With all of the main characters in Zelda: Breath of the Wild having their own diaries, it didn't sit right with me thinking that Link didn't have one. Well, it's finally time that our mysterious silent knight gets the character description that he deserves!
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. An incredible game that's full of many incredible things.
Do you know what else is incredible? The adventure log in Zelda: Breath of the Wild! Have you ever wondered what it is? Who's writing and updating it?
In this video, which I am very excited to share with you all, we explore the foundations of the adventure log, and the secrets it's been hiding from us this whole time.
As you're probably aware, the adventure log in Breath of the Wild is very extensive and contains far too much information for this video alone. If you're interested in seeing what other mysteries are hidden away, definitely let me know! I'd really like to share with you more of what we all missed out on in BoTW, so I'm planning on making this video into a series that discusses everything in detail.
Leave me a comment and let me know what you think! I respond to all of them.
All of the translations that you see in this video have been produced and edited by me. Although I can understand and speak Japanese, I have not used it to translate video games before like this. But I will definitely be doing it again, I really enjoyed learning more about my favourite character. I can't wait to share future findings with you all.
Disclaimer: The possibility of the adventure log being Link's diary was first brought to my attention by @Evaix. Upon later research, the original discovery seems to have been made by Chinese Gamer @AtomaruU. Props to them! This is amazing.
#Adventure_Log #Adventure_Log_Japanese #Adventure_Log_Translation #Biggest_Secrets #BotW #Breath_of_the_Wild #Can_Link_Speak #Diary #Japanese #Link #Link's_Diary #Link's_emotions #Lost_Secrets #Nintendo #Secrets #The_Legend_of_Zelda #The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Breath_of_the_Wild #Theory #Zelda #game #zelda_theory #zelink #romance #link_loves_Zelda #zelda_and_link_relationship #Zelda_loves_Link