This Zelda Fanboy is Still FURIOUS About Elden Ring

This Zelda Fanboy is Still FURIOUS About Elden Ring


1 год назад

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@MrKidKiedis - 28.06.2023 15:57

Dude, you're such an Elden Ring fanboy) Same as this guy, but from Elden Ring side) lol)

@maxnum1sgameclub263 - 28.06.2023 19:28

Did harmen live under a rock when siege came out or the other 100 build-a-vehicle-as-you-wish games. And most of those indiegames have better physics bc they have acces to better hardware. Yes the building vehicles from scratch in zelda is a bad ripoff bc tons of indie games did it better on pc!

@iknowbroikno - 28.06.2023 20:04

Grown men who are that into nintendo are stright up pedophiles. Nintendo is for kids, little kids. Nintendo adults are worse that Disney Adults.

@Dannzilla - 29.06.2023 17:47

"The anti Nintendo agenda" loooool

@umokwhy2830 - 01.07.2023 01:57

I like zelda, I like Elden Ring. They are 2 different games, that does 2 different things, not sure why one game doing well hurts their identity so much

@PyromancerRift - 02.07.2023 15:03

This dude is nuts. Zelda is way worse than elden ring and here's why.
Elden ring took what sould games are and added the open world on top. Zelda took what makes zelda games. threw it to the trash, took the basic concepts of open world and added a zelda skin on top.

@PyromancerRift - 02.07.2023 15:25

Dude, in 2017, the sony fanboys were saying horizon was better than zelda. And at some point, there were whispers of nintendo being bought by sony. This dude is stupid but not completely nuts.

@alia4272 - 09.07.2023 01:44

Grass is a type of plant with narrow leaves growing from the base. Their appearance as a common plant was in the mid-Cretaceous period. There are 12,000 species now. [1]

A common kind of grass is used to cover the ground in places such as lawns and parks. Grass is usually the color green. That is because they are wind-pollinated rather than insect-pollinated, so they do not have to attract insects. Green is the best colour for photosynthesis.

Grasslands such as savannah and prairie where grasses are dominant cover 40.5% of the land area of the Earth, except Greenland and Antarctica.[2]

Grasses are monocotyledon herbaceous plants. They include the "grass" of the family Poaceae, which are called grass by ordinary people. This family is also called the Gramineae, and includes some of the sedges (Cyperaceae) and the rushes (Juncaceae).[3] These three families are not very closely related, though all of them belong to clades in the order Poales. They are similar adaptations to a similar life-style.

With around 780 genera and around 12,000 species,[1] the Poaceae is the fifth-largest plant family, after the Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, Fabaceae and Rubiaceae.[4]

The true grasses include cereals, bamboo and the grasses of lawns (turf) and grassland. Uses for graminoids include food (as grain, sprouted grain, shoots or rhizomes), drink (beer, whisky), pasture for livestock, thatching thatch, paper, fuel, clothing, insulation, construction, sports turf, basket weaving and many others.

Many grasses are short, but some grasses can grow tall, such as bamboo. Plants from the grass family can grow in many places and make grasslands, including areas which are very arid or cold. There are several other plants that look similar to grass and are referred to as such, but are not members of the grass family. These plants include rushes, reeds, papyrus and water chestnut. Seagrass is a monocot in the order Alismatales.

Grasses are an important food for many animals, such as deer, buffalo, cattle, mice, grasshoppers, caterpillars and many other grazers. Unlike other plants, grasses grow from the bottom, so when animals eat grass they usually do not destroy the part that grows.[5] This is a part of why the plants are successful. Without grass, soil may wash away into rivers (erosion).

Grass is a type of plant with narrow leaves growing from the base. Their appearance as a common plant was in the mid-Cretaceous period. There are 12,000 species now. [1]

A common kind of grass is used to cover the ground in places such as lawns and parks. Grass is usually the color green. That is because they are wind-pollinated rather than insect-pollinated, so they do not have to attract insects. Green is the best colour for photosynthesis.

Grasslands such as savannah and prairie where grasses are dominant cover 40.5% of the land area of the Earth, except Greenland and Antarctica.[2]

Grasses are monocotyledon herbaceous plants. They include the "grass" of the family Poaceae, which are called grass by ordinary people. This family is also called the Gramineae, and includes some of the sedges (Cyperaceae) and the rushes (Juncaceae).[3] These three families are not very closely related, though all of them belong to clades in the order Poales. They are similar adaptations to a similar life-style.

