Optimizing Every Companion for Baldur's Gate 3 (Part 2)

Optimizing Every Companion for Baldur's Gate 3 (Part 2)

d4: D&D Deep Dive

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Matthew J. Rogers
Matthew J. Rogers - 06.10.2023 21:53

For Gale I would just give him the Bladesinger mod. It works well and it would be cool for him as the tadpole forced him to restart from lvl 1 anyway, so why not learn weapons now?

Sam Kaso
Sam Kaso - 06.10.2023 18:41

I made Asterion into the “control freak” wizard in one of my games. Vampires can make sense as many a thing!

PS - 06.10.2023 17:51

I like the Commander Lae'zel build and intend to give it a try - with 16 STR / CON / CHA I imagine DEX will take a hit. Will being low down on the initiative order negatively impact the gameplan?

Kinsa Bony
Kinsa Bony - 06.10.2023 01:56

Really need a part 3, I cant seem to get a Jaheira fighter Druid build (which she was in original BG) to be strong enough in late game

CJ - 05.10.2023 17:55

I believe I've commented this on another video, but a fun alternative for Asterion is Thief 4, Fighter 2, College of Swords 6 or Thief 4, Champion 5, College of Swords 3. The former focuses on using the bard flourishes, the latter focuses on improved criticals, since both builds have a 48% chance to crit every turn. Both versions give you four full attacks when dual-wielding hand x-bows, thanks to getting both the archery and dual-wielding fighting styles. This is a sustained DPS build as opposed to a nova build like gloom stalker/thief.

Chris - 05.10.2023 04:58

I cannot respec the Ability Points for Astarion like you laid out. Even when dropping all levels to the minimum the most you can rise in constitution is to 15 for him. Is there something I'm missing? Also, what should the remaining points be divided into? Also on skill proficiency, I do not have the option to pick perception. Just not understanding so I apologize.

bestevez32 - 04.10.2023 02:10

Would you consider doing an all Bard Multi-class party? It’s always been a fantasy of mine to run a game with a band on tour. Is this feasible in BG3?

MoonJukebox - 04.10.2023 01:31

Hey Colby, thanks for all the fire BG3 content lately, I've been making good use of some of your builds. I really love your battlefield commander idea for Lae'zel and I'm definitely gonna try it out. It does feel very thematic for her personality and I like how you tried to keep that in mind. Keep up the sick work!

Toranas - 03.10.2023 19:00

For Astarion, I went Gloomstalker Ranger 3, Thief Rogue 3, BM fighter 6 with trip attack, disarming attack, and precision attack. I still get 2 feats, and two fighting styles. So i pick dual wield, sharpshooter, archery and two weapon fighting and use two hand crossbows. I don't get auto crits first round, but if i action surge, I can get 7 attacks first round, and 4 attacks per round ongoing. It can knock enemies prone, setting up your party to finish off any stragglers. Precision attack helps offset the sharpshooter "all in" penalty if needed.

Gloves of archery or gloves of power, eversight ring, and cloak of cunning brume are some great early-mid game gear. Disengage and hide before you attack to obscure yourself in a fog cloud, but you're immune to blind, so you're just spitting out a hail of bolts

Special callout to diadem of arcane synergy. If you inflict a condition (prone, hunters mark, frightened, elemental arrows, bane from gloves of power), then you also add your spellcasting modifier to all attacks. That can be tricky to build stats for, but its a fun added bonus for more sustained damage and utility.

Toranas - 03.10.2023 18:03

I like the idea of Lae'zel as a warlock who has made a pact with Vlaakith. Though she the current subclasses don't play into her theme. Great old one would be an interesting theme since the githyanki have origins entwined with illithid and the far realm, and Vlaakith is definitely ancient. I wish we had the undead/undying subclass options, as the sourcebooks specifically mention Vlaakith as a possible patron.

Nicholas Tran
Nicholas Tran - 03.10.2023 17:28

Bard on lae'zel kinda fits. She does say she is the funniest person from her creche. Also despite how standoffish she is she is leagues more charismatic then the other gith you meet in game.

In act 3 if you get the band of mystic scoundrel you can cast viscous mockery (technically any illusion/enchantment spell) every turn as a bonus action (if you hit with weapon) which seems very in character for her (mocking after hit)

homeless0alien - 03.10.2023 15:11

fyi Gale can use shields already from being a human. So you can give him a shield at level 1.

