4 Ways to Stop Parrots From Biting

4 Ways to Stop Parrots From Biting


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@abdultheslayer1972 - 19.01.2024 23:23

I figure out that if I get my hand in or get my hand near him he wants to bite and lunge but I can’t let him out and people say I have to let him out

@karinavalverde7855 - 11.01.2024 04:07

I need help, please. My sun conure attacks me all the time. He loves my kids I love him but she attacks me all the time and will hate to return him because my kids loves him and he loves them. Like you said he gets all puffed up and makes those moves to me and only me, my daughter thought he was dancing😂.

@mariarharris - 28.12.2023 21:56

My Quaker is fully flighted. She is not typically a biter HOWEVER, for items around the house that she plays with (i.e. coffee pods on a carousel) she will attack my hand if I pick one up to use OR if she sees something as a threat like when I take the lid off the laundry pods to get one. I have worked on training her to get her to step down and stay while I do some of these things but she is a very determined and tenacious little girl!! I’d have to cage her 24/7 or sit and do nothing all day except pay attention to her to avoid her nipping my arm because she’s picked something up she has decided is hers. 😂

@Shelly372 - 26.12.2023 22:32

It's a parroy who wants what he wants when im cooking. And has to be put in the cage or else consistently being bitten

@myladyswardrobe - 09.12.2023 15:31

We have a 22yr old Moluccan. She needed a new home as her previous home of 8 yrs her male human has serious health issues and is unable to give her the life she needs. His wife is terrified of Jaffa so can't handle her. She moved to her safe house (via a very good rescue in the UK) for 6 months whilst a permanent home could be found. She was very good with the gentleman at the safehouse but the lady wasn't able to handle her.
My husband and I went to visit her a few times. She came to him immediately the first time - sat on his knee, let him stroke her etc. I kept back to let them get to know each other first. We had been told she was preferred "men".
She was good as gold getting her home (a long journey) and was happy to come to either of us on step up command.

She then started to make a preference for me. We have had a moluccan for 20 years till he passed away end of June, so I am not scared of these birds and let her come to me. She has decided I'm "her" human.

I have been ill myself recently and she has been guarding and protecting me - especially when paramedics or doctors have come to see me. She will sometimes spend hours with me and other times will be on her cage in the room next to our living room (she can fly in and out as she wishes but prefers taxi service!).

She has been nipping my husband a bit over the past couple of weeks. We have theories - maybe she is upset when I've had to be taken "away" (eg to hospital) and she's blamed my husband. The bites have been nips and fairly superficial. But a day ago, it was a very nasty bite and she meant it. He was bringing her to me and consciously and actively bit his wrist and was digging in. Only when I called her, did she let go and readily come on me with a look of delight in her eyes. I took her straight down to her cage and put her in. She wanted to be WITH me but she had bitten my husband so she wasn't going to be rewarded by being with me and I needed to dress the wound - it was a nasty one.
I sit in my armchair and my husband will sit / or lay on a 4 seater sofa next to mine. He is at the opposite end so not sitting right by me. Jaffa has decided that when he sits down, she will MARCH over and lunge at him. Her hackles are up and her body language is very threatening. He has tried to just sit there and talk to her - not touch her and not move away (as this is what she wants). But this is now escalating.

He cleans out her cage, mostly does her food etc. Takes her from day cage to night cage and vice versa - mostly as I am currently limited as to what I can do. She has now decided that chasing him from one side of the cage as he is cleaning around the floor is a good idea!

Her diet is a good one - mix of harrison pellets, Mikey and Mia seed mixes, some nuts, fresh fruit and veg - though this often gets thrown on the floor. She is in very good condition - we did a specialist avian vet visit 4 weeks after she came to us. Oddly enough it was that day my health issues started - not related to the vet visit.

How can we stop the the escalation of threatening behaviour? Its nice she "likes" me but she needs to NOT bite my husband. (note: We will never rehome her. She is with us for life no matter what - just need to stop this behaviour before it becomes a problem).

