the markets then i realized i cant stand up like a wall over 13 hour every day and i got refused from all the other jobs. Then i applied to call center since i allready got an experience from there i find a job with in 2 hour in one of the biggest finance company in my country(its also in forbes 500) and im working there for a 2 weeks now. I didn't wanted to do call center jobs because i hate lying but at this point i got other option. And you know whats not funny ever since i got the job i got called from 8 diffrent places the places that i didn't even apliied because they realized that i finaly got a job and none of them offers anything better then where im working at the moment.

@saikame5833 - 05.07.2024 19:39

So, her degree's are in how to speak well and how to lie well ... interesting how she's so employable ...

@Lucky_Devil_426 - 05.07.2024 17:00


@trapper9114 - 05.07.2024 16:53

If you have any type of useful marketable skill, you can get a job. However if you have one of those Liberal Art degrees and spend even 1 minute of your time on TikTok you will be a failure. After many many random jobs I went back to school at 30 to be taught a marketable career in computers. And then I either sent out or went in person to about 400 employees before getting a career type job. I also went in person to every resume I mailed out to follow up with a person with hiring capabilities. I spent a lot of time in waiting rooms being an annoying pest. My motto was I would either die from starvation or die from some fed up manager putting me out of my misery and hiring me. If you are not spending between 8-10 hours a day finding a job instead of being an Internet weirdo seeking constant attention, you will never have a decent job, so grow up.

@anderstofthansengrnvangsko4616 - 05.07.2024 13:02

welcome to the real world

@Ga1ahad0122 - 05.07.2024 08:58

Just gonna be honest she wasted time and money on 2 pointless degrees. I would be more surprised if she can get a job.

@dakotawallace5921 - 04.07.2024 19:14

in a society that borderline indoctrinates its kids into doing shit like this i can't even blame her. shes probably a good student who followed the rules and got good grades but figured that pursuing a degree in her passion in her dream city was what SHE had to do because... yaknow. that's the culture here. you think shes unique in this? this is the majority college graduates experience no matter where you are

@dizzthenibbler4070 - 04.07.2024 16:59

I swear, kids and these dumb ass degrees they obtain.

What was her goal going in? Screen writer?

@zudu9328 - 04.07.2024 15:47

I got masters in mathematics and finance and used to the same issue, I don't know why I spoke with at least a dozen career advisors got my CV checked multiple times. After a year I got a job as an intern in telecommunication company, but my contract ends in a month and I am not sure what will happen next....

@werechicken1969 - 04.07.2024 15:17

Why would you start by saying you did 2 useless degree when you can speak 3 languages? That's way more useful (unless by speaks 3 languages she means she can order a drink in 3 languages) It's not university education that's useless it's the fact they're going for the most useless majors/degrees

@Hartz4Empfanger - 03.07.2024 21:20

she looks like the cornstar riley jean

@Atrac1059 - 03.07.2024 18:08

Her strongest asset is the one she lists last and basically shrugs off. She speaks three languages. I can name anyone who speaks more than 2.

@gibsonduvall - 03.07.2024 10:52

I'm pretty sure 'The Deadliest Catch' boats are always hiring?

Mid 80's, I left the military (UK) after serving the 9 years I signed up for, and struggled to find work for about 6 months, I was married with a year old child.
I got down to the last two for one job but didn't get it, I didn't cry, whine on or make a video etc. The only thing I did was to ring the company up and ask if I did anything wrong in the interview and if there was any advice they could give me for the future?
I did have to laugh and wonder why they said what they did? - "There was nothing between you both but we decided that you had a better chance of getting another job over the other applicant." 🤷🏼‍♂️ I know ha ha. Ah well, I got a story out of it😁.

Things, eventually, turned out very well for me as it happens. There's always a positive and sometimes, not getting what you want is a good thing!

I despair for the toddler in this clip and the many others like her who do this sort of thing, this attitude is partly why they don't get hired. These types are always going to give anyone that hires them trouble!

@polygonforge3633 - 02.07.2024 21:43

Narcicism - omg a woman wants a full-time job talking about herself ?
No fucking way - and she hates getting a real job that other people are more qualified than her? She believes shes the ONLY applicant. TikTok Generation is the most useless

@Tirchrome420 - 02.07.2024 16:09

No Worker definitely will NOT HIRE any disabled.

@hoboofserenity - 02.07.2024 15:26

If she really speaks 3 languages fluently, she could probably get a job as a translator for the government. World governments always have a shortage of translators, especially for less "popular" languages. And if not, she can get a job in a customer support call center with extra added for knowing multiple languages.

I'd bet good money that she haven't even considered either, because neither are "prestigeous". Also she NEEDS to delete any tik tok where she's complaining about jobs, filming job interviews etc etc. Also, daycare jobs are almost always open within walking or public transportation range no matter where you live.

@dingyifan-jb3hk - 02.07.2024 14:01

is it information and communication or just communication like talking?

