Why Are You Leaving Japan?

Why Are You Leaving Japan?

TAKASHii from Japan

1 год назад

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@takashiifromjapan - 04.03.2023 17:04

Thank you for watching!!!!

If you’re someone who’s coming to Japan soon, I hope this video will help and inspire you in some ways.

@YouTubeLate - 24.01.2024 18:48

This seems like a sad case of shattered expectations. That girl is right; learn Japanese and have zero expectations. Also, know your place in their society. If you moved to a Western country, there’s always that time when you’ve been in the country for so long that you start to act like a local and people start seeing you as one (I’m from the Philippines who moved to Canada). I think if you assimilate, you’ll be treated warmly to a degree but the whole “they treat me as a foreigner”, well, that will never change and that’s not to say the Japanese do this with intent.

@TheAcer925 - 22.01.2024 15:54

I'm Filipino and worked and lived in Japan from 2008-2012. I guess I didn't have so much worry about integrating into Japanese culture while there as there are many Filipinos in Japan and we see them as the same Asian people like us. Besides we only go to Japan to earn money, lol.

@TheOneTrueNorth - 22.01.2024 06:59

The last girl, from Germany: you’re gorgeous!

@luisarashirovideo - 21.01.2024 22:00

The first girl sounded really frustrated

@shishi-uq1nu - 21.01.2024 17:27

The Korean girl seemed sick of being there, everything for her in Japan was so frustrating 😑 😒

@antikytheramechanism7909 - 21.01.2024 04:35

Takashii, I am sure you have seen pictures of the US in small towns when I was growing up in the 70's. It was cleaner than Japan and less crime. The food was all natural, no preservatives and all fresh. We had a butcher shop and a bakery nearby. It was due to no foreigners and all 100% Western Europeans in our town. I think this lady was wrong to want her child to be exposed to crime and chaos from other races. She should raise her child in Japan.

@FarAway... - 20.01.2024 15:26

I don`t understand why somebody wants to be Japanese when they are not. I mean it is a very tight culture. And, even if you live there and speak their language you still should leave them a private space where they can nurture their own integrity and souls. When you are invited into their inner circle, obviously have to do the same and allow everyone to equally benefit from it. I think that is the main reason why many people think that they will never fit into the Japanese culture. I mean, normally, I think they are very traditional and their bloodline is very lean if I may say it that way. Meaning not an open source like it is in Christian countries, but if you have good qualities it may be opened and accept you into it.

@mirishow - 20.01.2024 00:22

Korean girls doesnt like Japanese man she said and takashi walks away 😂

@smokymountain2234 - 19.01.2024 22:05

Enjoyed your show ❤

@globalasiaforum3847 - 19.01.2024 19:27

Wow, I didn't know why Japan left far away from the technology banking system since it is more backward then ASEAN countries. Our banking system now moves digital era and orders food using a QR code system as well payment system. I hear the Japanese still using fax machines. Japan Technology left behind.

@marcelamachicote9550 - 19.01.2024 16:06

Most of what they experienced as a foreign is the common feelings of anyone living in a country/culture that is not their own.

@IzzySalami - 19.01.2024 12:40

I loved the mother’s reasoning for leaving. Just wants her son to have a complete different upbringing than her. I hope her family has a lot of happiness in Australia 😊

@zhangchen840 - 18.01.2024 06:15

when you visit wherever you are in, you must respect this country which all things it has. When you decide to immigrate this country, don’t expect how much appreciation or benefits you can get it from there.

@cookinthekitchen - 17.01.2024 21:09

Because you must be skinny

@timmychen6 - 17.01.2024 17:45

Not trying to be a racist, but the thing about learning Japanese or speaking Japanese really depends on your race.

If you are an Asian foreigner, it’s better to speak English even if you speak Japanese. That’s my experience.

@Mugen3 - 15.01.2024 17:11

Oh! the quality of this video's sound is much better than other channels, so even beginners like me can hear the English clearly!

@dogymal7260 - 15.01.2024 05:09

Japan to me is like hong kong but cleaner.