@brichi5407 - 25.11.2023 10:48

I stopped the biting straight away I held each side of the beak very gently after a few times he got the gist and was treated it has to start young

@mrbrianjenkins - 18.11.2023 03:18

I have an African Grey that only bites me, and draws blood. He's about 23yo and we adopted him about 5 months ago. The first month was amazing. He was super friendly and climbed on my hand very gently. After taking him to his first very visit for a check up they attempted to clean out "stones"that developed in his nostrils after years of neglect and poor diet. Because they were so dry and hard, the vet instructed me inject purified water in his nostrils for two weeks, to soften the stones so they would be easier to remove on a follow up visit. Essentially i had to water board Walter (The Grey's name). Since then trust has been broken and he bites me very hard, understandably so.

I'm the one who gives him his food, snacks and takes him in and out of his cage daily (with a rolled up towel).

Although he has a fondness for me.... Follows me everywhere, walks up to me, and doesn't appear to be afraid of me, he'll walk up and bite my toes hard.

He bites nobody else.

I can carefully scratch the back of his head but not for too long and i have to watch carefully that he doesn't bite me quickly.

Any ideas on how to build trust again? Is it just a game of patience?

PS- It's been about 4 months since I've injected his nose with water and no traumatic incidences since then.

@cbandhamradiostations4845 - 16.11.2023 11:47

So if it dosent like your fingers just don't put them near it or do you try and teach him.

@mrmagoo6623 - 07.11.2023 22:41

My bird just randomly attacks me for no reason

@RoserraRae - 28.10.2023 11:00

My parrot clicks at me LOUDLY when I go to get him out him out of his cage. It sounds like chuckling I guess but I can never find anyone talking about anything similar. I’ve had him for ten years now and we’re really close but he’s so protective over his cage. He only does it to me, and occasionally my sister but never to my mum or dad. Even if I’m trying to feed him outside of the cage, he clicks and tries to bite me, but then goes right back to making loving noises so he doesn’t hate me or anything? I had a female parrot of the same breed and she didn’t click and just made a warning advance.

@noemycarranza4561 - 27.10.2023 19:28

I have a green cheek conure soemtime he flys on me . And when he seem nice he bite me 😭

@ultramaximusreviews - 18.10.2023 01:59

My bird is so random. He may go to try to bite me when I put food in his bowl. Or he'll want attention and I give him pets and then get tries to bite. I can't find a commonality.

@lindsayfraser4791 - 08.10.2023 08:13

Say your bird is jealous of your partner.

@krisbest6405 - 08.10.2023 02:46

I,ve taught my disabled boy to kiss, get tickles and repeat my words. 3 years he,s never bitten. I use two fingers and beep on his beak ,he comes back for more.

@whatk8edo153 - 03.10.2023 06:35

I teach step up by holding a treat up and above my hand, so that the bird has an upright posture from the get go. So the birds face should be no where near my hand. Take the treat away and they are used to stepping up nice and tall. So biting movement/posture is obvious.

@jocal30 - 17.09.2023 01:33

Hi I’m sorry but are you ACTUALLY going to give advice on how to stop my bird from biting?
Like some people say to just put bird down when it bites or hold it’s beak softly fir a few seconds. I don’t know something like that?

@sheressebuffi5939 - 17.08.2023 23:08

I need help with my two parrots.A friend of mine got me a Greenapple parrot and a green pineapple parrot. They won't let me touch them or pick them up. I let them out of their cage and let them walk around my living room. I only let them out after my two dogs go to the bathroom and I put them in their dog kennels.I have no money to pay a trainer to train the birds.I need help. They have bitten me 4 times .

@missymarcum9490 - 05.08.2023 05:27

I’ve had my cockatiel for 2 weeks now! I got her at a pet store and they knew nothing about her and didn’t know if she was male or female, not even her age! It’s obvious she was never hand fed or messed with! She hisses and bites when I try to touch her in her cage! We’ve had her out of the cage a few times and she can’t fly very well! I’m working on that part! How do I get her to stop the hissing and biting in or out of cage?

@amanda-vf4cv - 15.07.2023 02:04

my yt really said for you.

@H9.-ye6bq - 07.07.2023 15:14

I was just the one taking care of her but then I started to go less to her because of school and alot of stuff I didn't have time and I won't see her for days but now I'm free for her every day hour and minute so when I went to her she won't get out of the cage instead she will pull me hand and bite me really hard so I can't touch her anymore I can't get her out of the cage , I could if I would pull her but I'm scared to hurt her so I don't go to her now because if I go she would for no reason screm so much and keep calling I really don't know what to do but I really don't wanna keep her in that cage forever.

