Wave Defense BASICS! | Star Trek Fleet Command latest community feature | Tips & Basic Strategies

Wave Defense BASICS! | Star Trek Fleet Command latest community feature | Tips & Basic Strategies

Rev Deuce

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@shamus5148 - 20.01.2024 15:49

So...are they not going to fix wave defense? How am i lvl 38 with a 890% hull health boost and cant kill a lvl 28 on the first wave?? Then they make the events where i cant even use my best ship i have to use what they want to score. Are you going to actually call them out for what they are doing...or does it ruin your benefits? Bc you said they were going to do something about the waves and they didnt

@NathanielMiller - 20.01.2024 00:04

NSEW is actually a terrible tactic. What you want is Explorer-Interceptor-Battleship, where each player does one of those types plus one specialty type each (Borg/Actian/Swarm/Hirogen/etc.). Player #4 is the strongest who can help those 3 as needed, and the fifth is on Survey duty.

@keithbishop2292 - 24.12.2023 23:20

That's a bad strat. It only works when being carried by big ones like you were. Following what you say, will put most out nof the battle triangle and make them pop early. Best to remember the first 2 waves, then remember the hostiles rotates counter clockwise by 3 hours until wave 6. Wave is the same hostile layout as wave 1/2. Wave 7 the hostiles rotates clockwise by 3 hours. Then assign roles and work within the triangle. At best, don't go against it.

@vassagood - 23.12.2023 03:17

This is a great alternative to cooperative play. I love it!

@HladirCoH - 18.12.2023 16:14

Hi just to add comment after about 14 days of Wave Defense on server capped on OPS 39, The feature is literally dead. Except few hours after new milestone for Battle pass is up and the few big players make their runs. Possibly carrying smaller once with them and after they run out of ciphers that's it. After that nobody touches that. My prediction is that when the Battle pass ends the feature will be truly dead. There is little benefit in doing it from my point of view. Cost of the daily 2 chest rep is 1400. I did help 4 ppl do they BP yesterday and made whopping 150 credits .... and run of the ciphers. And after the BP is done there is no reliable way how to get more of the ciphers. This was really bad idea or really badly implemented one. Sorry but the math doesn't add up. The only one who actually benefited from in was Scopeley. Feature designed for the single purpose to make ppl spend money for nothing in return. At least that is the common feeling on our server. And if you count in the performance issues this caused well many players are talking about quitting the game.

@katzka7692 - 18.12.2023 04:11

Heya, i usually find your vids quite informative, but this one is quite trash, sorry ':o

Did you really recommend Janeway Chakotay Harry against hostiles? Are you cerial? o.O
Chak only works against Armadas, Kim only gives Rep and who cares about rep in a wave defense? :o

Janeway Torres Lorca, Paris and Hugh UD is quite the crew to use: It's mighty and it's flexible against any hostile, which is really useful, if randomly joining players don't know what they actually do there.

Also Mantis: no one in their right mind would use a Mantis. The usual mantis of a 40+ player dies in round 4 or 5, lets say 6. Bring a halfway decent g4 ship with Bev Nero/Georgiou Tal and Actians will never be an issue ever again.

Last: the North West South East Strategy is just bullshit and the reason why many people don't get over wave 4 or 5. The key is, that all players take two roles and then rotate after round 2, when their targeted hostiles start spawning at 90° against the clock. Why should e.g. a Talios stay in the south, when the Borg come at 2 o'clock in round 3? It just doesn't make any sense.

@georgegowman1249 - 16.12.2023 09:30

All i wanted was how to start a wave......never seen anyone who talk, talk, talk,

@garysarver1468 - 15.12.2023 09:29

I can’t even past the freaking promo/commercial video. 🤬

@maresplace - 13.12.2023 13:50

Scopely, reduce your network packages! So much unneeded data being transferred over the net, even worse if you have a 3G connection in a toilet while you do your "grind" :D

@chrisschmidt3409 - 12.12.2023 19:29

Wave defense ships power increases to quickly and payouts suck for the amount of ship repairs needed.

