The FAILED Champion Riot Regrets... What Can Be Done About Zeri?

The FAILED Champion Riot Regrets... What Can Be Done About Zeri?


1 год назад

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Affe Gpus
Affe Gpus - 16.09.2023 07:47

every my decision to never touch this game again gets more valided

Lel Lo
Lel Lo - 16.09.2023 04:46

Ryze is still king.

Baker King
Baker King - 14.09.2023 06:49

It’s me. I am the Lillia hater

Shifty 712
Shifty 712 - 13.09.2023 10:37

Just remove AP ratio on ADC to make them 100% AD and here you starting to have counters.

Ueu Ch.
Ueu Ch. - 12.09.2023 06:50

Kimmy (Mobile Legends) is better joystick aim hero than Zeri.

Patrick The starfish
Patrick The starfish - 12.09.2023 03:57

This is not a champion, this is just asian woman in some streetwear. Its cleary just like Serapine she was shoe horn into the game by marketing team. She dosent fit any style or aesthetic if you use other characters from Zaune or the blueprint fkr Magitech punk that is Ekko

Zack Farmer
Zack Farmer - 12.09.2023 03:34

Zeri for me suffers with the same problem Aphelios does. The kit is so overloaded. Every ability does so many things at once. So much so, I dont even want to pick them up because I need a PHD in Leaugeonomics to understand the champion

DKLYF - 11.09.2023 23:29

Not the population of the depressed man no

Valleria Valentine
Valleria Valentine - 09.09.2023 18:57

"What if Zeri just lost the fundamental thing that makes her Zeri"... really

Stratos Dedousis
Stratos Dedousis - 09.09.2023 18:01

my god zeri indeed sounds op, wait till they hear about the 15s ghosted darius

Christian L
Christian L - 09.09.2023 00:09

i really like her but maybe its just because i also main neon in valorant

Troy Foster
Troy Foster - 07.09.2023 01:59

Y'all really think she's broken???? Dude I sh*t on her every single game. Noone under diamond can even play her to her full potential. She's honestly only viable in pro play because she's been nerfed so much. Just play better people quit bchn.

Joseph Ercanbrack
Joseph Ercanbrack - 02.09.2023 04:31

Most failed champion...and we're not talking about Rell?

Marijan Dežmić
Marijan Dežmić - 29.08.2023 18:26

Idk why she isn t removed from pro play? And then you can balance solo q

TheWearyExile - 27.08.2023 08:01

"She can hit you, and you cant hit her."
Me playing Tali:

rares - 24.08.2023 13:04

and now she s almost in every lck comp and destroys teams 1v9

Rakocevic r14
Rakocevic r14 - 23.08.2023 04:02


FeO - 21.08.2023 14:06

i think a game being unbalanced is what makes it move forward.. it gives a chance to nerf/buff other champions. if the game is too balanced, it would be stale

Benjjjj - 20.08.2023 12:23

Tbh zeri is super fun on LoLWR and I don't want to nerf her ult😢

Bukan Jamiel
Bukan Jamiel - 19.08.2023 08:06

This just repeats the classic Boots of Swiftness incident

Hawkshot86 - 19.08.2023 06:45

I remember seeing Zeri when she launched and thinking holy shit she's busted, glad I don't play league anymore.

George Athansiou
George Athansiou - 18.08.2023 23:01

I saw this video and the next match i played aram they had a zeri fkn stealing kills and getting gold with tanks while we little guys playing with no tanks. IF YOU PLAY ZERI I WILL FIND YOU AND YOU AINT HAVING A CHANCE TO SURVIVE.

Fiora Laurent
Fiora Laurent - 18.08.2023 15:11

Basically riot ruin alot of champs by removing not nerfing their skills 😢

Ebin menes
Ebin menes - 15.08.2023 22:14

credit the artists of the drawings

Flamarada D
Flamarada D - 15.08.2023 19:37

if anyone has any complains about RIOT DEV's just remember you can apply for a RIOT position and become a DEV yourself

Cayssaellea - 14.08.2023 18:54

Remove Yummi

Cup O' Coffee
Cup O' Coffee - 13.08.2023 23:33

Holy shit I forgot all about this champ lol

Die1PumaSchildkroete - 13.08.2023 20:35

U mean Seraphine?

simple pete
simple pete - 13.08.2023 06:21

what's poopoo😄

Jhomas Tefferson
Jhomas Tefferson - 12.08.2023 05:50

Also. Saying lillia is well designed sounds wrong to me. If she got shoehorned into the jg, she would be well designed, but she causes a lot of problems when she can be played toplane because she functions like an ap darius but with bigger range, built in %hp damage and more MS so she snowballs even harder than darius. Darius' q range is like a bellwether for toplane. So many champs get designed to just skirt the edge of it or be able to hit back from it. Like, if he can hit morde or aatrox with q, they can hit him with q too. If teemo can auto darius, hes in range to eat the darius q.

Lillia fucks all this. Against darius she can q him and he cant q her. Same kinda deal with morde and aatrox. Teemo doesn't get to play the game against her unless she completely ints the lane away before level 3 because he cant kite her and her q will outdamage him hitting aa q,aa2. She also just runs circles around mordekaiser since her extra ms makes it even easier for her to dodge his e than it is for teemo. And if she gets morde ulted, she can sleep him to buy time too.

Her ult is just too good. It's simultaneously an escape and sticking tool that has a hard cc component that works like zoe bubble, but it can hit the whole enemy team and enables huge burst, also like zoe bubble.

