Why Satisfactory Is So Awesome

Why Satisfactory Is So Awesome


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Stellar Roots
Stellar Roots - 11.07.2023 05:41

Another reason why this game is awesome:

It's a time machine into the future!
Play this game for what you think is 30 minutes, and you just killed 6 hours of time! Be warned that if you use this time machine, you'll start seeing conveyor belts when you try to sleep!

Hank And Stuff
Hank And Stuff - 30.06.2023 09:23

Thanks so much for making a video about Satisfactory. I'm so glad I watched this because I'm literally making a video about this right now and I need more motivation, so I got lots of ideas and drive to finish this huge project. You've earned a new subscriber.

Connor - 26.05.2023 00:18

you used the word wrong ew

DunkyDoggo - 12.04.2023 02:46

I wanna play but I can only play online

Kyle Brock
Kyle Brock - 20.03.2023 20:06

Proof space aliens 👽 made the pyramids for conspiracy nuts!

Kyle Brock
Kyle Brock - 20.03.2023 20:05

It's Amazon Warehouse simulator.

Tony Gillespie
Tony Gillespie - 16.03.2023 22:57

You know that a tycoon is a person, not a thing you make, right? A tycoon is a person who is a big player in a certain industry.

Peter Niewold
Peter Niewold - 30.01.2023 14:31

"the only real challenge in this game is your own brain"

are you sure about that? I have a very hard challenge of keeping my friend from breaking the whole power generation in one go. we just started playing and while I was focussing on coal energy, he was building some sort of metal processing factory. i kinda learned how the coal and water worked and later got his help connecting more generators. he asks what the flush button does, told him it empties the tube and he tried it. not that big a problem, only a small pipe. I tell him to NOT touch the flush whole network. while im saying that he flushes all the water in the whole system and we spend over 3 hours straight to fix it, just because he didnt listen.

Geeksmithing - 16.11.2022 21:52

So you are an SCV. Got it.

Andrew G
Andrew G - 05.11.2022 01:14

Lmao Factorio has so much more actual depth to the gameplay than Satisfactory. It's funny you think Satisfactory has more depth just because it's 3d. If you played checkers with 3d pieces you'd think it had more depth than chess on a 2d screen. Silly. Maybe the word you're looking for is immersion or something else, but don't mistake it for depth.

skilz8098 - 26.10.2022 10:05

You ought to check out Dyson Sphere Program!

Roger Stalder
Roger Stalder - 19.10.2022 12:35

My Problem with this Game is it has no Goal. Dont get me wrong, I Like actualy such Games where you dont have a Goal, like Space Engeneers but even in this Sandbox Game there atlest 1-2 Enemys to fight or you need to protect your Base to some Enemys, and reach the Goal to go to Space. Sim City and RollerCoaster Tycoon you had your Custimers to watch, Give me atlest ANYTHINGto do in a Game. Space Engeneers has no Missions nothing in this Game. but it has aPurpost. I played SatisFactory about 40hours. there is just no Goal at all. And As i sayd. Even in Space Engeneers i have about 3000h gameplay. and this is actualy Just what comes out of your Brain, limitless Construction, whatever you can imagine. you can build in this Game. havent seen another Game like this where you can create and Copy ANYTHING what you have seen in our History or Culture. you can imagine it you can do that in game 100%: Satisfactory limits you extreemly just to make automatism, what works for you. Space Engeneers, you need to programm your Timerblock and Comands yourself. Satisfactory is good when you like borders, where a Game says you clearly what to do next.

Blitzvogel - 09.10.2022 17:30

I've never heard of this game until this morning. I think Rust has a similar internal feeling of satisfaction when you set up a "production line" of devices like metal smelters and fuel refinement tanks.

Aleshka K
Aleshka K - 29.09.2022 04:16

lol at facemasks in 09/28/2022

branin - 05.09.2022 15:33

Looks great! My only wish is that there be some kind of threat similar to the biters to keep you on your toes, but otherwise it looks incredible

Just a Nerd
Just a Nerd - 30.08.2022 15:29

Sounds pretty boring tbh

Dennis Higgins
Dennis Higgins - 12.08.2022 05:20

This looks like a lot of fun, but it's so much like computer programming which is what I spend my time doing now. With the programming I'm left with a (hopefully) usable product at the end, but with this it's the process only. My point is, wouldn't people who like this sort of thing find more fulfillment creating something that has actual utility in the real world?

