Messy Home? Here's How To Get it Clean & Organized for Good!

Messy Home? Here's How To Get it Clean & Organized for Good!


1 год назад

407,384 Просмотров

Messy Home? In this video, I share why your home isn't staying tidy and how and where to start started cleaning and organizing so it stays clean for good. Thank you Birch for sponsoring! Visit to get $400 off your Birch mattress, plus two free pillows. #BirchLiving

Are you stuck in the cycle of cleaning and tidying your home, just for it to get messy again? Here is the REAL REASON your home isn't staying tidy and always seems messy and a real approach at cleaning and organizing.

00:00 Introduction
00:10 Why Your Home is Always Messy
01:10 Where to Start
02:18 D is for Dirty Clothes
02:35 R is for Reset
04:09 E is for Empty Trash
04:53 A is for Air it Out
05:44 M is for Make your Bed
08:36 End Story

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Skulls Scales
Skulls Scales - 15.09.2023 04:38

My bedroom better never smell like a skank up in here!!😂😂😂😂😂

Beverly Leibold
Beverly Leibold - 11.09.2023 18:41

I have the same problem with having to have a heavy blanket on my bed. I never just have a sheet.

Mr. Liberty Prime
Mr. Liberty Prime - 09.09.2023 00:13

Don't believe in ghosts or anything, but weighted blankets are indeed a sleep hygiene thing. Can't explain the science, but I know some people swear by a weighted blanket for better sleep quality 😴

Laurel Underwood
Laurel Underwood - 06.09.2023 03:07

You Are Not Alone. I feel the same way. I also like/need the security of a heavy/warm coat, mittens, hat, boots, etc. And because of that, I prefer cold weather, so I can wear all that. Yes, I understand.

Scarlett - 30.08.2023 02:21

You're in good company. Stephen King is also scared of the monster under the bed and sleeps with a night light. I'm like you, totally. If I have my blanket almost covering my head in the back, I feel secure. How crazy. hahaha

Bonnie Pinney
Bonnie Pinney - 29.08.2023 09:57

Ever since I was like 6 years old I have slept with a blanket pulled up over my neck because I used to have a terrible fear of vampires lol. As an adult I still need something over me to "protect" me. I live in California so as I've gotten older I now use a sheet in the summer when it's like 90° at night, but as long as I can stand it I use a comforter. I thought I was the only one! Glad to know I'm not alone😅

Melissa Morris
Melissa Morris - 24.08.2023 14:00

You are not alone! Lol

Gail Owens
Gail Owens - 22.08.2023 19:51

Loved this video!!❤ Thanks so much!😊

Robert Wiebe
Robert Wiebe - 21.08.2023 17:59

If clearing the table for supper involves moving a small engine, you might be a redneck

TheCherryHomemaker - 19.08.2023 10:35

Totally not alone 😂

Rebbeka Ndahuma
Rebbeka Ndahuma - 19.08.2023 04:36

Thank you so much ❤

Rhonda Walker
Rhonda Walker - 16.08.2023 18:59

Loved your video! You're right, cleaning your bedroom and having it clean for yourself does something mentally for the good. Just found your video when I was searching and I'm gonna check out your other videos. You're not alone. I'm having those hot flashes, even though I get a heat wave throughout my body I still want a heavy comforter.

The Bookworms Nook
The Bookworms Nook - 13.08.2023 13:23

I've had experience of entities and no amount of blankets will protect you only God can.

Cianna Coleman
Cianna Coleman - 13.08.2023 07:34

I think my declutter journey has been easier than most since I still live at home and keep 99% of my things in my room. I still produce piles (mostly clothes lol) but I took ownership of everything that was mine deciding which items I want, both ones I want to take with me when I move & which ones I want to keep till I move since I have room for them. I also recently removed the handful of items in my room that belong to other family members so everything in my room is 100% under my authority.
This both put me in a good place for when I move out & helps me deal with the clutter in the rest of the house (though it also makes me wish my family would start the journey too lol).