With around 780 genera and around 12,000 species,[1] the Poaceae is the fifth-largest plant family, after the Asteraceae, Orchidaceae, Fabaceae and Rubiaceae.[4]

The true grasses include cereals, bamboo and the grasses of lawns (turf) and grassland. Uses for graminoids include food (as grain, sprouted grain, shoots or rhizomes), drink (beer, whisky), pasture for livestock, thatching thatch, paper, fuel, clothing, insulation, construction, sports turf, basket weaving and many others.

Many grasses are short, but some grasses can grow tall, such as bamboo. Plants from the grass family can grow in many places and make grasslands, including areas which are very arid or cold. There are several other plants that look similar to grass and are referred to as such, but are not members of the grass family. These plants include rushes, reeds, papyrus and water chestnut. Seagrass is a monocot in the order Alismatales.

Grasses are an important food for many animals, such as deer, buffalo, cattle, mice, grasshoppers, caterpillars and many other grazers. Unlike other plants, grasses grow from the bottom, so when animals eat grass they usually do not destroy the part that grows.[5] This is a part of why the plants are successful. Without grass, soil may wash away into rivers (erosion).

@GBRyker61 - 09.07.2023 02:20

I still remember the online meltdown people had when Jim Sterling rated BOTW 7/10. One of the factors for that score was the weapon degredation system the game had, which I think is also in TOTK.

@BernardoPC117 - 13.07.2023 19:07

A game with a ESRB rating of E10+ sells more than a game rated M17+, who would have thought that teenagers play a lot of video games 🤣

@EuropaeusOrigo - 31.07.2023 18:57

Joe, can you respond more to this weird guy? Miss your Harman Smith response video's.

@kamageddynvideochannel3479 - 07.09.2023 01:35

Mass Effect isn't an RPG

@squeezyjibbz7407 - 09.09.2023 16:00

ER haters always make themselves look like ignorant scrubs. Lol just because you suck at games doesn't mean everyone else does. It's always a skill issue with these losers.

@xJoeyScoops - 13.09.2023 05:20

Shawn harman roast vids are a gem

@TrollAxeThrower - 21.10.2023 07:00

It's funny people try to compare these two games, while I just loved them both.

@CaptainB1994 - 11.11.2023 21:00

Harman's rant about Elden Ring and Sony might be to do with the fact that Sony own a fairly large piece of FromSoftware AND a small piece of FromSoftware's parent company.

@CaptainB1994 - 11.11.2023 21:07

It's a REALLY special talent to be able to compare games that are completely different genres and share almost nothing with each other.

@QuiteSpiffing - 15.12.2023 15:08

I'm not typically the type of person to mock someone for their appearance, but the dude looks like he's in his thirties and speaks almost like a toddler. I think you wasted your energy on this one.

@durtypan - 16.12.2023 23:13

Its weird that he cant just enjoy both games for what they are

@DarknessIsTheTruth - 17.12.2023 19:35

Nintendo fanboys, Sony Fanboys, Xbox Fanboys, PC Fanboys... how does a person avoid becoming one of these?

@evanbelisle8464 - 21.12.2023 18:03

You say Zelda fanboy. I say adult with obvious mental illness or illnesses that should simply be pitied and ignored.

@TheRealRuddRants - 25.12.2023 07:29

Hearing the Legend of Zelda Fandork made me hang up my master sword and Hylain Shield. And straight-up Star Platinum Flurry Punch the Fandork until it was nothing but ash.

@JJMDude - 18.01.2024 21:23

Okay, do it. Tell me right now what specific opinions of Jim Sterling's you disagree with so vehemently... which have NOTHING to do with their identity and transition. Prove to me you're not just a trans-bigot.

Because Jim's principles have never changed, they've never compromised on their values. The reason people get pissed at Jim is because Jim won't stop banging the drum about how the industry (and capitalism in general) exploits players and workers alike while pushing the boundaries of anti-consumerism to their limits and beyond.

Jim basically never has "fun" content about the good things happening in the industry or the exciting new games coming out because Jim recognizes how few people are willing to hold developers' collective feet to the fire before the next big thing happens to distract us all from the evil shit happening in the industry.

"Stop talking about Ubisoft's hostile work environment, a new Far Cry came out!"

Jim won't do that, because that's what these miserable goblins count on... your short term memory.

And sure, that's made Jim's channel suffer. Real journalism isn't sexy, and playing watchdog isn't glamorous. Most players want to ignore the downer shit we're drowning in and just enjoy the end-result. But someone's gotta wade into the shit.

@sapphoai821 - 18.01.2024 22:50

Fan boy?! No, stan boy!