So she kind of takes the role of 3 champions, darius, teemo, and zoe. She can do the pubstomping thing darius does. Her ult works well in the same way his does, essentially being an execute button when people get kinda low if she combos with her w. And if ahead she can just go from one target to the next like he does. She also just lane bullies people in a similar manner to darius. She gets a dot on her q like he does too, and her kit lets her snowball the lane hard. She also moves really fast and can kite/poke people like teemo does, being essentially a ranged lane bully like him with a magic damage dot too, but a safer version of him with just a little more difficult farming and better escape and engage. She can sleep people and oneshot them like zoe. Taking the best aspects of 3 champs and putting them into one that also offers decent utility to the team through their ult and is arguably safer to play due to her bonus ms. The comparison to zoe is a little unfair since zoe usually is mid, but she is problematic for the top lane meta. She does lose hard to what she loses to, but what she wins against she offers little counterplay to.

Jhomas Tefferson
Jhomas Tefferson - 12.08.2023 05:02

I hope she gets nerfed to unplayabiliy. She fully deserves the yorick treatment.

Whats especially frustrating about her as a teemo main is that she is essentially a better teemo without traps. Being a high movement speed kiting champ is like the theoretical ideal for teemo. But not only does she get more ms than him, she also gets more burst and a vayne tumble that can act as a personal bard tunnel too. She gets the insane ms and she gets hard mobility too. She also gets a point and click slow, something teemo needs to build rylais to have. And her basic attack gets treated as an ability, so she can actually apply liandries and demonic with her basic too, unlike teemo. Its literally insane. She gets basically everything.

Abdomination - 11.08.2023 02:33

What makes a champion great is fucking options instead of riot always wanting to make them mostly one dimensional The only champion that riot deems fit to play any fucking role is lux and it's ridiculous. They got rid of AP Yi and all these other fucking champions where you can go one or the other things that were fun off meta as they like to say even the way they started fucking classifying the champions is completely ridiculous. As somebody that played in beta until about 2016-2017 and then taking a break until last month this fucking game barely seemed like the same creation to me.

Hana - 09.08.2023 21:27

yes lillia is so fun! and i can show this to people who hate her and insult her

EmptyStuff - 09.08.2023 13:15

I didn't play LoL for something like 5 years. Why do I still watch your videos...

Plotylty - 07.08.2023 21:01

Zeri was rushed to release with neon in valorant

Lóránt Horváth
Lóránt Horváth - 07.08.2023 10:15

I don't really think that Zeri needs a huge rework, because she's literally the hardest champion to master considering that her AAs are literally skill shots, bad early game, long CD on her E (Unless you build full ability hase, but then she is just as useful as an AD Yuumi). I don't say Zeri shouldn't be nerfed a bit, but I don't think she sould be on the rework list before Zed, Akali, Yasuo, Samira, Draven, Katarina, Maokai, ect. Thoose clips were shot at a match on a level that a simple human being can't touch. Considering this, Zeri is a great champ if she's in good hands, but not a broken I-don't-require-an-skill-because-I'm-<insert name here> champ.

Minato Namikaze
Minato Namikaze - 06.08.2023 11:02

Clickbait thumbnail and title, the real failed champion is yuumi
And lb rework that got reverted. The only revert of the game, the only time riot admited "yes we fucked up" nowadays they would just try to argue how good their new champ are and how perfectly designed they are, and how a bug is in fact a "feature"

Joey Noodles
Joey Noodles - 05.08.2023 23:04

An old friend played Aatrox back before his first rework, I started using him after the rework since my friend had since been unable to play from being busy, really sad to see the entire part of his kit removed but I understand.

the blinch
the blinch - 04.08.2023 18:01

I will always permanently yummi she's not broken I just like pisssing off people who play yuumi. Degenerates.

Birutath o Faxineiro
Birutath o Faxineiro - 04.08.2023 02:58

I gave up on league many years ago, and everytime i think on loging in to see how things are like nowadays, i see the same stuff that drove me away from the game: riot launches a character in horrific state (either too good is impossible to play against, or too weak you think why the char is in the game in the first place), ignores the problems and act as if they did the right thing, when stuff finally gets too out of control, instead of just fixing the champion definitely they keep trying small changes that ammount to nothing while fundamentally changing other characters to balance the new champion around 100 characters instead of just doing the most logical thing of buffing or nerfing enough and testing it enough. After the jg got so fucked up that farm focused champions had to receive less farm and play for even more of an late game, i just gave up, because while we were having to deal with bruisers being the most broken stuff in the game because of riot's changes, they choose to take out the money jg received for one of the early scatlebugs.

SeraphimDragon - 03.08.2023 07:06

when you make your main source of damage a skill shot that is NECESSITY, and you can waste it just by missing, you lose so much fucking DPS because you're constantly clicking back and forth just to kite which substantially raises odds of missing in the process, which substantially destroys any reasons to pick her up at all. Not only that, she's got to be in basically assassin range just to cast her Q to hit! She feels absolutely awful to use, almost like original A-Sol. The kit is so stupidly set against you that there's no point investing unless you just like the champion THAT much to suffer through it all. Forget that.

FrostRend25 - 03.08.2023 05:25

I will still argue that yone is the most overloaded in the game, but that's not saying that zeri isn't like top 5

Ioannis Hussein
Ioannis Hussein - 02.08.2023 17:27

It looks like Zeri is finally a successful champion after a long time.
