#1 BEST Tip for EASIER LABOR & GIVING BIRTH from Childbirth Educator

#1 BEST Tip for EASIER LABOR & GIVING BIRTH from Childbirth Educator

Bridget Teyler

3 года назад

540,235 Просмотров

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India Simer
India Simer - 27.09.2023 06:21

I actually did this with my 3rd baby without realizing it was a technique but now I’m pregnant again due for induction for 2 days and nervous again

Sophia Merriam
Sophia Merriam - 02.09.2023 06:59

i felt so relaxed after practicing my breathing with you! thank you god bless

Brianna Kinney
Brianna Kinney - 30.08.2023 07:05

Okay so, hear me out. My first birth was absolutely traumatic. Hospital birth, induction, epidural, and then I had a postpartum hemorrhage. So with my second baby I knew for a fact I wasn’t going to let that happen again so I opted to go as natural and intervention free as possible. I took Bridget’s birth class and watched these videos religiously AND LET ME TELL YOU. My birth was honestly better than I could’ve asked for and this video is GOLD. The ONLY way I was able to get through my birth without crying/yelling even one time was this breathing technique. I did it my entire labor, kept myself as relaxed as possible, and I was able to have a completely intervention free birth. I was never even touched by my midwife until after my baby’s head came out. Ugh. THANK YOU BRIDGET 🥺

Jo - 24.08.2023 22:46

I’m going to remember this, currently 37 weeks and binge watching all your videos. However Is it normal for baby to get hiccups while practicing the destresser breaths

Gise Riet
Gise Riet - 31.07.2023 03:30

Can you have a natural delivery after 3 c sections? Muy youngest Is 8 years old

Danny Osorio
Danny Osorio - 28.07.2023 22:20

I swear by this breathing method. I delivered an 8 pound baby boy today, no pain medicines. I had requested for an epidural but the breathing control and a bathtub helped me getting to full dilation without pain killers.

Thanks thanks thanks from the bottom of my heart for sharing this content ❤ after having my first with a csection, this experience was magical

JuanitaGallegos - 15.07.2023 07:57

I just wanted to say thank you so much! I found your video this morning without having contractions, after a couple of hours I started to have contractions really painful and this breathing was a life saver for me during all stages of labor. My baby boy was born a couple of hours ago. Completely free of meds.

LeAnn Ellis
LeAnn Ellis - 06.07.2023 18:56

Most of your videos I really love, I'm excited to bring my little girl into this world and have a empowering experience while doing it. I love your tips and I've learned so much but some of your methods for creating videos are so gimmicky I almost want to stop watching your videos. I can't tell if I should take you seriously. Constantly telling me you're about to tell me this huge secret for a easy birth but not sharing for 5 minutes seems like you're trying to induce anxiety when your job should be the exact opposite. I couldn't get to the secret in this video because I felt like I was watching a infomercial and not learning about birth.

Mickey M.
Mickey M. - 18.06.2023 07:17

My first labour 7 years ago was so fast that I hardly managed to get to the hospital. I didnt feel any contractions in my uterus, belly or back, I just felt like my pelvis and vagina are getting ripped apart. Even the monitor on my belly didn't "see" any contractions. It took 2 hours since the very first and very strong "contraction" to my baby girl being in my arms. The water broke and kept bursting out with every move of my daughter out. So much pain, massive tearing, 27 stitches, terrible experience. I couldnt do anything but scream like mad. And I have a very high pain tolerance. I am now due with my baby boy in 2 weeks. Proper scared. Is this technique gonna help make it better this time?

Marylin Moreno
Marylin Moreno - 14.06.2023 02:05

Thank you for always filling me and my life with good and positive things.

Anna Sweeney
Anna Sweeney - 10.06.2023 05:41

This made my baby move!

newworldgovernment.net - 06.06.2023 06:56

The entire video is about how she is about to get to the point, to which she never did

Alishaba - 24.05.2023 05:16

I just wanted to come back and say thank you for these tips on breathing.

I just had my 3rd baby/3rd natural birth and breathing through contractions is what helped me through it.

My doula said mine was the calmest birth she ever supported.

Although I didn't count as I breathed, I did the deep breath in through my nose until I couldn't breathe in anymore and then breathed out through my mouth as recommended.

The only truly rough parts were transition after my water broke (my water broke toward the end after I was in active labor) and pushing.

