Trigeminal Neuralgia, local doctors may have found the cure

Trigeminal Neuralgia, local doctors may have found the cure


2 года назад

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death bystereo
death bystereo - 15.09.2023 23:08

I have this and it’s getting worse. I wear a baseball cap a lot and the pain is right where the brim presses against me head

death bystereo
death bystereo - 15.09.2023 23:08

I have this and it’s getting worse. I wear a baseball cap a lot and the pain is right where the brim presses against me head

Dr. Mish
Dr. Mish - 14.09.2023 10:40

Planet Ayurveda's yograj guggul, maharasnadi kwath, boswellia curcumin are very good in managing this condition along with the diet plan

Tarun Chauhan
Tarun Chauhan - 13.09.2023 10:36

Planet Ayurveda's Trigeminal Neuralgia Care Pack helps to manage the condition of TGN.

Chuck Brown
Chuck Brown - 08.09.2023 10:19

I had TN many years ago and was placed on carbamazepine, which worked for me. However, some moths after that, I had to have an upper wisdom tooth removed on the same side of my face. The pain was gone and I haven't needed carbamazepine since then.

M. P.
M. P. - 02.09.2023 14:36

I have pain since 2015.. Getting worse. I am 57.

TheKen197 - 20.08.2023 07:26

Ive got TN, suffered this since 2016 and got diagnosed in 2018, ive had 3 teeth pulled out. This disease has ruined my life and i suffer in constant pain 24 hrs a day. Ive had a Mri scan and nothing come up so i dont need the decompression surgery. I got this because a dentist really hurt my face doing 3 root canals next to eachother on the face. I emplore people dont have multiple canals next to eachother

Shaneka Bailey
Shaneka Bailey - 17.08.2023 15:49

I had MVD surgery 3 yrs ago and am starting to have pain again 😢

Satchy COLLINS - 06.08.2023 14:30


Thin Khine
Thin Khine - 03.08.2023 20:12

I did a lot of teeth .after I had migraine , trigeminal problem.

Devon Gonzalez
Devon Gonzalez - 31.07.2023 21:31

I get a electric jolt feeling on the side of my face when I put earphones in, only my left ear though. Could that be what this condition is?

Rishabh Mishra
Rishabh Mishra - 28.07.2023 08:14

Thanks for the information, you can also try trigeminal neuralgia care pack along with diet chart from Planet Ayurveda.

Louise Curran
Louise Curran - 21.07.2023 17:31

Look up Dr Berg TN. He maintains by massaging the good side of your face ( NOT THE SIDE THAT HURTS) it will give pain relief. Reading the comments under that video it seems to WORK !

Hanne Laursen
Hanne Laursen - 19.07.2023 22:26

I have had for 20 years on both side .

Ricardo Cruz
Ricardo Cruz - 18.07.2023 23:08

Does anyone have a clicking sound only when they swallow. No other time ???

CaptnSeraph - 02.07.2023 22:39

I have the tn2 type which is a constant pain in my teeth rather than the lightning shock of tn1. Unfortunately the treatments here won't help me, but cold packs to the face and opioids give enough relief that I can function.

George Jacobsen
George Jacobsen - 26.06.2023 15:59

Does anyone here suffering with Trigeminal Neuralgia relate to these experience/symptoms? After getting a dental filling about 2 years ago, I had excruciating pain in one of my molars afterwards. The pain was so bad that I could not brush my teeth and chew/drink hot or cold food without a stabbing sensation. Over time, the entire right side of my face became numb over the pain, and it developed on the left side of my face as well. I (mistakenly) got the molar refilled + extracted to get rid of the pain but the pain still somewhat persists in the area. The right and left side of my face (especially around my cheeks, scalp, and temple) is still numb. I have been to a neurologist, numerous dentists, have gotten 2 MRI brain scans and yet never received a definitive diagnosis of TN. Just want to see if anyone else with TN has had a similar experience as me. Thank you all!

Stefan Allard
Stefan Allard - 10.06.2023 20:35

it prob came back cause he took the covid vaccine 2021 .... it destroys nerves in face, creating diseases as bells palsy, so it could very well be thats why he got it back

Anastasia Girl
Anastasia Girl - 08.06.2023 03:42

Does anybody have the constant dull ache and the burning? Is this TN? My pain never goes away.

Tami & Tarek Olayan
Tami & Tarek Olayan - 07.06.2023 23:30

I was just Diagnosed with TN after a heart attack with 2 stents! It came on suddenly and with a vengeance! This pain is not compatible with life!! 😢

Willie Wonka
Willie Wonka - 22.05.2023 21:15

Not everyone can receive relief from the surgery. It only works if the cause is blood vessels rubbing against the nerves and a pad can be inserted to protect the nerves.

Michael Pondo
Michael Pondo - 22.05.2023 01:45

Trigeminal is called the suicide disease its reall that.

Hannah - 21.05.2023 12:16

I have had occipital and trigeminal neuralgia for 2 years now and it's the most horrible pain ever.

Lauren Clark
Lauren Clark - 16.05.2023 21:04

I have all day and nausau so bad

Wes Roberts
Wes Roberts - 15.05.2023 01:33

I’m confused… what was the cure they discovered? Only thing mentioned was micro vascular decompression, which has been around for awhile. Still not a true cure.