@CaptainLuckyDuck - 15.01.2024 01:08

If you're going to live in a country for longer than three months, it doesn't matter where, it's your responsibility to learn the language and integrate. If a country has allowed you to stay there, it's selfish, arrogant, and childish to not try to learn the language and integrate into the culture. You are taking advantage of their culture, their resources, and their housing. I say this as a foreigner who has lived abroad for a total of about 9 years of my life through teaching. I did it on a shoestring budget, but still made time to try to learn the language and integrate. I was never perfect, but I DID try! Respect the place you're living in enough to do this. It will take time, and it may not come naturally to you, but give it the same amount of respect as you would expect the opposite way around.

Also, try to make friends who are part of the country where you're living. I have very little respect and patience for people who are so full of themselves to live in a country for years and never learn the language and never try to integrate into the society that they now call home. It's like you have been invited into someone's home and basically keep raiding their fridge and demanding more without meeting the owner halfway.

@shahariarahmed5486 - 14.01.2024 05:22

Excellent and informative video ❤❤❤

@derrick9635 - 14.01.2024 01:08

Asia is very tribal and nationalist, ( nothing wrong with that ) , Asia must be bewildered by the west .

@gabrielamlg6698 - 13.01.2024 10:03

I studied in a Japanese school in Japan last year, and my experience was not good, because my expectations was really high, because I saw a lot videos of people living there and for them was an amazing experience, that doesn’t happen to me 😢 So, is true what people say, don’t go with a lot of expectations, everybody has a different experience. And don’t go with Zero Japanese.

@GuappoSettanta - 12.01.2024 08:23

The Japanese/Australian person is making a mistake. 50% immigration means trouble!!! That experiment does not work, has not worked. Look at the States!!! A serious trouble. Ethnic homogeneity is a plus not a minus.

@Julie-hf4ch - 11.01.2024 16:09

my understanding is that relationships between Japanese women-foreign men are having a greater success to last than Japanese men-foreign women couples because of the way the Japanese look at the foreign women and seeking them for sex only. no woman would look at a man for sex only, no matter her race, but men are obviously different and keen to use them for one night only. that's why most women leave, scared of harassment and for not belonging or being accepted

@snagireddy3283 - 11.01.2024 12:41

Takashii got hurt after interviewing the Korean woman 😂

@BigFriedPotato - 11.01.2024 09:52

What is interesting for me is that most of the comments are dying for validation from Japan. As a foreigner living in another country I can say that I really don’t care if the locals here will accept me or not. Just be polite and live your life the way you want. I am not really a person to make friends as well but this need for validation from the locals seems a bit crazy.

Learn Japanese to be able to handle yourself in that country, respect the people around you and their culture and that’s it.

@muhohoi4094 - 11.01.2024 07:24

As a Japanese man, I was very sad for what the Korean woman said in the last part...

@kello5023 - 10.01.2024 17:25


@AlbertMuller-vo8rq - 07.01.2024 12:07

Great video. I started watching your videos last year as a beginner before giving stock and crypto market a trial. I was able to make $170,300 in one month with a capital of $24,000 trading with an experience expert who guided me through out my trading.

@yingervoice - 07.01.2024 11:47

because Japanese loves nuclear contaminated water

@tyagu3107 - 07.01.2024 05:22

I lived in Japan for a short time, but it was enough for me to judge whether I would want to reside there or not. Unlike America, where I currently live, I felt that in Japan, I had to become a Japanese person to be included, which is impossible. I felt pressured by the vibe there, almost like I had to create a completely different persona.

@collenhenkle5991 - 07.01.2024 00:10

Japanese people are very suspicious of outsider whether you are asian or not. In China if you look chinese they dont see you as outsider. That korean lady looks Japanese or Chinese I cant tell the difference. They are beautiful people .

@collenhenkle5991 - 07.01.2024 00:05

She is beautiful and looks asian..so why is it a problem to live in Japan

@collenhenkle5991 - 07.01.2024 00:04

The lady in white from Korea looks Japanese . What of problem can she have??? .

@Vemy69 - 06.01.2024 15:43

I live 13 yrs in Japan but never in thought to raise my kids there back in the days
The society is too strict and close about only Japanese people accepting But its an excellent experience to learn to be organized specially when you are young and being responsible with your job and life, very peaceful place to live.