I was praying to push the baby out fast and I only ended up pushing for 9 mins (although it felt like an eternity at the time lol).

But focusing on breathing made this labor as a whole more calm and productive and allowed me to relax through the pain much better.

I only tore a little and besides the few stitches everything else was natural and smooth.

So thank you!!!

mushmaloo - 19.05.2023 15:38

So verbose.

Wences Orcales Santos
Wences Orcales Santos - 13.04.2023 08:35

I'm on my 28 weeks for my 2nd baby, aiming for VBAC.. I didn't experience labor on my 1st child coz he's breech and my CS was scheduled. I'll practice this breathing technique every day. Hope I'll be able to vlog my labor so I can prove that this helps :) thank you so much!

Betty Miller
Betty Miller - 25.03.2023 03:09

Can I take you to the hospital with me? Lol

Anna - 18.03.2023 16:08

So when do you push? As you're breathing out??? I'm confused. Or is the destressor breathing technique something you do before the contraction comes?

Kristian H
Kristian H - 14.03.2023 19:52

The link on this post no longer works. 😮 how can I get the affirmations

biancathebanana tv
biancathebanana tv - 13.03.2023 03:25

Okay, I have to come back here after I gave birth to tell you guys this is the best advice ever!!! My OBGYN told me that since it's my first pregnancy, labor is gonna be long and it's not gonna be easy. But guys, I only spent 2 hours in the labor room, that's 5cm to 10cm. What I did was I tried to take a nap (altho it was hard), I rested save up energy so I'll have all the energy I need when it's time to push, and this breathing exercises! It worked so perfectly! 💕💕 THANK YOU BRIDGET!

I also want to thank you because through my entire pregnancy, your videos helped me alot. Delivered the baby easy and safely. ❤️

Yadira Chavez
Yadira Chavez - 06.03.2023 23:29

I’m scared 😢I’m due March 17 but I’m happy but aI have all these emotions right now .

Arica Newsome
Arica Newsome - 18.02.2023 00:12

The breathing was hard, definitely need to practice! I'm a month away from due date, can't wait to meet our baby boy. Gotta watch these videos with my husband 💕

Kelly Davis
Kelly Davis - 14.02.2023 01:38

Pregnant got 5 months as I write this but am so nervous as I remember the "burning sensation" when crowning so scared but hoping videos like this one will help if anyone else has advice I'm totally open to it x

Sara Sanchez
Sara Sanchez - 10.02.2023 18:25

Had to skip

Olivia Humphreys
Olivia Humphreys - 09.02.2023 14:17

Just wanted to say thank you so much for your videos - I watched a lot of them in the days before I gave birth to my second child, and I'm so glad I did. I ended up having a really positive, magical birth - in the end the midwives only just arrived in time, because I was so convinced I wasn't yet in established labour and we didn't need them yet... Our bodies are incredible and your videos really helped me to get in the most helpful state of mind to have my baby. Thank you Bridget, and to any pregnant women wondering whether to watch these videos, it really will be time well spent!!

khutch1983 - 08.02.2023 09:30

I want to subscribe sooo bad! I actually sought out your content! But the condescending way you incessantly say “Mama” makes my skin crawl! Be more relatable…please! You sound like a self-help video for minions. I mean this in all honesty because I know you have a lot to give to women.

eduarda almeida
eduarda almeida - 20.01.2023 09:44

Cringe haha I can almost swear she’s laughing on the inside on the video

cell jr Perfectform
cell jr Perfectform - 17.01.2023 08:52

Wow, your breathing technique actually works for panic attacks I would definitely use this for childbirth as well I'm only 20 getting ready to turn 21 in 4 months once I get to a certain age I will be planning having children this is the greatest thing I ever heard thank you so much

Tara Joseph
Tara Joseph - 04.01.2023 21:09

My 2nd was born 7 minutes after I got to the hospital 😂 the second one comes FAST!

Evan Toombs
Evan Toombs - 29.12.2022 20:28

Lot of talking (helpful) but she finally got there! Thank you!