Neri Torres
Neri Torres - 10.05.2023 02:08

My husband has this condition please help !

gizla wittens
gizla wittens - 03.05.2023 17:22

After COVID-19 vaccinations, though neurological involvements are described, the exact mechanism is not fully elucidated and has been attributed to molecular mimicry and immune-mediated inflammatory response (Doser et al. 2002)(Narasimhalu et al. 2021). While the former often requires at least 10–14 days to develop, the latter needs less time to develop than it. In our case, we think immune-mediated inflammation is a more likely mechanism due to the fairly rapid onset of the symptoms and the response to corticosteroids.

In conclusion, neurological complications including TN can be observed in a COVID-19 vaccination. Its pain may fail to respond to traditional treatments and recur. In such cases, corticosteroids should be considered as a choice of therapy. Therefore, we suggest that the efficacy of administration of steroids in this situation should be explored.

Yesika Narvaez
Yesika Narvaez - 24.04.2023 22:00

What can trigger this?

Michael Pondo
Michael Pondo - 17.04.2023 01:18

D. M. S. O is a great product for this. Topically and internally as often as yu need it.

Muswell - 16.04.2023 13:10

Yes 70% is great.
But 30% is not successful &, in some cases, makes things worse. It's not an operation to be undergone without a serious thought.

Wally Paige
Wally Paige - 16.04.2023 04:27

How does the guy feeling now? My son in law has this. There doesn't seem to be a cure. So would like to know more about this.

Janet Rowe
Janet Rowe - 27.03.2023 19:55

I'm not on drugs.meds.i dislike side affects.

Janet Rowe
Janet Rowe - 27.03.2023 19:48

I have rot that is sensitive .i don't touch it
I can feel very little pain up in my ear from it..what causes it??

Terri - 18.03.2023 00:07

The dumb butts pulled his teeth one at a time and thought I was nuts and treated us both like idiots .he's me tally impared from this. .I should sue them

Terri - 18.03.2023 00:07

My son lives with this severe

WiseMoose - 07.03.2023 05:08

I had trigeminal on both sides of my face. I had the vascular decompression surgery at the university of Pittsburg. Literally life changing. I sustained during a physical trauma which was a “slip and fall” type of accident at the age of 26 in 2010. I was misdiagnosed and told I was a pain med seeker for about 3 years. Doctors in my area at the time just didn’t think a heathy 26 year old female could sustain during a trauma. The vascular decompression saved my life. TN is known as the “suicide disease” for very good reason.

Roberta Fierro
Roberta Fierro - 21.02.2023 00:50

My friend has this. The pain is unbelievable..she swears that a Deep Tissue Massage brought this on..

Mary Gelvi Zago Piloni
Mary Gelvi Zago Piloni - 20.02.2023 05:30

My mom has Trigeminal Neuralgia since 2007.... After trying thousands of options now we are trying Physiotherapy and surprusingly is working! Her pain episodes no longer come as often, even so she continues having It... But it's a progress! I hope to help someone with this

susan McCarthy
susan McCarthy - 20.02.2023 04:04

I was diagnosed in 1999, I was 36. I had gamma knife in 2001 lasted 4 months. I had MVD in 2003 didn’t work. In 2006 I had gamma knife again, I was able to go to work in 2007. I still live in horrible pain every day of my life.

LittlePenguinLove - 09.02.2023 17:22

I had MVD a week ago and was told that the sooner I get the procedure done (before 8 years), the more likely it is that the pain won't come back, because the nerve wouldn't have been as damaged by the constant contact with the blood vessel. I'm 30 and considered young, so the doctors were optimistic and told me not to worry too much.

I've seen some pessimistic and fear-mongering comments here, and I hope that my comment can help a bit. I understand being scared of side-effects or of something going wrong, but it's a very safe procedure and these side-effects are very rare. This is the most effective treatment out there for TN and the closest thing to a cure. I highly recommend getting it. Try to find a surgeon who's specialised in this procedure and with tons of experience.

Try to look at it this way: you can decide to either do nothing and keep suffering, or you can try to find a solution and have a high chance to get rid of the pain. Even if it isn't permanent, those are still extra years added to your life where you're completely painfree. If you're in excruciating pain or take so much medication to the point you can't really live your life anymore, then you have nothing to lose.

demoskunk - 07.02.2023 22:57

That's not a cure. It comes with serious risks.

Kiish Plush
Kiish Plush - 28.01.2023 18:50

It does work my pain came back after four years!! I had a nerve block after the four years. I continue to take my medicine .

dude - 19.01.2023 16:58

It's not rare, and many people have got it due to COVID-19.

hustlemami - 10.01.2023 13:33

Hi. Can anyone explain to me what anatomically and physiologically causes this. A week ago after a tooth extraction I developed TN. The dentist knocked out my tmj and now I have TN which causes me paralysis and is debilitating. I've got an appointment with my chiro who does dry needling and tonight I'm seeing a cranio sacral therapist. I'm trying to use Quantum Energy to write up a protocol to help people. I managed to reduce the pain to somewhat manageable but I still need help in understanding this. If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I need to understand the dysfunction and what causes it. I'm hoping to help everyone posting on here!

jinkyseries - 09.01.2023 15:06

Too much pain...i take thiozac.and.vit D..its disappeard but when i stop the med..came back

Chameli Tara Shakya
Chameli Tara Shakya - 09.01.2023 11:02

i have problem !!how to do treatement trigeminal neuralgia

Dolly - 04.01.2023 17:24

I’m only 34 and recently had 4 cavities one really deep cavity, and now having this same pain.

Can this be caused by dental work?

Anyone know?

Mike M.
Mike M. - 31.12.2022 19:12

I went to my doctor for this and he only tried to sell me vaccines and colonoscopies. I guess thats where they make their money.
