The Less You Want, The More You Have | Minimalist Philosophy for Living in Abundance

The Less You Want, The More You Have | Minimalist Philosophy for Living in Abundance


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greco scott
greco scott - 18.09.2023 20:13

Learning to desire what the situation demands may require your submission to your own happiness or your own addiction.

Agnostic evolutionist
Agnostic evolutionist - 18.09.2023 00:48

Tell that to the poor

Squirrel Covers
Squirrel Covers - 17.09.2023 16:14

I'm VERY happy that I have money and possessions!

qi zhang
qi zhang - 16.09.2023 11:02

unhappiness comes from inequity, not from what you have or you dont have.

Steve Rowe
Steve Rowe - 16.09.2023 04:18

Kimo's Hawaiian Rules... "There are two ways to be rich,
Make more ...
Or Desire less."

That Guy
That Guy - 15.09.2023 20:24

Sunsets make me more happy than anything in life. Yes, I do have my own bed, my shoes, money to buy food and a phone.

Siddharth Ahuja
Siddharth Ahuja - 13.09.2023 21:16

Does anyone know the background soundtrack? One that echoes at the end as well..

Tautvydas Sviderskis
Tautvydas Sviderskis - 13.09.2023 21:09

I read somewhere that happiness is a state between two desires. When one ends and another begins. So seeking happiness is a desire, therefore you cant get it. Stop trying and you will get it. If you are not happy that means that you are still trying.

صقر المشهري
صقر المشهري - 13.09.2023 00:59

كلام صحيح فالعالم يحترق بسبب الأطماع و الرغبات الكبيرة جداً

Gaurav Bhunjun
Gaurav Bhunjun - 11.09.2023 09:52

Everything is like a cat, everything try chasing it and you ll never get it but have what the cat whats and you ll see what happens.

Sam Bloomberg
Sam Bloomberg - 06.09.2023 19:05

Money is like drinking from ocean water more you drink more you get thirsty

Hazels88 - 05.09.2023 05:21

This is all very well but being satisfied with very little can result in getting very little in life. There are different ways of looking at this and being satisfied can result in few expectations of oneself and limited experience.

moshtaba kavian Telori
moshtaba kavian Telori - 03.09.2023 18:23

بسیار عالی بود. ممنونم

CHINESE RATFACED - 31.08.2023 01:51

This method is flawed, youre basically convincing yourself to believe in a delusion that you "have things" even when you barely have anything. It only works for so long before you grow truly tired of the constant unchange. Alot of us can "try to be happy" with just a smartphone and roof over our head, we then cut our expectations in life which is the same as lowering your potential quality of life. Ignorance is bliss.

Bhim Poudel
Bhim Poudel - 29.08.2023 19:18


ALBERT YO - 27.08.2023 18:17

Yeah,.. do not apply for friendship,.. fake people is always trying to abuse of you,..

Diana Stitching
Diana Stitching - 22.08.2023 13:38

Also, be careful what you wish for. I was broke for most of my life, and always wished I had more momey. Now, after years of frugal living, I am retired with some modest savings. But I spend a lot of time worrying about losing those savings, and constantly get stressed out hearing about banking scams, or losing my phone or getting it stolen, and someone being able to access my account. When I was broke I had none of these worries, and was happier.

FellTheSky - 21.08.2023 14:50

If you don't want children and marriage, you'll be free.
The government can't put you in the meat grinder.

Let them rot.

Thomas jovanni
Thomas jovanni - 19.08.2023 04:47

When you want more,you will be less happier when you don’t get what you want 😎😎😎

TC Ng - 18.08.2023 18:14

Focus what you have rather than you don't have. Be thankful. A wise advice for people seeking contentment.

acajudi100 - 18.08.2023 04:34

Celibacy rocks. Live a moral life and live.

Thomas Boyden
Thomas Boyden - 16.08.2023 20:15

If there is zero needs or want you aren’t driven at all and the less needy you are the less likely you are to achieve anything like, setting yourself up for unrealistic expectations so live in a minimalistic life style yes and you won’t have any chance of even coming close to a perfect life

Chris Zerzelidis
Chris Zerzelidis - 14.08.2023 06:20

Its the opposite you become more poor and everything becomes more expensive, less demand means higher price. Same goes for happiness if you dont strive in life you are left empty.

