The beauty of coding is that you can either achieve the end result or you can’t….yet.
Every time I freak out and think “I have NFI what how this works” I just go and spend a morning building stuff. More often than not I hit this ding moment where everything comes to light. Listen to the advice in this video, FOCUS ON PRACTICE.
i love it it the most beauty of coding
ОтветитьI wish I knew this in 2015
ОтветитьMy favorite time of the day is when I laugh remembering myself screaming and losing my temper over an assignment a week ago
1. 聚焦於實踐,而非理論 當初學者開始學習程式設計時,往往會遇到像是10,000小時法則這類的學習理念,認為只要閱讀書籍或觀看教程數量達到一定程度,就能成為高手。然而,這種方式並不完全正確。成功的程式設計師更注重10,000行程式碼法則——通過不斷編寫程式,從每千行程式碼中汲取經驗,逐步進步。程式設計並非只是學習資訊密集的理論,它像是手工藝、音樂或繪畫,透過實踐才能真正精進。
2. 養成謙遜的心態,放下自我 學習初期,許多程式設計師會因為過於自信,認為自己應該從一開始就做複雜的專案,像是Facebook或Reddit的複製品,而不願意從基礎的HTML/CSS網頁開始。這樣的心態往往會拖慢學習的進度。謙虛面對基礎的任務,反而能幫助自己建立穩固的基礎,並且在學習過程中獲得更多的成長。
3. 與不適感共處 程式設計是一個需要解決問題的領域,無論是後端開發還是其他領域,工程師永遠無法知道所有的答案。這種無法預見的挑戰可能會讓人感到不安,但學會面對這種不適感,並將其視為學習的機會,是成功的關鍵。每次遇到難題時,都應該視為提升自己技能的機會,這樣才能在領域中持續成長。
4. 永遠無法「精通」程式設計 有些新手可能會問:“我要多久才能精通某種程式語言?”但事實上,程式設計並非要「精通」某一種語言或技術,而是通過不斷建設專案,進行實踐並迭代改進。無論是CSS Flexbox還是其他概念,初學者應該學會在遇到問題時,先繼續完成當前的學習進程,而不是一再停留在某一個尚未完全理解的概念上。當你逐步在專案中應用這些概念,你會發現自己的技能在實踐中自然提升。 總結來說,成為一名優秀的程式設計師並非依賴於讀書或觀看教程,而是要透過實踐、持續學習、謙遜面對挑戰、並接受自己永遠無法達到「精通」的事實。這樣的心態不僅能幫助你更快地成長,也能讓你在程式設計的旅程中保持持久的熱情和動力。
Yes. After coding for 7 years, whatever you said, holds true for me. 😅 Programmers are problem solver, it's more important to solve a problem than knowing a bunch of things. You may have bookish knowledge on certain things, but unless you can't fix and apply those things, there's no use of it. Be a problem solver, don't run behind jack of all trades, feel happy to be a learner forever. When there's a problem, take the opportunity to struggle to solve it, and when you solve it, you're in paradise 😅
ОтветитьIf this Video gets 10 likes... 80.023 LIKES!
ОтветитьThis is so helpful! Should add it to my morning meditation routine
ОтветитьThanks, I really needed to hear this!
ОтветитьSure. But good programmers also read books.
ОтветитьBackground music is so distractive. You would do something regarding this. Thanks
Ответитьsummary: practice for years....
Ответить😢 I'm confused what should learn
ОтветитьIt depends on the domain. But first of all, learn how to crash what you have just built.
Ответитьpoint number 2. isn't this about preference. if you don't want to do html and css, then don't do it. go for backend developer.
ОтветитьNice video
ОтветитьThe absolute kewlest thing in a junior dev's career is when your team leader gives you hard ass, real world task to solve, followed by vague requirements and little to no guidance and weeks later you return with code that works (ugly or not) and he nods, and gives you another task just like that. A year later you will feel like you are ontop of the world.
ОтветитьGood Video! Points to be remembered
1. Practise coding everyday
2. Don't be afraid to get uncomfortable
3. You can never master the coding but you can get good at it
4. Constantly learn new things by building new projects
Always open to learn
Ответитьthank you
Ответить...Very true...Sir.....!!
ОтветитьHm Hm one question about , Where you talked about being master and all about coding thing what do u think of this era of easy code generation gpt and all,as i am using it to build my project and precisely do the changes to code and learn on that generated code what do you think is this a right way to learn ,and also inhave built some useful project out of itjust needed your perspective on this Chatgpt era
ОтветитьThanks for this video, gem 💯
ОтветитьCoding is all about trying, failing, and learning. When confused, just build something. Practice leads to those “aha” moments where everything clicks. Keep at it, and it’ll make sense.
Ответить"...say, ten likes..." life works in mysterious ways.
ОтветитьI use AI to generate code... from segments to entire code.
People must think it just gives you code ready to work haha... I'm learning so much so quickly and my learning style fits perfectly by bulldozing in, making a tonne of realisations and I move forward (or back and reapproach)... All while having a AI tutor explaining and debugging to the point I have to interject and steer it and at times, fix the code logic now.
The sheer power this unlocks is something I can't conceive as a child if you left me with the grand designs and goals I set out to achieve when I first picked up a laptop... I'd probably of got in trouble then gone into red hat testing hehe, I was always fascinating with that as a career but stayed generalized :(
But now my generalization and experience with data centre and cloud management and some creativity. I'm building code testing out free credits on the big hosting platforms... and it is fun because I don't feel 'alone' as weirdly as that sounds. I have some dependable help and it can't do magic. It fails based on the quality of my input.
Thank you my bro
ОтветитьI learned this the hard way. Great video!
ОтветитьI honestly think learning another language as a grown adult to the fluency level was really helpful. But all of these mindset shifts pretty much apply to that as well. Thanks for the nice video, this was a vibe.
ОтветитьI learned a lot of theory and I think it was not very useful for teaching me how to code. HOWEVER I really liked it and it opened a lot of doors to have a masters degree, despite not being a great coder. I could very well have been a better engineer had I not gotten the degree, but I enjoyed it a lot. I had a fun time in uni and I am very happy I did it
ОтветитьTHe video and comments are awesome I will listen and read some commets every week
Ответитьgreat vid
ОтветитьI listened again and noted in my notebook.
Ответить10 likes... you mean 10k likes? :D
ОтветитьFirst code, improve it later.
Ответить"Never afraid to ask the question - nothing is dumb"
StackOverflow when I ask a question: emotional damage
Trying to master programming concepts is like trying to master english prepositions
ОтветитьFreecode camp Is tutorial hell?
ОтветитьEgo is the enemy, guys, it took me 7 years to realize that.
ОтветитьThis video is a game changer for junior developer me, thank you sir
Ответитьthis is totally me at the moment thank you so mch this is encouraging