CoreGoon - 03.10.2023 13:35

The lack of attribute requirements for multiclassing reminds me of the (hexblade) warlock I played in a recent D&D campaign. Without actually using the word paladin I described the character as a holy warrior, and played him as such (his particular brand of it anyway). I did such a good joy of it the GM eventually insisted I take some levels of paladin. I had a strength of 8 so that wouldn't normally work, but he said to ignore that. The result was amusingly powerful. At the end of the campaign I also had absolutely silly high saving throws, with the lowest being +10. 😆

The mental image of the character is still super cool, if potentially almost cliché.
A half-drown clad in black (mithral) full plate and wielding a night-black glaive, sitting atop a black-haired pegasus. When battle commences shadowy flames would spring up around him, or earlier in his career the area around him would simply drop into pitch darkness. All that as he mutters a prayer to the god of light; the Sun. 🤭
I basically took the phrase "work in the dark to serve the light" as a character concept.

It's Me Dio
It's Me Dio - 03.10.2023 09:02

My Shadowheart evolved into a storm cleric/sorc once she changed her hair white. Has light blue scales on her forehead from Draconic Sorc and she looks absolutely beautiful

Gaspard Ancelin
Gaspard Ancelin - 03.10.2023 08:48

Could we have any advice for a summonner build please? :) tyvm

Zane enaZ
Zane enaZ - 03.10.2023 07:03

Fun build I've been trying with Wyll recently. It's the ultimate Crit Fishing Warlock.

If playing a different origin, race doesn't really matter, pick your favorite.
Choose your stats however you like, but prioritize Charisma, and take your first 3 Levels in Fighter, choosing the Champion Subclass. This gets you all the fighter goodies like armor proficiencies, con saves, action surge, and in the case of champion, +1 to your Crit Range.

Next, take 4 Levels of Great Old One Warlock for Eldritch Blast and the Agonizing Blast invocation, and take Spell Sniper as your first feat.

After that... Well, you're done! Champion's Crit Range bonus applies even to your Spell Attacks, so now you Critically hit with your Eldritch Blasts on an 18 or 20, dealing plenty of damage and frightening multiple enemies with GOO's Mortal Remind with consistency like never before. This build truly comes online during Act 2 though, because there are several items that can expand your critical hit range even further and they ALL stack.

These are the Knife of the Undermountain King (a dagger than increases your crit range by 1 while wielding, findable in the Creche), the Dark Justiciar Helmet (findable in the Gauntlet in Act 2) and the Elixir of Viciousness (Purchasable from vendors and can be made using common ingredients found in Act 2).

All told, you'll be Critically hitting with each Eldritch Blast on a 15-20, and if you can find a source of advantage, such as standing in darkness with Devil's Sight, you'll have a *51%* chance to Crit with each Eldritch Blast.

Your foes will never move an inch.

Dephyr - 03.10.2023 05:05

That's my version of Astarion, the Ascendant Vampire ! For me have a lot of sense some mix of Rogue and Bard. He is very charming and cautivating and he talks a lot ( so his instrument is the lyre ). All the spells are very vampirestyle: charming, sleep, control animal, paralize, hipnotise, disguise. And a little of Warlock cause the final pact with Mephistopheles.
Disapointing that someone with more than 100 years old still on Level 1. Come on Astarion,..!
Anyway, it could be like this.

ACT 1 Nautiloide, Tiflings/Goblins, Auntie/Underdark and Crèche
1.- 1 Rogue. Sneak attack.
2.- 2 Rogue. hide/run as Bonus action.
3.- 3 Rogue. PickPocket. Extra Bonus Action. 3 attacks/round.
4.- 4 Rogue. Feat . Sharpshooter. +10damage -5attackrolls
5.- 1 Bard. Bardic inspiration. Harmful mockery is very Astarion and Friends.
ACT 2 Shadowlands. Last Light, Gauntlet of Shar and Moonrise Towers.
6.- 2 Bard. Short Rest + competence skills.
7.- 3 Bard.Colleges of Swords. 2 attacks or +4 AC or through back the enemy. + Paralize + Dual weapon bonus
8.- 4 Bard. Feat : +2 DEX or Crossbows Master.
ACT 3 Baldur's Gate.
9.- 5 Bard. Hipnotise patron. Better Bardic insp,.
10.- 6 Bard ExtraAttack Finally! Terror.
11.- Warlock Hex/Infernalrepresion. The Great old One, mortal reminder.
12.- Warlock Devil's Sight + Repeling Blast.

Helmet of Grit +Extra Bonus Action when 50% HP.
The Deathstalker Mantle. Invisible for kill.
Bhaalist Armour. Enemies at 2 meters vulnerables to piercing damage. That's crazy. +2 initiative
Infernal Gloves. Extra damage and +1DC And Thief Gloves for stealing
Disintegrating Night Walkers boots. Misty Step and good stuffs.