Alexander Forselius
Alexander Forselius - 12.08.2023 15:42

The dilemma of capitalism is that if people wanted less I would have no job and income. The system is based on people overspending

jackgoldman1 - 11.08.2023 05:12

If I can eat when I am hungry and sleep when I am tired, I am wealthy. Buddhist proverb.

El Bassaragh II
El Bassaragh II - 05.08.2023 07:02

What about your life span ,,, I think you should make yourself happy and the people who try to take advantage of you or try to bring you down and hurt you avoid them ,,, pretty simple

Dan M
Dan M - 01.08.2023 00:30

I grew up in a deprived area, was homeless as a teenager, owned nothing, slept under bridges. I now have a middle of the road job, a house of my own, a dog, the odd nice holiday. And I swear, I feel like a king. I will never ever take any of this for granted, it’s amazing. Just waking up in a warm bed and having hot water, heating, food, I love it all.

I work with academics from affluent backgrounds who were raised wanting for nothing. They are constantly tormented and unhappy, chasing opportunities, full of resentment.

Despite the fact my background was awful to experience at the time, I’m so grateful for it, because I have the gift of gratitude and appreciation for what I have now. I’m incredibly lucky.

allard van der starre
allard van der starre - 27.07.2023 08:59

i don't know i like old technology so i still collect vinyl records and i won't ever quit-minimalism isnt good if itstoo extreme

Ebrahim Khalil
Ebrahim Khalil - 25.07.2023 20:58

"The less we desire from the world the more abundant the world appears."

najoom the STAR
najoom the STAR - 22.07.2023 22:42

that exactly what prophet Mohammed tought us.. everyday we say this dua " oh, Allah, grant me satisfaction in that which you have provided me with and bless me in it"

Mike - 21.07.2023 19:16

Was it Kierkegaard or Dick Van Patten who said, 'If you label me, you negate me'?

Aria Invictus
Aria Invictus - 19.07.2023 21:46

Too bad determinism is true.

tina - 16.07.2023 19:04

All the waste that goes on is very sad. People could save so much money if they didn't impulse buy and buy things they will never use. I'm guilty, too, but finally learned my lesson. Just because you save doesn't mean you have to stay home and never spend a dime

danny - 15.07.2023 22:45

Most people spend their lives seeking “significance”. I spend my life seeking peace/contentment.
No one ever truly finds significance.

Arrhenius - 15.07.2023 18:41

I think CONTENTMENT is the key to HAPPINESS.

Joe N.
Joe N. - 01.07.2023 20:52

Life-changing video

TheInnerlight - 01.07.2023 05:48


Steven Williamson
Steven Williamson - 27.06.2023 13:29

'Debt is akin to slavery.'
-Dave Ramsey

To the Point
To the Point - 20.06.2023 09:19

This is fake philosophy channel

Aaron Daniels
Aaron Daniels - 18.06.2023 03:09

drop your needs. your gonna die regardless of what you get

Abhishek Singh
Abhishek Singh - 16.06.2023 21:47

I'm granting everyone but I must get what I want first.

jamison bernhardt
jamison bernhardt - 13.06.2023 23:26

Learn to look at things for what it is and not what it isnt.

Shubham Potode
Shubham Potode - 11.06.2023 19:48

People saw this video, with moto they will have more by having a formula, but actually it is on you

Kamal Hafiz
Kamal Hafiz - 11.06.2023 15:20

Those who have enough to live, be grateful. Those who dont have enough to live, we provide them with charity in sha allah

Hamlett Mutandadzi
Hamlett Mutandadzi - 08.06.2023 18:17

You are the greatest Philosopher of our time dude.

 SimpliJake Finance
SimpliJake Finance - 08.06.2023 07:49

Simple living, less is more!

ᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦᶦ - 01.06.2023 21:29

only 0.7%~0.8% of people in the world are millionaires in dollars

Relax,Sleep,Meditation Music
Relax,Sleep,Meditation Music - 01.06.2023 17:32

I'm lucky I realized these things a decade ago when my niece died, my brother is the opposite of minimalist, he earns six figures and his still the most stressed of us 5 siblings, while me being a minimalist is living a very happy no stress life, he's also a narcissist so I can't help him

Wisdom Quotes
Wisdom Quotes - 01.06.2023 16:48

Makes me think to "The less you want, the richer you are." -Yanni

King Eric
King Eric - 30.05.2023 08:24

I agreed
