Big thank you to aquatabs for sponsoring this video! I’ve carried their water treatment tablets on every trip since my first thru-hike in 2019 and I am so excited to be working with them.
Today I’m talking about how to get clean water while backpacking, even from the nastiest sources. I’ve had to collect water from my fair share of cow tanks and ponds, neither of which ever look particularly appetizing. But when you’re in the middle of a hot desert with no other water in sight for 20 miles, it’s time to get creative. In this video, I’ll go over some tips I’ve picked up in my backpacking career to make even the nastiest backcountry water sources not only drinkable, but enjoyable.
If you prefer to read these sorts of things, check out my blog on how to get clean water while backpacking:
Water Treatment Tools for Backpacking:
*These links are paid affiliate links, which means I earn a commission if you use them to purchase, at no cost to you. Thanks for the support!
Sawyer Squeeze (or similar backpacking filter):
Bandana of some kind (any kind’ll do):
Clean Water Bottle & Dirty Water Bottle (any 1 L size from a gas station will do, resume them, but keep track of which is which)!
Extra O-rings:
#water_filtration #aquatabs #giardia #backpacking_water #filtering_water #clean_drinking_water #diarrhea #giardiasis #dysentery #typhoid_fever #E._Coli_infection #salmonellosis