@shawnashley4938 - 12.12.2023 05:18

Not me trying to hit the collect button… 😅

@techone72893 - 11.12.2023 14:23

"that feedback has been heard and they are discussing it now." Translated: Don't hold your breath that they'll do anything to adjust it, especially if it means that it will hurt their pack sales. They really don't care about things being easier for lower levels, they just don't. There are numerous examples throughout the game of how they have made easy things much harder, just because they can. A perfect example are the heroic recruit events where mats suddenly lost their point values because 6* entered the room. When that was pointed out to the devs, they said it has been brought to the attention of the overlords and they're talking about it. What did all that "talking about it" amount to the next month? Absolutely nothing, they stayed the same with the same tired excuse of "it IS a heroic event, after all, it's supposed to be harder." Same BS from Scopely, different day.

@Stingray42285 - 10.12.2023 20:42

Lots of that losing connection lately

@sarjo2299 - 10.12.2023 13:02

We just completed our first wave 10. And for the first time in ages, feels like not just an accomplishment but a real team effort. In a way armadas never could be. Plus something scopley has forgotten for a long time. Fun. Not just rewarding or useful. Engaging, different and … fun.

Solve the stuck combat and lag, we have best pve content in the game hands down.

@chs424 - 10.12.2023 03:38

Sorry, this mechanic as it stands is horrifically boring. It is basically space invaders, which was also boring.

I don't know if they have anything else planned here, but to me this is another Formadas -- another Scopely failure. Something we only do because the awards are marginally better than other events.

This mechanic is unusable until Scopely fixes both LAG and the CONNECTION RESET bug... there is nothing wrong with my connection scopely, it is your substandard development team that can only throw that as an error to make it look like the problem is with the customer and NOT with your poor product.

@RE-pw4gr - 10.12.2023 00:43

best thing to do? Scopley to finally deal with that fecking lag...

@instinctart2548 - 09.12.2023 23:18

I love that feature. At least i would if the game was still working 😅.
Please scopely. Your ideas for new stuff are great but please concentrate on making the game playable again.

@thedjaydee2390 - 09.12.2023 17:45

I hamdle the small ships 2 your not alone😂

@johnwilliamson7081 - 09.12.2023 14:30

Scopely should learn to listen to their players...stop adding new features (new bugs) and take time to fix and stabilise the game

@howardthompson7661 - 09.12.2023 05:54

I wish the was some type of flag a wave is starting like an armada

@howardthompson7661 - 09.12.2023 05:47

Wish there was separate communication line for wave def since most of them are mixed alliances

@khanartist7987 - 09.12.2023 05:23

This just looks like a less cool PVE version of TC. Miss me with that shit

@BreadOfPrey - 08.12.2023 23:14

I like the new wave defense. It’s cool to have something new that’s not an armada. BUT, I think they went overboard on the difficulty. Having lvl 38 ships with 40 million power (or whatever they have) is a bit much. I understand it’s supposed to be difficult, but the amount of hostiles to hit already makes it difficult, especially considering the 5 second hit time. Artificially jacking up hostile strength seems unnecessary.

@markroserealtor - 08.12.2023 22:58

I like that the wave hostiles are 50 times stronger than other hostiles of the same rank, it gives the players in their 30's and 40's a glimmer of hope. level 38 wave imortal is 3.5 times stronger than a 54 freebooter. And it's awesome that we got more currencies.

@lars_atx - 08.12.2023 22:07

glad to know devs have heard feedback that low-mid 30s players are struggling, but that doesnt help with these events we are missing out on. It would be nice to have some hot buttons on this view for Def Top, Def BOt, Def Rt, Def Lt, and Def Center, to help direct effort.

@scottdorman9967 - 08.12.2023 21:54

Communication is important, right? Did they give us a defense chat? Nope!

@JohnThomas-ut3go - 08.12.2023 21:28

They are not normal reds. A FKR 38 that can one shot a T5 Pillum and only take some dents? That isn't a normal red.

@JasonBrabander - 08.12.2023 21:03

It's a cool idea, but poorly implemented. No way can 30-40 players live long. And we dont have access to Titans!

@uptownvapor - 08.12.2023 20:33

LOL, I was so feeling your pain. I found myself in the same position yesterday, useless and weak, also same level. Oh this game! 5 years later!!!!

@parakeet7267 - 08.12.2023 20:03

Thanks for the video. Too complicated. Too aggressive. Too much additional work for a game that’s already a full time job.