@RaptorJesus. - 02.07.2024 12:56

So weird that an acting degree didn't help her in her minimum wage job applications!
I know when I got my job stacking shelves they really really REALLY wanted to hire people with acting degrees.
(maybe she can use her acting skills to pretend to have a useful degree?)

@scottycz4918 - 01.07.2024 23:57

Is this the American dream? 💀

@554466551 - 29.06.2024 19:32

"Two degrees! What in?"
Cut to nervous interviewees in the waiting room.
Sound of raucous laughter through the interview room door.

@Boingy420 - 29.06.2024 10:21

Welcome to Reality's problem -

Never addressing population growth vs. labour requirement.

Population grew by 500 million. Did they announce 500 million jobs to match it?

That shoulda been the red flag to ya.

@pursuitforspeed - 29.06.2024 08:19

I reckon she only speaks two languages. English and bad English. Seriously, what on earth is this culture.

@gamingsuperun - 27.06.2024 04:23

Doesnt matter how many languages you speak when nobody cares what you have to say

@spectralvoodoo5233 - 26.06.2024 05:54

"Communication and Acting" are not degree worthy skills, its an absolute scam that colleges even let you major in it. Why on earth would any employer look to hire someone for those degrees? I might hire someone IN SPITE of those, but never for them.

@Kaepora2 - 26.06.2024 02:32

Welcome to the real world, kid. It's hard out here, you're gonna need a helmet.

@lordofchaosinc.261 - 26.06.2024 01:38

Communications and acting, sounds like she's a Rimworld colonist.

@stevenelson3515 - 24.06.2024 22:11

And you, like, wonder why, like, no one wants to, like, hire you, like?

If your degree is in communications, I think you might ask for a refund.

@carfo - 24.06.2024 19:21

unironically calling applying for jobs "embarrassing" while you set up your phone on the street and talk into it is WILD

@diamondly6250 - 24.06.2024 16:07

i just got a job first try

@StuartHollingsead - 24.06.2024 02:28

She could get a job as a phlebotomist. Easy.
Go to any hospital lab and ask if they are hiring. They will train her or you.
Then you get hired and get yourself certified, then the hospital can pay for your nursing degree.
You don't want to start over in schooling? Life has just smacked you in the face. You made poor choices. Deal with them or keep playing the victim.
Once you get your nursing degree, 5 years of hard work in the ICU on night shift, and you can become a traveling nurse, making close to 150k a year or more.
You are 30 years old. By 40, you can be set to work till 60, and retire early with smart money choices.
You can turn anything around with hard work and patience.

@JLMetaMix - 23.06.2024 21:58

I swear the New Generations are like crazy, They surprise you always.

@skinnyirishboi3907 - 23.06.2024 18:24

Join the military

@CarParts08382 - 22.06.2024 17:11

Congrats to her for being unable to communicate and act. Those degrees are just paperweights.

@operatorlink - 22.06.2024 05:39

there is an engineering degree in communications which would get her jobs, it is about mobile networks, satellite, wifi.

@damonfields6377 - 22.06.2024 00:58

you know 3 languages.... literally these jobs have already been lost to ai

@emanuelcordova7955 - 21.06.2024 17:30

if she really does speak 3 languages she shouldnt have trouble finding jobs to be honest. But is that a leash shes holding??? you dont go to offices to apply for work while walking your dog...

@chriskoloski32 - 20.06.2024 17:45

I dropped out of college and only speak one language and even i got a minimum wage job

@MrStevegibb - 19.06.2024 19:59

If you are going for a low level job don't mention you have a degree it will count against you as they will think you will leave as soon as you get a better offer.

@Rajivrocks-Ltd. - 19.06.2024 19:58

Welcome to the world

@StatedByTony - 17.06.2024 23:15

You can have so many degrees etc. If you do not have what is needed, they wont care.

@ipfreely - 15.06.2024 09:06

It would help if you didn’t use filler words such as “like” or “literally” in each and every sentence. No body wants to hear that when they need to have a conversation.

I know internet has made it socially acceptable because you hear it all the time. But when you’re having an adult conversation at a workplace, you sound like a moron. Social media and talking to friends are not the same as speaking to other people in a work environment. If you talk like this person, you will not get hired.

@EvilSt0ner - 12.06.2024 21:42

a degree in communication and doesn't know that the paper resume is something people did before she was born. If you want a job today you need to email companies.

@DanakarEndeel - 12.06.2024 01:32

Yeah, I can see why companies are not hiring someone who just makes secret recordings and puts them on their TikTok. Also, your degrees are worth NOTHING! Companies want people with several years worth of actual experience instead of a piece of paper. I don't have any degree in communication or acting (because those degrees are as pointless as 'gender studies') but I have 10+ years of real-world experience in both fields. That's usually worth a lot more to companies than someone who just graduated yet has zero R/L experience.

EDIT: I also speak 3 languages. That's not really rare either.

@jamontoast7778 - 10.06.2024 21:26

And she voted for Joe Biden

@jayden3759 - 06.06.2024 10:01

2 degrees that mean absolutely nothing