@davideduardogonzalezcaball3364 - 25.01.2024 08:39

And then comes Baldur's Gate 3 and completely shatters his Goty illusions 😂

@yogainstructor4437 - 30.01.2024 02:01

Tbh horizon zero dawn is better than totk

@TheSsjJoker - 24.02.2024 20:02

I like how he’s say’s
All fromsoftware games are open world
When Elden ring is the only open world
The others are like metroidvania ish
I would know I’ve played all of them lol 😅

@nimajack-gj1fz - 25.02.2024 19:02

why do from software games always produce the worst games
my guy just move on already

@motox20 - 02.03.2024 09:32

The Great Mouse Detective is awesome, watched it a lot as a kid.

@SonicSanctuary - 05.03.2024 01:42

Recently ive heard a sad story that current zelda lore, thanks to tears of the kingdom, has gone completely off the rails and that elden ring is gaining people. Zelda refugees it seems.

@Soulute367 - 07.03.2024 00:43

Playing Dark souls 3 as this message is posted. Hes crazy.

@nicolasbarbosa8270 - 07.03.2024 14:41

as of now elden ring sold more then tears of the kingdom

@creeperkinght1144 - 09.03.2024 04:24

His Ocarina of Time argument makes no sense. You what considered much better than Ocarina of Time that was released after it?
Majora's Mask. And it was made in under a year. Why didn't he say that?

@Noctislolig - 09.03.2024 10:54

Honestly I think that Harman simply saw a few comments of a few stupid people and assumed that it must be a popular opinion.

Like when he was talking about Nintendo being bought up by PlayStation. I wouldn't be surprised to know that there was someone who commented some dumb shit like this somewhere online. It appears to me that Harman probably saw a comment like this and since then he was convinced that this was a popular take, when it really was just the dumb take of a dumb person.

@ryanoliver4823 - 12.03.2024 15:50

One of best movies of all time

@Imslowasfboi - 21.03.2024 06:22

I want bloodborne on deck so bad

@RH1812 - 21.03.2024 16:57

What annoys me about sofa dude, is he never provides supporting evidence for his assertions. Opinions are fine, but if you’re going to state ‘facts’ provide evidence

@JoshuaAndres - 24.03.2024 02:16

They’re acting like nobody thinks Botw was good

@paulcoffield2102 - 24.03.2024 03:46

Kinda ironic that Elden Ring lives rent free in his head, yet he looks like a dollar store Miyazaki.

@drewzi2044 - 28.03.2024 16:06

Nintendo fanboys…

@drewzi2044 - 28.03.2024 16:10

I can’t comment on Elden ring is better than Zelda cuz I haven’t played it, but as a Nintendo fan it looks like dogs hit. Jk, it looks excellent and at some point I will play it when I am not poor because of buying switch games.

@drewzi2044 - 28.03.2024 16:16

The thing is Nintendo’s attitude towards other developers is a double edged sword. They can be super original because they don’t concentrate on what others are doing, but also taking a bit of influence from other games might help with some basic gameplay loops that have been perfected and dont need re-inventing.

@drewzi2044 - 28.03.2024 16:17

I am still glad that Nintendo and Rare are still in sync even after all these years. You can see the amount of influence on the direction and mechanics in games from both sides.

@VonOutlaw - 14.04.2024 20:50

The Great Mouse Detective is one of my favorites as well. There's also the rescuers, The Rescuers Down Under and An American Tail

@BLASTIC0 - 17.04.2024 12:58

"This is why I have a problem with you"


@UrbanRave1982 - 20.06.2024 23:23

There is lots of fromsoft fanvoyz that sounds ymjust like hin. I remember before totk was relised from soft fanboyz waz like glorified DLC. I think wmeceryone remembers that. But I agree elden ring is the fuqqing shiaaaat. Before I tried it I o ly liked zelda but jesus christ how from soft opened my eyes to games. It was not fun in the beginning when. I sucked but now I love it

@betterspent - 22.06.2024 20:46

I think it's super weird for any adult to make a company or brand such a large part of their personality. So much so they get insulted/emotionally hurt if someone else doesn't like their chosen brand. It's like a religious devotion to some corporation. Someone could write their masters thesis on the phenomenon. It would be fascinating if it wasn't so depressing.
You are more than the products you choose to consume.

@ikedogman1 - 25.06.2024 17:03

I’m pretty sure homie is autistic. Give him a break. Repetitive obsessive thinking about specific things is a trait. Obsession over Zelda and how he sees it could be part of that.

@EYE1N - 27.06.2024 17:25

Here from the future when Shadows of the Erdtree came out.
The dlc may as well have been a sequel.