Olga Homenko
Olga Homenko - 13.08.2023 00:38

Best advice I've ever had! Thanks ❤

Kathy Dittmer
Kathy Dittmer - 05.08.2023 17:51

My hair dresser told me she and her husband had gone to the drive in movies (there used to be a few stragglers open!) to see Halloween with her two year old in tow. She assumed he would sleep….(thru that!) and she was shocked he had been having nightmares ever since!! Yep, I did bite my tongue…what could ya say?!! I had the heck scared out of me as an adult,when I fell asleep in front of the tv and awoke to a trailer for Halloween!! My heart was pounding, I couldn’t find the remote!! Arghhhh. She really thought!!

Asia K
Asia K - 05.08.2023 02:41

No your not alone! I have to have a blanket and I don’t know why lol Thanks for all you amazing Advice ❤

Sadie Beasley
Sadie Beasley - 03.08.2023 01:13

I feel the same about blankets!!

STS - 02.08.2023 05:27

I still have that Freddy fear! My blanket needs to be tucked under my feet and up to my neck 😮

Dana Gantt
Dana Gantt - 02.08.2023 00:50

I use a weighted blanket for pain relief at times but God has my back on my scary nights.

Nancy Landerson
Nancy Landerson - 01.08.2023 06:40

I have to be covered. I think of spiders or bugs crawling on me though we do not have bugs in the house. It's an irrational fear but there it is.

Chantal Rauch
Chantal Rauch - 31.07.2023 22:13

First of all, you kinda already changed my mindset 🥰
About the blanket thing, I do have the same feeling so I'm happy I'm not alone in it 🙈
Tomorrow will be the day I will start cleaning my bedroom 🥰💪🏻 hope this will give me the boost I need to pick up the rest again 💪🏻

Shawnda McCollum
Shawnda McCollum - 30.07.2023 22:59

Cas, I'm totally with you about needing a substantial protective blanket to sleep. And my feet can't hang over the side of the bed either. And the closet door must be closed. Because clearly monsters that come out of closets can't operate doors. Yes.

Sitcom Christian
Sitcom Christian - 28.07.2023 04:16

Respectfully, I think there's something to be said for doing something for others. I heard they did a study ("they" lol) on how people try to make themselves happier. In Western countries, when people try to become happier, they fail. Whereas in Eastern countries, they tend to succeed. The reason, they believe, is because in the West we try to do something for ourselves. However in the East, they do something for others.

CT8910 - 26.07.2023 19:48

Wow! You pegged my mindset about housework! I’ve been wanting to do an upgrade to our bedroom to make it more of a haven. This just further solidifies that it’s a good idea. ☺️

Justina Rakauskaitė-Butkevičienė
Justina Rakauskaitė-Butkevičienė - 26.07.2023 17:48

You are wonderful!

KH Worker
KH Worker - 24.07.2023 23:55

Never underestimate the power of a good blankie. Mine offers protection against anything short of a nuclear strike ( direct hit)
Also I never made this post. In fact I have no idea how it even got here.

Amanda Hackbarth
Amanda Hackbarth - 22.07.2023 00:01

I am the same way about the blanket. I also watched Freddy at 6 too!

Life N Stitches
Life N Stitches - 20.07.2023 01:00

So, I just made it to the end of this one. As I'm listening to your story, I tell my Echo to turn on the light. It starts flashing like a strobe light 😂😂😂 Perfectly in line with your spooky words lol

Carolyn Myles Collins
Carolyn Myles Collins - 11.07.2023 17:21

Yesss! Even though I get hot, I have to have a blanket, comforter or something else to make me hotter. Then I throw it all off and the cycle begins again.😂😂

Cat Condo
Cat Condo - 06.07.2023 09:03

thanks Canadian eh!!!

Dawn Carter
Dawn Carter - 05.07.2023 17:03

Thanks! I’m a comforter or blanket on me sleeper too plus I’ll have the ceiling fan on. My husband always say it’s crazy! It’s not an obvious Freddy thing though 😂

Jason lander Jinenez
Jason lander Jinenez - 03.07.2023 14:39

Same like me

Kim Richardson
Kim Richardson - 02.07.2023 04:46

Thank you, thank you for this video. I was doing the same thing and leaving the bedroom for last and never getting to it. It's a vicious cycle.

