Rob Bell / Everything is Spiritual (2016 Tour Film)

Rob Bell / Everything is Spiritual (2016 Tour Film)

Rob Bell

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@JoelNewman-hx7ul - 03.02.2024 15:14

Can you please explain what you are saying at 36 minutes? Things can only evolve to be better? So everything is always better moving forward, but never better yesterday? Seems utterly absurd to me. You cannot take Creation's complexity and brilliance, and then determine that humans will follow the same rationality. I can assure you that things have definitely been better in many places and not all progression is harmonic. Disunity comes from hate, and hate is on all the news channels - both left and right.

Your snide little attack was not in the spirit of unity. It was full of insinuations about certain people.

Love in its purist form is true unity. Love always looks for the best in people. It is kind, compassionate and generous. It doesn't look for error, but instead looks to understand.

Side note: If you cannot clearly articulate yourself in a discussion with someone who has a different opinion without having been previously prepared then you are either wrong or you don't have all the facts required to disagree in the first place. It's really really easy to dismantle arguments, but much much harder to defend them.

@Menashsheh - 13.01.2024 05:41

"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made." Genesis 3:1

@SierraCreative - 31.12.2023 10:46

Thank you for this.

@icedmochanut - 30.12.2023 20:43

♥ thank you

@annmarielalwah5874 - 24.12.2023 03:37

So true for the creator himself is a spirit, spirits are more alive than we can imagine spirit rules and they can take control of anyone at anytime. Thank to the Lord for everlasting. Stay blessed my brother, you are dearly loved in Christ holy name. 🙏

@TalentedLMT - 09.12.2023 17:46

Thank you, for making this free to watch. This is so good.

@skeetabomb - 30.10.2023 01:39

Rob seems to have replaced theology with scientific philosophy. It is interesting and useful, but it's not all there is.

@skeetabomb - 30.10.2023 01:37

It seems 'science' and 'the scientific process' is replacing God. People seem to be worshipping science instead of God. Science is a tool. We should never worship tools. 'A bad tradesman always blames his tools'...

@skeetabomb - 30.10.2023 01:34

I think it is a fundamental mistake to impose 'intent' on the material universe. That is, it is a mistake to ascribe the notion of intention, which requires volution and self awareness, on inanimate matter, or even organic chemical processes. The very fact that we humans experience love, hate, pain, (emotional) desire (all of which may well result in sensible neural phenomena) is the very evidence that this material universe is not all there is. It seems another mistake that universalist appear to be making is they assume God == the whole universe. God and the universe are categorically not equal. God is outside or greater than the material universe. I'm not saying Rob claims this, but given the growing popularity of the idea that the universe is 'God consciousness' it needs to be said: it makes absolutely no sense to believe the universe is God. How can a creator create itself? How can The Creator create Himself?

@skeetabomb - 30.10.2023 01:19

It seems to me that most Christians who give in to the theory of evolution and the prevailing view of the formation of the universe end up going down the progressive and/or universalist path. It's a shame, because there is so much evidence that scientifically and demonstrably refutes evolution and the prevailing long age view, or at least opens up serious questions over those views. I think there is still a lot of misunderstanding of the Old Testament (and the New). It seems to me that people are judging God according to their own ideas or feelings or beliefs. God's ways are always higher. It also feels like Rob deliberately likes to say things that sound controversial because it advances his popularity. he is smart, for sure, but does he possess the right level of biblical humility? sometimes I wonder if being smart is a hinderance to discovering Truth. I think the religious leaders in Christ's time would have been considered the 'smartest' people in the community (a.k.a. 'wisest').

@skeetabomb - 29.10.2023 16:42

...not so sure about Rob's teaching anymore. He is certainly a gifted speaker, but I dunno if I agree with his views. Jury is out.

@daodejing81 - 26.10.2023 14:26

I like his mind. It's insightful and evolved.

The whole of spirituality is to go from the tree of knowledge of good and evil to the tree of life. That is the path of righteousness, from duality to oneness.

@katieloovis - 01.10.2023 18:39


@mokeboi3328 - 23.09.2023 02:15

I saw a mans hat blow off today

@Floatingaxe - 22.09.2023 20:59

Not one mention of God, our Creator. Not one hint of the gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation.

@DH-rs6cq - 16.08.2023 18:37

Rob, just thank you. You're necessary to saving Christianity.

@michaelb2388 - 06.07.2023 05:57

He's also known as the Bell End

@tonyasmith9349 - 29.06.2023 04:29


@elisaquinzi2021 - 16.06.2023 07:41

Rob Bell you're effing AWESOME. This is exactly what i needed tonight. Second time watching. Please do another live show in LA.

@thomashocker2792 - 16.04.2023 22:03

This is solid false information.

@TheLookingGlassAU - 27.03.2023 12:58

Everything is Gnosticism or is it Hermeticism Guru Bell?