@jacksonsplace9754 - 06.01.2024 06:37

I returned to my home country (Canada) after realizing some goals were easier to accomplish. I was able to change job fields like the first lady mentioned.

@zuansahrachmat9773 - 05.01.2024 17:31

the Spain girl: "Japanese always think every foreigners is American"
and so does the peoples in America or Europe think when they see an asian "every asian is Chinese" 😄😁

@akinasukizakura - 05.01.2024 14:19


@andresmeloso8106 - 03.01.2024 23:01

From your videos, we see Japan as more racist... No body likes Japanese women unless you are black or a fat white boy in usa... it's fo real.

@FelipeKai - 03.01.2024 09:28

I just came back from FUKUOKA and i was shocked that NO ONE spoke english and there's not a single word in English in the restaurants,bars,etc...

@user-uk2nu4vj5k - 03.01.2024 08:01

Japan have no party become boring work machines weak sex

@plucky2115 - 03.01.2024 07:54

Thats a topic..do Korean girls like dating Japanese guys? 😃

@madapro03 - 02.01.2024 21:38

The same feeling is in Germany: ein Außländer ist immer ein Außländer. I am glad to see German people traveling to Japan. :)

@peterbedford2610 - 02.01.2024 21:14

If population decreasing is such a "problem" for Japan, you'd think the gov would try to get more people to stay longer and have children.

@murdermostdownunder3562 - 02.01.2024 11:56

Yeah, the Aussie/Japanese lady with the son has a good point. In australia, her child will be encouraged to stand up, speak up and do lots of social skill building. And the multicultural side too, ive been to japan as a blonde, blue eyed aussie surfy and mate, i stuck out like a sore thumb. Its funny mosty. I had one shop assistant chase me out of her shop in a shoo shoo way - like i was a stray cat who just stumbled in, that was a wild experience but humbling 😂😂 you cant get mad at it, just move into the next shop and hope theyll accept my dirty aussie dollarydoo

@huggybear441 - 02.01.2024 10:44

Don't be deceived by the bowing and Irashaiimasei greeting, Japanese politeness and friendliness often than not are just a myth, they can be incredibly rude too especially to foreigners.
Unable to think out of the box: At Nakamise-Dori Street (behind Sensoji temple), customers are not allowed to walk and eat the food (even a small piece of pancake) till they finish eating and throw away the skewer or wrapper at that particular stall. The reason l learned later was to avoid disputes among the stalls should any of these skewers, or wrappers fall at their sides. What a stupid, and dated rule that inconvenienced visitors.

@fabriziocetto502 - 02.01.2024 09:03

Japan has a huge opportunity in opening up to selective immigrants and not aiming to integrate them but to collaborate side by side with them to boost Japans work force, consumption, investment and tourism. Many of us are attracted to Japan but need some assurance that we can have a good time.

@mariposa1933 - 02.01.2024 07:26

I’m Puerto Rican and my hubby is Japanese…fourth generation from the Bay Area, speaks no Japanese. We went to Japan and mostly everyone was lovely to me except the cab drivers. They always addressed my husband and never me. I’m the one who can speak Japanese see and that wasn’t good enough, they’d rather communicate with him although there was a serious communication problem. I don’t take it personally, but most of everyone was quite amazing and super friendly.

On the flip side, although my hubby and I have an amazing relationship. His family is Japanese have always been super nice to me, but they’re really strange. They all are California and don’t speak any Japanese, even the elders in their 90s don’t. They just have a thing with worshipping all things white. Everything in their world is white washed and put above all else including their own ethnicity. Even the spouses who are white don’t understand. It’s so bizarre. I grew up in San Diego and in a very awesome multi cultural environment. It wasn’t until I met them that I faced passive aggressive racism. It threw me for a loop. They also have issues with emotional depth or maturity. It’s really sad. What I’m saying is, it’s not just in Japan.

@allyworld9020 - 02.01.2024 04:06

Look at average Japanese people. Look at their faces: they don't look happy. South Korea is similar but slightly better than Japan; Social pressure based on hierarchy makes everyone get burned out. 24/7 they are obsessed with how other people look at and judge them.