@carolineveley5645 - 11.06.2023 19:34

My parrot will bite other people

@chrispotter - 08.06.2023 04:29

Thanks for the information. Our Birdy is growing into adolescence and likes to chew on Mom and Dad.

@patby5219 - 04.05.2023 18:43

My parrot attacks he flys and starts attacking I’m scared to let him out of the cage sometimes

@CanCan-rr6hs - 16.04.2023 01:18

Nope! I have been bit too many times. My Gray has made it clear that I am not allowed to approach him without a towel on my hand 🤣

@hajeralanazi8379 - 13.04.2023 17:54

It does need to learn

@carolblackburn7043 - 05.04.2023 22:49

This will be long...sorry...First of all I think it's the season for my bird but we only just got her less than a month ago. She throws tantrums loves being out of cage tho but when she's out she grabs a hold of things and throws them remotes phones etc. I tell her no and she steps up she says bye bye when I do this cause she knows she's going back to cage but this last time I told her no stepped her up but once we got to cage and I started to open door she flapped screamed and bit me on the shoulder very hard. It was obvious she didn't wanna go back or have a timeout. Once she got in there she screamed for a bit but I ignored. My question is how do I correct this?? Please help! I don't wanna get bit like that again.

@joebean3615 - 28.03.2023 11:59

My ideas
1 read parrot body language
2 don’t push them to hard (and expect them to for example turn them upside down instantly)
3 get diet right
4 12 hours uninterrupted sleep

@pharezcharles3235 - 17.03.2023 03:58

I have a big kind of old parrot, Green of course, and he always bites or makes attempts to snap/bite at me or my mother whenever we both always trying and of course making sure that he's fed and comfy in the cage but whenever it comes down to him sleeping we always have a cloth or double cloth to cover him down but he snaps/bites at that to. Any
suggestions for that?

Plus edit: whenever me or my mother try to train him, he always bites at her mostly because I don't know exactly why.

Plus, he's the type to join in to loud talking and makes his own annoyance, our behavior towards is mostly up and down because of reasons to complicated to explain honestly, Maybe due to reasons that our previous pets were dogs and they died in the hand of a person that we still live with.....

Please, any suggestions and advice?

@michelleadamson8632 - 11.03.2023 20:26

I have no idea what to do with my African gray every time I walk away from him he flys on me and bites down soooooo hard I love him but it's got me so nervous of walking wen he's out . He never used to do it but as soon as I moved house 7 yrs ago he started doing it 😢iv even thought of re homeing him wen I had to go to hospital because he went through my scalp n I needed my head glued

@Anonymous-fj2uo - 01.02.2023 16:53

My Amazon parrot is MEAN. I'm the only one he bites, along with my dad. There seems to be no reason for it. He shows his foot to get onto my finger, and then he bites. It's like he takes his aggression out on me. His bite is not exactly soft either! He also regularly screams at me, and it's the sort of deafening heightened scream that can give one mild ptsd. I honestly feel so done with him, but as it's a family parrot I don't have the power to get rid of him.

@ozarkarts - 29.01.2023 05:10

But what about baby birds that are not being aggressive but are just curious and checking you out? I visited the 14-week old baby caique that I will take home once it is weaned today, and it bit me a couple of times very hard (once bruising my skin and breaking the skin leaving beak marks). He was not being vicious in any way at all but just curious - for example biting a freckle on the back of my hand. Caiques are known for nipping but how do you make them understand not to bite your skin too HARD? Being a baby bird he was just innocently exploring with his beak. It hurt bad but I didn’t react at all, but I did put him back in his cage about that time because he seemed to be getting pretty bites/nippy. How do you make baby parrots understand NOT to bite too hard?

@NathanLundholm - 22.01.2023 05:38

When my friend's son's parrots bit he grabbed their beak, held it closed, and firmly said "No bite!". Four learned not to bite, but one bites before thinking the hangs its head in shame and apologizes by saying "no bite". It feels so human how it does that.