KilluaX Killua
KilluaX Killua - 26.11.2022 06:00

It’s so interesting because I had my first son 4 years ago and I was 19. I didn’t do any hypno birthing, Lamaze or read about breathing. But I did know being out of control would make things worse. So I give the advise to all of my friends that the best tip about labor is controlling your breathing. The contractions will happen whether you want them to or not, it would just hurt enough all I could do was breathe through it and keep myself calm and allow myself to rest in between contractions. It’s great advice and I can attest to it personally

Praise Judith Sternkopf
Praise Judith Sternkopf - 23.11.2022 14:00

Thanks for this information and the breathing technique. Helps to be calmed this way. I’m due the 29th of November, so labour is very soon. Hope my baby boy James will have a calm and safe birth. Bless you Bridget! ❤

Brinjal Patel
Brinjal Patel - 01.11.2022 08:18


ChaosCoordinator06 - 01.10.2022 19:24

Totally agree. When people ask me advice I send them your breathing videos.

MingYee Kok
MingYee Kok - 30.09.2022 16:41


ziziqar - 14.09.2022 10:04

Can this be used for VBAC?

And also, what if someone has congestion throughout pregnancy?

brownbirth2008 - 14.09.2022 02:01

I was in labour and did not know as I was practicing this breathing technique - once I reached the hospital for just a day assesment I was measuring at 6cm dilated - I promise you this technique works ! I was only pushing for half hour and was in labour for a total of 5-6 hours ! I also have a very low pain threshold but was told by the midwives I do have a high threshold and how I am made to deliver babies 😅😂

I also followed Bridgets pregnancy ball excises too both combined together I was able able to experience a pleasant labour and delivery ☺️

Kelly J
Kelly J - 05.09.2022 21:57

I'm pregnant with my second baby, and their nine years apart, and I've also had two open heart surgeries since my first so I've been high risk but everything she's saying that's wrong is everything that I did during my first birth, I'm so happy I found this video! 30 weeks with baby boy 💙

Metube - 01.09.2022 16:41

please make the video short and to the point

Esmeralda Pena - Gmail
Esmeralda Pena - Gmail - 22.08.2022 01:24

In the midst of labor right now. Very useful! Thanks.

whitney leger
whitney leger - 09.08.2022 08:19

I just want to say thank you! Thank you for taking the time to make these videos for women! I’m a first time mama currently 38 weeks and 2 days with a babygirl. I have a lot of fears going into labor but watching your videos have helped me SO much to calm my nerves as I’ve had many symptoms of labor starting it’s a great learning process and I couldn’t be more grateful than to have found your page!💓

Yara A
Yara A - 08.08.2022 17:57

Pro tip, this breathing technique helps you get through food poisoning 🤣

vandakat - 05.08.2022 19:39

Thank you, Bridget. So I was just watching your other video on J breathing (moo breathing). So when do we do the destress breathing versus J breathing?

Stephanie Littlefield
Stephanie Littlefield - 30.07.2022 01:39

I’m enjoying your videos, but don’t forget to go back and link the videos that you say you’re linking in the video. 💗 THANK YOU for what you do!!

Minttu H
Minttu H - 28.07.2022 13:08

I watched many videos like these and just know it doesnt always work for you! And thats ok. Our bodies are different. My baby was in wrong position so i had a very long labor and more painful back labor and i moaned instead of just breath and relax through contractions and that worked for me. i was not able to relax except during the beginning of labor. But i was never afraid and i never thought i wasnt able to do it. It just took long and i stayed patient and declined epidural for full 33h. I also had to push for 3h cause i had extra tight spot down there that wasnt normal so it had to be cut in the end and that worked for me.
So just saying that i expected these things to work for me, they didn't and that's normal and fine as well.

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 21.07.2022 19:45

In which contraction stage should I practice this breathing.... ?? Please help me with this guys....I am in my 35 th week....

Karla Murphy
Karla Murphy - 20.07.2022 14:35

We were indeed designed to birth. Psalm 139 but specifically 139: 14-16 says about God, “Your eyes even saw me as an embryo…” it discusses the embryo which had not yet been discovered by man because the microscope wasn’t even invented yet. God designed us to birth. 💪🏼🙏🥰

Nashay Bock
Nashay Bock - 13.07.2022 12:50

I am so excited to try this out when birthing our first born! I will definitely remember to come back to report how using this technique went. With each video I watch of hers, I become more and more confident with labor

Annie Koch
Annie Koch - 07.07.2022 09:04

4 kids later and i just discovered ur video. my boy is due next month and will keep this in mind. I appreciate this.

Megan Castro
Megan Castro - 27.06.2022 09:58

i’m so nervous i’m due in 3 months my pin tolerance is so low 😩