Kerosin - 05.08.2022 16:47

I spent 20 hours building my factory only to discover there’s a slightly more efficient way to do everything.

So yeah that was the start of my depression

Drobo - 25.07.2022 20:24

Just started playing this game, loving every second of it. Literally spent an hour just rearranging my system so everything is at 100% efficiency

Rick - 24.07.2022 23:50

Says he likes construction games suggesting autism, then says all factorio needed was 3D confirming he's just faking it. Immediately gets "do not recommend", dislike and account blocked for being a poser

The seventh sin
The seventh sin - 18.07.2022 22:35

This is the most boring shit ever

The_Dead_Knight3 - 09.07.2022 10:07

A little tip wait to build a permanent factory till you have aluminum processing

ExMachina70 - 30.06.2022 02:39

Robocast, check out the old archives of a game back in the early 2000's called Zeus.

EightChickens - 27.06.2022 05:53

Game's on sale right now on steam. I just bought it.

Marty - 24.06.2022 21:36

A great game to listen music to, or for me the only one

Seifi - 23.06.2022 22:44

You spelled "Train simulator" wrong

Raphaël Ambrosius 'fingerguns' Costeau
Raphaël Ambrosius 'fingerguns' Costeau - 11.06.2022 19:12

people like to think of this as "factorio in 3D" as if it's just some minor little extra feature that has mostly relevance to the graphics... but that extra dimension changes EVERYTHING

Wondercool - 17.05.2022 08:30

2 sponsers!!!

Game Studio
Game Studio - 11.04.2022 19:15

I wish satisfactory had creative mode

Danilo Augusto
Danilo Augusto - 07.04.2022 16:31

Ta bombando esse video gostei muito!

John Dimond
John Dimond - 07.04.2022 16:05

1/10 too many brazen bulls haha

Kai - 24.03.2022 20:48

Nah, looks like an OCD nightmare for people that don't even have OCD

Twiddle10000 - 23.03.2022 05:28

You know, I should consider quitting all my responsibilities and everything I enjoy to play Satisfactory all day. It sounds like the perfect way to improve my mental health.

Samone Crowder
Samone Crowder - 10.03.2022 00:38

There is no game like this one, one of my fav for sure, always having lots of fun here

NewJerseyJay Creating Homes!
NewJerseyJay Creating Homes! - 06.03.2022 10:42

Satisfactory is Awesome.. but it ends with a complete dead end. That's it's only downfall.

Matt Brassfield
Matt Brassfield - 22.02.2022 11:51

Couple of games you want to try in addition to this game... Boppio and Learning Factory

Seth Holloway
Seth Holloway - 17.02.2022 18:16

Nice video! I am sold on this game now. btw, you sound like Razbuten

Mei Yu
Mei Yu - 06.02.2022 04:42

my biggest issue with satisfactory is that the logistical options are very limited. factorio gives you a significant amount of options that allow you to handle most things, but satisfactory felt like i never had ways to really, properly even out resource distribution on the same level. idk im probably explaining this poorly

Jay S
Jay S - 30.01.2022 01:55

the game is very mentally challenging, huh? i want to be mentally challenged!


Gold - 19.01.2022 08:43

Pro tip for everyone: there is a wrong way to play the game, it's called, you destroy your whole factory, build a giant building not having enough resources, becoming sad, starting a new game, building a chaotic factory destroying it building a giant and beautiful factory not having enough resources becoming depressed, starting over (now I have over 6 saves where I completed phase 0 and 1, than I restarted

ahenathon - 18.01.2022 16:28

It's amazing how modern gamers can enjoy a game with absolutely no substance. You mix those ingredients and what? Fight some random monsters every now and then? Modern gaming for gen z, I guess. They do not like go work. Instead they play games where they work. How ridiculous is that? Also this is Factorio in 3D. It does not matters some components work differently if the core gameplay is the same. Even name is not entirely different. Satisfactory is an attempt to win gamers appaled by Factorio's graphics but still looking for the same mechanics with casual apeal. There is nothing more to it. A cash grab.

knoopx - 15.01.2022 04:16

looks like amazon training program xD

X - 02.01.2022 01:12

idk... I don't like the first person view. I don't want to climb all the time, just to have a better overview.

S M - 31.12.2021 02:38

I enjoy being mentally challenged

rob dom
rob dom - 14.12.2021 02:15

Me: I'm gonna rock at this game!
My brain: Nah boy, you already lost...