Amulet of the Harpers. Shield Spell. Or Constitution cause the idea is being under 50% HP.
Risky Ring Advantage on attack rolls. And Smuggler's Ring for stealing.
Band of the Mystic Scoundrel. After hitting a creature with a weapon attack, you can cast illusion or enchantment spells as a Bonus Action. And Shapeshifter's Boon Ring for stealing.

Knife Under the Mountain 19Crit
Blade of the First Blood leftHand 18Crit + Counter Attack + 1AC

HandCrossbow Hellfire and fireburning

And the Eternal Carafe of Wine Item that you can win with the Djinn Akabi and the Tranfuse health illithid power is perfect for the Helmet of Grit. You can damage almost the half of your HP and be aqurate with the wine as free action to reach the 50% HP.
And if you don't have the Thief Gloves in Act 1, Akabi have a +2 stealing gloves with a "downside" that you gain 1 piece of hot coal for each steal you do. Then you can sell the coal for 1 piece of gold each one. The problem is that when you steal a lot of things you can burn in flames. So there is a cloak from Akabi too that make you wet. It's a funny combination :o)

So, you have a very powerfull build here!
2 attacks + 3 bonus actions with the helmet.
With the ring you can cast a spell as a bonusaction. Use your action attacking and then paralize, hipnotize or terrify with a bonus action, and destroy with the other 2 bonusaction.
AND with the amazing Baahlist Armor, you'll be attacking with your crossbow and the +10 damage of the Sharpshooter exactly 2,00 meters from the enemy. So the enemy will be vulnerable to your piercing damage and the min distance to avoid the proximity disvantage on ranged atacks. There is a
pixel in between! ( Or you can choose Crossbowmaster to make easier ) And anyway , you wear the risky ring ;)
Also is very funy and usefull how interacts the aura of the armor out of combat. Everyone run away from you! Luckly you can toggle the pasive. Very vampire too.

So, attacking with a ( +10 dmg Sharpshooter +d10 dmg Vampire Ascendant +d6 dmg Gloves ) x 2 = 52 dmg for arrow . Plus if you have paralized before... Crit!
Put some arrows like Darkness with the Infernal Vision or arrow for Multiple enemies and have fun
Plus Illithid Powers : Flying, Cull the weak, Mind Blast, Transfuse, Blackhole, Beast Shape,. Man, that's all very vampire too, my darling ♡

bondric - 03.10.2023 02:07

waiting for the college of swords bard too! as feats do u think better the +2 or sharshooteR? i tried sharps, but i feel the pain on having only 16 dx and the -5. The carrier damage of my party is brawler zerk kharlak and tempest/wiz shadowh. Dunno if go 18 dex 18 char or 20 dex 16 char

Amiyn Abdullah
Amiyn Abdullah - 02.10.2023 14:38

how do I use the dual wielder style w/o the feat? am unable to equip two mele weapons ??

j Cadence
j Cadence - 02.10.2023 12:44

I think not having a proper Gish build for Laezel is a miss. The name comes from the Githyanki warrior casters after all.

Brian Fox
Brian Fox - 02.10.2023 06:58

I am in 2 BG3 campaigns with friends, but someday when I do a first solo playthrough, I'm absolutely using this Lae'Zel build. I absolutely love it.

moat_lcmr - 02.10.2023 03:21

I know no one will read this but making lazel an arcane acuity having, greatsword proficiency wielding, bard6/wizard4/2fighter with a 17 int tiara isnt even a bad idea.
Most of the time I dont want gale and there are so many items in the game that promote using spells and then striking someone.

Including the scrolls she can learn from, that maybe that one time I used to cast disintegrate with or shatter for those eyes, You do need to make sure upon levelup she has memorized spells though. Shes dumb bro, dont forget or you'll be dumb too.

StellarVulpine - 02.10.2023 01:46

Just started trying your str monk for my MC and your storm cleric with Shadowheart. Loving them so far!

Nathan Rumancik
Nathan Rumancik - 01.10.2023 22:41

Build idea - Gale
Artillerist Artificer / Wizard multiclass
One with the weave.

B J - 01.10.2023 21:47

The bard, Lae'zel uses Vicious Mockery - "I am laughing at your puny rutting!"