@FlamedAce - 14.01.2023 00:33

Do you do international calls i might be interested in a call about my cockatiel he is very bity and i ve tried a lot of stuff and nothing has been working

@EvieHarris-qd2qv - 10.01.2023 13:41

hi i have a got a bird and i am thinking about getting a clicker where did u get your clicker form thank you i love your videos

@janellejanek2066 - 21.12.2022 08:34

My 5 month old irns bite me when I'm not paying attention to them straight away when they land on my shoulder or if I give 1 attention before the other the one I believe is female get jealous and bites me or the other one I can't always tell them apart from the front so I don't always guess right

@robertdickson5519 - 01.12.2022 20:20

Thank you Jamie

@samsungemployee5243 - 25.11.2022 09:53

Or just let the bird bite you untill it realises that it does not bother you. I just let them bite in one hand and try to comb the feathers with my other hand untill it lets me do it, feeling them treats from your lips also helps a lot

@zainabshah8580 - 11.11.2022 18:39

My cockatoo gets aggressive when we don't pay attention to him, he chases our feet. He also hates it when we clean up his droppings. My bird usually bites bc he loses his balance when we pick him up

@savannahjohns7377 - 11.11.2022 01:37

My green cheek conure have been very bonded for the past two years and I moved to a new house with him and now every time he sees me he gets angry and goes out of his way to bite me. I’m not sure what to do because this behavior is completely different from before we moved:/

@TheLucaPezz - 28.10.2022 16:25

I acquired a rehomed Congo African grey a few weeks ago. Everything was going very smoothly until a few days ago. He is not a morning person and prefers to be up late. I’m trying to get his sleep more in line with ours and my other birds. I have started to put him away earlier and he has started biting me every time I put him in his cage. It’s to the point that he latches on HARD and I have to pull his beak off me. he had never bit me before and this is really becoming an issue. He now rarely steps up and prefers my husband because my husband never does anything with him except give him the occasional treat. My husband put him in the cage last night and he didn’t bite, but I think he was confused as to what was happening. I did not punish him or even act bothered when he did bite me and continued doing what I was doing. I knew he wasn’t biting out of fear, but just to get his way. I understand a fearful bird, but this is not that and I am at a loss. Please help! I am tired of having bloodied and bruised hands.

@agatenicola3083 - 25.10.2022 15:51

I've been following you guys for little wile I watch the episode were u told us about get conure 2 years ago now I have to birds now I just wanted to ask u why my bird will not leave my alone when he's out I would like him to fly more many thanks u have lovely parrots

@sunshinedegroat8619 - 23.10.2022 21:18

Why don't you talk to your bird when your training? I talk to Jojo constantly. He was badly abused by his last two owners so talking let's him know my attitude. After 5 months of bad bites daily he is less fearful and angry.

@H.C.Q. - 17.10.2022 07:00

My cockatiel has been biting a lot recently ever since I had to replace his light with an Arcadia Puresun light. The mounting arm is quite close to the top of the cage, where Tweetie Pie likes to hang out. He is awfully close to the light a good part of the day if he is not flying around the room. Do you think this close proximity (which he loves) could be making him hormonal and thus, more bitey? Thanks

@taniaeyden5715 - 14.10.2022 22:16

I need to know how to handle my African grey when I bring it home from the pet shop next week please..do I let it get used to the cage for a few days or allow it to come out the same day?

@deborahdean8867 - 14.10.2022 08:48

She didnt really say much except reward Calm behavior

@ellarymazerov7976 - 12.10.2022 19:29

My lovebird wants to be around me constantly, and then he sees my fingers/hand and he bites them as hard and as much as possible

@brandonkellner886 - 01.10.2022 23:19

do you know about peacocks. is there a way to stop their food agression?

@freddiecrow3911 - 27.09.2022 03:42

I love you guys and watch a lot of your videos but what seems really insane to me is that you allow your birds to fly free and it’s only going to take one time that a hawk is going to swoop down and you will never see that bird again until it happens you’ll continue doing what you’re doing. I know it’s amazing but you are taking a huge risk. You’ll be heartbroken when it happens.

@joulandahabib6730 - 17.09.2022 19:05

I got another galah and is with my bird and eveytime I feed him he comes and attack me

@sisinkauchiha9452 - 24.08.2022 17:23

My african grey just bit me twice in a row