@kathyallen5121 - 22.02.2023 06:31

Thank you for this. So good!!

@ycanimedia9320 - 30.12.2022 21:58

the utter unbiblical bullshittery

@clineberryStrong1111 - 30.12.2022 07:15

God bless you with all this knowledge to share. We still watch the DVD's.

@Joe-bw2ew - 03.12.2022 11:14

Robin Williams as a Preacher

@esotericpilgrim548 - 22.11.2022 09:13

Serious lessons explained in a very humorous way for the understanding common man, thank you for bringing Rumi in the way, as I am a fan of J.Rumi .

@SundayBoy72 - 08.11.2022 11:08


@joshjhayes - 03.09.2022 06:28

Beautiful, Rob. I needed this, and thank you. I have missed hearing you speak at church, and I am grateful for all that you have accomplished since leaving Mars Hill. I saw you speak in Chattanooga and hope to see you once again!

@dazatron1664 - 24.08.2022 16:51

Haven’t sat through a two hour talk for some time so we’ll done for keeping my interest. Such a great talk! Just been reading your book - What is the Bible? For the second time (such an amazing book and the only thing that managed to make me pick up a bible again after struggling with so much of what’s in there) and I wanted to see what you have been up to since writing that the book and everything is spiritual came up. Just love how you piece all this stuff together and our place in the universe without getting tied up with religious jargon yet as believer I still know there’s so much Godly truth in the there. Thanks for the inspiration. Continue to be who you are. I appreciate you 🙏

@EE-zd6xh - 22.08.2022 17:22

Long time follower/reader/listener here- Rob just keeps getting better and better! Thank you for posting this amazing video. His ideas always make Christianity seem so expansive and INTERESTING! Of course this is way more than "just that", however, as someone who is no longer evangelical but still Jesus follower this really builds my faith and is such a breath of fresh air. here we are in 2022 and we need this non-division/non-tribe non political "side" more than ever~ thanks Rob!

@TheDlsisterson - 19.08.2022 01:41

I wonder how he fingered all this out? 🤔🤔

@DouglasMcCall - 24.06.2022 22:18

This was powerful!

@ELSABAHTV - 24.06.2022 16:40

المزيد من التألق والمحتوى الرائع والتوفيق الدائم والتواصل المستمر ❤🔔🤝❤ 👍🏻 👉🏻 🌹

@matttenney7496 - 12.06.2022 21:31

Heretic! Anyone who follows him is Biblicaly IGNORANT!

@jasongallimore6692 - 09.06.2022 07:41

I'm so impressed by the lack of "ums." Love you Rob, and love how well polished you were for this.

@jeanhounsell523 - 15.05.2022 01:17


@jeanbornfreesa2euleroux78 - 03.05.2022 01:29

Thank you brother.

@markanthony3275 - 29.04.2022 00:26

Reminds me of that line from the pop-culture song of the early 70's " Everything is it's own way..." Rob Bell's Christianity is informed by pop-culture, not the word of God.

@tomk1974 - 11.03.2022 04:36

If God was working toward humans, he sure took his time!

@contemplativepursuits - 01.02.2022 17:52

The words which come spontaneously to my mind. Wonderful, amazing, remarkable, stupendous, awe inspiring.

@jimlange3024 - 22.01.2022 05:18

I'm on board with the underlying message of moving through and past the dark places to more love!

@jimlange3024 - 22.01.2022 04:40

The Picket and Wilkinson study results are misleading. A narrow gap between rich and poor would mean there are less poor so life expectancy goes up, and crime and illiteracy go down.

@jimlange3024 - 22.01.2022 03:59

Thank God some people left a suppressive monarchy and established a constitutional republic. Too bad people want go to backward in time and trade it for old and failed systems like socialism and communism. Fundamentalism is not conservatism. Be careful not to be fooled by that subtle deception.

@falloutman565 - 15.01.2022 09:55


@paiaa1011 - 12.12.2021 02:32

Wow the bible is so right about speakers like this guy...(2Tim 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.) And the audience just love it...very sad!!!!

@Streetdawg67 - 11.12.2021 11:09

I think the pull is a good communicator , great analogies, a comforting voice that says , "It's ok, your ok, relax and just ponder the idea of God without sin or holiness" Hes spot on when it comes to the cultural Christianity and how weve made Jesus connected to the govt and being republican... I get that. You don't throw the baby out with the bathwater though, and without conviction of our sin, there is no gospel. no growth, no value to his message since it isn't supplemented with the gospel or scripture... Its just a nice talk about culture, and themes about the universe... nothing wrong with that, but he should really just position himself as a talker of cultural ideas and religious ideocracies. Can he teach you about history and culture sure ! Should you take his advice and trachign when it comes to God, not if you want to see God in heaven.
