History of Russia - Rurik to Revolution

History of Russia - Rurik to Revolution

Epic History

7 лет назад

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vinllga - 09.11.2023 00:18

Our main sin is that we allowed the internal 5th column of dissidents, satanists- separatists and libermans (the so-called “liberals” - the dirt and cancer of the Earth) to destroy Russia... and even twice - in 1917 and in 1991. Libermans, through their so-called “revolutions,” gave rise to the most terrible crimes and wars in the history of mankind. In the 1990s, they managed to destroy Russia again (in the form of an artificial collapse of USSR) and divide it into hostile parts. They realized Hitler’s best dream - to tear away from Russia its historical core - Little Russia (or so-called Ukraine) - the ancient territory of Russia, then occupied this indigenous Russian land and organized here nazi regime of false-Ukrainian Galitsian occupiers with the aim of war against the last part destroyed in 1991 Russia - Russian Federation. The conflict in Ukraine is the result of the Libermans’ crimes against mankind, and not just the Russian people. But they want to completely destroy not only Russia, but also Western civilization in its deep roots and unleash the 3rd world war.

Max Well
Max Well - 08.11.2023 01:13

Each person gets to speak his pic and is tasted

Max Well
Max Well - 08.11.2023 01:09

But the Russian do seems to be n a good bit of shap

Max Well
Max Well - 08.11.2023 01:07

I do see kive right there throw out the battle I also think that say someone doesn't pay up are do what their told it leads to war between you all

Max Well
Max Well - 08.11.2023 01:04

I was thinking these war was about being gay but watching gay are not you still got a lot money and that means something

Michael S
Michael S - 07.11.2023 11:38

in the time of troubles moscow was never occupied by the polish, the pushed but they never held it, the imposters did but they were murdered

Сальник - 05.11.2023 04:47

Не знал что Наполеона победила зима 😂😂😂
История пинтосов

Димитър Йосифов
Димитър Йосифов - 04.11.2023 22:15

Glory to Russia. We will not be destroyed by evil Europe and USA

Елена - 04.11.2023 08:51

Kievan Rus is not the name of the state. This is the time period allocated by historians of the 19th century for convenience, the time when Kiev was the capital of Russia. Before Kiev, the capital was Novgorod, Vladimir. Now the capital of Russia is Moscow. You don't say Vladimir Rus, Moscow Rus.

mtnhouse - 31.10.2023 10:13

If you want a pro Russia, pro communist, bias video keep watching. I couldn't stand watching the rest. Minimizing Russian murders, takeovers and humitarian war crimes is disgusting.

Can Nad
Can Nad - 31.10.2023 04:54

I have to read the Russia history wrote by Russians, not by others.

snab032 - 30.10.2023 23:57

In a historical context, it is important to understand that during the wars in the Caucasus and Central Asia, the Great Chess Game between Britain and Russia had already begun, the echoes of which we hear today in full. The initiator of the game was Britain, which at that time was “the Empire on which the Sun never sets,” having captured China and India, they tried to subjugate Iran, Afghanistan, and then rush to Central Asia. The British dreamed of owning the Heartland territory, in the underbelly of Russia, in order to control Eurasia and all the main trade routes. Of course, Russia was against it and was forced to capture all of Central Asia, the Caucasus and parts of Persia, which was unable to resist Britain and Russia. If Russia had not taken these territories, Britain would have subjugated them. Although, of course, it is a controversial issue whether Britain would have had enough strength for these conquests, but the fact that the British had plans is an indisputable fact.
We can observe a similar situation today, when the former republics of the USSR are subject to constant intrusive pressure from the Anglo-Saxons and the West, some were absorbed by the EU, and since 2014 Ukraine has become like the 51st US state and fulfills any US demands except to stop corruption.

Slavic Party
Slavic Party - 30.10.2023 15:56

That's cool history ❤

Regina papadopoulou
Regina papadopoulou - 29.10.2023 22:19

thank you

Meliodas 4
Meliodas 4 - 29.10.2023 20:19

Russian history is beautiful, tragic, bloody, honorable, depressing, evil, and sophisticated to the bone anyone who wants to study interesting history should start with Russia

Think Tank
Think Tank - 29.10.2023 18:41

Most comments here are about how fascinating the Russian history is. But guys, this history is always bloody terrifying! From century to century. from decade to decade no light and bright prosperous life there. What is attractive and fascinating in the nation´s own bottomless stupidity and total oppositionism?

Hycylka Ksenja
Hycylka Ksenja - 29.10.2023 03:43

Rus' is Ukraine and Moskovia is Russia .VIDEO-False!Incorrect!False!

Арнольд Мамиев
Арнольд Мамиев - 27.10.2023 21:24

Вообще когда Наполеон вошел в Москву с войсками был отдан приказ сжечь Москву полностью . Это был стратегический ход имперским правительством , не дать наполеоновским войскам перезимовать в Москве .
При этом это был гениальный ход российским правительством , так как Наполеон шел на Москву со своими войсками по Смоленской дороге то они грабили и сжигали все на своем пути + само правительство России отдало приказ отступать и сжигать все на своем пути до Москвы , вот и получается что когда Наполеон зашел в Москву то и Москву сожгли . Зима добила моральный дух наполеоновских войск и запасов не осталось у них , тогда они захотели покинуть Москву по дороге которая шла к Киеву и другим городам России . Но русская армия дала бой и не позволила пройти по новой дороге и грабить новые города , это был стратегический расчет , отправить наполеоновские воска по Смоленской дороге , так как там уже все было разграблено и сожжено . Российское правительство знало что если французы вернутся по дороге по которой же они домели до Москвы то на обратном пути зимой то большая часть просто не переживет этого похода . Российское правительство просто ждали момента когда у французов не останется еды и подорвется моральный дух .
Именно по этой причине Александ не стал вести переговоры когда Наполеон находился в Москве , он знал что большая часть армии Наполеона умрет от холода и голода отступая назад . Зачем воевать если можно просто ждать и подготовиться к наступлению .
Такой же тактики прибегли во время Великой Отечественной войны в 1941 года , был отдан приказ о полном уничтожение всех полей и заводов и предприятий которых не успели перевезти , чтоб немецким фашистам ничего не досталось . В те годы Москву также заминировали на всякий случай , если бы немцы прорвались то советское правительство дало бы приказ взорвать Москву .