Precision Hoops365
Precision Hoops365 - 28.06.2023 19:04

This is awesome 😊
LoveBlankets , Blankets are good 😅

Kimberly Burnett
Kimberly Burnett - 27.06.2023 19:27

Your not alone I do the same thing at night but I know have a fan blowing right on me. 😂

Lindsey K
Lindsey K - 26.06.2023 16:17

I'm the same with the blankets 😂 and for the same reason 😅

Trina Summers
Trina Summers - 23.06.2023 21:17

This helped my 10 year old today, thank you!!

April Pacholski
April Pacholski - 22.06.2023 14:48

The more I watch you, we are seriously the same person 🤣🤣 Gotta have the blanket!!

April Pacholski
April Pacholski - 22.06.2023 14:39

Oh, Cassandra! I literally could have written the script for this video!!!

J* S*
J* S* - 19.06.2023 22:12

I totally still have extra blankets on my bed for security

Malar Vili Subramaniam
Malar Vili Subramaniam - 17.06.2023 21:14

One of the best home cleaning video I ever watched. The points you have talked about are absolutely amazing. I think that going to help me a lot in this journey. Thank you ❤

5H Kennels
5H Kennels - 17.06.2023 07:37

Ugg I needed to hear this. ❤ my house is such a mess and is causing ‘Chaos’ (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome) 😔 it is def affecting my personal mental health and I think my family too. Thanks for this super encouraging and helpful method❤

Karie Fountain
Karie Fountain - 17.06.2023 03:21

Oh my gosh you are not alone those s are movies you mentioned I definitely was traumatized by older guy cousins who watched that when I was very young, it was reassuring hearing you talk about how you had to stay covered like it's some protective shield and I'm going to be 41 next week and still can't have my foot outside the blanket hanging over the bed 😅. Thanks for the organization tips I agree I seen videos saying start in places people see 1st but I noticed when I did my room 1st that gave me more peace knowing when I go to sleep and wake in the morning it was off to a great start. I am now a new subscriber (:

Aleah Green
Aleah Green - 15.06.2023 20:28

They noW have cool light weight weighted blankets. I have a bed with big drawers under it. No boogymen will not get me!

Sheila Morton
Sheila Morton - 14.06.2023 18:25

Hi thank you for your advice. For you, I am psychic. I spend all of my childhood afraid, because of ghost. I am not now. Most ghost are harmless, but the bad ones are afraid of anything to do with Jesus. Put a cross and Bible in your drawer and pull them out when you feel afraid. Also put a weapon, like a knife of something. It is just to keep you from feeling helpless and afraid. It gives your mind a feeling of protection. Also a fan beside your bed bed will help you feel cooler and the noise will help you sleep. White noise drowns out, scary sounds at night. I also pray when I am afraid. Hope it helps

horseygirllori - 13.06.2023 14:13

Great video. But kids need to learn from an early age to pick up after themselves and help with the cleaning chores, even if chores are assigned. Kids are way too privileged, spoiled and entitled. They can learn to do laundry at an early age to help out, plus it gives them confidence to be independent and take care of themselves. It's much easier and less anger-inducing and resentful when EVERYONE pitches in! My husband pitches in with cleaning and decluttering, which makes us both more motivated when doing it together. It's way too overwhelming for one person to do it all, especially when most couples both work a full-time job.

Christina Hirsh
Christina Hirsh - 09.06.2023 10:10

No, you are not alone about Freddy Krueger. I was like 6 when I hid behind a couch to watch the movies. Not only do I need a heavy blanket, but I will not stand beside things with open bottoms. Like beside my bed. It needs to have a closed bottom or I run and jump into it. I also took baths with my dad, my protector, until way too old because I was scared. 🤷‍♀️

Jennifer Reichert
Jennifer Reichert - 06.06.2023 18:12

Watching this has me feeling like you really get me. Like you know me. When you mentioned focusing on the common areas first just to end up feeling frustrated and disrespected, I started crying. That’s exactly how I have felt. I feel like I’ve been drowning in clutter and chaos and I feel defeated. I am going to try it your way and start in my room. I’m going to also have to set boundaries with my kids. This ripped off a bandaid and I realize that I also have some healing to do and some things to work through from my childhood to be the best version of myself for me but also for my children. Thank you for help me (and so many others) in ways beyond what you could ever imagine. I am forever grateful.