Regular Human Guy
Regular Human Guy - 01.10.2023 20:58

How much charisma should i give Astarion if i do this? Should I drop con to 14 so i can have 14 wisdom and 14 charisma? Or just do 12 charisma?

strantheman - 01.10.2023 17:13

Can I see what these spreadsheets look like that Colby is mentioning? Is it worth subbing? What am I missing?

Jay ro
Jay ro - 01.10.2023 15:44

How do you lay out your starting skill points I can’t seem to get them 3 main traits you refer to as 16-16-14 can anyone give an overlay

Mad is Rad
Mad is Rad - 01.10.2023 14:42

this might be the most stupid question ever but i’m so new to this type of game and d&d in general but, how to you switch between classes on the different levels? maybe i haven’t paid close attention when my characters leveled up 😭 all my characters now are lvl 11 so it’s all too late but i plan to do another play through so i’m watching all the character build videos i can bc i struggled a lot in the beginning of playing lol

Liquid Lobotomy
Liquid Lobotomy - 01.10.2023 07:50

So I've been using your Astarion build for my Tav, and Astarion as a Thief/Fighter and they've both been insanely strong together, so much so that the other two spots in party are supports (cleric and druid).

Galkurt - 01.10.2023 05:06

Now that the main companions are optimised. Ohh take us to the most optimised Tav for these companions.

Nagnullat - 01.10.2023 01:25

Really happy I found your channel. You are really a fantastic resource. Thank you!

Eli - 01.10.2023 01:02

Another excellent bonus for Rally is that it can revive Downed allies! It gives them the X Temporary Health AND 1 standard HP. Martials getting the equivalent of Healing Word with a 60ft range is nuts.

Love& Lavender
Love& Lavender - 30.09.2023 23:47

Your Astarian build is disgustingly amazing. I gave him crit gear and now his first attack is massive

Lord Helmchen
Lord Helmchen - 30.09.2023 22:49

Something I liked for Lae'zel in my recent playthrough: Making her a Monk! (I went for Shadow Monk for the fun shenanigans and utility but Open Hand is better for... Open... Combat)
The sweet thing is that her Githyanki Martial Training gives her proficiency with Longswords... which are not two handed, so they qualify as monk weapons and they are versatile, which means you "sort of" two-hand it for more damage and still have a free hand for your unarmed strikes. She does a LOT of damage in my tactician run.

kyle teems
kyle teems - 30.09.2023 22:37

Any advice for a necromancy build for gale?

Jon Fall
Jon Fall - 30.09.2023 22:09

For the astarian build last 2 levels, you could go spore druid for extra 8d6 damage on that first turn (symbiotic entity) and full caster spell progression for smites

BwrightAway - 30.09.2023 21:34

I can never get my ability points how you say to put them. It won't let me take con to 16

João Vítor Reis da Silva
João Vítor Reis da Silva - 30.09.2023 20:11

Yo Lae'zel might not be charismatic, she might be a rude unlikeable asshole and a total douchebag but she is reliable as a person and I love my yellow weird af queen 😂

J.R. Hawkins
J.R. Hawkins - 30.09.2023 17:47

I think my biggest gripe about BG3 is that they made heavy armor too good, and it's just mandatory on pretty much every party member.

Oshari Windsurge
Oshari Windsurge - 30.09.2023 15:40

I have only one argument again Astarion being paladin, but it's less about it being "divine" source of magic. My points is more, that smites are Radiant. Like Sun powered. Which might be doubious for vampire to use.

PugTales - 30.09.2023 14:50

Please Part 3 for the rest. I love my original BG2 companions. I feel like you can do a lot of funs things with Minsc and Jaheira.

Moon Magic
Moon Magic - 30.09.2023 14:22

Lae'zel's healing word is just shouting "get the hell up" at you

GingerDragon - 30.09.2023 13:34

Love this channel. So helpful to me in understanding build composition. That being said, I have made every build you have presented, and all but two was unable to have the starting ability points suggested. 16/16/14 is just not possible on all but two of the builds. Am I missing something? Very frustrated, because I feel I should be able to do that, but the PS5 version of the game is not making it easy. Any suggestions?

Tigger Trigger
Tigger Trigger - 30.09.2023 12:14

Is there anywhere we can actually see you play BG3? Id be very interested in watching a lets play

lucidity - 30.09.2023 11:38

actually I went monk/thief and now astarion is single handedly winning the action economy for my team.

ComradeCommisar - 30.09.2023 08:08

Great Vid, maybe add a table in the end of each build to summarize what to pick to make it easier to remember.

Huberto Palma Barraza
Huberto Palma Barraza - 30.09.2023 07:04

Well well looks like homelander does it again, great video thank you.