@justQthx - 08.12.2023 19:19

Awwwwwhhhhhhh He said my NAME (Q screams little teen girl)

@robertdavid9557 - 08.12.2023 19:17

Scopely exec's want another beach house so new stuff for money to play them. But game won't stay on long enough to do more than change screen view restart etc etc etc. when enough of us leave the game the whales will follow soon too. Then the beach houses will have to be sold.

@robertdavid9557 - 08.12.2023 19:11

Tired of this game crashing all the time. 10 restarts in 3 minutes. 5 years of playing this game every day, the time spent and some $. Boy I got an officer time for a party not. I'm no computer Internet pro but know that lag is systems not at same speed. So update buffers more memory. limiting # of players on each server would help fix lag doing scopely math 1k players all on same server same time= lag and crashes.

@JK-cw6ut - 08.12.2023 19:02

The event has some potential, however events that require this level of coordination will not be very well supported in the long run. IMO Its a new event and many players are ignoring it.

@dennyjohnson9284 - 08.12.2023 18:53

I think one of the things you are over looking is most players nowdays maybe high 30s to mid 40s but most players do not have there ships as high teirs as the few that do that can spend , most people are low spenders , this game is expensive to keep up with pace of features requirement

@littleprincessnene - 08.12.2023 18:08

If it take 4 major whales to carry thru and barely made it by luck,, the game is broken

@derpizzadieb - 08.12.2023 16:24

I always get one ship stuck in battle

@ahamedalthaf5824 - 08.12.2023 15:26

Damn Game was soo laging 😠😠😠😠Wave defence are a shit with the lag.

@twoq5028 - 08.12.2023 15:13

Bought the Wave Battlepass before trying the Wave defence first. I need to participate in order to get the BP completed.Can’t get Wave BP done fast enough. Should have known Scooley would screw up a great concept with Bugs.

@matthewhorton2156 - 08.12.2023 15:12

Try doing that on mobile, typical optimised for pc

@T0MA5cz - 08.12.2023 15:11

I like the waves. It's tough and without coordination or higher lvl players, we usually defend 3 waves now.

The BP or events allow me to do it 2x a day so I have enough loot to increase the reputation daily 👍

I expect after few months, the favours will allow me to pass more waves, but I don't want everything to be too easy. It's boring. Why should I grow if there is nothing to beat? 🤷‍♂️

This is a long term challenge for me with potentially great rewards 🙏🤩

@thecoyote7379 - 08.12.2023 14:12

We need to be able to invite or to kick so trouble makers can't cause issues. Also please a way to talk to each other

@stefanland-ei3487 - 08.12.2023 11:18

Impressive - but no chance here 🤠

@tjay9971 - 08.12.2023 10:58

Hey Rev, thx for the clip!
I can totally understand why the wave defence from your perspective is much fun. I was hyped about it as well but had to realise, that its unplayable for all lvl 30-35, if you don´t have the luck of a player with 50+ in the Team.
This game mode could be so much fun, but like it is now...its just frustrating and really a waste of time.
They should have kept the Section 31 Waves for players 40+ and the Borg Reaserch for players lvl 30-39 and lock them for those lvls. Then ajust the waves so that the first round should be easy for any lvl 30 player.
Just my opinion ;)

@Ignivomous - 08.12.2023 10:37

Hey Rev. 😘 Still have this question. What would be the highest wave possible to complete while letting the specialty ships through? It's really more out of curiosity. Would be very interested in seeing the results of some whales testing this out. I'm just not big enough to get any actionable data for those myself... P.S. Besides the crashing, I've noticed when trying to join armadas it tends to perpetually load unless you leave the system view and go back, or at worst reboot.

@zmano7551 - 08.12.2023 10:30

Sorry but this is a garbage addition and it is not fun! Didn't even mess with it today got better things to do that are FUN! o7 😡👎

@mermaidomi5142 - 08.12.2023 08:47

I'll just wait a few years before I get to the wave defense stuff.

@karenthomasroberts - 08.12.2023 08:25

What crews would you recommend for these Wave Defenses?

@iscarian - 08.12.2023 08:20

It would really great to even make it through a whole defense without getting stuck in battle 6-10 time for 10-20 seconds. Fix the game…I REALLY want to tell Scopely exactly what Elon Musk told the advertisers that are trying to blackmail him…but I’ll be nice…

@DerZerberos - 08.12.2023 08:18

almost every single wave defense my ship gets locked in battle for 20+ seconds around wave 3-4.... very anoying!
